Jenabe Fazel Mazandarani
2009-08-28 00:31:34 UTC
Jenabe Fazel Mazandarani was commissioned by Abdul-Baha to speak on his
behalf throughout North America, largely during the year prior to his
own death in 1921. His speeches are, therefore, especially
representative of Abdul-Baha's Interpretation of Baha'u'llah's
Teachings. Mirza Ahmad Sohrab accompanied and translated for him during
much of Jenabe Fazel's speaking tour.
"His honor Fazel, in reality, is perfect in all grades—in knowledge and
virtue, in sincerity of intention, in beauty of character, in severance
from aught else save God and attraction with the fragrances of God."
—Abdul-Baha to Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, July 1920.
"His honor Fazel is a revered person. He has been growing for a long
time in the Cause. Next to his honor, Mirza Abul Fazel, he is the best
informed of his contemporaries. He has no aspiration save service to the
Cause of God. He is a scholar." —Abdul-Baha to Roy C. Wilhelm, August 9,
"All these physical and outward improvements in the realm of science and
industry whisper into our ears that we are living in an age of Universal
Religion. They convince us that just as the physical globe in its
material aspect has become more and more united, likewise the endless
realms of the hearts must be swayed and conquered by dynamic spiritual
force which may bring into the higher consciousness of man that
Universal faith, that world religion, of which men and women have been
dreaming for ages and ages. We are in need of a Universal Religion today
which may act as the light in the globe of material civilization; a
Universal Religion which may function as spirit in the body politic, in
the commonwealth of humanity; a Universal Religion which may bring under
its tabernacle all the faiths of the world, melting them into one, and
enabling them to enter into the realm of unity." "The Elements of
Universal Religion." New Thought Auditorium, Seattle, Washington.
January 23, 1921.
"The Temple of Universal Religion: The Fundamental Oneness of all
Existing Faiths." April 24, 1921. Bahai Congress. Auditorium Hotel, Chicago.
"Religion Must Be the Cause of Love and Unity." Bahai Congress.
Auditorium Hotel, Chicago. April 25, 1921.
"The Conformity of Science and Religion: The Universal Education of the
Future." Bahai Congress. Auditorium Hotel, Chicago. April 26, 1921.
"The Dawn of the Sun of Reality and the Power of the Influence of
Baha'u'llah." Bahai Congress. Auditorium Hotel, Chicago. April 27, 1921.
"Bible Prophecies Fulfilled in this Age." Reality June 1921.
First Public Address in USA. Bahai Congress. New York. April 27, 1920.
"The Bahai Revelation." Bahai Congress. New York. April 27, 1920.
"The Investigation of Truth." Bahai Congress. New York. April 28, 1920.
"The House of Spirituality in Persia." Bahai Congress. New York. April
29, 1920.
A partial Itinerary of his lectures throughout the United States and
Canada, during 1920 to 1921, which conveys the scope and importance that
Abdul-Baha placed on his tour.
"The Message of Jenabe Fazel." Harrison G. Dyar, in Short Talks
Practical Application of the Bahai Revelation, 1922. One man's attempt
to understand Abdul-Baha's Message.
Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
Chicago Tribune. Baha'i rift. Baha'is upset with Orthodox Baha'i Faith
May 18, 2009
All my comments posted to The Chicago Tribune Forum on one page:
Yahoo Group - ReformBahai
Reform Bahai Faith
Rochester, Michigan USA
Jenabe Fazel Mazandarani was commissioned by Abdul-Baha to speak on his
behalf throughout North America, largely during the year prior to his
own death in 1921. His speeches are, therefore, especially
representative of Abdul-Baha's Interpretation of Baha'u'llah's
Teachings. Mirza Ahmad Sohrab accompanied and translated for him during
much of Jenabe Fazel's speaking tour.
"His honor Fazel, in reality, is perfect in all grades—in knowledge and
virtue, in sincerity of intention, in beauty of character, in severance
from aught else save God and attraction with the fragrances of God."
—Abdul-Baha to Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, July 1920.
"His honor Fazel is a revered person. He has been growing for a long
time in the Cause. Next to his honor, Mirza Abul Fazel, he is the best
informed of his contemporaries. He has no aspiration save service to the
Cause of God. He is a scholar." —Abdul-Baha to Roy C. Wilhelm, August 9,
"All these physical and outward improvements in the realm of science and
industry whisper into our ears that we are living in an age of Universal
Religion. They convince us that just as the physical globe in its
material aspect has become more and more united, likewise the endless
realms of the hearts must be swayed and conquered by dynamic spiritual
force which may bring into the higher consciousness of man that
Universal faith, that world religion, of which men and women have been
dreaming for ages and ages. We are in need of a Universal Religion today
which may act as the light in the globe of material civilization; a
Universal Religion which may function as spirit in the body politic, in
the commonwealth of humanity; a Universal Religion which may bring under
its tabernacle all the faiths of the world, melting them into one, and
enabling them to enter into the realm of unity." "The Elements of
Universal Religion." New Thought Auditorium, Seattle, Washington.
January 23, 1921.
"The Temple of Universal Religion: The Fundamental Oneness of all
Existing Faiths." April 24, 1921. Bahai Congress. Auditorium Hotel, Chicago.
"Religion Must Be the Cause of Love and Unity." Bahai Congress.
Auditorium Hotel, Chicago. April 25, 1921.
"The Conformity of Science and Religion: The Universal Education of the
Future." Bahai Congress. Auditorium Hotel, Chicago. April 26, 1921.
"The Dawn of the Sun of Reality and the Power of the Influence of
Baha'u'llah." Bahai Congress. Auditorium Hotel, Chicago. April 27, 1921.
"Bible Prophecies Fulfilled in this Age." Reality June 1921.
First Public Address in USA. Bahai Congress. New York. April 27, 1920.
"The Bahai Revelation." Bahai Congress. New York. April 27, 1920.
"The Investigation of Truth." Bahai Congress. New York. April 28, 1920.
"The House of Spirituality in Persia." Bahai Congress. New York. April
29, 1920.
A partial Itinerary of his lectures throughout the United States and
Canada, during 1920 to 1921, which conveys the scope and importance that
Abdul-Baha placed on his tour.
"The Message of Jenabe Fazel." Harrison G. Dyar, in Short Talks
Practical Application of the Bahai Revelation, 1922. One man's attempt
to understand Abdul-Baha's Message.
Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
Chicago Tribune. Baha'i rift. Baha'is upset with Orthodox Baha'i Faith
May 18, 2009
All my comments posted to The Chicago Tribune Forum on one page:
Yahoo Group - ReformBahai
Reform Bahai Faith
Rochester, Michigan USA