Post by b***@gmail.comPost by PaulHammondSelf declared victories like this are quite worthless.
Like what?
Why don't you. right here, right now, explain why you never responded
to the implications of 'in the next resurrection' the period in which
the '19 years is to apply?
Your performance is a self-declared humiliating loss which you brought
upon yourself as soon as you decide to come to the aid of that
Charlatan which you have always failed miserably.- Hide quoted text -
I think your response quite amply demonstrates its own worthlessness.- Hide quoted text -
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And I think your response very clearly shows you have nothing to say
expect being arrogant enough to accept the simple fact that you /
Bahais were fooled in thinking that there was something somewhere that
the "Bab said the next manifestation would occur in 19 years from 1844
and not in 1511-2001 years from 1850" without understanding what was
exactly said.
I tell you what, don't give up so easily. Why don't you get help. You
would think the army of Bahai scholars writing up hundreds of papers a
year (written for their own consumption) can defend their 'face'
against something so critical as the non-event 'proclamation' in 1863
to have happened in the Garden of Najibiyya of which no one not even
Abbas the Khanas remembers anything except of course for Husayn-Ali
I tell you when Husayn-Ali's proclamation was and that is well
That was soon after Husayn-Ali arrived in Baghdad in 1853. He told
everyone he bumped into that he was Imam Husayn returned and elsewhere
that he was HWGSMM and to some others that Bayan had expired.
When these were reported to Subh-i Azal the Source of the command
according to Husayn-Ali (Kitab-i Iqan) he summoned Husayn-Ali and told
him practically to shut up otherwise he would have to make his
judgement on him public and he did not like to do that to him.
He could not take the embarrassment. He told a few of his friends
where they could find him and left for Kurdistan.
There he made a living as a Dervish. Mirza Aqa Jan who knew where he
was pleaded with Subh-i Azal to forgive him and ask him to return.
Finally Subh-i Azal agreed and sent them after him. Soon he was back
in Baghdad and was placed again charge of the Babis.
The fire of his envy towards Subh-i Azal however continued to enflame
him in years later. During that time he continued his practice of
undermining Subh-i Azal in private and denying it in his letters which
If one ignored Husayn-Ali's very frequent manifestations from 1853,
then the date which should be considered as his very open public claim
was in March 1866 when he wrote to Subh-i Azal and asked for his
That was the first time when he actually put his claim on to the paper
after which he could no longer deny and after he thought he has
eliminated all those who could stand in his way and after he realised
that the rupture between him and Subh-i Azal has grown so much that
the status quo could not continue and that he thought he had the