The Shield of Truth against Satanic Intellection.
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Raymond Karczewski
2014-04-08 04:42:46 UTC
The Shield of Truth against Satanic Intellection.

By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

Arthur, all issues you address apply to People who live in their
minds, their intellect. When one does so, they live in the cage of
their own dualistic/divisive satanically conditioned Intellect.

Hence all they know is separation from the wholeness of life, that is
beyond all limitations which the intellect may imposed upon one.

Love, Life, Truth is the energy which is infinite, unbounded, beyond
all limitations. Hook into that and one is resonating with "Truth,
Life and the Way" itself.

Watch my recent you tube offering "a simple Christ."

Nothing rote about that, nothing which is learned in books. It comes
from awareness and experience. When such state of Awareness is
reached, one can see the Power of Truth which shields the soul from
ignorant men who harbor aspiring spiritual goals but are enslaved to
satanic illusions.

You and I are one in the Truth which is communicated, but my
understanding is not acquired through rote, repetitive, belief-
imposed concepts based in memory.

Mine are experienced directly, in the moment, it can be experienced by
all who are quiet and pay attention..

"No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind,including
JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the SATANIC WEAPON
used to enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

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David Raleigh Arnold
2014-04-08 14:41:01 UTC
On Tue, 08 Apr 2014 04:42:46 GMT
Post by Raymond Karczewski
The Shield of Truth against Satanic Intellection.
Belief is not truth. Religions are as subject to verification
and testing as anything else. --Rale
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Raymond Karczewski
2014-04-10 00:10:27 UTC
Re: The Shield of Truth against Satanic Intellection.

Jesus Karczewski wrote:

Raymond Karczewski wrote:

jk: > Whackadoodle Ray: Teh Contradictions in Essence Continue...

jk: > Whackadoodle Raymond Karczewski wrote:

rk: >> Arthur, all issues you address apply to People who live in
their minds, their intellect. When one does so, they live in the cage
of their own dualistic/divisive satanically conditioned Intellect.

jk: > One such conditioning is the love of money. We all know what
criminals who love money do... they rob, steal, cheat, lie, and file
bogus liens.

rk: >> Hence all they know is separation from the wholeness of life,
that is beyond all limitations which the intellect may imposed upon

jk: > So what limits whackadoodle kooks who commit felony crimes in an
attempt to enrich themselves?

rk: >> Love, Life, Truth is the energy which is infinite, unbounded,
beyond all limitations. Hook into that and one is resonating with
"Truth, Life and the Way" itself.

jk: > And a love of money is the energy which causes criminals to
attempt to rob innocent members of their community.

rk: >> Nothing rote about that

jk: > Nevermind the whackadoodle rote of "boycott, boycott, boycott"
or "aware, aware, aware", and even "satanic this, satanic that,
satanic the other."

rk: >> You and I are one in the Truth which is communicated, but my
understanding is not acquired through rote, repetitive, belief-imposed
concepts based in memory.

jk: > Nevermind the whackadoodle rote of "boycott, boycott, boycott"
or "aware, aware, aware", and even "satanic this, satanic that,
satanic the other."

rk: >> Mine are experienced directly, in the moment, it can be
experienced by all who are quiet and pay attention..

jk: > When is Whackadoodle Ray going to boycott, boycott, boycott his
monthly check or the evil, evil bank that cashes it for him?

rk: It is difficult to attack one who is master of his own mind and
not its slave, is it not?

rk: I draw attention to the satanic spirit of the cowardly
government/media disinformation agent who operates under a legion of
aliases throughout the years and has recently chosen the internet
handle of "Jesus Karczewski" to carry out his satanic campaign to
destroy another's reputation, credibility.

rk: Without such dependence upon anonymity, the guttersniping, entity
could not carry out his satanic function of libel, forgery, smear
campaigns and the such. He would be held responsible for his words and
actions and the satanic institutions of Government and law enforcement
could no longer afford to continue to support such libelous, vicious,
and degrading comments designed to avoid the simple Truth of a Christ.

rk: I draw attention to the spirit of this satanic entities' own
words. Do they not contain the seething quality of envy, of one's own
contrasting energy of one who has "fallen and can't get up" from his
descent into hell? Does he not personify the spirit of one who cannot
rise above his groveling slave station, and so must bring another down
to his level, so that he may rationalize his own spiritual pain?

rk: Such a satanic entity plays to the satanic spirit that has
enslaved billions of men and women throughout time in the hellish
world of Civilized Society?

rk: Damned near all of you reading this, opt to identify with such
satanic behavior, because you too, to a lesser degree have also sold
your souls to a life of enslavement through such Satanic Mind Control.

rk: Its very difficult to look at a free man, a Christ, a Mirror of
Truth when standing in your own satanic mess of a life. Hell, Isn't

"No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind,
including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the
SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

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