Help, I am Facing the courts and Don't Know What to Do?
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Raymond Karczewski
2013-06-05 04:37:09 UTC
Help, I am Facing the courts and Don't Know What to Do?

Monique Moon wrote:

Raymond Karczewski wrote:

mm: > hi raymond can u help me u sound knowledgeable I am needing
some help and advice as i received a ticket for no insurance.

mm: > 2xs in 2 different counties im n oregon or do u no anyone near
me who can assist me thanks for your time love and peace to you..

mm: > the impression im getting we are not being given remedy cuz
theyre are too many different levels of this state governance..

mm: > plz help i dont know what to do i did send the elected sherrif
my complaint about the officers actions as he assaulted me and tried
to arrest me and they stole my car....

mm: > how do i navigate thru this system its so big and i just dont
know what to do im wanting to go after the bond thru risk

mm: > any thoughts what can i do next that wont get me killed or
hated on... how do i navigate this is not fair to the little guy who
has nothing... not fair...

rk: Monique, Like many others who face problems similar to yours, the
news is not good. YOu don't have time to launch a defense. You are not
prepared to face the court on your terms, but are being intimidated by
the system that you have agreed to, by your own consent to be a member
of. That's the first thing you and others must do: RESCIND YOUR

rk: Asking the sheriff to investigate his own is like a "victimized
chicken" asking a wolf whose pups just raided the chicken coop to
dicipline his pups who were just following their trained wolf nature.

rk; I have been writing about these matters of Sovereignty and
Freedom on the internet for the last eighteen years. Most comments
from others come to me like yours did, when they were rounded up,
arrested, and facing court and jail time. In other words, your "Ox
has been gored," and you have no space, no time to face that which you
don't understand.

rk: LIfe has never been fair to those who have been trained to be
cared for and dependant upon others. The system thrives on such
"helpless-conditioned" people. You are caught by your life-long
accumulated habitual responses. Thus you and othersy have no other
response but to search out for someone to solve your problem for you.

rk: That too, is factored in by the system, as it forces all to seek
out advocates, lawyers, and other questionable experts whose first
loyalty is to the system to represent them. Lawyers first allegiance
it to the courts, second to his client. Such system is purposely
designed to exploit people.

My website http://www.arkenterprises.com and its links have all that
you need to solve any future problems, but for this one, you are a bit
too late.

My writings are designed for all those who have the "eyes to see and
ears to hear", but unfortunately, most prefer to remain asleep to the
truth of their existence via their lifelong conditioning (education)

We Americans can turn this country back to its original Constitution,
but actions must be taken before they are victimized by their own
public servants/tyrants.

Monique, you are your own Savior. Do not allow others to make you

Monique, I am not responding to this privately, and have decided to
post this publicly because this problem applies to MILLIONS OF OTHERS.

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

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Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Steve Hayes
2013-06-05 05:21:33 UTC
Post by Raymond Karczewski
Help, I am Facing the courts and Don't Know What to Do?
Get a lawyer.
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web: http://khanya.wordpress.com
Blog: http://methodius.blogspot.com

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