Post by r*** by JeffreyPost by r*** by JeffreyPost by r*** by Covenant BreakerOh Yes !
There are no Sects in the Baha'i Faith.
Please pass on to H. Baha'is.
I think most Baha'is do know this.
"The fact is that in the small span of 160 years Bahá'í Faith has seen
more divisions than any other religion."
I very much doubt that. How many sects did Islam have after 160 years?
One of the extraordinary things about the Baha'i Faith is that after
160 years, something like 99.9% (i.e. all but maybe 5,000 out of
5,000,000) of people alive today who accept the Bab, accept the
Universal House of Justice in Haifa. I'm not aware of any other
religion that has anything like that degree of coherence.
That degree of coherence comes because of the fanatical efforts by the
UHJ to stifle dissent, including threats, intimidation, shunning,
separating families, and filing lawsuits against those who dare to
call themselves "Baha'i" even though they do not conform to the
dictates of the headless monster they call the UHJ. Yes, it is
For information on the court case waged by the NSA of Wilmette against
the Orthodox Baha'is and others, go here:
I'm familiar with the Orthodix Baha'i court case and the practice of
shunning perceiving "covenant breakers" However, I don't see it as
particularly different to what, say, Mormons or Jehovah Witnesses do.
Mainstream Muslims do far worse to deemed apostates than Baha'is do.
Oh well, then, I guess its just OK! There are many groups that are
worse and so lets ignore just how sick the UHJ and its followers are
and gush about how wonderfully "united" they are.
Give me a break!
So you agree that other religions are actually worse at stiffling
dissent yet are more divided?
What other groups do is irrelevant. They are not the standard, Abdu'l-
Baha is the standard. People go around trying to wash their hands in
other people's mud, but it doesn't get them clean. The UHJ, which so
many are clinging to as their standard, are ignoring the true
standard, Abdu'l-Baha and his Will and Testament. The current so
called Universal House of Justice was built not on the provisions of
the Will and Testament of Abdu'l-Baha, but on the vain imaginings of
those who ignored the provisions of that sacred document and built
their own man made institution and called it the Universal House of
Justice. Baha'u'llah warns us of worshiping the figments of our own
"vein imaginations." The current, so called Universal House of
Justice was built on imaginary material, like the "emperor's new
clothes," and ignored the necessary requirement of having a living
guardian as it "sacred head and distinguished member for life of that
body." How can Baha'is who turn to that bogus body as their
interpreter and executor fail to see that the emperor has no clothes.
Furthermore, how can you uphold the infallibility of Abdu'l-Baha's on
the one hand and then on the other hand question His foresight in His
writing of His Will and Testament, which insists on there being a
living Guardian as the head of the Cause, its infallible interpreter,
and a permanent member and head of the UHJ for live of that body, and
the only one who can ask them to reconsider any laws they pass which
he, the Guardian, deems to be not in accord with the spirit and
teachings of the Faith, but then fails to insure for the ability of
such provisions to be carried out. Such an outrageous argument, which
says that Abdu'l-Baha, who was invested with infallibility, failed to
provide for the necessary insurance for the continuation of a living
Guardian, while insisting on having one, is similar to the excuses
made by those who claimed that they failed to recognize the true
Manifestations of God on earth because God failed to provide enough
proof of their station. Baha'u'llah, in the Kitab-i-Iqan, condemns
mankind for such an heretical argument, and doesn't let them get away
with the argument that many others also failed to recognize Him at His
appearance. Abdu'l-Baha said that the Guardian could appoint "another
branch" (with a small 'b',) and that's what Shoghi Effendi did when he
appointed Mason Remey to be the President (head) of the International
Baha'i Concil, the embronic UHJ.