Baha'i and theistic evolutionist ?
(too old to reply)
Number Eleven - GPEMC!
2008-09-06 00:49:25 UTC
"??? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???????? ?????? ??????
???? ?? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ??????" <***@gmail.com> wrote in
message news:0e339416-cd0c-4782-909d-***@a8g2000prf.googlegroups.com...


Sounds like something else I've come across. The Enneagram (the temperament
system Gurdjieff sourced to the Sufis) - also gives the later Myer-Briggs
type index a run for its money. Both are equally flawed, however. MBTI mixes
genetic and neural scales and furthermore uses binary scales for strictly
neural features (necessarily more complex than binary or we'd still be
deciding whether to swing or walk). The Enneagram mixes incompatible
prosperity and survival strategies such that well documented states such as
PTSD cannot be modelled in this system without overlaying split bases (Eg.
in PTSD the Enneagram overlay is simultaneously 1 and 6).

Interestingly, religion makes no acknowledgement of temperament diversity,
nor does religious law offer the slightest evidence of any attempt to avoid
temperament bigotry...

Isn't it wonderful to be human!
We all love to make Miss Steaks but precious few ever want to admit making
Timothy Casey GPEMC! Conditions apply. See www.fieldcraft.biz/GPEMC
Essays: http://timothycasey.info; http://speed-reading-comprehension.com
Software: http://fieldcraft.biz; Scientific IQ Test, Web Menus, Security.
Science & Technical: http://geologist-1011.com; http://web-design-1011.com
بسم الله القديم الأزلي المحيط الذي أحاط بعلمه جميع مخلوقاته القديم الأبدي الذي لا ابتداء لقدمه وليس له انتهاء
2008-09-06 06:02:22 UTC
On Sep 6, 10:49 am, "Number Eleven - GPEMC!"
Post by Number Eleven - GPEMC!
"??? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???????? ?????? ??????
Sounds like something else I've come across. The Enneagram (the temperament
system Gurdjieff sourced to the Sufis) -
Poppycock! There is no evidence whatsoever that the Gurdjieffian
enneagram - as it has been given to the West via Gurdjieff's disciples
such as Bennett - has anything remotely to do with the various
sciences of divination via sacred geometry the Sufis have practiced,
and which the 4th Way people claim is authentic. The Enneagram qua
enneagram is completely a fabrication of Gurdjieffians, just as the
Western Tarot since the Marseilles deck bares absolutely no connection
to the Tarot as it was transmitted in North Africa by the Sufis.
Post by Number Eleven - GPEMC!
Interestingly, religion makes no acknowledgement of temperament diversity,
nor does religious law offer the slightest evidence of any attempt to avoid
temperament bigotry...
You're talking about exoteric religionism. True Esotericism inhabits a
completely different space altogether.

Number Eleven - GPEMC!
2008-09-06 10:16:20 UTC
"??? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???????? ?????? ??????
Post by بسم الله القديم الأزلي المحيط الذي أحاط بعلمه جميع مخلوقاته القديم الأبدي الذي لا ابتداء لقدمه وليس له انتهاء
On Sep 6, 10:49 am, "Number Eleven - GPEMC!"
Post by Number Eleven - GPEMC!
"??? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ???????? ?????? ??????
Post by بسم الله القديم الأزلي المحيط الذي أحاط بعلمه جميع مخلوقاته القديم الأبدي الذي لا ابتداء لقدمه وليس له انتهاء
Post by Number Eleven - GPEMC!
Sounds like something else I've come across. The Enneagram (the temperament
system Gurdjieff sourced to the Sufis) -
Poppycock! There is no evidence whatsoever that the Gurdjieffian
enneagram - as it has been given to the West via Gurdjieff's disciples
such as Bennett - has anything remotely to do with the various
sciences of divination via sacred geometry the Sufis have practiced,
and which the 4th Way people claim is authentic. The Enneagram qua
enneagram is completely a fabrication of Gurdjieffians, just as the
Western Tarot since the Marseilles deck bares absolutely no connection
to the Tarot as it was transmitted in North Africa by the Sufis.
You see, I too enjoy the company of Miss Steak!
Post by بسم الله القديم الأزلي المحيط الذي أحاط بعلمه جميع مخلوقاته القديم الأبدي الذي لا ابتداء لقدمه وليس له انتهاء
Post by Number Eleven - GPEMC!
Interestingly, religion makes no acknowledgement of temperament diversity,
nor does religious law offer the slightest evidence of any attempt to avoid
temperament bigotry...
You're talking about exoteric religionism. True Esotericism inhabits a
completely different space altogether.
Interesting. Which ones acknowledge temperament diversity and allow for
temperament demographics?

Timothy Casey GPEMC! Conditions apply. See www.fieldcraft.biz/GPEMC
Essays: http://timothycasey.info; http://speed-reading-comprehension.com
Software: http://fieldcraft.biz; Scientific IQ Test, Web Menus, Security.
Science & Technical: http://geologist-1011.com; http://web-design-1011.com
بسم الله القديم الأزلي المحيط الذي أحاط بعلمه جميع مخلوقاته القديم الأبدي الذي لا ابتداء لقدمه وليس له انتهاء
2008-09-07 07:42:45 UTC
On Sep 6, 8:16 pm, "Number Eleven - GPEMC!"
Post by Number Eleven - GPEMC!
Interesting. Which ones acknowledge temperament diversity and allow for
temperament demographics?
The Liber Mundi!

