I started off too many things at once I see.
Please, lets just converse about one thing at a time now.
You said: 'Now you may want to let me know why you believe Jesus is
true. '
Here is why:
In the year 2005, I was a practicing hindu, and got a Christian room-
mate. I then believed that all religions lead to heaven. So, when
asked, I started attending Church and started studying the King James
Version Bible.
Somebody gave me a book which told of all the original apostles being
killed for holding on to faith in Jesus Christ being God and for
believing in his resurrection, not to die again. I reasoned, that
since they had nothing to gain by lying, when they would have gotten
death, they must have really believed that Jesus Christ is God and
that he died and rose again, not to die again. Since, these disciples
actually lived with Jesus and saw him die and come back to life, they
had first-hand view of what happened, and died holding on to their
eyewitness testimony.
So, as far as a testimony from a third party about God, this was as
good as I could imagine getting.
Some time went by, and I began reading the bible, believing it to be
true. So many contradictions came up with my hindu beliefs that I had
to throw them off as not being as from the same author author as the
Then, one day, on the evening of October 6, while reading the bible, I
ran into this sentence:
John 3:15: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
eternal life.
This is speaking of Jesus Christ.
So, I decided to test this. It claims clearly that if anybody
believes in Jesus Christ, will not perish, which I take to mean will
not suffer for eternity after physical death, but will have eternal
life, which I take to mean will spend eternity in heaven after
physical death.
So, without saying anything out loud, quietly, I accepted belief in
Jesus Christ above all else according to this bible (KJV).
Immediately, I felt something come inside me, and I knew that I could
not longer hit the suicidal lows of depression that I used to hit on a
regular basis before.
I also felt immense peace, and I knew that everything was all right
now between God and me -- that we were in a right relationship now.
I also felt great security. I remember thinking, ' This feels like
how I felt when I was in my father's arms a little boy, thinking he
could protect me from the whole world.'
Later, I learned I had received the gift of the Holy Spirit of God:
Romans 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we
are the children of God:
He has not left me yet. I have not once since then hit those suicidal
lows of depression. And, I have read the whole King James Version
bible, and have yet to find one false thing in it.
That is how I know that Jesus Christ is the real, living, All-mighty,
All-knowing, good God.