Michael McCarron confesses to being a spy informing on the Soghomonian Orthodox Bahai group
(too old to reply)
2009-10-21 02:42:48 UTC
Michael McCarron
San Francisco, CA

I have been spending a lot of time with my Bible lately, studying the
teachings of Dr. Leland Jensen. One biblical concept that has entered
my life lately through the grace of God is that of 'atonement'.
Accountability, or what is known in the Baha'i faith as self-
reflection (muhasaba), yaeh, I got some research on that too. Anyway,
I have some atonement to do publicly here for a grave sin I committed
when I was younger and dumber. Like Paul as a younger Baha'i held the
robes for those that were stoning the Remeyites, so to speak, sorry
for all the biblical type references but that is the influence of Dr.
Jensen. I don't want to go into the details, and like Paul I acted
with the self-confidence that what I was doing was righteous. Like I
said I was younger and dumber and entered the Faith under the
influence of the Haifa organization, which I now know to be
'oppressive' and by their fruits ye shall know them. With as such I
did not fall far from my spiritual fathers at the time. I undertook
actions which in the end, I won't go into the details of how it was
all set up here, in the end I spied on those loyal to Mason Remey.
Specifically, I want to make an unconditional apology to the Jacques
Soghomonian community for my hurtful, wrong and vindictive actions
that are a matter of public record from 10 years ago. I deeply
apologize for any hurt it may have caused. I pray that you were
shielded by God from my actions and they were merely a ripple on the
horizon, if that. I humbly ask your forgiveness. I was wrong and was,
and still am, just starting to learn what the words Baha'i really
mean. To the members of the Haifa organization reading this thread I
just want to challenge you to read the writings of Dr. Leland Jensen
for if you are one of the 144,000 you will be chosen by God and you
will find those confirmations by reading the writings of Dr. Leland
Jensen, notably 'The Most-Mighty Document' and 'Entry By Troops, Part
II'. As Dr. Jensen was given clean robes, see story in Zech. Chapter
3, so we also can be given clean robes, but we have to make atonoment
for it first.

I may be majnun, but that isn't such a bad thing. Baha'u'llah writes:

One must judge of search by the standard of the Majnún of Love. 11 It
is related that one day they came upon Majnún sifting the dust, and
his tears flowing down. They said,“What doest thou?” He said,“I seek
for Laylí.” They cried,“Alas for thee! Laylí is of pure spirit, and
thou seekest her in the dust!” He said,“I seek her everywhere; haply
somewhere I shall find her.”

Yea, although to the wise it be shameful to seek the Lord of Lords in
the dust, yet this betokeneth intense ardor in searching.“Whoso
seeketh out a thing with zeal shall find it.” Seven Valleys

I will not be commenting publicly on this further, if you need to talk
to me you can email ***@gmail.com

may God send down his light upon all your hearts and have a blessed
day, and give you the power to work toward full liberation, which to
me is the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
2009-10-21 21:58:48 UTC
What a sick dude that guy is, and how sick and paranoid is the NSA to
be spying on everyone?

2009-10-22 02:33:56 UTC
Post by Jeffrey
What a sick dude that guy is, and how sick and paranoid is the NSA to
be spying on everyone?
Indeed. Check out a previous message of his on the same board:

Have a look at message #2408

It is ironic that I would be outed publicly on this thread, even after
noting earlier I believed that this was a private matter. It is also
ironic for it was the closet that drove me out of the Baha'i Faith to
begin with. Had the Baha'i Faith not been overtly homophobic,
transphobic, biphobic, etc, had the current administration not been
oppressive toward the LGBTQ community I may still be a member of that
organization to this day. However, it is oppressive towards members of
it's own community. Had the Baha'i Faith not persecuted the honest
attempts by academics to understand their faith in accord with science
and reason I might still be a member of the Baha'i Faith. Had I not
seen with my own eyes while a member of the Baha'i Faith the sexism
inherent in it's communities I might still be a member of the Baha'i
Faith. Had I not seen the inherent racism in evengalization efforts, I
might still be a member of the Baha'i Faith. Had I not seen
administrative members willfully cooperating with the FBI to spy on
Iranian immigrants of other faiths I might still be a member of the
Baha'i Faith to this day. However, all of these things have served to
push me out of the Baha'i Faith.

From my experience the Baha'i Faith has become oppressive towards
minorities, the underprivileged and those that ask too many questions.
Since, I have nothing to lose, since even if I were to rejoin the
Baha'i Faith I would be locked out of the administration anyway, not
be allowed to vote and for saying it is okay to be Baha'i and be Gay I
would not be allowed to attend meetings I have decided to use my real
name. Note, however, I do this only in response to having been outed.
I should expect that letters will now be sent to LSA(s), NSA(s)
telling people to beware of me, to shun me. I should probably expect
to be shunned on Baha'i academic lists, etc. That is the current
manifestation of the culture within the Baha'i Faith to this day.
Baha'is from the administrative order mis-represent themselves to
others claiming to be seekers only to be spies in our midst, to engage
in calumny and backbiting. To label people apostates and the like. How
is any of this in the Spirit of Baha'?

When you write that I am a Jensenite, no I never mentioned Dr.
Jensen's teachings, and no I do not approve of casting dispersions on
people and branding their beliefs negatively, our you a Khanumite? No
you are not you are a Baha'i for which I give you praise and honor and
respect you as a sister in the Faith. I do not follow a man, Dr.
Leland Jensen, I follow Baha'u'llah, who as he wrote rules from the
throne of David. I will share with you what has led me to the
conclusion that Dr. Jensen's teachings on the Davidic throne are true.
You can read my personal take on things here, and please note these
are rough drafts not final editions:
1. A study on Biblical prophey of the unending rule from the throne of
David when the Messiah returns,
2.A study of the Biblical prophecy of Genesis 49:10,
3. A study on how Baha'u'llah fits into Biblical prophecy concerning
the Messiah, http://anarchisthiker.blogspot.com/2009/10/by...
I am currently working on a study which examines Abdu'l-Baha's
prophecy concerning the coming of a Seventh Angel, a man, that
preaches about the Covenant of God, and will shall share that when it
is finished.

2009-10-22 06:15:57 UTC
More from McCarron


Message #2541

Acts 9:26-27 (Today's New International Version)
26 When he [Paul] came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples,
but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a
disciple. 27 But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He
told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord
had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in
the name of Jesus.

Wahid, you are right, although I do not recall discussing this in
particular with Susan. Susan you asked about how this got started. It
got started after I left the faith and began looking for a spiritual
teacher, It was with good intentions that I approached the
Shoghomonian community, thought them to be a cult after initial good
vibes, self-righteously turned all information over to a welcoming NSA
because I was still under their influence even though I disenrolled. I
believe that I was outted by them back in 2000 because I left the
faith, why else would they have publicized my contributions to their
mechanism. Regarding, what you have brought up Wahid, this is true as
well, the information came from me because I was still under the
influence of 'evil' and acted self-righteously like I was some moral
police about who can claim what. I offer you my unconditional apology
for such calumny. As regards the other allegations which you have made
publicly about my connection to the CIA in regards to Sufis and such
is nonsense, never happened. By even making those allegations you are
putting people at risk. We both know the truth about those times and
you know what I am specifically refering to. I'm sorry we didn't get
along then.

Again if you are a member of the Baha'i Faith and have participated in
oppression against other religious communities you need to atone for
this. Read the writings of Dr. Leland Jensen, the prophecied Seventh
Angel of Abdu'l-Baha:

"The seventh angel is a man qualified with heavenly qualities and
character. Voices will be raised, so that the appearance of the Divine
Manifestation will be proclaimed and diffused...—in that day of God,
the Spiritual and Divine Kingdom will be established, and the world
will be renewed...."

see Rev 11:15
2009-10-22 21:12:35 UTC
Post by NUR
More from McCarron
Wahid, you are right, although I do not recall discussing this in
particular with Susan. Susan you asked about how this got started. It
got started after I left the faith and began looking for a spiritual
teacher, It was with good intentions that I approached the
Shoghomonian community, thought them to be a cult after initial good
vibes, self-righteously turned all information over to a welcoming NSA
because I was still under their influence even though I disenrolled. I
He thought the Soghomonian faith was a cult, so now he has joined the
How this guy makes me laugh!

2009-10-22 23:02:46 UTC
Yet more from Mccarron

[Note Mr Mccarron briefly lived at the New Jersey Sufi hospice of
which I was the charge from September to November 1998]

As I mentioned when we lived together I participated in operations in
the middle east with the US Military gathering intelligence. You are
taking that information and distorting and projecting onto me all
these other false allegations. Your allegations are not based in
factual information. So I am asking you to back off a bit with the
blanket assertions. By making such assertions you are putting innocent
people at risk based on our past.

If any lawyer needs more information email ***@gmail.com as I
noted earlier.

that's a really good point. i am attempting to take responsibility for
my actions. there are OTHERS that need to do the same, that taught me
these values and participated and encouraged collection of more
information. For instance, people that participate in recruiting
informants among young baha'is. for example, people that encourage
backbiting and spying as adherence to the covenant, which is taught to
every young baha'i. what is that counselor stuff about again?
assistants for the protection of the cause? what is that? The same
culture that I experienced in the military is the same culture that
permeates the Haifan Baha'i organization. coincidence?

Wahid. Can you please email me I need to correlate some information
regarding something you posted somewhere else in regards to the Haifa
Organization's info gathering. I don't want to tip them off to the
specifics that is why i need you to email me. ***@gmail.com