How I have been threatened with DEATH by some Mormons because I've protested the CURSE OF CAIN COVER-UP
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2009-01-31 02:00:02 UTC
To whom it may concern:

My name is Darrick Evenson. I am a former Mormon missionary and
apologist (defender of the faith). I wrote books in defense of the
Mormon Church. But in 1996, I resigned from it.

Since 1998 the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints) has been trying to cover-up its RACIST past. I've been
protesting that cover-up since then. Let me explain.

From 1848 until 1978, blacks were BANNED from Mormon Temples and the
Mormon priesthood (which every Mormon male over the age of 12 is
supposed to hold). This was called "The Priesthood-Ban". Blacks (or
anyone with "one drop of Negro blood in their veins") were banned
because of the "CURSE OF CAIN DOCTRINE" and the "LESS VALIANT
DOCTRINE". These two doctrines were taught by Mormon Church prophets
and apostles for 130 years as official "doctrines of the Church".
___AT NO TIME___ did they present these doctrines as "personal
opinion" or "speculation". These were top-down doctrines. If any rank-
and-file Member preached against it, they could be excommunicated. At
least one man, Wallace Douglas, we excommunicated in 1976 for
ordaining a black men to the Mormon priesthood.

The Curse of Cain Doctrine:

*Cain, son of Adam and Eve, was white like they were. But, jealous of
Abel, he killed Abel. God punished him by...

1) Denying him and his seed (descendants) the Priesthood until ALL of
Abel's seed (descendants) first had the opportunity to hold the
Priesthood, then the "curse" would be removed and the children of Cain
could receive the Priesthood (the priesthood is 100% necessary for any
Mormon male to enter the highest Heaven and become a God with goddess
wives and a planet to rule).

2) Putting a "mark" upon him so that he could not be killed. The "Mark
of Cain" was a black skin, kinky hair, and a flat nose. Cain instantly
changed from a white man to the first Negro. Cain married his sister,
and she became the second Negro. They became the parents of the Negro

The Less Valiant Doctrine:

Before this Earth was created, all human spirits lived with Heavenly
Father and Heavenly Mother. Jesus presented a Plan of Salvation.
Lucifer presented a different plan. Heavenly Father accepted Jesus'
plan. Enraged, Lucifer rebelled, and took one-third of all spirits
with him. As punishment, he and the one-third of all spirits were
punished by being send to Earth without human bodies. They are the
Devil and the demons.

Of the two-thirds of the spirits that followed Jesus, some were "less
valiant" (i.e. "lazy, not-committed) in the War in Heaven. As
punishment, they would become members of the Negro race; descendants
of Cain.

Both the Curse of Cain Doctrine, and the Less Valiant Doctrine, were
taught by almost all Mormon presidents and apostles from 1848 until
1978. No President of the Mormon Church, or Apostle, ever spoke
against it. They declared that these were "doctrines of the Church"
and that these things were from the LORD, and not from them.

During the early 1970s, there was great pressure to end the Priesthood-
ban. The U.S. Government threatened the Church's tax-exempt status if
it "continued to discriminate against blacks" by denying them the
priesthood and entrance into Mormon Temples. Also, in the early 1970s,
the Church was building a Temple in Sao Paulo, Brazil, only THEN to
discover that MOST (85%) white Mormons in Brazil had at least one
Negro ancestor--therefore DISQUALIFYING them to enter the very Temple
they were contributing to build!

What to do?

Church President Spencer W. Kimball then had a "Revelation" claiming
that the LORD told him to remove the "priesthood-ban". He did so, but
WITHOUT repudiating the Curse of Cain Doctrine or the Less Valiant

Those two doctrinres have NOT yet been repudiated by the First
Presidency: the three Mormon apostles who rule the Church.

Instead, LDS Church spokesmen have, since 1998, simply DENIED these
were Church doctrines in the first place!

Since 1998, the Mormon Church has been trying to COVER-UP its racist
past. LDS Church Public Affairs, the Office of the First Presidency,
and most Mormon missionaries (40,000 in the U.S. alone) have been
telling non-mormons the following:

"No, the Church has NEVER taught that blacks are cursed!"

*"No, the Church NEVER believed or taught that black people are the
children of Cain!"

"Why couldn't blacks become priesthood holders before 1978? Golly! We
just don't know the reason why? The LORD never revealed the reason

"Well, sure, some Members may have speculated about WHY blacks were
denied the priesthood! Sure, some Members may have said they were
cursed or the children of Cain, but that was simply their own opinion.
It was speculation that was never approved by Church leaders! The
Church NEVER taught that. Some Members may have believed it, but it

LDS Church spokesmen and have said this consistently, to hundreds,
for over a decade.

They are ______LYING________!

Many Mormon missionaries are saying this because THEY HAVE BEEN
MISLED. They have been lied to, and are simply repeating what they've
been told.

I decided to do something about this...to protest it.

For the past several years, I have been protesting in front of Temple
Square, at in front of various LDS Seminaries (next to high schools)
in and around Salt Lake City. I have carried a sign saying this....



At first I used the first sign (Are Blacks Cursed?...) but students
and others thought I was a racist, and that I was saying blacks were
cursed, so I changed to the second sign. I would protest on the
sidewalk in front of high-schools and LDS Seminaries and wait for
students to come out. Most Mormon students said I was "A LIAR" and "A
FAGGOT". They did not believe me when I told them what their Church
taught for 130 years. Several called their parents on their cell
phones, and then told me, "My dad told me YOU ARE A LIAR, the Church
NEVER TAUGH THAT". Several asked their Seminary teachers, and came
back saying, "My Seminary Teacher said that blacks weren't allowed to
hold the Priesthood because whites in the Church were prejudiced,
that's all. He told me that the Church NEVER taught that blacks are

I also had the following incidents:

West High School: One rock and a chunk on concrete flew by my head. A
West High School employee in a golf-cart tried to push me off the side-
walk, bruising my ancle. A "lawyer" came over and told me what I did
was illegal and threatened to call the police on me (he did). A Salt
Lake Police Office came and told me that my sign was "illegal" and
that I could not hold it. I told him to call his supervisor. The
police officer left, and never came back. I was told by a number of
people that protesting in front of schools is "illegal" and I would go
to jail (a lie). Many Mormon students told me, "We don't believe you!"

East High School: A group of polynesian Mormon youth threatened to
kill me (from a distance). Several black youth asked me if I was "a
racist". Several Mormon youth said, "You're a liar" and "We don't
believe you" and "Why are you lying about our Church?"

Highlands High School: A group of polynesian Mormon youth (a different
one) got into an SUV and drove next to me saying, "Hey Howlee...we are
gonna kill you mother fucker! We are gonna kill your howlee ass you
cocksucker!" I called Salt Lake Police, who showed up 20 minutes
later. I was told by them that the polynesian youth "did nothing
illegal" and that it was not a crime to threaten somebody with death.
It only became a crime if you "acted upon the threat". I later called
the Salt Lake Prosecutor's Office, and they basically told me that the
Salt Lake Police were wrong, and that the youth had made a
"terroristic threat" which is illegal. But they added that they would
"do nothing" if the Salt Lake Police determined no crime had taken

I called the U.S. Attorney General's Office and reported a "hate
crime" (threat based upon race..."Howlee" is the polynesian word for
"white" and is the equivolent of "nigger"). I told them that a group
of Polynesian youth at Highland High had threatned me with death and
called me a "Howlee" which was the Polynesian equivolent of "Nigger"
but used against white people. I was told, basically (in so many
words) that "hate crimes" cannot be committed against white men; only
by white men against minorities.

Olympic High School: Same as before. Mormon Seminary students telling
me, "Why are you LYING? Our Church NEVER taught what you are saying!"
One Mormon youth grabbed my sign, ran into the highschool, torn up the
sign and threw it in a dumpster. A Salt Lake County Sheriff working at
the school saw the entire thing, and refused to do anything. I said,
"I want that kid arrested!" He said. "For what?" I said, "Stealing my
property. Destroying it". He said nothing. Did nothing. Just smirked.
I said, "If you don't arrest I will place him under citizen's arrest!"
He said, "You even THINK about touching that kid and I'll have you on
the fucking ground so FAST it will make your fucking HEAD spin!"

Temple Square: An LDS Security officer named John Pope got into my
face and "popped" his "p's" (spit in my face) over and over again. I
kept backing up and he would get ONE INCH from my face and keep
saying..."P-P-P-P-PLEASE move 100 feet away from the gate!" He very
deliberately would POP his p's, over and over again, getting as much
of his spittle on my face as he could. He told me that no protests
could take place without 100 feet of any gate to Temple Square (a

On another occassion in front of Temple Square, a MASSIVE Samoan
Mormon BYU football player came up to me and grabbed my genitals and
started to rub them. I was in ABSOLUTE SHOCK. I stepped back three
feet. He came forward and grabbed my genitals again. I yelled, "CALL
THE POLICE...I AM BEING ASSAULTED!" LDS Security officers laughed and
shook their heads. He did so again, I backed up again. Nobody called
the police. I had to leave, with the Samoan Mormon and a small group
of his friends laughing and shaking their heads as I walked away. The
Samoan Mormon wanted me to punch him (or try to), which would have
given him the excuse to beat me to a pulp. Salt Lake Police then would
have been called, and, I suspect, I would have been taken to jail, not
the Samoan Mormon who had sexually assaulted me in full view of LDS
Security and many witnesses.

Next time I plan to bring a hand-held cam-recorder to record such
incidents. But, I suspect it will be taken from me by an angry Mormon
(probably a polynesian) and crushed on the ground, with Salt Lake
Police then taking me to jail for littering.

I plan to continue my protests on the sidewalk next to Temple Square
during the Summer of 2008, and, beginning in the Fall of 2008, I plan
to protest at least several times a week in front of LDS Seminary
buildings and high-schools throughout Salt Lake Valley, Davis County,
and perhaps Utah County.

What LDS Church leaders are doing is WRONG! They are lying, in Gods'
Name, through their teeth on a daily basis. All they have to do is
publicly say, "Look, the Curse of Cain Doctrine was a mistake. It is a
false doctrine. We made a mistake, now that mistake has been
corrected!" Yet, they don't wish to do that. They will continue to
DECEIVE the public and their own members, in the name of God.

That is what I am protesting, and what I will continue to protest as
long as I am able to do so, or until the LDS Church comes clean and
publicly admits they taught the Curse of Cain Doctrine for 130 years,
and ceases their current campaign of deception.

Are there any journalists out there who can run with this story? Can
anybody help me expose this cover up?

Thanks for your time.

Darrick Evenson

Stealth Tuba
2009-01-31 02:54:18 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
My name is Darrick Evenson. I am a former Mormon missionary and
Appears Mental.
2009-01-31 04:24:14 UTC
In article
The Democrat Party fears Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney.

Got it.

"Global Warming: It ain't the heat, it's the stupidity."