Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-23 05:26:00 UTC
HOSTAGE TO KHOMEINI by Robert Dreyfuss (New Benjamin Franklin House:
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...
Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)
About the author:
See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
From: AHWA <***>
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
Subject: @Unanswered: The Dirty Conspiracy of Silence between the
Khomeinists & Bahaim@)
In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.
What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.
Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.
These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other
Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.
Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!
In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets
In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on locating
those responsible, after initially suspecting the IRI, but not
first learning that this murder was indeed professionally done, and
one only capable of being executed by meticulous professional
assassins and hitmen, such as those regularly contracted by the
For instance, the FBI files show that no residue or finger prints or
hair or semen or anything else (there was no DNA technology being
back then) was found on the body. Jordan's body had been thoroughly
washed before being deposited in the garbage bag. Indeed this is the
work of well-paid contracted
killers, contracted killers who could only be paid by the sort of
monies at the disposal of Habib Sabet and the UHJ.
The following is one of the big, dirty skeletons in the closet of the
Baha'i offiocracy that is long overdue to be exposed, viz. that they
jointly were responsible together with the Khomeinists of murdering
the 1979 NSA of Iran and its contacts to save their own asses and
sleep easier with their monies and misdeeds under the Shah tucked
safely away. Luminaries such as Dr Ali-Morad Davudi, Professor of
Philosophy at Tehran University, specializing in the philosophy of
Aristotle, not to
mention Zhinus Mahmoudi as well as the father of Kavian Milani,
needlessly lost their lives (while their families were forever
deprived of their loved ones) to the whim of callous and corrupt
grubbing bastards such as Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yazdani and UHJ
such as Bora Kavelin. This is the true story of what happened to
poor people! This is also the endlessly true narrative of the
"religion/cult" founded by that demon Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri. This is
indeed the cult of the Devil!
Wahid Azal
HOSTAGE TO KHOMEINI by Robert Dreyfuss (New Benjamin Franklin House:
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...
Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)
About the author:
See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
From: AHWA <***>
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
Subject: @Unanswered: The Dirty Conspiracy of Silence between the
Khomeinists & Bahaim@)
In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.
What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.
Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.
These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other
Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.
Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!
In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets
In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on locating
those responsible, after initially suspecting the IRI, but not
first learning that this murder was indeed professionally done, and
one only capable of being executed by meticulous professional
assassins and hitmen, such as those regularly contracted by the
For instance, the FBI files show that no residue or finger prints or
hair or semen or anything else (there was no DNA technology being
back then) was found on the body. Jordan's body had been thoroughly
washed before being deposited in the garbage bag. Indeed this is the
work of well-paid contracted
killers, contracted killers who could only be paid by the sort of
monies at the disposal of Habib Sabet and the UHJ.
The following is one of the big, dirty skeletons in the closet of the
Baha'i offiocracy that is long overdue to be exposed, viz. that they
jointly were responsible together with the Khomeinists of murdering
the 1979 NSA of Iran and its contacts to save their own asses and
sleep easier with their monies and misdeeds under the Shah tucked
safely away. Luminaries such as Dr Ali-Morad Davudi, Professor of
Philosophy at Tehran University, specializing in the philosophy of
Aristotle, not to
mention Zhinus Mahmoudi as well as the father of Kavian Milani,
needlessly lost their lives (while their families were forever
deprived of their loved ones) to the whim of callous and corrupt
grubbing bastards such as Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yazdani and UHJ
such as Bora Kavelin. This is the true story of what happened to
poor people! This is also the endlessly true narrative of the
"religion/cult" founded by that demon Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri. This is
indeed the cult of the Devil!
Wahid Azal