Common Law Copyrighting of Ones name, and Announcement prior to any statements made at forcible arrests and arraignments.
(too old to reply)
Raymond Karczewski
2012-09-16 21:11:41 UTC
Common Law Copyrighting of Ones name, and Announcement prior to any
statements made at forcible arrests and arraignments.

By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

Today, NOW, Begin by Common Law COPYRIGHTING your True name.
( See: http://www.arkenterprises.com/copyrigh.html Certified copy On
separation of your True Signature from the fictional trademark,
tradename, JURISTIC PERSON whose name is spelled in ALL CAPITAL
LETTERS thereby splitting and separating the two entities -- The
Living Man and the Fictional JURISTIC PERSON.

The current court system HAS unilateral JURISDICTION ONLY over the
JURISTIC PERSON, ITS OWN CREATION without your consent and applies to
victimless offenses. Therefore be wise when answering questions asked
by the court without regard to whom is being addressed. The living or
the Dead. When an exodus of the American People occurs from their
government imposed fictional 14th Amendment Status, the Corporate
State will have NO POWER over Free men and women of the Sovereign
People, the Creators of Government. One can see at that point wherein
the true power rests, the Sovereign People or the Fictional courts.

When arrested and brought forcibly before the court against your will
and BEFORE you answer verbally to your name when asked by the judge in
ALL MATTERS OF COLOR OF LAW, state clearly and simply:

I am not a 14th Amendment Citizen, nor have I knowingly and
voluntarily consented to be a member of the UNITED STATES Corporation,
this corporate State and its court. This court cannot proceed on the
presumption that I am either a member of the Corporation or a Surety
for the debts of the debtor defendant. I am a LIVING, BREATHING,
People, the creator of government, not its subject nor its slave. I
am not the JURISTIC PERSON, THE DEFENDANT, the name on the Complaint
spelled similar to mine but in all CAPITAL LETTERS. A Creation cannot
be greator than its Creator. I therefore challenge this fictional
court created by living men and women of the Sovereign People to prove
JURISDICTION over this living man. If this court cannot PROVE,
JURISDICTION in writing, as current law prescribes, prior to further
proceedings over this Living Man (Woman) this case must be dismissed.
I will remain silent, and proceed no further until such proof of

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Steve Hayes
2012-09-18 03:32:23 UTC
Post by Raymond Karczewski
Common Law Copyrighting of Ones name, and Announcement prior to any
statements made at forcible arrests and arraignments.
The primary theme of the works of Pynchon is a textual totality. Therefore,
the subject is contextualised into a submodernist cultural theory that
includes narrativity as a paradox. The premise of capitalist discourse implies
that government is capable of intentionality, given that Derrida’s critique of
modernism is valid.

If one examines capitalist discourse, one is faced with a choice: either
accept postdialectic discourse or conclude that reality comes from
communication. Thus, in The Crying of Lot 49, Pynchon denies capitalist
discourse; in V he deconstructs submodernist cultural theory. Many
appropriations concerning modernist narrative may be discovered.

It could be said that Lyotard promotes the use of submodernist cultural theory
to challenge the status quo. Foucault uses the term ‘capitalist discourse’ to
denote not semioticism as such, but neosemioticism.
Terms and conditions apply.

Steve Hayes