Number Eleven - GPEMC!
2008-10-13 06:14:00 UTC
I would like to see prohibition laws return, but I would like to see them
enforced properly. In the USA there were too many police protected speak
easies during the last round. Sure organized crime increased, and there
wasenforced properly. In the USA there were too many police protected speak
easies during the last round. Sure organized crime increased, and there
some violent crime, but a lot of it was gangsters killing each other - not
agreat social loss. There is a much greater social loss now when alcohol is
legal, including many deaths and disablements from increased traffic
The social loss in prohibition days was greater. Innocent people who drinklegal, including many deaths and disablements from increased traffic
in moderation get poisoned when the fascists decide to ban what they don't
understand. Only in prohibition days could you get your whiskey laced with
The social cost is tremendous. Alcohol causes far more trauma
than marijuana, which is illegal, and more than all the illegal drugs
Drivers are tested for alcohol, but not for other drugs. We don't knowthan marijuana, which is illegal, and more than all the illegal drugs
because prohibition has driven the drug problem underground where it can
cause the most harm by escaping measurement.
It is a major curse to humanity. The Lord of the Age has banned
its use and the sooner the majority accepts Baha'u'llah's revelation the
better off the world will be.
Cigarettes cause more death and disability than alcohol ever will, and theits use and the sooner the majority accepts Baha'u'llah's revelation the
better off the world will be.
Lord of the Age erred grievously to ban the lesser evil and neglect the
greater evil. The greatest evil is abusiveness. The problem is the abusive
people and not the religions, substances and other objects of abuse by which
some justify the persecution of others.
Maybe we cannot legislate morality, but we could improve it by passing
enforceable prohibition laws. Maybe the spiritual standards of society
areenforceable prohibition laws. Maybe the spiritual standards of society
too low to have them enforceable at this time, but we have to start
somewhere. Bring back prohibition!
Spirituality has nothing to do with consumption of alcohol. Alcohol issomewhere. Bring back prohibition!
neither good nor evil - it is the abuse of alcohol and the subsequent use of
alcoholism as an excuse to abuse others that is reprehensible.
How would you like it if religion was banned just because abusive people
also use religion as an excuse to abuse the rights of others?
It is this kind of question that defines spirituality, and spirituality has
nothing to do with the kind of blindly imitated bigotry that is refuted by
every glass of wine consumed in moderation. Alcohol abuse is the exception
and not the rule of alcohol consumption, and those who abuse alcohol are
just as abusive when they are sober.
One more question, if you take away alcohol, how do you do so without
harming those whose diets include red wine and/or amaro in the correct
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