The True Elders of ZION are the Bahaim/BRITISH!
(too old to reply)
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-23 05:26:00 UTC
HOSTAGE TO KHOMEINI by Robert Dreyfuss (New Benjamin Franklin House:
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)




...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...

Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)

About the author:

See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN


Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
From: AHWA <***@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
Subject: @Unanswered: The Dirty Conspiracy of Silence between the
Khomeinists & Bahaim@)

In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.

What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.

Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.

These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other

Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.

Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!

In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets

In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on locating
those responsible, after initially suspecting the IRI, but not
first learning that this murder was indeed professionally done, and
one only capable of being executed by meticulous professional
assassins and hitmen, such as those regularly contracted by the
For instance, the FBI files show that no residue or finger prints or
hair or semen or anything else (there was no DNA technology being
back then) was found on the body. Jordan's body had been thoroughly
washed before being deposited in the garbage bag. Indeed this is the
work of well-paid contracted
killers, contracted killers who could only be paid by the sort of
monies at the disposal of Habib Sabet and the UHJ.

The following is one of the big, dirty skeletons in the closet of the
Baha'i offiocracy that is long overdue to be exposed, viz. that they
jointly were responsible together with the Khomeinists of murdering
the 1979 NSA of Iran and its contacts to save their own asses and
sleep easier with their monies and misdeeds under the Shah tucked
safely away. Luminaries such as Dr Ali-Morad Davudi, Professor of
Philosophy at Tehran University, specializing in the philosophy of
Aristotle, not to
mention Zhinus Mahmoudi as well as the father of Kavian Milani,
needlessly lost their lives (while their families were forever
deprived of their loved ones) to the whim of callous and corrupt
grubbing bastards such as Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yazdani and UHJ
such as Bora Kavelin. This is the true story of what happened to
poor people! This is also the endlessly true narrative of the
"religion/cult" founded by that demon Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri. This is
indeed the cult of the Devil!

Wahid Azal
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-23 05:41:31 UTC
Also by Richard Dreyfuss

Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist
Islam is a book by Robert Dreyfuss, an investigative journalist. It
discusses how Western governments supported the growth of Islamic
radicals for several purposes.


The book addresses a number of different Middle Eastern interventions
made by the West, as outlined below.

Islamic Radicalism as a tool against Pro-Soviet Pan-Arabism

The book discusses how Western governments supported the growth of the
Muslim Brotherhood in order to sabotage the efforts of Pro-Soviet Arab
Nationalist leaders such as [Gamal] Abdul Nasser of Egypt. The goals
of Abdul Nasser were to end Western domination and control in the
Middle East. This was a great threat to Western interests, who used
the Islamic brotherhood to destabilize the Nassar government. The
Islamic Brotherhood continues to conduct terrorist activities in

Support of Islamic Radicalism as an Anti-Communist strategy

Dreyfuss also discusses how the West used Islamic radicalism to
suppress Communist movements in the Middle East and the rest of the
Islamic world. He provides a comprehensive review of the support of
Western governments for the Mujahadeen and Jihadi Islamic fighters,
who were trained and sent into Afghanistan. With the close support and
advice of CIA paramilitaries, these Islamic jihadists helped defeat
Soviet forces in Afghanistan. The book also describes the work of Dr.
Bernard Lewis and his model of Islamic Balkanization, where the CIA
secretly supported Islamic movements within the Soviet Union to
utilize them as Anti-Communist insurgents in the event of war. The
consequence of this CIA program is the present-day Islamic Chechan
separatist conflict that the Russians are fighting.

Islamic Radicalism as a divisive tactic

The author also discusses how the Israeli government supported the
growth of Hamas as a tool to fight the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO). The PLO was always viewed as the major threat to
Israel, because they were the more educated and secular Palestinians.
They had fought a very effective campaign against Israel, whereas
Hamas has had very limited success. The book predicts the current
Palestianian crisis where (PLO) Fatah and Hamas militias battled each
other in the streets of Gaza and in other parts of Palestine for
dominance over the Palestinian people. Dreyfuss claims that the
political and ecomomic isolation of Hamas is currently suffocating the
new government. Gaza is running out of gas and public workers have not
been paid for many months. This has been a strategic victory for
Israel in a classic example of divide and conquer.

Critical reception
Publisher's Weekly gave the book a "Starred Review", stating that it
"reaches farther and deeper into the sub
Seon Ferguson
2009-01-23 06:19:00 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement.
The shan was put in by the CIA during operation Ajax and used secret police
to terrorize the Iranian people. No wonder they hate us.
2009-01-24 07:09:08 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement.
The shan was put in by the CIA
...and the British government who initiated the whole fiasco to begin
with, thanks to the fact that Mohammad Mossadeq nationalized the ANGLO-
Iranian Oil Company and then won an international court victory at the
Hague against the limey bastards! They where also instrumental for
taking the Shah out, whichy is what the author of that books
Post by Seon Ferguson
No wonder they hate us.
There are those who also hate your elites and governments for taking
out the increasingly-become-independent Shah of the 1970s.

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-24 08:01:51 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement.
The shan was put in by the CIA
...and the British government who initiated the whole fiasco to begin
with, thanks to the fact that Mohammad Mossadeq nationalized the ANGLO-
Iranian Oil Company and then won an international court victory at the
Hague against the limey bastards! They where also instrumental for
taking the Shah out, whichy is what the author of that books
You are absolutely 100% right.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
No wonder they hate us.
There are those who also hate your elites and governments for taking
out the increasingly-become-independent Shah of the 1970s.
I didn't realise the CIA took him out as well but I wouldn't be surprised
wherever there is oil or American interests there will always be cia
sponsored coups.
All Bad
2009-01-24 14:32:42 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement.
The shan was put in by the CIA
...and the British government who initiated the whole fiasco to begin
with, thanks to the fact that Mohammad Mossadeq nationalized the ANGLO-
Iranian Oil Company and then won an international court victory at the
Hague against the limey bastards! They where also instrumental for
taking the Shah out, whichy is what the author of that books
You are absolutely 100% right.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
No wonder they hate us.
There are those who also hate your elites and governments for taking
out the increasingly-become-independent Shah of the 1970s.
I didn't realise the CIA took him out as well but I wouldn't be surprised
wherever there is oil or American interests there will always be cia
sponsored coups.
Iran took out the Shah. The CIA had nothing to do w/ it. W/o the facial
expressions, it is hard to tell if W is joking when he implies the CIA
deposed the Shah, or if his utterly vicarious disposition toward covert
conspiracy is blinding his view of reality.

- All Bad
Seon Ferguson
2009-01-24 21:50:08 UTC
Post by All Bad
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi'ite movement.
The shan was put in by the CIA
...and the British government who initiated the whole fiasco to begin
with, thanks to the fact that Mohammad Mossadeq nationalized the ANGLO-
Iranian Oil Company and then won an international court victory at the
Hague against the limey bastards! They where also instrumental for
taking the Shah out, whichy is what the author of that books
You are absolutely 100% right.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
No wonder they hate us.
There are those who also hate your elites and governments for taking
out the increasingly-become-independent Shah of the 1970s.
I didn't realise the CIA took him out as well but I wouldn't be surprised
wherever there is oil or American interests there will always be cia
sponsored coups.
Iran took out the Shah. The CIA had nothing to do w/ it. W/o the facial
expressions, it is hard to tell if W is joking when he implies the CIA
deposed the Shah, or if his utterly vicarious disposition toward covert
conspiracy is blinding his view of reality.
- All Bad
I wouldn't be the least bit suppressed if the CIA was involved though. Did
you know Jimmy Carter actually let the Shan go to America after he was
overthrown and exiled? In fact America has had a long history of supporting
dictators. The Shan, Saddam Hussein (who's party was put in power by the
CIA), Osama Binladen (who was treated at an American hospital after the USS
Cole bombing-ok to be fair he's a terrorist not a dictator) and the list
goes on.
All Bad
2009-01-24 23:51:23 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by All Bad
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi'ite movement.
The shan was put in by the CIA
...and the British government who initiated the whole fiasco to begin
with, thanks to the fact that Mohammad Mossadeq nationalized the ANGLO-
Iranian Oil Company and then won an international court victory at the
Hague against the limey bastards! They where also instrumental for
taking the Shah out, whichy is what the author of that books
You are absolutely 100% right.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
No wonder they hate us.
There are those who also hate your elites and governments for taking
out the increasingly-become-independent Shah of the 1970s.
I didn't realise the CIA took him out as well but I wouldn't be
surprised wherever there is oil or American interests there will always
be cia sponsored coups.
Iran took out the Shah. The CIA had nothing to do w/ it. W/o the facial
expressions, it is hard to tell if W is joking when he implies the CIA
deposed the Shah, or if his utterly vicarious disposition toward covert
conspiracy is blinding his view of reality.
- All Bad
I wouldn't be the least bit suppressed if the CIA was involved though. Did
you know Jimmy Carter actually let the Shan go to America after he was
overthrown and exiled? In fact America has had a long history of supporting
This would be inconsistent with the CIA deposing him. The CIA did in
Pinochet, not the Shah.

- All Bad
Post by Seon Ferguson
dictators. The Shan, Saddam Hussein (who's party was put in power by the
CIA), Osama Binladen (who was treated at an American hospital after the
USS Cole bombing-ok to be fair he's a terrorist not a dictator) and the
list goes on.
2009-01-25 01:27:06 UTC
Post by All Bad
This would be inconsistent with the CIA deposing him.
Not at all. Jimmy Carter was also reluctant to let the Shah into the
US for treatment of his lymphatic cancer. Once after intense lobbying
by former Nixon-Ford administration people, they let him; and then the
US Embassy hostage fiasco ensued for the next 444 days.
Post by All Bad
 The CIA did in
Pinochet, not the Shah.
They did it in both cases. The Shah was deposed - scholar Andrew
Cooper uses the word "removed" - by the same Anglo-American corporate/
intelligence alliance that had put him in and deposed Mossadeq in


Seon Ferguson
2009-01-25 04:13:37 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by All Bad
This would be inconsistent with the CIA deposing him.
Not at all. Jimmy Carter was also reluctant to let the Shah into the
US for treatment of his lymphatic cancer. Once after intense lobbying
by former Nixon-Ford administration people, they let him; and then the
US Embassy hostage fiasco ensued for the next 444 days.
Post by All Bad
The CIA did in
Pinochet, not the Shah.
They did it in both cases. The Shah was deposed - scholar Andrew
Cooper uses the word "removed" - by the same Anglo-American corporate/
intelligence alliance that had put him in and deposed Mossadeq in
"Andrew Scott Cooper, a contributor to the Autumn issue of the Middle East
Journal and a PhD candidate at Victoria University in New Zealand, has
combed through recently de-classified documents tracing a secret oil deal
that help explain Iran's 1977 economic crisis that undercut the Shah's power
and eventually helped lead to the Iranian Revolution"

Instead of using the CIA America used more tricky means. Like when they
provoked Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. Or I should say those in charge of
2009-01-25 05:31:35 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Instead of using the CIA America used more tricky means. Like when they
provoked Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. Or I should say those in charge of
They used tricky means as well as the CIA. The Shah had become too
independent for the liking of Western economic and political elites.
He had to go, simple as that, otherwise Iran would've turned into an
economic and military Japan-success-story by the mid-80s and
completely tilted the economic and geopolitical balance in the region
forever. Andrew Scott Cooper is basically providing the documentation
to what 99% of Iranian - whether pro- or con- - already knew about who
"really" got rid of him. Modern political revolutions are all cases of
mass "manufactured consent" executed in real time, and Iran 1978-9 was
the test-case!

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-25 06:28:21 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
Instead of using the CIA America used more tricky means. Like when they
provoked Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. Or I should say those in charge of
They used tricky means as well as the CIA. The Shah had become too
independent for the liking of Western economic and political elites.
He had to go, simple as that, otherwise Iran would've turned into an
economic and military Japan-success-story by the mid-80s and
completely tilted the economic and geopolitical balance in the region
forever. Andrew Scott Cooper is basically providing the documentation
to what 99% of Iranian - whether pro- or con- - already knew about who
"really" got rid of him. Modern political revolutions are all cases of
mass "manufactured consent" executed in real time, and Iran 1978-9 was
the test-case!
So is that the same reason they took out Saddam? Or did it just suit their
agenda. That's what they do one day were best buddies the next they are the
new Hitler. Its hard to keep track. Keith Oblerman is another good reporter.
he reported on Dick Cheyney suggesting they stage false flag attacks so the
US could invade Iran.
2009-01-25 07:31:21 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
So is that the same reason they took out Saddam? Or did it just suit their
Both reasons. Both Saddam and the Shah were installed by American psy-
op/elite interests. Both were taken out when becoming independent of
their former leash holders. This is the same story across the board
with the yanks. They did in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nicaruaga,
Cuba, Philipines, South Vietnam, etc, as well.
Post by Seon Ferguson
That's what they do one day were best buddies the next they are the
new Hitler.
Yes. Sounds also quite like the Bahaim here as well. They are also
this way - to the last man.
Post by Seon Ferguson
Its hard to keep track. Keith Oblerman is another good reporter.
he reported on Dick Cheyney suggesting they stage false flag attacks so the
US could invade Iran
Too late now. Both the yanks and the kikes lost their chance for an
invasion and/or successful preemptive attack on Iranian nuclear
facilities 18 months ago. Now the strategy they need to adopt is to
get the regime to moderate itself once more and willingly stop its
enrichment program, given incentives. Prospects for another revolution
are nil, no thanks to George W Bush and the Neo-Cons who completely
pushed back any credible possibility of getting rid of the Islamic
Republic over to another generation in the future. With Obama in now,
the possibility of getting the reformists back in power again is the
way to go. Regime change will neither work nor happen, and attempts to
do so will strengthen the hardliners and the regime even further, not
to mention trigger a massive regional conflagaration where, in the
end, everybody losses - particularly when an IsraHELL pushed against a
wall to near breaking point starts detonating its nuclear arsenal. The
hope is for the reformists. If the reformists get in again, they can
come to a decent arrangement with the US and even re-establish full
diplomatic relations with the US eventually thereby undercutting the
hardliners forever. If the yanks can offer a good deal to the Iranians
to come to the party, provided the reformists can come back, a quid
pro quo would to some degree entail cutting IsraHELL to size. Let's
see what happens now. Maybe Obama will accomplish in the Mid East what
every US President since Kennedy has only wet-dreamed about. I truly
wish this man well in his endeavour and hope he does succeed!

That said, the jury is finally in that the yanks (or the Anglo-
American elite) overthrew the Shah! It is no longer the speculation of
conspiracy theorists positing it; it is full blown academics in the
field proving with meticulous documentary evidence what has already
been known and held by virtually every Iranian old enough to remember

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-25 09:28:21 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
So is that the same reason they took out Saddam? Or did it just suit their
Both reasons. Both Saddam and the Shah were installed by American psy-
op/elite interests. Both were taken out when becoming independent of
their former leash holders. This is the same story across the board
with the yanks. They did in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Nicaruaga,
Cuba, Philipines, South Vietnam, etc, as well.
Yep a few years ago I would have laughed but after actually looking into
what the CIA actually does i agree.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
That's what they do one day were best buddies the next they are the
new Hitler.
Yes. Sounds also quite like the Bahaim here as well. They are also
this way - to the last man.
Oh who did they used to support? I just know about some of the dictators the
US has supported over the years.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
Its hard to keep track. Keith Oblerman is another good reporter.
he reported on Dick Cheyney suggesting they stage false flag attacks so the
US could invade Iran
Too late now. Both the yanks and the kikes lost their chance for an
invasion and/or successful preemptive attack on Iranian nuclear
facilities 18 months ago. Now the strategy they need to adopt is to
get the regime to moderate itself once more and willingly stop its
enrichment program, given incentives. Prospects for another revolution
are nil, no thanks to George W Bush and the Neo-Cons who completely
pushed back any credible possibility of getting rid of the Islamic
Republic over to another generation in the future. With Obama in now,
the possibility of getting the reformists back in power again is the
way to go. Regime change will neither work nor happen, and attempts to
do so will strengthen the hardliners and the regime even further, not
to mention trigger a massive regional conflagaration where, in the
end, everybody losses - particularly when an IsraHELL pushed against a
wall to near breaking point starts detonating its nuclear arsenal. The
hope is for the reformists. If the reformists get in again, they can
come to a decent arrangement with the US and even re-establish full
diplomatic relations with the US eventually thereby undercutting the
hardliners forever. If the yanks can offer a good deal to the Iranians
to come to the party, provided the reformists can come back, a quid
pro quo would to some degree entail cutting IsraHELL to size. Let's
see what happens now. Maybe Obama will accomplish in the Mid East what
every US President since Kennedy has only wet-dreamed about. I truly
wish this man well in his endeavour and hope he does succeed!
So do I. I hope Obama really is an agent for change. The neocons have lost
all credibility with Bush and yes lost their chance to invade Iran. I doubt
the Americans will be stupid enough to elect them for a long time. I to hope
the reformers can peacefully and democratically change the regime in Iran
but I also hope its a more moderate Islamic regeme. Christians and Jews are
well treated in Iran. I'm not sure what the reformers philosophy is. Also
you are right about the hardliners. Invading Iran will get them even angrier
at us. Ron Paul says provoking the Muslims is what the neocons want. Maybe
they want a 3rd world war or another 911. I know they want another war with
Russia. It was only defending its self last year. Georgia attacked it first.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
That said, the jury is finally in that the yanks (or the Anglo-
American elite) overthrew the Shah! It is no longer the speculation of
conspiracy theorists positing it; it is full blown academics in the
field proving with meticulous documentary evidence what has already
been known and held by virtually every Iranian old enough to remember
Yep it's a conspiracy fact. People wonder why they hate us, well this is one
of the reasons. I for one am ashamed what the west has done in Iran in our
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
2009-01-26 00:55:16 UTC
On Jan 25, 7:28 pm, "Seon Ferguson" <***@gmail.com> wrote:

Post by Seon Ferguson
I for one am ashamed what the west has done in Iran in our
In your name? I thought you said you live in Wagga Wagga, New South
Wales, Australia?

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-26 01:11:13 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
I for one am ashamed what the west has done in Iran in our
In your name? I thought you said you live in Wagga Wagga, New South
Wales, Australia?
Actually I moved to Canberra, ACT. They did it in the name of the west and
I'm the west.
2009-01-26 03:01:28 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
I for one am ashamed what the west has done in Iran in our
In your name? I thought you said you live in Wagga Wagga, New South
Wales, Australia?
Actually I moved to Canberra, ACT. They did it in the name of the west and
I'm the west.
That's funny, that must've been a recent move since recently you were
still telling people you are still in Wagga:


Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at


Previously you were telling people you were a TAFE student and not a
Uni. student. Furthermore, there is no school of Philosophy at Charles
Sturt University in Wagga Wagga. There is a Philosophy program
connected to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, but no
specific *School of Philosophy*:
particularly as there are only four faculty attached to the program -
which hardly qualifies as a full-blown school!

Surely if you were a bona student fide student there you would know a
distinction such as this. Need to keep your stories straight, I should

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-26 04:52:09 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
That's funny, that must've been a recent move since recently you were
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December then there
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a mistake and
should have wrote went to)
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
and majored in it when I was at
Previously you were telling people you were a TAFE student and not a
Uni. student.
I graduated university in 2005. I will be happy to mail you a photocopy of
my university transcript. I started TAFE in July or August of 2008. I will
also send you a copy of my TAFE transcript to prove what I am saying.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Furthermore, there is no school of Philosophy at Charles
Sturt University in Wagga Wagga. There is a Philosophy program
connected to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, but no
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I went to it
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
particularly as there are only four faculty attached to the program -
which hardly qualifies as a full-blown school!
Surely if you were a bona student fide student there you would know a
distinction such as this. Need to keep your stories straight, I should
2009-01-26 07:06:52 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December then there
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a mistake and
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
That's not what you say here in 2008:

Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I went to it
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
This your own words verbatim from the site in question:

Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-26 07:33:38 UTC
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December then there
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a mistake and
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I went to it
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended the school
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.
2009-01-26 07:57:35 UTC
On Jan 26, 5:33 pm, "Seon Ferguson"
Post by Seon Ferguson
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended the school
of philosophy when I went to university.
Would they?
Post by Seon Ferguson
I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say.
Recall last year.
Post by Seon Ferguson
No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you >stab them in the back
LOL! Look around you, I'm not here to win a popularity contest or

2009-01-26 20:27:30 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December then there
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a mistake and
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I went to it
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended the school
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
Seon Ferguson
2009-01-26 22:07:30 UTC
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December then there
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I went
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended the school
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.-
Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
That's even more paranoid then him thinking I'm a bahai agent. How many
people have gotten letters from the embassies? Is there evidence Iran has
done this before and what's the point especially since I have never lived in
Iran or even been to Iran. The only contact with Iran I have had is knowing
people who have left it because they were persecuted.
2009-01-26 23:09:38 UTC
Paranoid Seon? :-) You were wondering about "back stabing" and I
gave you some of his past 10 years history. How many people got mails
from Iranian embassies becuase of this prick? 3 that I know of. The
point is that these people have someone in Iran to go back to and you
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December then there
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I went
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended the school
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.-
Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission  has been and is  to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
That's even more paranoid then him thinking I'm a bahai agent. How many
people have gotten letters from the embassies? Is there evidence Iran has
done this before and what's the point especially since I have never lived in
Iran or even been to Iran. The only contact with Iran I have had is knowing
people who have left it because they were persecuted.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 03:28:37 UTC
Oh so Iran can do something to their families if they don't shut up. Its
still a bit far fetched.
Post by mash_ghasem
Paranoid Seon? :-) You were wondering about "back stabing" and I
gave you some of his past 10 years history. How many people got mails
from Iranian embassies becuase of this prick? 3 that I know of. The
point is that these people have someone in Iran to go back to and you
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I went
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended the school
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.-
Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
That's even more paranoid then him thinking I'm a bahai agent. How many
people have gotten letters from the embassies? Is there evidence Iran has
done this before and what's the point especially since I have never lived in
Iran or even been to Iran. The only contact with Iran I have had is knowing
people who have left it because they were persecuted.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2009-01-27 03:32:20 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Oh so Iran can do something to their families if they don't shut up. Its
still a bit far fetched.
These are empty accusations without substance your Bahaim friends,
i.e. the ones who pay for your presence here, have been making for
three decades. Nothing happens to anyone. If they have documentation
to the contrary, they can post it.

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 07:09:58 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by Seon Ferguson
Oh so Iran can do something to their families if they don't shut up. Its
still a bit far fetched.
These are empty accusations without substance your Bahaim friends,
i.e. the ones who pay for your presence here, have been making for
three decades. Nothing happens to anyone. If they have documentation
to the contrary, they can post it.
Just like the one's you make up about me.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 07:24:34 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Just like the one's you make up about me.
I've made up nothing about you. You've made up plenty about yourself
and left trails.

2009-01-27 01:24:53 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December then there
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a mistake and
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I went to it
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended the school
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
 Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years.
Only an agent of 10 years would know who another agent is, which makes
you an agent of the IRI.


2009-01-27 01:33:48 UTC
Post by mash_ghasem
Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI.
If you're going to make up stories, at least make them believable, SAG
BAHAI. Who did I know who got mail from the Embassy of the Islamic
Republic of Iran as a result of any communication have to do with me.
Name one name and then post the mail here. Let's see it. Put your
money where your mouth this, tork-i-khar!


All Bad
2009-01-27 02:17:32 UTC
"mash_ghasem" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:1c783761-824b-46ab-a1d2-***@x16g2000prn.googlegroups.com...

MG: Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.

AB: Well that explains his fantasy about _other_ people being paid to be
here. He is on line for the money himself. I can't help but wonder who
else is paying him a few bucks to be here and what whorish tricks he does
for the dough?

AB: I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs. I'm sorry to read that.

- All Bad
2009-01-27 03:23:15 UTC
AB:  I think that is really apalling that he sold out >SCI contributors to
the Mullahs.  I'm sorry to read that.
This coming from a guy who works in the weapons manufacturing

US&aid=5668 -)

Pat Kohli, NCW Open Architecture Lead, demonstrated how the E-2/C-2
program office (PMA-231) is continuously evaluating and implementing
softwaremodernization to facilitate transition of the existing E-2
operational flight program to an environment using commercially
available systems. Venlet said, "The Naval Aviation Enterprise has
embraced open architecture as afundamental building block of weapon
system development from its very inception. Ourgovernment/industry
teams continue to leverage these open system strategies and concepts
in achieving reduction in overall development cycle times and
deliveringincreased system capabilities to the Fleet faster and
cheaper. The advantages ofintegrating open architecture designs and
contracting strategies are measurable and pronounced as is
substantiated by our E-2D Advanced Hawkeye and P-8 Multi-Mission
Aircraft development programs. The key to continued success will be
maintaining theclose partnership with industry experts, as we provide
the right capabilities, at the righttime and right cost to the joint
warfighter."The E-2 Hawkeye team has been representing and directly
supporting Venlet's executiveoffice - the aviation domain lead for
open architecture initiatives - since June 2004, because of its role
as a battle management command and control platform and a
centralnetwork communications node in aviation. E-2 Program Manager
Capt. Randy Mahrsaid, "Today's evolving E-2 open architecture model
paves the way for a more maturesystem to be used by the E-2D prior to
it taking its place in the fleet.
2009-01-27 03:28:20 UTC
On Jan 27, 12:17 pm, "All Bad"
AB:  I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs.  I'm sorry to read that.
Or it sounds more like sour grapes on your part, especially in light

US&aid=5668 -)

Pat Kohli, NCW Open Architecture Lead, demonstrated how the E-2/C-2
program office (PMA-231) is continuously evaluating and implementing
softwaremodernization to facilitate transition of the existing E-2
operational flight program to an environment using commercially
available systems. Venlet said, "The Naval Aviation Enterprise has
embraced open architecture as afundamental building block of weapon
system development from its very inception. Ourgovernment/industry
teams continue to leverage these open system strategies and concepts
in achieving reduction in overall development cycle times and
deliveringincreased system capabilities to the Fleet faster and
cheaper. The advantages ofintegrating open architecture designs and
contracting strategies are measurable and pronounced as is
substantiated by our E-2D Advanced Hawkeye and P-8 Multi-Mission
Aircraft development programs. The key to continued success will be
maintaining theclose partnership with industry experts, as we provide
the right capabilities, at the righttime and right cost to the joint
warfighter."The E-2 Hawkeye team has been representing and directly
supporting Venlet's executiveoffice - the aviation domain lead for
open architecture initiatives - since June 2004, because of its role
as a battle management command and control platform and a
centralnetwork communications node in aviation. E-2 Program Manager
Capt. Randy Mahrsaid, "Today's evolving E-2 open architecture model
paves the way for a more maturesystem to be used by the E-2D prior to
it taking its place in the fleet.


Description. The advanced airborne surveillance radar and other
sensor and avionics improvements being implemented will combine with
major structural and system improvements to continue the Hawkeye’s
steady development as the Navy’s only all-weather, carrier-based
tactical warning and control system aircraft.

Note well from below:

1) "net centric architecture will be the Navy’s transformational
FORCEnet enabler."

2) "Increased battlespace awareness, improved detection and
as well as the sensor-to-shooter link will compress the kill chain
against time-sensitive targets to support the Sea Strike mission.
Radar and ESM information will be added to the overall situational
awareness of the command net. UAV imagery and radar data will be
included in the overall E-2D operation."

U.S. Navy

Naval Air Systems Command


47123 Buse Road Unit IPT

Patuxent River, Maryland (MD) 20670-1547


E-2D Mission Processor COTS Open Architecture

The Advanced Hawkeye is being designed to fully support the Chief of
Naval Operation’s plan to support the Sea Power 21 Vision. The
specifically targets the following:

The communications suite and net centric architecture will be the
Navy’s transformational FORCEnet enabler. This includes the ability
to provide target information and sensor cues to the Global
Information Grid (GIG). AHE will also receive inputs from the GIG to
improve its Battle Management mission.

Increased battlespace awareness, improved detection and tracking, as
well as the sensor-to-shooter link will compress the kill chain
against time-sensitive targets to support the Sea Strike mission.
Radar and ESM information will be added to the overall situational
awareness of the command net. UAV imagery and radar data will be
included in the overall E-2D operation.
2009-01-27 03:29:53 UTC
On Jan 27, 12:17 pm, "All Bad"
Post by All Bad
AB: I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs. I'm sorry to read that.
Or it sounds more like sour grapes on your part, especially in light

US&aid=5668 -)

Pat Kohli, NCW Open Architecture Lead, demonstrated how the E-2/C-2
program office (PMA-231) is continuously evaluating and implementing
softwaremodernization to facilitate transition of the existing E-2
operational flight program to an environment using commercially
available systems. Venlet said, "The Naval Aviation Enterprise has
embraced open architecture as afundamental building block of weapon
system development from its very inception. Ourgovernment/industry
teams continue to leverage these open system strategies and concepts
in achieving reduction in overall development cycle times and
deliveringincreased system capabilities to the Fleet faster and
cheaper. The advantages ofintegrating open architecture designs and
contracting strategies are measurable and pronounced as is
substantiated by our E-2D Advanced Hawkeye and P-8 Multi-Mission
Aircraft development programs. The key to continued success will be
maintaining theclose partnership with industry experts, as we provide
the right capabilities, at the righttime and right cost to the joint
warfighter."The E-2 Hawkeye team has been representing and directly
supporting Venlet's executiveoffice - the aviation domain lead for
open architecture initiatives - since June 2004, because of its role
as a battle management command and control platform and a
centralnetwork communications node in aviation. E-2 Program Manager
Capt. Randy Mahrsaid, "Today's evolving E-2 open architecture model
paves the way for a more maturesystem to be used by the E-2D prior to
it taking its place in the fleet.


Description. The advanced airborne surveillance radar and other
sensor and avionics improvements being implemented will combine with
major structural and system improvements to continue the Hawkeye’s
steady development as the Navy’s only all-weather, carrier-based
tactical warning and control system aircraft.

Note well from below:

1) "net centric architecture will be the Navy’s transformational
FORCEnet enabler."

2) "Increased battlespace awareness, improved detection and
as well as the sensor-to-shooter link will compress the kill chain
against time-sensitive targets to support the Sea Strike mission.
Radar and ESM information will be added to the overall situational
awareness of the command net. UAV imagery and radar data will be
included in the overall E-2D operation."

U.S. Navy

Naval Air Systems Command


47123 Buse Road Unit IPT

Patuxent River, Maryland (MD) 20670-1547


E-2D Mission Processor COTS Open Architecture

The Advanced Hawkeye is being designed to fully support the Chief of
Naval Operation’s plan to support the Sea Power 21 Vision. The
specifically targets the following:

The communications suite and net centric architecture will be the
Navy’s transformational FORCEnet enabler. This includes the ability
to provide target information and sensor cues to the Global
Information Grid (GIG). AHE will also receive inputs from the GIG to
improve its Battle Management mission.

Increased battlespace awareness, improved detection and tracking, as
well as the sensor-to-shooter link will compress the kill chain
against time-sensitive targets to support the Sea Strike mission.
Radar and ESM information will be added to the overall situational
awareness of the command net. UAV imagery and radar data will be
included in the overall E-2D operation.
All Bad
2009-01-27 12:21:18 UTC
"Sock-Puppet'ullah" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:169d11f7-886a-4f4d-8eea-***@p23g2000prp.googlegroups.com...
On Jan 27, 12:17 pm, "All Bad"
Post by All Bad
AB: I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs. I'm sorry to read that.
Or it sounds more like sour grapes on your part, especially in light

US&aid=5668 -)

Pat Kohli, NCW Open Architecture Lead, demonstrated how the E-2/C-2
program office (PMA-231) is continuously evaluating and implementing
softwaremodernization to facilitate transition of the existing E-2
operational flight program to an environment using commercially
available systems. Venlet said, "The Naval Aviation Enterprise has
embraced open architecture as afundamental building block of weapon
system development from its very inception. Ourgovernment/industry
teams continue to leverage these open system strategies and concepts
in achieving reduction in overall development cycle times and
deliveringincreased system capabilities to the Fleet faster and
cheaper. The advantages ofintegrating open architecture designs and
contracting strategies are measurable and pronounced as is
substantiated by our E-2D Advanced Hawkeye and P-8 Multi-Mission
Aircraft development programs. The key to continued success will be
maintaining theclose partnership with industry experts, as we provide
the right capabilities, at the righttime and right cost to the joint
warfighter."The E-2 Hawkeye team has been representing and directly
supporting Venlet's executiveoffice - the aviation domain lead for
open architecture initiatives - since June 2004, because of its role
as a battle management command and control platform and a
centralnetwork communications node in aviation. E-2 Program Manager
Capt. Randy Mahrsaid, "Today's evolving E-2 open architecture model
paves the way for a more maturesystem to be used by the E-2D prior to
it taking its place in the fleet.

2009-01-27 13:15:26 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
On Jan 27, 12:17 pm, "All Bad"
Post by All Bad
AB: I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs. I'm sorry to read that.
Or it sounds more like sour grapes on your part, especially in light
US&aid=5668 -)
Pat Kohli, NCW Open Architecture Lead, demonstrated how the E-2/C-2
program office (PMA-231) is continuously evaluating and implementing
softwaremodernization to facilitate transition of the existing E-2
operational flight program to an environment using commercially
available systems. Venlet said, "The Naval Aviation Enterprise has
embraced open architecture as afundamental building block of weapon
system development from its very inception. Ourgovernment/industry
teams continue to leverage these open system strategies and concepts
in achieving reduction in overall development cycle times and
deliveringincreased system capabilities to the Fleet faster and
cheaper. The advantages ofintegrating open architecture designs and
contracting strategies are measurable and pronounced as is
substantiated by our E-2D Advanced Hawkeye and P-8 Multi-Mission
Aircraft development programs. The key to continued success will be
maintaining theclose partnership with industry experts, as we provide
the right capabilities, at the righttime and right cost to the joint
warfighter."The E-2 Hawkeye team has been representing and directly
supporting Venlet's executiveoffice - the aviation domain lead for
open architecture initiatives - since June 2004, because of its role
as a battle management command and control platform and a
centralnetwork communications node in aviation. E-2 Program Manager
Capt. Randy Mahrsaid, "Today's evolving E-2 open architecture model
paves the way for a more maturesystem to be used by the E-2D prior to
it taking its place in the fleet.
You need to read what has been written very, very carefully.
All Bad
2009-01-27 23:35:55 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
On Jan 27, 12:17 pm, "All Bad"
Post by All Bad
AB: I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs. I'm sorry to read that.
Or it sounds more like sour grapes on your part, especially in light
US&aid=5668 -)
Pat Kohli, NCW Open Architecture Lead, demonstrated how the E-2/C-2
program office (PMA-231) is continuously evaluating and implementing
softwaremodernization to facilitate transition of the existing E-2
operational flight program to an environment using commercially
available systems. Venlet said, "The Naval Aviation Enterprise has
embraced open architecture as afundamental building block of weapon
system development from its very inception. Ourgovernment/industry
teams continue to leverage these open system strategies and concepts
in achieving reduction in overall development cycle times and
deliveringincreased system capabilities to the Fleet faster and
cheaper. The advantages ofintegrating open architecture designs and
contracting strategies are measurable and pronounced as is
substantiated by our E-2D Advanced Hawkeye and P-8 Multi-Mission
Aircraft development programs. The key to continued success will be
maintaining theclose partnership with industry experts, as we provide
the right capabilities, at the righttime and right cost to the joint
warfighter."The E-2 Hawkeye team has been representing and directly
supporting Venlet's executiveoffice - the aviation domain lead for
open architecture initiatives - since June 2004, because of its role
as a battle management command and control platform and a
centralnetwork communications node in aviation. E-2 Program Manager
Capt. Randy Mahrsaid, "Today's evolving E-2 open architecture model
paves the way for a more maturesystem to be used by the E-2D prior to
it taking its place in the fleet.
You need to read what has been written very, very carefully.
Excuse me? UAVs? Hello? You or W googled for "Kohli" and UAV in the same
search, then found one or two hits, then copied from "Kohli" to "UAV" and
pasted here. What could I need to read? I have seen monkeys in the zoo.
The two of you have asserted that Pat Kohli, who never worked on UAVs, did,
and what confronted with your lie, you and him looked for some fig leaf that
might explain this, and came up short.

Could you imagine the possible effect if someone interviewed Pat Kohli,
having googled this group, read your and Weasel's assertions on UAVs, read
the Kohli CV and detected the UAV discrepancy (one says yes on UAV and one
says no on UAVs)? Someone might think Kohli trimmed his UAV experience out
of the CV and that would look extremely suspicious. What would you do if you
were denied a promotion because someone had lied about you in public and for
no obvious reason?

You have nothing but your own bad karma, Bill!

- All Bad
2009-01-28 00:53:00 UTC
Post by All Bad
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
On Jan 27, 12:17 pm, "All Bad"
Post by All Bad
AB: I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs. I'm sorry to read that.
Or it sounds more like sour grapes on your part, especially in light
US&aid=5668 -)
Pat Kohli, NCW Open Architecture Lead, demonstrated how the E-2/C-2
program office (PMA-231) is continuously evaluating and implementing
softwaremodernization to facilitate transition of the existing E-2
operational flight program to an environment using commercially
available systems. Venlet said, "The Naval Aviation Enterprise has
embraced open architecture as afundamental building block of weapon
system development from its very inception. Ourgovernment/industry
teams continue to leverage these open system strategies and concepts
in achieving reduction in overall development cycle times and
deliveringincreased system capabilities to the Fleet faster and
cheaper. The advantages ofintegrating open architecture designs and
contracting strategies are measurable and pronounced as is
substantiated by our E-2D Advanced Hawkeye and P-8 Multi-Mission
Aircraft development programs. The key to continued success will be
maintaining theclose partnership with industry experts, as we provide
the right capabilities, at the righttime and right cost to the joint
warfighter."The E-2 Hawkeye team has been representing and directly
supporting Venlet's executiveoffice - the aviation domain lead for
open architecture initiatives - since June 2004, because of its role
as a battle management command and control platform and a
centralnetwork communications node in aviation. E-2 Program Manager
Capt. Randy Mahrsaid, "Today's evolving E-2 open architecture model
paves the way for a more maturesystem to be used by the E-2D prior to
it taking its place in the fleet.
You need to read what has been written very, very carefully.
Excuse me? UAVs? Hello? You or W googled for "Kohli" and UAV in the same
search, then found one or two hits, then copied from "Kohli" to "UAV" and
pasted here. What could I need to read? I have seen monkeys in the zoo.
The two of you have asserted that Pat Kohli, who never worked on UAVs, did,
and what confronted with your lie, you and him looked for some fig leaf that
might explain this, and came up short.
I think you'll find it's not quite as straightforward as that. It's
subtle, but important.
Post by All Bad
Could you imagine the possible effect if someone interviewed Pat Kohli,
having googled this group, read your and Weasel's assertions on UAVs, read
the Kohli CV and detected the UAV discrepancy (one says yes on UAV and one
says no on UAVs)? Someone might think Kohli trimmed his UAV experience out
of the CV and that would look extremely suspicious.
What would you do if you
were denied a promotion because someone had lied about you in public and for
no obvious reason?
This scenario is highly unlikely.
Post by All Bad
You have nothing but your own bad karma, Bill!
- All Bad
I don't think it's the right time for you to be talking about my 'bad
All Bad
2009-01-28 01:38:01 UTC
<***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:3c1259fc-c0b7-4fd0-adaf-***@s1g2000prg.googlegroups.com...
Post by m***@gmail.com
I don't think it's the right time for you to be talking about my 'bad
You keep smacking me w/ your lies. How could I miss it? Because you are a
liar, I imagine you have to ignore it, err, _pretend_ to ignore it..

- All Bad
2009-01-27 04:39:16 UTC
MG:  Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission  has been and is  to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
AB:  Well that explains his fantasy about _other_ people being paid to be
here.  He is on line for the money himself.  I can't help but wonder who
else is paying him a few bucks to be here and what whorish tricks he does
for the dough?
AB:  I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs.  I'm sorry to read that.
- All Bad
Very foolish move, Pat. Very foolish indeed. You've really shown
yourself up this time. Your immediate and transparent response to
this person's post is especially troubling given that you work in the
military. You really should have asked him for evidence before hand-
you know, just for appearances. The door to future legal action is now
well and truly open.
All Bad
2009-01-27 12:14:28 UTC
MG: Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
AB: Well that explains his fantasy about _other_ people being paid to be
here. He is on line for the money himself. I can't help but wonder who
else is paying him a few bucks to be here and what whorish tricks he does
for the dough?
AB: I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs. I'm sorry to read that.
- All Bad
MIA1: Very foolish move, Pat. Very foolish indeed. You've really shown
yourself up this time. Your immediate and transparent response to
this person's post is especially troubling given that you work in the
military. You really should have asked him for evidence before hand-
you know, just for appearances. The door to future legal action is now
well and truly open.

AB: Maybe your are getting the hang of this place. Oh, that is right, I
recall you started out w/ wild accusations, didn't you? Do you see what you
look like through other people's eyes, Bill Ayers? So, your feigned legal
concern is not as funny as it might seem to be.

- All Bad
2009-01-27 13:12:59 UTC
MG: Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
AB: Well that explains his fantasy about _other_ people being paid to be
here. He is on line for the money himself. I can't help but wonder who
else is paying him a few bucks to be here and what whorish tricks he does
for the dough?
AB: I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs. I'm sorry to read that.
- All Bad
MIA1:  Very foolish move, Pat. Very foolish indeed. You've really shown
yourself up this time.  Your immediate and transparent response to
this person's post is especially troubling given that you work in the
military. You really should have asked him for evidence before hand-
you know, just for appearances. The door to future legal action is now
well and truly open.
AB:  Maybe your are getting the hang of this place.  Oh, that is right, I
recall you started out w/ wild accusations, didn't you?  Do you see what you
look like through other people's eyes, Bill Ayers? So, your feigned legal
concern is not as funny as it might seem to be.
- All Bad
Save your self-help section, reverse pop-psychology for the courtroom.
They won’t buy it after what you’ve done. You’ve crossed the line,
Pat. You know it.
If there was an attorney worth their salt advising you right now, they
would tell you the same thing.
All Bad
2009-01-27 23:29:05 UTC
MG: Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
AB: Well that explains his fantasy about _other_ people being paid to be
here. He is on line for the money himself. I can't help but wonder who
else is paying him a few bucks to be here and what whorish tricks he does
for the dough?
AB: I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs. I'm sorry to read that.
- All Bad
MIA1: Very foolish move, Pat. Very foolish indeed. You've really shown
yourself up this time. Your immediate and transparent response to
this person's post is especially troubling given that you work in the
military. You really should have asked him for evidence before hand-
you know, just for appearances. The door to future legal action is now
well and truly open.
AB: Maybe your are getting the hang of this place. Oh, that is right, I
recall you started out w/ wild accusations, didn't you? Do you see what
look like through other people's eyes, Bill Ayers? So, your feigned legal
concern is not as funny as it might seem to be.
- All Bad
MIA1: Save your self-help section, reverse pop-psychology for the
They won’t buy it after what you’ve done. You’ve crossed the line,
Pat. You know it.
If there was an attorney worth their salt advising you right now, they
would tell you the same thing.

If you dreamed of suing me, and if I really were Pat Kohli, I would
countersue you for your prior defamation of me. Don't fool yourself into
thinking I am easily bluffed.

- All Bad
2009-01-28 00:38:03 UTC
MG: Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
AB: Well that explains his fantasy about _other_ people being paid to be
here. He is on line for the money himself. I can't help but wonder who
else is paying him a few bucks to be here and what whorish tricks he does
for the dough?
AB: I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs. I'm sorry to read that.
- All Bad
MIA1: Very foolish move, Pat. Very foolish indeed. You've really shown
yourself up this time. Your immediate and transparent response to
this person's post is especially troubling given that you work in the
military. You really should have asked him for evidence before hand-
you know, just for appearances. The door to future legal action is now
well and truly open.
AB: Maybe your are getting the hang of this place. Oh, that is right, I
recall you started out w/ wild accusations, didn't you? Do you see what
look like through other people's eyes, Bill Ayers? So, your feigned legal
concern is not as funny as it might seem to be.
- All Bad
MIA1:  Save your self-help section, reverse pop-psychology for the
They won’t buy it after what you’ve done. You’ve crossed the line,
Pat. You know it.
If there was an attorney worth their salt advising you right now, they
would tell you the same thing.
If you dreamed of suing me, and if I really were Pat Kohli,
So are you now claiming that you are not Pat Kohli, as identified on
this and other boards? Are you actually suggesting that you have been
committing serious and long standing fraud using someone else's name?
I would
countersue you for your prior defamation of me.
And you would lose, and have the entire trajectory of your activities
on this and other boards brought to bear against you. You want to talk
about defamation? We can talk about defamation.

 Don't fool yourself into
thinking I am easily bluffed.
- All Bad
Oh, you don't need to worry about that.
All Bad
2009-01-28 01:35:39 UTC
MG: Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
AB: Well that explains his fantasy about _other_ people being paid to be
here. He is on line for the money himself. I can't help but wonder who
else is paying him a few bucks to be here and what whorish tricks he does
for the dough?
AB: I think that is really apalling that he sold out SCI contributors to
the Mullahs. I'm sorry to read that.
- All Bad
MIA1: Very foolish move, Pat. Very foolish indeed. You've really shown
yourself up this time. Your immediate and transparent response to
this person's post is especially troubling given that you work in the
military. You really should have asked him for evidence before hand-
you know, just for appearances. The door to future legal action is now
well and truly open.
AB: Maybe your are getting the hang of this place. Oh, that is right, I
recall you started out w/ wild accusations, didn't you? Do you see what
look like through other people's eyes, Bill Ayers? So, your feigned legal
concern is not as funny as it might seem to be.
- All Bad
MIA1: Save your self-help section, reverse pop-psychology for the
They won’t buy it after what you’ve done. You’ve crossed the line,
Pat. You know it.
If there was an attorney worth their salt advising you right now, they
would tell you the same thing.
If you dreamed of suing me, and if I really were Pat Kohli,
MIA1: So are you now claiming that you are not Pat Kohli, as identified on
this and other boards?

AB: Excuse me? I am identified here as "All Bad". I do live in the real
world and have a name, as does Pat Kohli. I could even be Pat Kohli in the
real world, such that I would have cause to sue you, and anyone else who has
defamed me by false claims to my work experience. I make no claims at all
as to whether I am Pat Kohli, or Kat Pohli in the real world.

MIA1: Are you actually suggesting that you have been
committing serious and long standing fraud using someone else's name?

AB: This is projection on your part.

AB: Here you are quoted as saying that UAVs is an area of Pat Kohli's
expertise, when in fact he has no experience in UAVs at all!
Pat Kohli, maybe you should approach Baha'i Masood Tayebi's
business interest, Kratos Defense and Security Solutions
about working on some guidance systems for their UAV's, since
this area is one of your specialities? By the sounds of this report,

AB: It doesn't seem to bother you at all that you would attribute someone
with some expertise that they are completely lacking in.
I would
countersue you for your prior defamation of me.
MIA1: And you would lose,

AB: Wrong again. That would be for a court to decide, after Kohli's
interview where he does get asked about non-existent UAV expertise.

MIA1: and have the entire trajectory of your activities
on this and other boards brought to bear against you. You want to talk
about defamation? We can talk about defamation.

AB: My actual activiites are not at all as you and Weasel attribute them to
me or Pat Kohli. I've never worked in UAVs. I never went to Israel, or
Gaza. You and weasel lie and lie and if you take your lies seriously, that
is entirely your own fault.
Don't fool yourself into
thinking I am easily bluffed.
- All Bad
MIA1: Oh, you don't need to worry about that.

AB: I'm not at all worried about it. If anything, I'm relieved. I have a
hungering for bullies for breakfast. I get to nibble some on W. Azal, but
it has been a few years since I really chewed up and swallowed a bully;
Weasel is too grizzly to swallow, too much of a bottom feeding survivor,
like me. Please do not disappoint.

- All Bad
2009-01-27 03:21:24 UTC
 Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic >of Iran for more
than 10 years.
Prove it. Provide the documentation.
His mission  has been and is  to identify and report
Name the dissidents I have identified. Note this is a claim that
members of the terrorist MKO/MEK organization have leveled at every
last bona fide dissident to the IRI.
Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of >SCI.
Name the people I knew from SCI who got mail from the IRI embassy, and
also produce the mails.

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 03:30:21 UTC
Post by 383
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic >of Iran for more
than 10 years.
Prove it. Provide the documentation.
Prove your not. You can't prove your not just like nothing I say will prove
what I said was true to you. Now you know how it feels.
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 04:29:47 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic >of Iran for more
than 10 years.
Prove it. Provide the documentation.
Prove your not.
I can prove I am not. Just a simple google of my posts would prove
that. But you can't prove you're not a hack whereas I can prove that
you are one based on the pinocchio tales you have been telling about
yourself all over the internet and then cross-checking that

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 07:10:48 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic >of Iran for more
than 10 years.
Prove it. Provide the documentation.
Prove your not.
I can prove I am not. Just a simple google of my posts would prove
that. But you can't prove you're not a hack whereas I can prove that
you are one based on the pinocchio tales you have been telling about
yourself all over the internet and then cross-checking that
They are not tales as I continuingly say I am more than happy to send you
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 07:27:27 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
They are not tales as I continuingly say I am more than happy to send you
Scan whatever it is you have, put them on a blog or website somewhere,
and provide the URL - within 48 hours. Get cracking...

All Bad
2009-01-27 12:07:25 UTC
So, you want your eye witness to confirm your kills for your Mullah masters?
Do you get a bonus for this?

- All Bad
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic >of Iran for more
than 10 years.
Prove it. Provide the documentation.
His mission has been and is to identify and report
Name the dissidents I have identified. Note this is a claim that
members of the terrorist MKO/MEK organization have leveled at every
last bona fide dissident to the IRI.
Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of >SCI.
Name the people I knew from SCI who got mail from the IRI embassy, and
also produce the mails.

2009-01-27 04:23:22 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December then there
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a mistake and
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I went to it
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended the school
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
 Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission  has been and is  to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
I’m an attorney. If you have documentary evidence proving these
allegations, kindly post all relevant information here within 72
hours, or have your own legal representation contact me at this email
address within 72 hours.

Failure to do so will:

1) be taken as a full retraction of your statements, or
2) give us cause to pursue you in a court of law.
2009-01-27 06:18:15 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December then there
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a mistake and
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I went to it
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended the school
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
 Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission  has been and is  to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
I’m an attorney. If you have documentary evidence proving these
allegations, kindly post all relevant information here within 72
hours, or have your own legal representation contact me at this email
address within 72 hours.
It is attorney at law! Please scan your degree and post information
about your law firm and school . The info I have can not be shared
through gmail.
Post by m***@gmail.com
1) be taken as a full retraction of your statements, or
2) give us cause to pursue you in a court of law.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 06:25:33 UTC
 It is attorney at law!
What difference does it make? None.
Please scan your degree and post information
about your law firm and school . The info I have can not be shared
through gmail.
Bullshit! You are a LIAR, and you have now 71 hours to comply. Either
cough up the documentation you say you have claiming that I am an
agent of the Islamic Republic and that people have received mail from
their embassy as a result of communicating with me on SCI, retract, or
we take your head clean off!

2009-01-27 21:27:35 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
 It is attorney at law!
What difference does it make? None.
My conversation was with your other personality the lawyer. You are a
religous refugee at land of free. Don't fuck with your statues. Don't
throw stone to others with so many skeleton in your own closet and
just fuck off.
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Please scan your degree and post information
about your law firm and school . The info I have can not be shared
through gmail.
Bullshit! You are a LIAR, and you have now 71 hours to comply. Either
cough up the documentation you say you have claiming that I am an
agent of the Islamic Republic and that people have received mail from
their embassy as a result of communicating with me on SCI, retract, or
we take your head clean off!
2009-01-28 01:47:54 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
 It is attorney at law!
What difference does it make? None.
 My conversation was with your other personality the lawyer.
What other personality?
You are a
religous refugee at land of free.
No, I'm not. I am not a refugee anything. I am an Australian citizen,
and have been since 1986.
Don't fuck with your statues.
Fuck you and the criminal arms manufacturing tank you rode in on.
throw stone to others with so many skeleton in your own closet and
just fuck off.
You were going to produce those imaginary skeletons, LIAR. Where are

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 07:11:37 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I
went to
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended the school
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.-
Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
I’m an attorney. If you have documentary evidence proving these
allegations, kindly post all relevant information here within 72
hours, or have your own legal representation contact me at this email
address within 72 hours.
1) be taken as a full retraction of your statements, or
2) give us cause to pursue you in a court of law.
Hey if your an attorney can we sue this guy for slander? I think we both
live in Australia.
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 07:30:05 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I
went to
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended the school
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.-
Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
I’m an attorney. If you have documentary evidence proving these
allegations, kindly post all relevant information here within 72
hours, or have your own legal representation contact me at this email
address within 72 hours.
1) be taken as a full retraction of your statements, or
2) give us cause to pursue you in a court of law.
Hey if your an attorney can we sue this guy for slander?
Dumbass, didn't your purported Arts education - which you don't have -
teach you that "slander" is spoken and audibly published words whereas
"libel" covers the written medium. You cannot slander on USENET. You
can only libel.

2009-01-27 21:54:32 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I
went to
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended the school
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.-
Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
I’m an attorney. If you have documentary evidence proving these
allegations, kindly post all relevant information here within 72
hours, or have your own legal representation contact me at this email
address within 72 hours.
1) be taken as a full retraction of your statements, or
2) give us cause to pursue you in a court of law.
Hey if your an attorney can we sue this guy for slander? I think we both
live in Australia.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: Do you want to go after this IRI thug refugee? If you are
seroius let me know. He posted your info at the web.

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 22:20:40 UTC
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I
went to
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.-
Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
I’m an attorney. If you have documentary evidence proving these
allegations, kindly post all relevant information here within 72
hours, or have your own legal representation contact me at this email
address within 72 hours.
1) be taken as a full retraction of your statements, or
2) give us cause to pursue you in a court of law.
Hey if your an attorney can we sue this guy for slander? I think we both
live in Australia.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: Do you want to go after this IRI thug refugee? If you are
seroius let me know. He posted your info at the web.
Really what did he post and where is it? Can you really go after someone for
doing that?
2009-01-28 00:36:52 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I
went to
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are pulling
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no friends
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.-
Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
I’m an attorney. If you have documentary evidence proving these
allegations, kindly post all relevant information here within 72
hours, or have your own legal representation contact me at this email
address within 72 hours.
1) be taken as a full retraction of your statements, or
2) give us cause to pursue you in a court of law.
Hey if your an attorney can we sue this guy for slander? I think we both
live in Australia.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: Do you want to go after this IRI thug refugee? If you are
seroius let me know. He posted your info at the web.
Really what did he post and where is it? Can you really go after someone for
doing that?

Did he have your permission to post your personal info?
2009-01-28 01:57:11 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I
went to
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was
Anyone with half a brain would know that I didn't mean I attended
of philosophy when I went to university. I don't know why you are
this crap I agree with 90% of what you say. No wonder you have no
here when people actually do agree with you you stab them in the back.-
Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: This prick is an agent of Islamic Republic of Iran for more
than 10 years. His mission has been and is to identify and report
dissidents. He to some extend was succesful in SCI. Everyone he new
got mail from mullah's embassies and are out of SCI. I remember he was
asking for my info so he can share "how Bahais have hurt him" . Don't
trust this khod froosh mullah's agent. Back stabing is understatment
when it comes to this sellout.
I’m an attorney. If you have documentary evidence proving these
allegations, kindly post all relevant information here within 72
hours, or have your own legal representation contact me at this email
address within 72 hours.
1) be taken as a full retraction of your statements, or
2) give us cause to pursue you in a court of law.
Hey if your an attorney can we sue this guy for slander? I think we both
live in Australia.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Seon: Do you want to go after this IRI thug refugee? If you are
seroius let me know. He posted your info at the web.
Really what did he post and where is it? Can you really go after someone for
doing that?
Dickhead, tork-i-khar, the information on your lackey "Sean Ferguson"
is in the public domain. It isn't personal information.


All Bad
2009-01-26 10:46:10 UTC
In 2008 he did not say that he'd graduated in 2005; he said that he'd
already graduated. That has ____ to do w/ something?

Do you have a PI investigating everyone who posts here? If so, could you be
bothered to read their reports? It just seems like people tell you things
and you don't believe them and then claim they are lying because whatever.
It is like your horseapples about the UAVs.

- All Bad
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December then there
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a mistake and
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
That's not what you say here in 2008:

Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I went to it
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
This your own words verbatim from the site in question:

Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-26 22:05:19 UTC
Post by All Bad
In 2008 he did not say that he'd graduated in 2005; he said that he'd
already graduated. That has ____ to do w/ something?
Do you have a PI investigating everyone who posts here? If so, could you
be bothered to read their reports? It just seems like people tell you
things and you don't believe them and then claim they are lying because
whatever. It is like your horseapples about the UAVs.
I think its just a tactic he uses. He can't bear the thought that anyone
disagrees with him, even if its just one thing so he makes up this fantasy
world of the Bahai IT committee being out to get him.
Post by All Bad
- All Bad
Post by Seon Ferguson
Ok first when was this post made? If it was made before December then there
is no problem. If it was made after December I obviously made a mistake and
should have wrote went to)
You tell us, since you joined the site in November.
Well there you go then. It makes sense. I go to the school of Philosophy in
Wagga (as it was before I moved) and majored in it when I was in uni. That's
2 people with more brain power then that 383 guy. I wonder how many other
people will say it makes sense.
Post by All Bad
Post by Seon Ferguson
I graduated university in 2005.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
Post by Seon Ferguson
I never said I went to the school of philosophy at CSU. I said I went to it
Wagga and majored in Philosophy at CSU.
Hi all I joined this group because I'm interested in Philosophy (I go
to the school of Philosophy in Wagga and majored in it when I was at
2009-01-27 01:45:41 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Well there you go then. It makes sense. I go to the school of Philosophy in
What's the name of the school, again? Wait a moment, let me reveal
that this is not a proper school at all - and you don't physically go
to it - but it is a pay-as-you-go extension program designed for
people without degrees, or general run of the mill duffus who has cash
to pay his way through some online degree, i.e. the general run of the
mill dumb-shit like you:

This is the only physical structure associated with this school of
philosophy in Wagga Wagga:
Post by Seon Ferguson
(as it was before I moved) and majored in it when I was in uni.
You're not a university graduate. No one with a Humanities/Arts and
Science degree (esp. in philosophy) would be caught dead associated
with a silly extension program such as the one you claim you are
associated with. You would be in an honors program, a masters or an
M.Phil, even at another university. Nor would you move from a
University program into a TAFE, which is like demotion from high
school to primary/elementary school.

You're a liar bar none, "Sean Ferguson" (if that is really your name),
but you are the kind of liar the Bahaim pay good money for. Luckily
you are in this country and not remotely unreachable from being nailed
in-person, in-the-flesh!

Pick who you fuck with online very carefully next time, inbred dumb-

2009-01-27 02:04:05 UTC
Post by 383
You're a liar bar none, "Sean Ferguson" (if that is really your name),
but you are the kind of liar the Bahaim pay good money for. Luckily
you are in this country and not remotely unreachable from being nailed
in-person, in-the-flesh!
What does "Seon Ferguson" gain by lying to you or anyone? Waht do you
mean by he is lucky to be "in this country" which is Australia. as
oppose to where? Iran? Being nailed in person? That is an IRI agent,
pasdar or basiji talk.
Post by 383
Pick who you fuck with online very carefully next time, inbred dumb-
2009-01-27 03:27:04 UTC
Post by 383
You're a liar bar none, "Sean Ferguson" (if that is really your name),
but you are the kind of liar the Bahaim pay good money for. Luckily
you are in this country and not remotely unreachable from being nailed
in-person, in-the-flesh!
 What does "Seon Ferguson" gain by lying to you or anyone?
The same thing all hacks like you do: $$$.
Being nailed in person?
Indeed, and hauled before a Commonwealth Federal court to answer
charges of fraudulent impersonation and hackery.

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 03:34:55 UTC
Post by 383
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by 383
You're a liar bar none, "Sean Ferguson" (if that is really your name),
but you are the kind of liar the Bahaim pay good money for. Luckily
you are in this country and not remotely unreachable from being nailed
in-person, in-the-flesh!
What does "Seon Ferguson" gain by lying to you or anyone?
The same thing all hacks like you do: $$$.
I wish that was true then I wouldn't have to worry about stupid centre link
anymore. If anyone here really is on the Bahai IT committee I could use a
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 03:57:56 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
I wish that was true then I wouldn't have to worry about stupid centre link
You don't say...
Post by Seon Ferguson
If anyone here really is on the Bahai IT committee I could use a
Whores of a feather....

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 03:34:01 UTC
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by 383
You're a liar bar none, "Sean Ferguson" (if that is really your name),
but you are the kind of liar the Bahaim pay good money for. Luckily
you are in this country and not remotely unreachable from being nailed
in-person, in-the-flesh!
What does "Seon Ferguson" gain by lying to you or anyone? Waht do you
mean by he is lucky to be "in this country" which is Australia. as
oppose to where? Iran? Being nailed in person? That is an IRI agent,
pasdar or basiji talk.
He's right though I am lucky to live in Australia. I am lucky to enjoy the
religious freedom we are allowed in this great country.
Post by mash_ghasem
Post by 383
Pick who you fuck with online very carefully next time, inbred dumb-
All Bad
2009-01-27 02:13:23 UTC
"383" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:6675f422-76b7-452c-b6d5-***@p23g2000prp.googlegroups.com...
WA: You're a liar bar none, "Sean Ferguson" (if that is really your name),
but you are the kind of liar the Bahaim pay good money for. Luckily
you are in this country and not remotely unreachable from being nailed
in-person, in-the-flesh!

AB: So how much would Bahaim pay for a liar like you? I only ask for
amusement purposes. I really don't expect an honest answer from someone who
lies about their own family of origin. Could you tell the truth if your
life depended on it? Oh, don't bother answering that either; obviously if
you could undersand the question, you would not be here since you would have
had to answer honestly.

WA: Pick who you fuck with online very carefully next time, inbred dumb-

AB: Priceless: a comment on inbreds from one who denies their ancestors!

- All Bad
Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 03:33:20 UTC
Post by 383
Post by Seon Ferguson
Well there you go then. It makes sense. I go to the school of Philosophy in
What's the name of the school, again? Wait a moment, let me reveal
that this is not a proper school at all - and you don't physically go
to it - but it is a pay-as-you-go extension program designed for
people without degrees, or general run of the mill duffus who has cash
to pay his way through some online degree, i.e. the general run of the
But that's what its called School of Practical Philosophy.
Post by 383
This is the only physical structure associated with this school of
Post by Seon Ferguson
(as it was before I moved) and majored in it when I was in uni.
You're not a university graduate. No one with a Humanities/Arts and
Science degree (esp. in philosophy) would be caught dead associated
with a silly extension program such as the one you claim you are
associated with. You would be in an honors program, a masters or an
M.Phil, even at another university. Nor would you move from a
University program into a TAFE, which is like demotion from high
school to primary/elementary school.
It's not silly the teacher is actually pretty good and I didn't have much
friends in Wagga so I thought I would join some social clubs and Philosophy
seemed like my cup of tea.
Post by 383
You're a liar bar none, "Sean Ferguson" (if that is really your name),
but you are the kind of liar the Bahaim pay good money for. Luckily
you are in this country and not remotely unreachable from being nailed
in-person, in-the-flesh!
Pick who you fuck with online very carefully next time, inbred dumb-
I know who I am. Ok I don't know myself that well but I do agree with
Plato's view of the immortal soul.
Post by 383
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 04:27:37 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
But that's what its called School of Practical Philosophy.
It's NOT a proper school, and you're not a university graduate.
Post by Seon Ferguson
It's not silly the teacher is actually pretty good and I didn't have much
friends in Wagga
And you don't now either in *real* life.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I know who I am.
Good on ya! Then you'll be happy to know who you are once the
Centrelink Ombudsman finds out that the Australian tax-payer has been
paying for you to make thousands of posts a month to USENET, while
hacking for certain organizations.

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 07:13:21 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
But that's what its called School of Practical Philosophy.
It's NOT a proper school, and you're not a university graduate.
Post by Seon Ferguson
It's not silly the teacher is actually pretty good and I didn't have much
friends in Wagga
And you don't now either in *real* life.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I know who I am.
Good on ya! Then you'll be happy to know who you are once the
Centrelink Ombudsman finds out that the Australian tax-payer has been
paying for you to make thousands of posts a month to USENET, while
hacking for certain organizations.
I dare you to tell that to centrelink I'm sure they get so bored they need a
good laugh.
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 07:39:56 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
But that's what its called School of Practical Philosophy.
It's NOT a proper school, and you're not a university graduate.
Post by Seon Ferguson
It's not silly the teacher is actually pretty good and I didn't have much
friends in Wagga
And you don't now either in *real* life.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I know who I am.
Good on ya! Then you'll be happy to know who you are once the
Centrelink Ombudsman finds out that the Australian tax-payer has been
paying for you to make thousands of posts a month to USENET, while
hacking for certain organizations.
I dare you to tell that to centrelink I'm sure they get so bored they need a
good laugh
I will. The Commonwealth government is looking for any excuse at the
moment to nail dole-bludgers such as you, which is what you are a dole-
bludger. The Centrelink Ombudsman (do you know what that is?) will be
hearing from me regarding you. Count on it.

Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 07:57:28 UTC
In the name of the father, son and holly ghost amen.
On April 8th 2007, you said:
"I agree with you on that. I hate Religion but I still want to be
friends with those trapped in its mind prison. Hopefully one day I can
work on making them see they don't have to be a slave to man made
dogma to
have a spirituality. Then we wont have an excuse to hate others or be
biggoted or whatever."

On April 21 2007, you said:
"Please visit this atheists ite
fuck you and fuck Jesus to."
Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 22:21:22 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
But that's what its called School of Practical Philosophy.
It's NOT a proper school, and you're not a university graduate.
Post by Seon Ferguson
It's not silly the teacher is actually pretty good and I didn't have much
friends in Wagga
And you don't now either in *real* life.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I know who I am.
Good on ya! Then you'll be happy to know who you are once the
Centrelink Ombudsman finds out that the Australian tax-payer has been
paying for you to make thousands of posts a month to USENET, while
hacking for certain organizations.
I dare you to tell that to centrelink I'm sure they get so bored they need a
good laugh
I will. The Commonwealth government is looking for any excuse at the
moment to nail dole-bludgers such as you, which is what you are a dole-
bludger. The Centrelink Ombudsman (do you know what that is?) will be
hearing from me regarding you. Count on it.
Good they could use the laugh.
All Bad
2009-01-27 23:38:34 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
But that's what its called School of Practical Philosophy.
It's NOT a proper school, and you're not a university graduate.
Post by Seon Ferguson
It's not silly the teacher is actually pretty good and I didn't have much
friends in Wagga
And you don't now either in *real* life.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I know who I am.
Good on ya! Then you'll be happy to know who you are once the
Centrelink Ombudsman finds out that the Australian tax-payer has been
paying for you to make thousands of posts a month to USENET, while
hacking for certain organizations.
I dare you to tell that to centrelink I'm sure they get so bored they need a
good laugh
I will. The Commonwealth government is looking for any excuse at the
moment to nail dole-bludgers such as you, which is what you are a dole-
bludger. The Centrelink Ombudsman (do you know what that is?) will be
hearing from me regarding you. Count on it.
Good they could use the laugh.
You can easily guess how he knows the government is looking for the
dole-bludgers. We now know that he is accustomed to selling out usenet
posters to national government agencies.

- All Bad
2009-01-28 00:23:50 UTC
Post by All Bad
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
But that's what its called School of Practical Philosophy.
It's NOT a proper school, and you're not a university graduate.
Post by Seon Ferguson
It's not silly the teacher is actually pretty good and I didn't have much
friends in Wagga
And you don't now either in *real* life.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I know who I am.
Good on ya! Then you'll be happy to know who you are once the
Centrelink Ombudsman finds out that the Australian tax-payer has been
paying for you to make thousands of posts a month to USENET, while
hacking for certain organizations.
I dare you to tell that to centrelink I'm sure they get so bored they need a
good laugh
I will. The Commonwealth government is looking for any excuse at the
moment to nail dole-bludgers such as you, which is what you are a dole-
bludger. The Centrelink Ombudsman (do you know what that is?) will be
hearing from me regarding you. Count on it.
WDeath to Haifan Bahaism
Good they could use the laugh.
You can easily guess how he knows the government is looking for the
dole-bludgers.  We now know that he is accustomed to selling out usenet
posters to national government agencies.
- All Bad- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
All you Bahais should go after him once and for all. All you have to
use at court is his handle "Death to Haifan Bahaism" for his violent
intentions before it is too late.

All Bad
2009-01-28 01:13:41 UTC
Post by All Bad
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
But that's what its called School of Practical Philosophy.
It's NOT a proper school, and you're not a university graduate.
Post by Seon Ferguson
It's not silly the teacher is actually pretty good and I didn't
friends in Wagga
And you don't now either in *real* life.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I know who I am.
Good on ya! Then you'll be happy to know who you are once the
Centrelink Ombudsman finds out that the Australian tax-payer has been
paying for you to make thousands of posts a month to USENET, while
hacking for certain organizations.
I dare you to tell that to centrelink I'm sure they get so bored they need a
good laugh
I will. The Commonwealth government is looking for any excuse at the
moment to nail dole-bludgers such as you, which is what you are a dole-
bludger. The Centrelink Ombudsman (do you know what that is?) will be
hearing from me regarding you. Count on it.
WDeath to Haifan Bahaism
Good they could use the laugh.
You can easily guess how he knows the government is looking for the
dole-bludgers. We now know that he is accustomed to selling out usenet
posters to national government agencies.
- All Bad- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
MG: All you Bahais should go after him once and for all. All you have to
use at court is his handle "Death to Haifan Bahaism" for his violent
intentions before it is too late.

AB: The problem with going after him is that we migth succeed. If you go
after a fart; if you catch it, you just get the scent of someone's anus. It
isn't what most people really want. We should seek the Desired.

- All Bad

2009-01-28 01:37:43 UTC
Post by All Bad
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
But that's what its called School of Practical Philosophy.
It's NOT a proper school, and you're not a university graduate.
Post by Seon Ferguson
It's not silly the teacher is actually pretty good and I didn't
friends in Wagga
And you don't now either in *real* life.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I know who I am.
Good on ya! Then you'll be happy to know who you are once the
Centrelink Ombudsman finds out that the Australian tax-payer has been
paying for you to make thousands of posts a month to USENET, while
hacking for certain organizations.
I dare you to tell that to centrelink I'm sure they get so bored they need a
good laugh
I will. The Commonwealth government is looking for any excuse at the
moment to nail dole-bludgers such as you, which is what you are a dole-
bludger. The Centrelink Ombudsman (do you know what that is?) will be
hearing from me regarding you. Count on it.
WDeath to Haifan Bahaism
Good they could use the laugh.
You can easily guess how he knows the government is looking for the
dole-bludgers. We now know that he is accustomed to selling out usenet
posters to national government agencies.
- All Bad- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
MG:  All you Bahais should go after him once and for all. All you have to
use at court is his handle "Death to Haifan Bahaism" for his violent
intentions before it is too late.
AB:  The problem with going after him is that we migth succeed.  If you go
after a fart; if you catch it, you just get the scent of someone's anus.  It
isn't what most people really want.  We should seek the Desired.
- All Bad
At least he might get a needed help.This guy really needs help. Who
else would waste 8 years of his miseable life for nothing. Eight years
of running after Bahais. Mr. AB, if I see you with fishing pole at
any river for 8 years trying to catch fish with zip zilch nada result
then I would say Mr. AB let's go to funny farm because you need help
and I hope you would do the same for me. Helping him is the least you
guys can do.
All Bad
2009-01-28 01:41:26 UTC
"mash_ghasem" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:e8fc0f37-a3d8-4065-ad48-***@m12g2000vbp.googlegroups.com...
MG: At least he might get a needed help.This guy really needs help. Who
else would waste 8 years of his miseable life for nothing. Eight years
of running after Bahais. Mr. AB, if I see you with fishing pole at
any river for 8 years trying to catch fish with zip zilch nada result
then I would say Mr. AB let's go to funny farm because you need help
and I hope you would do the same for me. Helping him is the least you
guys can do.

AB: Ahhhhh, you have pulled at the strings of my heart! How can I help
him? I don't know his family. I don't know any of his friends in the real
world. What can I do, just somebody from usenet, somebody with a bad

- All Bad
2009-01-28 01:55:24 UTC
Post by All Bad
 MG:  At least he might get a needed help.This guy really needs help. Who
else would waste 8 years of his miseable life for nothing. Eight years
of running after Bahais. Mr. AB, if I see you with  fishing pole at
any river for 8 years trying to catch fish with zip zilch nada result
then I would say Mr. AB let's go to funny farm because you need help
and I hope you would do the same for me. Helping him is the least you
guys can do.
AB:  Ahhhhh, you have pulled at the strings of my heart!  How can I help
him?  I don't know his family.  I don't know any of his friends in the real
world.  What can I do, just somebody from usenet, somebody with a bad
- All Bad
You might have a "bad handle" but a good heart. As Barney Fife used
to say "Bless your heart" :-) I just thought Bahai org might know
people that know him. You know what happens when a crazy man picks up
big stone to throw. He not only hurts himself but the others also.

2009-01-28 01:49:15 UTC
Post by All Bad
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
But that's what its called School of Practical Philosophy.
It's NOT a proper school, and you're not a university graduate.
Post by Seon Ferguson
It's not silly the teacher is actually pretty good and I didn't
friends in Wagga
And you don't now either in *real* life.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I know who I am.
Good on ya! Then you'll be happy to know who you are once the
Centrelink Ombudsman finds out that the Australian tax-payer has been
paying for you to make thousands of posts a month to USENET, while
hacking for certain organizations.
I dare you to tell that to centrelink I'm sure they get so bored they
need a
good laugh
I will. The Commonwealth government is looking for any excuse at the
moment to nail dole-bludgers such as you, which is what you are a dole-
bludger. The Centrelink Ombudsman (do you know what that is?) will be
hearing from me regarding you. Count on it.
WDeath to Haifan Bahaism
Good they could use the laugh.
You can easily guess how he knows the government is looking for the
dole-bludgers. We now know that he is accustomed to selling out usenet
posters to national government agencies.
- All Bad- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
MG:  All you Bahais should go after him once and for all. All you have to
use at court is his handle "Death to Haifan Bahaism" for his violent
intentions before it is too late.
AB:  The problem with going after him is that we migth succeed.  If you go
after a fart; if you catch it, you just get the scent of someone's anus.  It
isn't what most people really want.  We should seek the Desired.
- All Bad
 At least he might get a needed help.This guy really needs help. Who
else would waste 8 years of his miseable life for nothing. Eight years
of running after Bahais. Mr. AB, if I see you with  fishing pole at
any river for 8 years trying to catch fish with zip zilch nada result
then I would say Mr. AB let's go to funny farm because you need help
and I hope you would do the same for me. Helping him is the least you
guys can do.- Hide quoted text -

2009-01-28 01:48:32 UTC
Post by All Bad
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
But that's what its called School of Practical Philosophy.
It's NOT a proper school, and you're not a university graduate.
Post by Seon Ferguson
It's not silly the teacher is actually pretty good and I didn't have much
friends in Wagga
And you don't now either in *real* life.
Post by Seon Ferguson
I know who I am.
Good on ya! Then you'll be happy to know who you are once the
Centrelink Ombudsman finds out that the Australian tax-payer has been
paying for you to make thousands of posts a month to USENET, while
hacking for certain organizations.
I dare you to tell that to centrelink I'm sure they get so bored they need a
good laugh
I will. The Commonwealth government is looking for any excuse at the
moment to nail dole-bludgers such as you, which is what you are a dole-
bludger. The Centrelink Ombudsman (do you know what that is?) will be
hearing from me regarding you. Count on it.
WDeath to Haifan Bahaism
Good they could use the laugh.
You can easily guess how he knows the government is looking for the
dole-bludgers.  We now know that he is accustomed to selling out usenet
posters to national government agencies.
- All Bad- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
 All you Bahais should go after him once and for all. All you have to
use at court is his handle "Death to Haifan Bahaism" for his violent
intentions before it is too late.
Come and do what you will, criminal mother fucker!

2009-01-27 01:30:36 UTC
In  2008 he did not say that he'd graduated in 2005; he said that he'd
already graduated.
But now he's saying he's graduated in 2005. The stories change. First
he is a TAFE student, now all of a sudden he is a uni. graduate.
Do you have a PI investigating everyone who posts here?  
Anyone and everyone who is in someway associated with your
If so, could you be
bothered to read their reports?  It just seems like people tell you things
and you don't believe them and then claim they are lying because whatever.
It is like your horseapples about the UAVs.
Would that be horseapples like this, perhaps, baby-killer?

US&aid=5668 -)

Pat Kohli, NCW Open Architecture Lead, demonstrated how the E-2/C-2
program office (PMA-231) is continuously evaluating and implementing
softwaremodernization to facilitate transition of the existing E-2
operational flight program to an environment using commercially
available systems. Venlet said, "The Naval Aviation Enterprise has
embraced open architecture as afundamental building block of weapon
system development from its very inception. Ourgovernment/industry
teams continue to leverage these open system strategies and concepts
in achieving reduction in overall development cycle times and
deliveringincreased system capabilities to the Fleet faster and
cheaper. The advantages ofintegrating open architecture designs and
contracting strategies are measurable and pronounced as is
substantiated by our E-2D Advanced Hawkeye and P-8 Multi-Mission
Aircraft development programs. The key to continued success will be
maintaining theclose partnership with industry experts, as we provide
the right capabilities, at the righttime and right cost to the joint
warfighter."The E-2 Hawkeye team has been representing and directly
supporting Venlet's executiveoffice - the aviation domain lead for
open architecture initiatives - since June 2004, because of its role
as a battle management command and control platform and a
centralnetwork communications node in aviation. E-2 Program Manager
Capt. Randy Mahrsaid, "Today's evolving E-2 open architecture model
paves the way for a more maturesystem to be used by the E-2D prior to
it taking its place in the fleet.


or like this,


Description. The advanced airborne surveillance radar and other
sensor and avionics improvements being implemented will combine with
major structural and system improvements to continue the Hawkeye’s
steady development as the Navy’s only all-weather, carrier-based
tactical warning and control system aircraft.

Note well from below:

1) "net centric architecture will be the Navy’s transformational
FORCEnet enabler."

2) "Increased battlespace awareness, improved detection and
as well as the sensor-to-shooter link will compress the kill chain
against time-sensitive targets to support the Sea Strike mission.
Radar and ESM information will be added to the overall situational
awareness of the command net. UAV imagery and radar data will be
included in the overall E-2D operation."

U.S. Navy

Naval Air Systems Command


47123 Buse Road Unit IPT

Patuxent River, Maryland (MD) 20670-1547


E-2D Mission Processor COTS Open Architecture

The Advanced Hawkeye is being designed to fully support the Chief of
Naval Operation’s plan to support the Sea Power 21 Vision. The
specifically targets the following:

The communications suite and net centric architecture will be the
Navy’s transformational FORCEnet enabler. This includes the ability
to provide target information and sensor cues to the Global
Information Grid (GIG). AHE will also receive inputs from the GIG to
improve its Battle Management mission.

Increased battlespace awareness, improved detection and tracking, as
well as the sensor-to-shooter link will compress the kill chain
against time-sensitive targets to support the Sea Strike mission.
Radar and ESM information will be added to the overall situational
awareness of the command net. UAV imagery and radar data will be
included in the overall E-2D operation.
Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 07:14:09 UTC
Post by 383
In 2008 he did not say that he'd graduated in 2005; he said that he'd
already graduated.
But now he's saying he's graduated in 2005. The stories change. First
he is a TAFE student, now all of a sudden he is a uni. graduate.
No I always said I graduated university in 2005.
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 07:28:26 UTC
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
In 2008 he did not say that he'd graduated in 2005; he said that he'd
already graduated.
But now he's saying he's graduated in 2005. The stories change. First
he is a TAFE student, now all of a sudden he is a uni. graduate.
No I always said I graduated university in 2005.
No, you haven't. This is a recent story you've gradually been
introducing over the past couple of months.

Seon Ferguson
2009-01-27 22:22:05 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by Seon Ferguson
Post by 383
In 2008 he did not say that he'd graduated in 2005; he said that he'd
already graduated.
But now he's saying he's graduated in 2005. The stories change. First
he is a TAFE student, now all of a sudden he is a uni. graduate.
No I always said I graduated university in 2005.
No, you haven't. This is a recent story you've gradually been
introducing over the past couple of months.
Again if you want my uni transcripts just ask.
2009-01-25 01:21:28 UTC
Iran took out the Shah.  

MEJ Interview
October 16, 2008

"Andrew Scott Cooper, a contributor to the Autumn issue of the Middle
East Journal and a PhD candidate at Victoria University in New
Zealand, has combed through recently de-classified documents tracing a
secret oil deal that help explain Iran's 1977 economic crisis that
undercut the Shah's power and eventually helped lead to the Iranian

NPR calls it "_missteps_"
Scholars who study the Iranian Revolution of 1979 have paid a lot of
attention to the internal factors that precipitated revolt. Now, a new
study argues that the United States secretly helped create the
conditions that led to the overthrow of its ally, the Shah. Andrew
Scott Cooper, who wrote the report using previously classified
information, talks about the mistakes that led to the demise of the
The CIA had nothing to do w/ it.  
Counter-propaganda by a CIA agent who knows the *real* score on Iran.
joking when he implies the CIA
deposed the Shah,

2009-01-25 01:27:22 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...
Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)
About the author:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dreyfuss
See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
  In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.
What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.
Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.
These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other
Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.
Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a  joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!
In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets
In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on ...
read more »
2009-01-27 03:30:11 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...
Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)
About the author:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dreyfuss
See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
  In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.
What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.
Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.
These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other
Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.
Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a  joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!
In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets
In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on ...
read more »
2009-01-27 03:32:44 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...
Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)
About the author:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dreyfuss
See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
  In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.
What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.
Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.
These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other
Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.
Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a  joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!
In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets
In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on ...
read more »
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 04:00:47 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...
Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)
About the author:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dreyfuss
See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
  In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.
What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.
Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.
These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other
Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.
Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a  joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!
In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets
In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on ...
read more »
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 04:30:32 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...
Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)
About the author:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dreyfuss
See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
  In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.
What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.
Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.
These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other
Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.
Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a  joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!
In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets
In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on ...
read more »
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 05:04:09 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...
Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)
About the author:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dreyfuss
See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
  In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.
What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.
Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.
These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other
Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.
Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a  joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!
In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets
In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on ...
read more »
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 07:33:21 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...
Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)
About the author:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dreyfuss
See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
  In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.
What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.
Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.
These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other
Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.
Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a  joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!
In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets
In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on ...
read more »
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 07:40:21 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...
Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)
About the author:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dreyfuss
See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
  In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.
What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.
Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.
These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other
Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.
Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a  joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!
In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets
In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on ...
read more »
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 07:57:52 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...
Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)
About the author:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dreyfuss
See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
  In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.
What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.
Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.
These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other
Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.
Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a  joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!
In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets
In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on ...
read more »
2009-01-27 09:29:28 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
New York, 1980) pp.117-118 (Pdf pages 73-74)
...Today the Bahai cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly
to be an arm of the British Crown. During the destabilization of the
Shah in 1978, it was widely reported that in several instances the
Bahai cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the
money would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same
international ‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty
International, that originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in
Iran. These movements also derive from the “one world” currents
associated with the Bahais since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians
have been misled on the question of the Bahais by the supposed
antipathy of Khomeini’s clique to the Bahais, it should be noted that
the Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities
as camouflage)...
Also see pp. 115-116 (Pdf page 72)
About the author:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dreyfuss
See also,
By Bill Clinton's old mentor, Carroll Quigley, THE ANGLO-AMERICAN
Newsgroups: talk.religion.bahai, soc.culture.iranian,
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2007 03:16:06 -0000
Local: Sat, Jun 9 2007 1:16 pm
  In the late summer, early fall of 1979, a few short weeks after
Ayatollah Taliqani of the Revolutionary Council had made the fateful
decision to destroy the House of the Primal Point in Shiraz (whereby
the Godhead shortly thereafter sent him to hell accordingly), the 9
members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Iran
together with two other individuals, one of whom was Tehran
Professor of Philosophy, Dr. Ali-Morad Davudi, suddenly went missing
-- presumed kidnapped and then secretly executed by the Khomeinists.
Most of the membership of this sans-Habib Sabet NSA of Iran were
women, Zhinus Mahmoudi being one of their most prominent members. The
father of Kavian Milani was another. To date their fate and the that
their final whereabouts are completely an unknown mystery both to
their families and to human rights organizations across the board.
What is particularly alarming about this story is that, whereas with
the 7 individuals executed in Shiraz in 1983, the Baha'i PR
apparatus as well as the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
itself have been conspicuously quiet regarding this specific case.
Both prior and after this it is was a regular modus operandi of the
IRI to announce any of the executions of "...those Baha'i counter-
revolutionary infidels in service of Zionism, American and Russian
imperialism," ad nauseum, while the Baha'i officiocracy then turned
around, capitalized and made much noise and fanfare in the Western
media regarding these deaths and executions by the IRI. This was the
regular pattern both before and after, by both of these nefarious
estates of the devil. Cases would be aggressively pursued by the
Baha'i PR machinery. Press conferences abounded. Appearances at ad
congressional committees on Capital Hill to address the Baha'i
question was the order of the day. Yet, strangely enough, when the
fate of their own sans-Habib Sabet NSA was at issue, the Baha'i
offiocracy hardly pursued the issue at all! Even more strangely than
that, for all his lip service and talk (which is only that) to having
acted the advocate for the Baha'is of Iran, Juan Cole himself has
noticeably and mightily silent regarding this specific case.
Those Baha'is who lived in Iran at the time of the Revolution will
remember that in late February-early March 1979 this sans-Habib Sabet
NSA of Iran was among the first groups who sent a congratulatory
message to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Revolutionary Council for
overthrowing the Shah. Many on the outside at the time interpreted
this message as a sign of fickleness on the part of a Baha'i
establishment who had previously been stalwart supporters of the
Pahlavi monarchy. Yet recently declassified intelligence documents
show otherwise and
reveal a narrative far more complex and sinister (nay, tragic) than
once presumed: a narrative which effectively lays the disappearance
and then murder of these individuals squarely at the feet of the UHJ
and Habib Sabet both with the joint complicity of the Revolutionary
Council and Ayatollah Khomeini as the primary abettors in this, one
the crimes of the last century! It would seem that Daniel Jordan was
himself aware of the details of this crime by Sabet/UHJ, knowledge
which in the end quite possibly cost him his own life.
These declassified documents show that in March-April and then June
1979 Habib Sabet had made a series of secret trips to Iran,
negotiating and meeting directly, albeit secretly, with Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini and other senior members of the Revolutionary
Council. Of particular note is that he strictly avoided meeting with
either the then NSA of Iran or its contacts and representatives,
albeit apparently minutes of the then NSA of Iran show that they were
aware that Sabet and his agents were indeed in Tehran at that time.
What they seemingly did not
know is that Sabet was meeting on a daily basis with senior members
the regime. These documents also show that the NSA of Iran was in the
process of initiating some sort of widespread internal reforms as
as releasing information to the Revolutionary Council but especially
to the government of Mehdi Bazargan - whom the NSA was speaking to
directly - regarding the financial and political malefeseances of
Habib Sabet, Hozhabr Yadani and the rest of the Iranian Baha'i cosa
nostra of the Pahlavi years. Apparenly such information given was
meant as both an attempt to reform as well as a goodwill gesture to
the new regime so that it would leave the Baha'is remaining in Iran
alone. The NSA of Iran thought it was potentially buying immunity.
they succeeded, the NSA of Iran undoubtedly would have bought much
credibility for itself, and saved the thousands of remaining meek
amongst the Iranian Baha'i community who did not run away to Beverly
Hills or La Jolla, San Diego, California USA, much pain and suffering
in intervening years. However, the UHJ and Habib Sabet had other
Had the NSA of Iran been allowed to disclose such information to the
Khomeinists, but more importantly to the government of Bazargan,
arguably a massive political explosion inside the Baha'i
Community en toto would have swept aside its elite in a tidal wave of
political bloodletting and blown the lid clear off of the criminal
activities of that generation of the elite Baha'i officiocracy
(Ruhiyyih MAxwell chief amongst them) who had been up to no good
the early 1950s, and not just in Iran. Such information would have
inevitably put Habib Sabet and his oldest son and all their cronies
the last behind bars in the United States where they had settled, as
well as many, many others besides, not to mention revealing the truth
regarding the murder-assassination of Shoghi Effendi as well as his
existent Will and Testament. Given this, as soon as the UHJ and Sabet
detected a whiff that the NSA of Iran were contemplating releasing
information to the Bazargan government, they began their secret
negotiations with Khomeini and his goons, then embattled and somewhat
enfeebled (until the hostage crisis of November 1979 which allowed
them to consolidate absolute power). February to November 1979 was
period of Iran's Revolutionary Spring before the Winter of its
Islamist totalitarian nightmare.
Habib Sabet was also there in Iran negotiating for the release of the
remaining funds of the Sherakat-i-Nawnahalan and the Sherakat-i-
It appears that Sabet/UHJ paid a very hefty capital bribe to the
Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamists, as it were arrived at a
gentleman's agreement regarding the NSA of Iran, and then walked away
to allow the dirty deed to be done. Essentially, therefore, the
disappearance/murder of the 1979 Iranian NSA was a  joint act by
the Baha'i establishment as well as the Khomeinists both in bed
together. Sabet/UHJ paid the bribe. The Khomeinists did the butchery.
How convenient for both!
In any case, evidence of the complicity of the elite Baha'i
establishment in the murder-disappearance of these innocent people is
evidenced in the manner in which they DID NOT pursue the matter in
public domain in the same manner as they did with all the others.
for that matter, has the IRI ever come clean regarding the fate of
these 11 people. No official press release. Nothing. This, my
is called an orchestrated JOINT CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE! As such, even
beyond the declassified evidence, that the UHJ/Habib Sabet as well as
Khomeini and his goons are jointly responsible for these crimes can
longer be
questioned. The UHJ/Habib Sabet, Baha'i Fascists, paid blood money to
Islamic Fascists, the Khomeinists. Never was the truism "birds of a
feather flock together" more axiomatic than in this case. But it gets
In 1982 Daniel Jordan, through a set of rather bizarre circumstances,
came to learn of the details of what had happened to the Iranian NSA.
Apparently he had made the grave mistake of disclosing this
information to two people: quite possibly Mitchell and Firuz
Kazemzadeh. He was on a trip to New York City, disembarking at JFK
airport, when he himself went missing, and then a few days later his
decapitated body was found inside a dumpster deposited within a
green garbage bag. The NJ-NYC Port Authority as well as the FBI
pursued every angle on this murder. They finally gave up on ...
read more »