(too old to reply)
Raymond Karczewski
2012-11-20 19:51:17 UTC

Sandy McElroy Jackson wrote:

Connie J Olvera wrote:

Todd Michels wrote:

Raymond Karczewski wrote:

smj: > Father in heaven, I humbly come before You. I choose to be
still before You. Speak to my heart so I can know You more. Fill me
with Your peace as I put my trust in You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

rk: Sandy, my friend, you are a wonderful woman, yet your prayer
keeps you as a codependant idolizer of a thought that you alone have
projected into the ether. A thought that you learned from someone else
and adopted it for your own through belief and repetition.

rk: Think about it. Who are you directing your prayers to if not
your own projected thoughts, shared by others who reinforce them? I
love you as a sister, and I think you know that. The essence of such
prayer keeps you divided, split and fragmented while aspiring to the
holistic peace that you never seem to arrive at, and should you find
that peace momentarily, it is not for very long.

rk: Such is the nature of Religious mind control. I am stating this
to you because it is the very nature of belief which divides,
separates, isolates and renders our lives asunder.

rk: Are you not going about it the wrong way?

rk: To be at peace, all obstacles to such must be exposed,
understood and dissolved. That is the very nature of Life, and why you
and yours are here to learn. Life is the experience of relationship,
That is real. The thoughts that we hold ARE NOT. You and millions of
other have got the cart before the horse. Love, Raymond Karczewski

cjo: Sandy McElroy Jackson poor Raymond doesn't know how right he is
(almost). Life is ALL about relationship, our relationship with God
the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If he had a relationship with Jesus
he would understand how all other relationships glisten with hope and
love through our relationship with the only Living God. He would also
know the only peace that lasts is in Christ Jesus.

rk: Connie, notwithstanding your demonstration of arrogance in
defense of your christian beliefs, it appears that you only speak to
the choir of psalm singing believers when you speak as you do. I speak
of Balance. There is not a single individual of Christian conditioning
that can be said to be a man or woman of balance, for their beliefs
"teeters" them on one side or the other. Hell, isn't it? Ray

tm: "To be at peace, all obstacles to such must be exposed,
understood and dissolved." Ray, in the quest for peace, I am the
ultimate obstacle. It's the condition of sin. Man cannot attain peace
through his own actions. Besides, peace and balance are not going to
make you live forever. There's only one way to Heaven. I encourage you
to ignore any ego-based motives you are perceiving, look into the
gospel with a non-bias perspective, and see if you can spot the
non-religious message of love and life that's found in the Bible

rk: Raymond Karczewski It is easier to believe in satanic imposed
fantasies based in "graven images" a violation of the Christian
religion's, (the greatest Satanic force on Earth) ten commandments,
rather than to face the rigors of life and understand that you are at
one with the Infinite that makes you "I AM that I AM."

rk: There seems to be no end to your Christian based rationalizations
for being hell bound, is there? Although you may argue there are more
of you than there are of me, I AM THE ONE! And no "legion" of
fragmented Christians can alter that. I have written for the last ten
years. "No other man but I in the recorded History of mankind,
including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the SATANIC
WEAPON used to enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!" That
statement remains unrebutted to this day. You folks are all under the
thrall of Satanic mind control and you call it your religion.

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
2012-11-21 08:55:12 UTC
Post by Raymond Karczewski
Did you know that, here on TRB,
"christian" is the official psuedonym
for "paedophile?"
