JESUS WAS A MAZDAYAZNI (i.e. Zoroastrian)....
(too old to reply)
2008-04-22 06:54:27 UTC
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"

The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"

The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)

In Jesus' day, the Zoroastrianism was called by various names (NOT
"Zoroastrianism). It was called:

"The Way"

"The Way of Good"

"The Way of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds"

"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)

"The Good Religion"

"The Pure Religion"

Jesus' "religion" was not "Judaism". The religion of the Jews was the
worship of YAH, and did NOT include any belief in the Afterlife.

The Old Testament contains NOTHING about the Afterlife, or any
afterlife rewards or punishments.

When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon for 70 years in 600 B.C.,
they confronted a religion called Masdayasnan. It was also called
Way of Good" or just "The Way". Paul said in Acts that he belonged to
a sect called "The Way".

The Jews that rejected the Persian religion were called Sadducees.
They believed in the Torah only, which says NOTHING of any Paradise
Hell. The Jews that accepted the Persian religion were called
FAROOSHEEM ("Pharisees" in Greek). The name FAROOSHIM meant
in Hebrew.

There were different "Sects" of Pharisees (Faroosheem); one of the
most strict being the NASAREEM (Nazerenes), whose village was called
"Nazareth" (place of the Nazarenes).

In the Gospels Jesus tells the thief on the Cross, "Truly, I say unto
you, this day you will be with me in Pardes".

"Pardes" is NOT a Hebrew or Aramaic nor Greek word. It is FARSEE
(Persian) and comes directly from the religion of Persia. It means

Jesus said, "El is the God of the living and not the god of the
He meant that literally. El, or YAH, is the Persian Angra Mainyu, who
is the "God" of the Material World. The "God" of the Spiritual World
(the dead) is Ahura Mazda: the Only Wise Lord.

YAH did not promise Moses nor the Israelites any Paradise or Hell
because He is not the God of the Spirit World, but rather the God of
the material world, and can only "curse" and "bless" those who are

The Jews had NO belief in the Afterlife UNTIL they were held captive
by the Babylonians (and later Persians who conquered the
The term "Hell" found in the Old Testament is SHOEL and refers to the
cold dead grave, nothing more. The Book of Ecclestiates says "the
known nothing" and that the plans of men END when they are dead. The
term "SOUL" in the Old Testament simply means "Breath" and did not
mean any immortal spirit that survives death. There was NO belief in
an afterlife, no belief in any resurrection of the dead UNTIL the
were taken to Babylon and Persia.

The religion of "Judaism" in Jesus' day was that of the Sadduccees,
and they rejected any notion of any Afterlife, Paradise, Hell, they
considered all these "Persian" doctrines and not Jewish at all.

The God of the Old Testament, who calls Himself "I AM" (YAH) and "I
THAT I AM" (YAHOOWAH) is Angra Mainyu, was an angry and jealous God
who commanded the Canaanites, men women and children, to be killed.
commanded Israelite women (Not men) to be killed for adultery, male
homosexuality (not female), eating shell-fish, breaking the Sabbath,
and using His name in vain. HE IS NOT THE LOVING "FATHER" JESUS TOLD

The loving Heavenly Father is Ahura Mazda, the God of the Dead, the
God of Light (Spiritual Realm) of the ancient Persian Prophet

The religion of Ahura Mazda contains much material, about as much as
the Bible. It describes the TRUTH about Paradise and Hell-fire and
we are saved and judged.

The Religion of Mazda included a special caste of ministers called
"MAGOI". These were hermaphrodytes (men-women) who were considered
dual-spirits (male and female). They were considered to be able to
work supernatural acts (we get the word "MAGIC" from MAGOI--plural
MAGUS). The "three wise men" who saw Jesus' star in the East were
MAGOI. The Prophet Daniel became the Chief Magoi of the Emperor
Nebuchadezzar (Daniel chapter 5). They were ZOROASTRIANS.

It was probably Daniel, during his reign as Rab Mag (Head Magus) for
the Babylonian empire that the belief in the "Messiah" arose among
Jews. He job that directly from the Religion of Mazda.

The Prophet Zoroaster told of three SAYOSHANTS ("Saviors") who would
be born of virgins. One was King Koresh (Cyrus), the Persian Emperor.
Another was Jesus. And the third was born in Jerusalem in 1909, the
son of a Palestinian Christian woman. He performed thousands of
supernatural miracles. His name was DAHESH....

Read more about Him at.....
2008-04-22 08:21:38 UTC
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
In Jesus' day, the Zoroastrianism was called by various names (NOT
"The Way"
"The Way of Good"
"The Way of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds"
"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)
"The Good Religion"
"The Pure Religion"
Jesus' "religion" was not "Judaism". The religion of the Jews was the
worship of YAH, and did NOT include any belief in the Afterlife.
The Old Testament contains NOTHING about the Afterlife, or any
afterlife rewards or punishments.
When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon for 70 years in 600 B.C.,
they confronted a religion called Masdayasnan. It was also called
Way of Good" or just "The Way". Paul said in Acts that he belonged to
a sect called "The Way".
The Jews that rejected the Persian religion were called Sadducees.
They believed in the Torah only, which says NOTHING of any Paradise
Hell. The Jews that accepted the Persian religion were called
FAROOSHEEM ("Pharisees" in Greek). The name FAROOSHIM meant
in Hebrew.
There were different "Sects" of Pharisees (Faroosheem); one of the
most strict being the NASAREEM (Nazerenes), whose village was called
"Nazareth" (place of the Nazarenes).
In the Gospels Jesus tells the thief on the Cross, "Truly, I say unto
you, this day you will be with me in Pardes".
"Pardes" is NOT a Hebrew or Aramaic nor Greek word. It is FARSEE
(Persian) and comes directly from the religion of Persia. It means
Jesus said, "El is the God of the living and not the god of the
He meant that literally. El, or YAH, is the Persian Angra Mainyu, who
is the "God" of the Material World. The "God" of the Spiritual World
(the dead) is Ahura Mazda: the Only Wise Lord.
YAH did not promise Moses nor the Israelites any Paradise or Hell
because He is not the God of the Spirit World, but rather the God of
the material world, and can only "curse" and "bless" those who are
The Jews had NO belief in the Afterlife UNTIL they were held captive
by the Babylonians (and later Persians who conquered the
The term "Hell" found in the Old Testament is SHOEL and refers to the
cold dead grave, nothing more. The Book of Ecclestiates says "the
known nothing" and that the plans of men END when they are dead. The
term "SOUL" in the Old Testament simply means "Breath" and did not
mean any immortal spirit that survives death. There was NO belief in
an afterlife, no belief in any resurrection of the dead UNTIL the
were taken to Babylon and Persia.
The religion of "Judaism" in Jesus' day was that of the Sadduccees,
and they rejected any notion of any Afterlife, Paradise, Hell, they
considered all these "Persian" doctrines and not Jewish at all.
The God of the Old Testament, who calls Himself "I AM" (YAH) and "I
THAT I AM" (YAHOOWAH) is Angra Mainyu, was an angry and jealous God
who commanded the Canaanites, men women and children, to be killed.
commanded Israelite women (Not men) to be killed for adultery, male
homosexuality (not female), eating shell-fish, breaking the Sabbath,
and using His name in vain. HE IS NOT THE LOVING "FATHER" JESUS TOLD
The loving Heavenly Father is Ahura Mazda, the God of the Dead, the
God of Light (Spiritual Realm) of the ancient Persian Prophet
The religion of Ahura Mazda contains much material, about as much as
the Bible. It describes the TRUTH about Paradise and Hell-fire and
we are saved and judged.
The Religion of Mazda included a special caste of ministers called
"MAGOI". These were hermaphrodytes (men-women) who were considered
dual-spirits (male and female). They were considered to be able to
work supernatural acts (we get the word "MAGIC" from MAGOI--plural
MAGUS). The "three wise men" who saw Jesus' star in the East were
MAGOI. The Prophet Daniel became the Chief Magoi of the Emperor
Nebuchadezzar (Daniel chapter 5). They were ZOROASTRIANS.
It was probably Daniel, during his reign as Rab Mag (Head Magus) for
the Babylonian empire that the belief in the "Messiah" arose among
Jews. He job that directly from the Religion of Mazda.
The Prophet Zoroaster told of three SAYOSHANTS ("Saviors") who would
be born of virgins. One was King Koresh (Cyrus), the Persian Emperor.
Another was Jesus. And the third was born in Jerusalem in 1909, the
son of a Palestinian Christian woman. He performed thousands of
supernatural miracles. His name was DAHESH....
Read more about Him at.....http://www.angelfire.com/mo3/dr.dahesh/
Hello Darrick!

What an extremely interesting post... I would love to read up on it
more... can you please share with us the sources you have attained
this knowledge from?

Thanks heaps...

2008-04-23 04:16:02 UTC
Go to google and type in "Zoroastrianism" and "Magi" or "three wise
men" for starts.

Then type in "Judaism" and "Zoroastrianism".

Then type in "Judaism" and "Ahura Mazda".

The word "Pardes" is old Persian Zoroastrian word for "Garden". Jesus
uses that with the Thief on the
Cross, in the original Aramaic version and Greek versions of the New
Testament. What is translated into
English as "Paradise" is "Pardes" in the original Greek Bible. Pardes
is not Greek, but an old Farsi word
meaning "Garden".

There is a LOT on the Internet itself about the influence of
Zoroastrianism upon Judaism (specifically the Pharisee
sect). Its all there.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
In Jesus' day, the Zoroastrianism was called by various names (NOT
"The Way"
"The Way of Good"
"The Way of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds"
"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)
"The Good Religion"
"The Pure Religion"
Jesus' "religion" was not "Judaism". The religion of the Jews was the
worship of YAH, and did NOT include any belief in the Afterlife.
The Old Testament contains NOTHING about the Afterlife, or any
afterlife rewards or punishments.
When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon for 70 years in 600 B.C.,
they confronted a religion called Masdayasnan. It was also called
Way of Good" or just "The Way". Paul said in Acts that he belonged to
a sect called "The Way".
The Jews that rejected the Persian religion were called Sadducees.
They believed in the Torah only, which says NOTHING of any Paradise
Hell. The Jews that accepted the Persian religion were called
FAROOSHEEM ("Pharisees" in Greek). The name FAROOSHIM meant
in Hebrew.
There were different "Sects" of Pharisees (Faroosheem); one of the
most strict being the NASAREEM (Nazerenes), whose village was called
"Nazareth" (place of the Nazarenes).
In the Gospels Jesus tells the thief on the Cross, "Truly, I say unto
you, this day you will be with me in Pardes".
"Pardes" is NOT a Hebrew or Aramaic nor Greek word. It is FARSEE
(Persian) and comes directly from the religion of Persia. It means
Jesus said, "El is the God of the living and not the god of the
He meant that literally. El, or YAH, is the Persian Angra Mainyu, who
is the "God" of the Material World. The "God" of the Spiritual World
(the dead) is Ahura Mazda: the Only Wise Lord.
YAH did not promise Moses nor the Israelites any Paradise or Hell
because He is not the God of the Spirit World, but rather the God of
the material world, and can only "curse" and "bless" those who are
The Jews had NO belief in the Afterlife UNTIL they were held captive
by the Babylonians (and later Persians who conquered the
The term "Hell" found in the Old Testament is SHOEL and refers to the
cold dead grave, nothing more. The Book of Ecclestiates says "the
known nothing" and that the plans of men END when they are dead. The
term "SOUL" in the Old Testament simply means "Breath" and did not
mean any immortal spirit that survives death. There was NO belief in
an afterlife, no belief in any resurrection of the dead UNTIL the
were taken to Babylon and Persia.
The religion of "Judaism" in Jesus' day was that of the Sadduccees,
and they rejected any notion of any Afterlife, Paradise, Hell, they
considered all these "Persian" doctrines and not Jewish at all.
The God of the Old Testament, who calls Himself "I AM" (YAH) and "I
THAT I AM" (YAHOOWAH) is Angra Mainyu, was an angry and jealous God
who commanded the Canaanites, men women and children, to be killed.
commanded Israelite women (Not men) to be killed for adultery, male
homosexuality (not female), eating shell-fish, breaking the Sabbath,
and using His name in vain. HE IS NOT THE LOVING "FATHER" JESUS TOLD
The loving Heavenly Father is Ahura Mazda, the God of the Dead, the
God of Light (Spiritual Realm) of the ancient Persian Prophet
The religion of Ahura Mazda contains much material, about as much as
the Bible. It describes the TRUTH about Paradise and Hell-fire and
we are saved and judged.
The Religion of Mazda included a special caste of ministers called
"MAGOI". These were hermaphrodytes (men-women) who were considered
dual-spirits (male and female). They were considered to be able to
work supernatural acts (we get the word "MAGIC" from MAGOI--plural
MAGUS). The "three wise men" who saw Jesus' star in the East were
MAGOI. The Prophet Daniel became the Chief Magoi of the Emperor
Nebuchadezzar (Daniel chapter 5). They were ZOROASTRIANS.
It was probably Daniel, during his reign as Rab Mag (Head Magus) for
the Babylonian empire that the belief in the "Messiah" arose among
Jews. He job that directly from the Religion of Mazda.
The Prophet Zoroaster told of three SAYOSHANTS ("Saviors") who would
be born of virgins. One was King Koresh (Cyrus), the Persian Emperor.
Another was Jesus. And the third was born in Jerusalem in 1909, the
son of a Palestinian Christian woman. He performed thousands of
supernatural miracles. His name was DAHESH....
Read more about Him at.....http://www.angelfire.com/mo3/dr.dahesh/
Hello Darrick!
What an extremely interesting post... I would love to read up on it
more... can you please share with us the sources you have attained
this knowledge from?
Thanks heaps...
Heej- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
john w <johnw@yahoo.com>
2008-04-22 10:30:12 UTC
x-no-archive: yes
On Mon, 21 Apr 2008 23:54:27 -0700 (PDT), Darrick
<***@yahoo.com> wrote:
© 2008 John D Weatherly all rights reserved; no portion of this post
may be used anywhere else without written permission of the author.
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
Post by Darrick
In Jesus' day, the Zoroastrianism was called by various names (NOT
"The Way"
"The Way of Good"
"The Way of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds"
"Mazdayaznan" (Mazda-Worshipping)
"The Good Religion"
"The Pure Religion"
Jesus' "religion" was not "Judaism". The religion of the Jews was the
worship of YAH, and did NOT include any belief in the Afterlife.
The Old Testament contains NOTHING about the Afterlife, or any
afterlife rewards or punishments.
When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon for 70 years in 600 B.C.,
they confronted a religion called Masdayasnan. It was also called
Way of Good" or just "The Way". Paul said in Acts that he belonged to
a sect called "The Way".
The Jews that rejected the Persian religion were called Sadducees.
They believed in the Torah only, which says NOTHING of any Paradise
Hell. The Jews that accepted the Persian religion were called
FAROOSHEEM ("Pharisees" in Greek). The name FAROOSHIM meant
in Hebrew.
There were different "Sects" of Pharisees (Faroosheem); one of the
most strict being the NASAREEM (Nazerenes), whose village was called
"Nazareth" (place of the Nazarenes).
In the Gospels Jesus tells the thief on the Cross, "Truly, I say unto
you, this day you will be with me in Pardes".
"Pardes" is NOT a Hebrew or Aramaic nor Greek word. It is FARSEE
(Persian) and comes directly from the religion of Persia. It means
Jesus said, "El is the God of the living and not the god of the
He meant that literally. El, or YAH, is the Persian Angra Mainyu, who
is the "God" of the Material World. The "God" of the Spiritual World
(the dead) is Ahura Mazda: the Only Wise Lord.
YAH did not promise Moses nor the Israelites any Paradise or Hell
because He is not the God of the Spirit World, but rather the God of
the material world, and can only "curse" and "bless" those who are
The Jews had NO belief in the Afterlife UNTIL they were held captive
by the Babylonians (and later Persians who conquered the
The term "Hell" found in the Old Testament is SHOEL and refers to the
cold dead grave, nothing more. The Book of Ecclestiates says "the
known nothing" and that the plans of men END when they are dead. The
term "SOUL" in the Old Testament simply means "Breath" and did not
mean any immortal spirit that survives death. There was NO belief in
an afterlife, no belief in any resurrection of the dead UNTIL the
were taken to Babylon and Persia.
The religion of "Judaism" in Jesus' day was that of the Sadduccees,
and they rejected any notion of any Afterlife, Paradise, Hell, they
considered all these "Persian" doctrines and not Jewish at all.
The God of the Old Testament, who calls Himself "I AM" (YAH) and "I
THAT I AM" (YAHOOWAH) is Angra Mainyu, was an angry and jealous God
who commanded the Canaanites, men women and children, to be killed.
commanded Israelite women (Not men) to be killed for adultery, male
homosexuality (not female), eating shell-fish, breaking the Sabbath,
and using His name in vain. HE IS NOT THE LOVING "FATHER" JESUS TOLD
The loving Heavenly Father is Ahura Mazda, the God of the Dead, the
God of Light (Spiritual Realm) of the ancient Persian Prophet
The religion of Ahura Mazda contains much material, about as much as
the Bible. It describes the TRUTH about Paradise and Hell-fire and
we are saved and judged.
The Religion of Mazda included a special caste of ministers called
"MAGOI". These were hermaphrodytes (men-women) who were considered
dual-spirits (male and female). They were considered to be able to
work supernatural acts (we get the word "MAGIC" from MAGOI--plural
MAGUS). The "three wise men" who saw Jesus' star in the East were
MAGOI. The Prophet Daniel became the Chief Magoi of the Emperor
Nebuchadezzar (Daniel chapter 5). They were ZOROASTRIANS.
It was probably Daniel, during his reign as Rab Mag (Head Magus) for
the Babylonian empire that the belief in the "Messiah" arose among
Jews. He job that directly from the Religion of Mazda.
The Prophet Zoroaster told of three SAYOSHANTS ("Saviors") who would
be born of virgins. One was King Koresh (Cyrus), the Persian Emperor.
Another was Jesus. And the third was born in Jerusalem in 1909, the
son of a Palestinian Christian woman. He performed thousands of
supernatural miracles. His name was DAHESH....
Read more about Him at.....
2008-04-22 12:44:17 UTC
john w <johnw<no>@yahoo.com> news:2hfr04da2896e0hk68pb46itscjrmmi7vv@

Had a burning desire to establish before one and all, to verify there is no
subject that he is so ignorant about, as mythology. Particularly his

From: john w <johnw<no>@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: JESUS WAS A MAZDAYAZNI (i.e. Zoroastrian)....
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 03:30:12 -0700
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>
References: <4ac3ca40-bc7e-4d89-9712-
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Post by john w <***@yahoo.com>
x-no-archive: yes
On Mon, 21 Apr 2008 23:54:27 -0700 (PDT), Darrick
Post by Darrick
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Christianity"
The Religion of Jesus was NOT "Judaism"
The Religion of Jesus was MAZDAYAZNAN (i.e. Zoroastrianism)
Rubbish? Then you can prove it. You can provide evidence that this Christ
Jesus didn't really exist. And then you provide evidence as to what his
particular brand of mythology was.

Had he existed, it could not be xianity, he did not exist at that time.
Had he existed, it would have been Judaism, to be exact, a Pharisee. They
were the ones that adapted the Mazdean concepts of duality of the godhead,
heaven and hell. Supposedly, the same things you believe in.

You may well ask, when did this momentous event happen. It was during the
Babylonian vacation. Of course, this would require you to learn things,
things that you do not want to hear or see. Therefore, you will not.


which wannabe this time jonnie, the one who thinks his uninformed opinion
and is unsupported word is sufficient to dismiss anything he does not like
to see or hear? This is news for you, but nobody else, it isn't.

walksalone, who has noticed over the years, the more ignorant a person is
about everything, the more they have to say on everything. But saying is
not the same as providing evidence, and apparently jonnie is afraid of

Just so others who are not familiar with jonnie realize what they are
dealing with. An ego out of control.

From: John Weatherly <***@hotmail.com>
Subject: XXX-Rated Novels by Pro Writer!!! Interested?
Date: 2000/01/29
Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>#1/1
Newsgroups: alt.penthouse.sex.stories

I am a published, professional writer.
I have written two XXX-rated novels.
One is an XXX-rated sci-fi, fantasy, romance novel.
The other is an XXX-rated murder mystery.
Would you be interested in buying either novel on-line
for, say, $10?
You would e-mail me your e-mail address,
then mail me a $10 money order (faster for me to cash out than a
Once I am paid, I would e-mail you the novel of your choice,
a few chapters at a time, with the understanding that you are
purchasing a copyrighted work, and you would not distribute it to
anyone else.
You will not find this kind of quality hard-core sex fiction in any
bookstore. You will also not find it anywhere on-line.
I know. I've looked.
Bear in mind that we are talking serious literature here, not merely
"j???-off" books. These novels contain hard-core f???ing/sucking,
and no doubt you will be j???ing off (if so inclined) or grabbing
your f???ing/sucking partner occasionally, but not on every single
page, or in every single chapter.
If you would like to read high-quality, professionally written
fiction, "literature" that is XXX-rated,
and you'd be willing to spend a few bucks for it,
please contact me.
In your initial contact, please specify that you are at least 18 years
old. And I will want that in writing with your payment, should you
decide to make a purchase.

I have also over the years written some "stroke" fiction pieces. You
may wish to inquire about some of that. I have several collections of
stories, and a short "stroke" fiction novel. I am in process of
"documenting" my sex life these past 50 years, with about that many
different partners. If you are interested in my sex life history,
mention that as well, although that is definitely a work in progress.
