Ron House
2009-01-19 04:42:30 UTC
Closure of OJBS: Online Journal of Baha'i Studies.
As a result of a series of communications between various parties and
acting on the request of the Universal House of Justice this website has
been closed down.
Prospective authors and readers are directed to the following official
print journals requiring subscriptions:
Journal of Baha'i Studies
Baha'i Studies Review
Many thanks to the 17,668 visitors who downloaded 18,836 articles and
volumes in the period Dec 26,2007 to January 16, 2009 from more than 177
countries and territories around the globe.
"When a work appears to be ahead of its time, it is only the time that
is behind the work"
-Jean Cocteau
Seems they never learn. An academic journal disappearing because a
religion's Central Committee decrees it should die. Why not just
announce to scholars with a public ad, "The BF is a cult!" and save the
time, effort, and heartache of all the behind the scenes argy bargy?
Luckily the files are safe and they're at this location for a short time
- get your copy now:
And commendations to the editors for their act of independent speech
with the closing quote there. I wonder what they will have to pay for that?
Closure of OJBS: Online Journal of Baha'i Studies.
As a result of a series of communications between various parties and
acting on the request of the Universal House of Justice this website has
been closed down.
Prospective authors and readers are directed to the following official
print journals requiring subscriptions:
Journal of Baha'i Studies
Baha'i Studies Review
Many thanks to the 17,668 visitors who downloaded 18,836 articles and
volumes in the period Dec 26,2007 to January 16, 2009 from more than 177
countries and territories around the globe.
"When a work appears to be ahead of its time, it is only the time that
is behind the work"
-Jean Cocteau
Seems they never learn. An academic journal disappearing because a
religion's Central Committee decrees it should die. Why not just
announce to scholars with a public ad, "The BF is a cult!" and save the
time, effort, and heartache of all the behind the scenes argy bargy?
Luckily the files are safe and they're at this location for a short time
- get your copy now:
And commendations to the editors for their act of independent speech
with the closing quote there. I wonder what they will have to pay for that?
Ron House
Australian Birds:
Principle of Goodness academic site:
Ron House
Australian Birds:
Principle of Goodness academic site: