Formula for penetrating illusion and Merge with Truth.
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Raymond Karczewski
2013-05-15 19:04:16 UTC
Formula for penetrating illusion and Merge with Truth.

By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

,To Arthur and Fiona Cristian, and Spiritual Seekers Everywhere.

For years, you, Fiona, and I have been moving in the same direction
on the world wide Internet in awakening a sleeping Populace.

It does not take much for anyone to see the difference in our
overt, unique and distinct approaches toward such awakening.

I readily concede that your intellectual approach has been more
successful than mine, mainly because you resonate with the energy of
the Intellect and speak their language. People are more comfortable
when dealing with the Known rather than the Unknown. AS such, they
habitually lay back and get ready to be entertained. Such is the
nature of Satanic conditioning/counterconditioning.

You utilize the time-bound story-telling technique, while my
approach is merely to expose people to who and what they are via their
own words and actions, via the Spiritual technique of Mirroring.

Your approach to dealing with others who are possessed of partial
awareness is to enable them, to encourage them, to motivate the, while
you use the lawyerlike technique of demanding "material proof" of
anything which does not fit in with your theory before you will accept
it as Truth. To the spiritually ignorant, such "scientific" (limited
approach to spiritual matters), grasp of thought-based evidence can be
understood and supported.

My approach is to Mirror People and allow them to see themselves as
they actually are, as others see them, and it removes them from the
illusory belief of "what they think they are". All this occurs in the
spiritual, eternal Moment of Now. I do not judge, I do not add or
detract, I merely allow their conflicted energies to flow beyond their
personal filter of societal conditioning and put a name to it. In
other words, I expose to them, their own unawareness of their actions.

In our recent thread, you demanded that I present evidence of being
threatened by your words. You, and others also challenge the fact
that I do not offer any plan of my own that is better than existing
plans to change the behavior of Civilized man. As you can see, I gave
none. For doing so, would be an act of "reprogramming or
counterconditioning. both of which are based in Satanic Mind control.
The average man is completely unaware of how he is being manipulated
through such mind control tactics.

What I do as a Christ, a Simple man of Truth, is to just expose them
to themselves and leave them to decide for themselves whether to
change or not. You see, that is how Truth operates. It is the essence
of one and all, but buried under mountains of Satanic Conditioning.

What you, and others deal with is the Idea of Truth, rather than
resonating with the actual energy of Truth situated beyond the grasp
of the partially thinking Intellect. It is a shocking energy to be
sure. All ideas are false at the letter of the word expression, but
Truth can only be access by going to the spirit behind the word. The
letter of the word is subject to, and can be proven, the spirit of the
word is Truth. It stands on Its Own and cannot be, nor can it be
subject to proof. After all, how can the Whole be subjugated to the
Partial, yet isn't that what happens when our fictional, thought-based
satanic ruled Servant government foists it self upon its creator, the
Sovereign People.

It is such exposure which best descibes their unaware behavior that
is seen as so offensive to them.

What happens when one exposes another to themselves and the latter's
energy is reflected as being so negative as to be shocking to those
possessed of natural sensibilities. The illusion is destroyed and
will face the pain of their error and move away from it, Satanic ruled
people will try to keep such Truth hidden, and fortify themselves with
comfort of the Collective mind.

Where you and I have seemingly parted company, occurred recently
when I perceived the energies of a "power play" in motion. That is
activity which always traps one within the realm of Intellect That is
why I addressed the explosive Thread and exposed both you and I
equally to the inspection of the people, allowing them to see for
themselves the Truth.

What offends people the most about this living man is that they
sense I am different from them,-- AND UNQUESTIONABLY, I AM!

That is the first test of anyone who is bent on actual spiritual
change. Can they relate to the uncertain, uncomfortable unknown or do
they lapse into their comfort zone and fall back to draw collective
support to their present level of consciousness.

Arthur, Fiona, I hope this clarifies my position. I applaud your
work, for it is the best on the net, and your efforts are as good as
they get when it comes to bringing change in an "almost, but NO
CIGAR" intellectual environment. However, I do not seek power. I do
not seek organization, I do not seek a following and I will not become
enveigled into it through pressure.

Even you must acknowledge the existence of the Unknown.

Civilized Society is based in the reflection of Truth, but the
reflection can never be anything more than an Illusion, and civilized
man lives in that illusion.

The Spiritual Formula for Transcending Hell yet still maintaining
contact with it (being in this world but not of it) = NEGATE THE

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

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Change The Quality of Your Life Today
2013-05-15 20:44:07 UTC
Post by Raymond Karczewski
By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ
ROFLMAO. "A Living Christ". Christ, what a pucking futz.
