Post by NURFirst, I do believe, based on Hammond's refusal to say why he is
interested in the Baha'i Faith and his frequent defense of the AO,
that he is probably working for them."
-- Eric Stetson, September 16, 2003
Post by PaulHammondI think he meant specifically towards gays, Nima
No, she/he didn't. This is a blanket, unnuanced statement.
Well, you are, certainly, good at those.
But you seem to have missed the context - this thread is called
"baha'i faith and homosexuals", or it was before you changed it to "I
don't like Paul"
And, seeing as how you DIDN'T crosspost it to soc.religion.bahai, Mike
is never going to see your response.
Since I don't particularly like what he's said either, it's pretty
pointless of you to pick a fight with me over it.
The following is published online at
and is intended for mass circulation. Please publicize this in any
way you think would be appropriate and to anyone you think would be
An Apology to the Baha'is of This World and the World Beyond
by Eric Stetson - November 12, 2008
Dear Baha'i Friends,
I declared my faith in the Baha'i religion on March 21, 1998; was an
observant and active Baha'i for about four years; and resigned my
membership in the Baha'i community on November 5, 2002, about six
years ago. Before leaving the faith, I wrote and published on the
internet a book calling for reform of the Baha'i Faith and claiming
prophetic authority to do so, but soon decided I no longer believed
in Baha'u'llah's claim of prophethood nor my own. I became a
Christian and a strong critic of Baha'u'llah, the Baha'i faith and
its organization. Because of the high visibility of my website,, many thousands of people were exposed to my
critical views, which I couched as a Christian witness to the truth
Christ and the falsehood of Baha'u'llah and his religion. I
apparently became well enough known among Baha'is that I was
identified in an academic article by Baha'i author Moojan Momen as
one of twelve noteworthy modern "apostates" of the Baha'i Faith.
Looking back, I believe some of my criticisms were more justified
others. Some were based on facts that are not in dispute,
whereas other things I said were gratuitous and harsh judgments that
were not in the spirit of Christ. Between the years 2002 and 2008, I
have gradually progressed from the point of condemning Baha'u'llah to
hell (a judgment that only rebounded back upon myself while I
believed it) to a recognition that, whether or not he was inspired by
God and regardless of any specific mistakes he may have made, he was
surely a man who was trying to make a positive difference in the
and deserves much credit for that.
So let me join the Baha'is this year, this day, in saying "Happy
birthday Baha'u'llah!" The world is a better place and many souls
have been lifted up to greater heights because you were born and
on this earth and shared your spiritual message with its
people. I love you -- not in the way Baha'is do as a follower of the
religion you founded, but as a fellow child of God who yearns to do
good for my brothers and sisters in the human family and who
appreciates the positive things you did in your life in the face of
extraordinary trials.
I apologize for excessive and sometimes unfair criticisms I have
voiced against Baha'u'llah, his successors, and the Baha'i community.
I ask forgiveness from all of you -- those who are in this world as
well as those in the world beyond. I especially ask those who have
been martyred for their Baha'i faith to forgive me. I know that you
sacrificed yourselves for something worth dying for: a vision of
humanity united in inclusive love, common purpose, and peace among
nations and religions under One God. Let me have as much courage and
strength to live for these ideals as you had to die for them.
If I am considered by any Baha'is to be an "enemy of the Faith," an
angry apostate, or other such negative appellations, I ask that you
no longer regard me in this way. Instead, consider me a friend and
colleague in the broad-based movement toward a universal spiritual
vision for humanity's future and a global civilization based on
respect and reconciliation of all.
Though I disagree with Baha'u'llah and his successors on some
important points and believe them all to have been fallible human
beings like anyone else, I recognize that they received some valuable
divine inspiration and that -- though it is almost certainly not
God's plan for the Baha'i faith ever to become the largest religion
in the world -- nevertheless the existence of the Baha'i faith has,
on balance, been a positive thing in history. Above all, I believe
Baha'u'llah will be remembered as a man who made a serious attempt to
bring spiritual and societal progress to the Islamic world -- a
civilization which was, and in some ways still is, desperately in
need of advancement beyond the beliefs and practices of the Middle
Ages. We should be grateful for his efforts in this regard, despite
whatever details of his claims and his teachings one may disagree
with. Furthermore, we should thank Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi for
their sincere attempt to take the basic principles taught by
Baha'u'llah and use this as the basis for creating a world-embracing
faith tradition that, in their own time and considering their own
cultural background, was very progressive -- and which in some ways
remains so today.
I am writing this letter and sharing it publicly because this is a
crucial time in world history, a time when it is vitally important
for people to put aside their religious differences in order to work
together for the sake of all who are living today and for those yet
unborn. I do not wish for my disagreement with some aspects of Baha'i
theology and organizational practices to be a barrier preventing me
from uniting with Baha'is when it may be desirable for furthering our
common goals which transcend the boundaries of religion. I do not
wish for Baha'is to feel that I am someone they must regard as a
source of negative energy to be avoided.
Now is not the time for making petty arguments or holding grudges.
Now is a weighty time, a grave time, a time when the very future of
humanity is at stake. It is a time when people, nations, and the
earth itself are facing a unique confluence of challenges
unprecedented in human history. Now is the time for serious people --
spiritual people who care about all that is good and who would be
part of healing our planet -- to come together in reconciliation,
forgive each other of our faults and mistakes, and look to a new
vision beyond the limits of the past.
There is also another reason for this letter, a personal reason.
About six months ago, I had a visionary dream which moved me
powerfully. Just as I shared my dreams that led me to question and
speak out against some practices of the Baha'i Faith several years
ago, I feel a responsibility to share this dream as well --
regardless of how anyone, either adherents or opponents of the Baha'i
Faith, may think of it or interpret it.
In the dream, I was walking (floating actually, in my astral body as
is common in dreams and visions) through a vast garden approaching a
shrine containing Baha'u'llah's tomb. There were many pathways in
this garden, coming from all directions toward the shrine at the
center. When I reached the shrine, I entered and found myself in a
large auditorium filled with crimson-colored seats which were
arranged in a semicircle around the focal point, a raised platform on
which was Baha'u'llah's sarcophagus with a tentlike canopy over it.
All of the seats were empty. The sarcophagus containing Baha'u'llah's
body was draped with a cloth on which was embroidered a large cross.
I became aware of many souls ascending the platform, one after
another, and putting papers in a slot in the sarcophagus. On these
papers were their prayers which were addressed to Baha'u'llah. I
suddenly felt moved to offer to Baha'u'llah a prayer of my own. I
approached the sarcophagus and placed in the slot a paper on which I
had written, in the ink of the spirit, the simple but powerful
words, "Forgive me." Overcome with emotion as my prayer entered
Baha'u'llah's resting place, I expressed my sorrow for hurting him
and his people and pleaded for forgiveness. I embraced and clung to
the sarcophagus for a period of time, felt my sadness and guilt turn
to a deep inner peace, then let go and turned to exit the shrine.
Walking back through the garden, I find that I am accompanied by the
person who first introduced me to the Baha'i faith in this earthly
lifetime. We talk with each other in a pleasant and amicable tone. I
explain to him that I cannot be a member of the Baha'i Faith, but
that like many people, I am "half Baha'i." I express my belief that
Baha'u'llah was a prophet, but not as great as he claimed to be. I
also share my faith in the teaching of Jesus Christ that all human
beings are the sons and daughters of God, who is our spiritual Parent
(see Matthew 6:9); that in fact we are all manifestations of God or
in a sense "gods" (see John 10:30-36). As the dream ends, I perceive
that the Baha'i walking beside me is friendly and somewhat receptive
to what I'm telling him.
To conclude this letter, I will reiterate that I apologize to the
Baha'is for criticizing their religion excessively and that I seek
their forgiveness for doing so. Anything negative I may say from now
on about the Baha'i Faith will be said in a respectful way and with
the clear understanding that there is much that is good about this
faith which must also be recognized and applauded.
Like all religions and religious organizations, the Baha'i Faith has
its flaws, to be sure. I am not going to pretend otherwise for the
sake of a superficial feel-good relationship that lacks the bracing
honesty borne out of true respect and care. I have also spoken and
written extensively about the problems with Christianity, in an
attempt to bring a more universalist and progressive spirit to the
church and body of Christ -- so I am well aware that every religion,
even my own, is imperfect and can benefit from some criticism which
ought to spark needed reflection and change. However, I often failed
to acknowledge along with my criticisms of the Baha'i Faith that it
has been and continues to be a beneficial influence in the lives of
many people and that this is to be celebrated, as the positive
effects of a flawed Christianity and other religions are likewise to
be praised. The flaws of the Baha'i Faith, though real, need not be
unduly emphasized.
I do ask the Baha'is to consider fairly and with an open mind the
concerns of people who leave the Baha'i Faith or hold dissenting
opinions within it. You should not caricature them as being angry and
hateful people, when in most cases this is not true. The majority of
people who leave the faith and speak up about why they did so, or who
believe in Baha'u'llah but openly disagree with some policies of
Baha'i religious institutions, are good people who simply are acting
according to the promptings of their conscience. They may be mistaken
or they may be correct, but in all but a small minority of cases they
are primarily motivated not by base and vile emotions but by a
sincere desire to uphold what they believe to be truth and justice.
I call upon Baha'is to focus on promoting the highest, most universal
principles of your faith and to work with anyone from any religion to
advance those principles, rather than excessively focusing on the
person of Baha'u'llah or the Baha'i administrative order. The world
doesn't need yet another religion offering salvation through rigid
doctrinal belief in one man or one church. What the world needs today
is people from all faiths and denominations to put aside their narrow
and exclusive mindset and recognize that we all are God's children
and we all have important ideas to contribute to the discussion, in
order that together we may solve or mitigate the severe problems
humanity is facing and that the human race may be uplifted to its
full divine potential. I ask you to join me in this transcendent
understanding and this great calling.
May God bless and inspire you all.
Love always,
Eric Stetson