2009-01-20 08:12:43 UTC
For the past two-and-a-half years the following two related
organizations have been repeatedly touted by members of the Haifan
Bahaim organization as real, independent organizations:
Muslim Network for Bahai Rights
In 2007 the Persian language section of the BBC (British Broadcasting
Corporation) - the same outfit who in 1978 and 1979 gave an open
microphone to the Ayatollah Khomeini as just prior to the success of
the Islamic revolution - even ran the following story on the Muslim
Network for Bahai Rights,
I had queried an assortment of Baha'is for a year about the structure
of this organization and who specifically served on its steering board
and got patent misdirecting answers, and links to their sites which
mention nothing. However in 2007, the founder Esra’a al-Shafei from
Bahrain had stated in an interview,
“Esra’a al-Shafei, a blogger from Bahrain, is the co-founder of and the Middle East Interfaith Blogger
Network. She also runs aimed to free a jailed friend
and fellow blogger.”
“This is a two-person show, I’m in charge of content management and
the ideas, and my friend Lalith, who runs lazybeelab, is in charge of
design and technical support. He co-owns MidEast Youth and our many
networks. I wouldn’t have come this far without his much needed help,
this is why I put him in charge of executive decisions regarding the
site as well…”
as sourced from here,
MidEast Youth was a two-man show as of April 2007. As of January 19
2009 two-persons have now quadrupled into the following staff of
eleven full-time individuals:
Esra’a Al Shafei (Bahrain) - Director
Kawthar Muhaib (UAE) - Project assistant
Tamara Al-Om (Syria) - Moderator & General Assistant
Omid T. (Iran/USA) - Moderator & Legal Adviser
Tori Egherman (Iran/USA) - Budget manager/General Lifesaver
Mohammad Memarian (Iran) - Translation Services - Farsi
Nadia Ayadi (Tunisia) - French translations
Elisheva Cohen (Israel) - Director of Public Relations
Leah Lublin (Israel) - Interfaith Manager
Siham Ihouline (Morocco) - Occasional project Translator
Stay tuned, folks, as we begin to reveal here the various funding,
political and Washington-based PAC (political action committee) big-
lobby connections to several of the people mentioned sitting above on
that board. Especially noteworthy, or amusing, here is how you have
two Israelis and one American Jew whose name is eerily similar to a
certain AIPAC (American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee) coordinating
director serving on the board of a network whose immediate subsidiary
is the organization calling its MUSLIM NETWORK FOR BAHA’I RIGHTS.
Can you say ‘WAG THE DOG’ ?
organizations have been repeatedly touted by members of the Haifan
Bahaim organization as real, independent organizations:
Muslim Network for Bahai Rights
In 2007 the Persian language section of the BBC (British Broadcasting
Corporation) - the same outfit who in 1978 and 1979 gave an open
microphone to the Ayatollah Khomeini as just prior to the success of
the Islamic revolution - even ran the following story on the Muslim
Network for Bahai Rights,
I had queried an assortment of Baha'is for a year about the structure
of this organization and who specifically served on its steering board
and got patent misdirecting answers, and links to their sites which
mention nothing. However in 2007, the founder Esra’a al-Shafei from
Bahrain had stated in an interview,
“Esra’a al-Shafei, a blogger from Bahrain, is the co-founder of and the Middle East Interfaith Blogger
Network. She also runs aimed to free a jailed friend
and fellow blogger.”
“This is a two-person show, I’m in charge of content management and
the ideas, and my friend Lalith, who runs lazybeelab, is in charge of
design and technical support. He co-owns MidEast Youth and our many
networks. I wouldn’t have come this far without his much needed help,
this is why I put him in charge of executive decisions regarding the
site as well…”
as sourced from here,
MidEast Youth was a two-man show as of April 2007. As of January 19
2009 two-persons have now quadrupled into the following staff of
eleven full-time individuals:
Esra’a Al Shafei (Bahrain) - Director
Kawthar Muhaib (UAE) - Project assistant
Tamara Al-Om (Syria) - Moderator & General Assistant
Omid T. (Iran/USA) - Moderator & Legal Adviser
Tori Egherman (Iran/USA) - Budget manager/General Lifesaver
Mohammad Memarian (Iran) - Translation Services - Farsi
Nadia Ayadi (Tunisia) - French translations
Elisheva Cohen (Israel) - Director of Public Relations
Leah Lublin (Israel) - Interfaith Manager
Siham Ihouline (Morocco) - Occasional project Translator
Stay tuned, folks, as we begin to reveal here the various funding,
political and Washington-based PAC (political action committee) big-
lobby connections to several of the people mentioned sitting above on
that board. Especially noteworthy, or amusing, here is how you have
two Israelis and one American Jew whose name is eerily similar to a
certain AIPAC (American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee) coordinating
director serving on the board of a network whose immediate subsidiary
is the organization calling its MUSLIM NETWORK FOR BAHA’I RIGHTS.
Can you say ‘WAG THE DOG’ ?