Who and What IS God?
(too old to reply)
Raymond Karczewski
2014-02-17 22:56:15 UTC
Who and What IS God?

Jess Laratonda writes:

Raymond Karczewski writes:

jl: > Who is your god? What are your gods? You can tell by the words
that come out of your mouth and the actions that follow. Are you more
worried about yourself or serving others? Are you trying to feel
better about your life? God doesn't play ego games. There is only one
Great I Am. Good luck trying to be more important than the one who
created you!

rk: Jess, as soon as you pray to a concept you have as God which takes
precedence over other concepts you may harbor, you will feel at peace,
but it IS NOT PEACE, but an escape from ideas which conflict you.

One must silence the INTELLECT, die to it TO BE REBORN OF THE SPIRIT
OF TRUTH. For Truth is God. Once grounded in Truth, One resonates with
the nondualistic essence of Infinite Intelligence which IS GOD.

Mark Maeiou What bigger ego game can there be when you create humans
and tell them to praise you or go to hell?

Yes you are right that life does seem like one big ego game when you
put it that way. However, There is a freedom from this world that
comes from loving Him. There is also a huge change in perspective. I
always wanted God and loved God, but never gave him the keys to the
car to let him drive. God does not tell anyone to go to Hell. No
matter how much He tries to win people over, they will ignore and
reject because that means being humbled or giving up idols like money,
sex, self-importance etc etc. That's the point. God doesn't play those
games. When you are on His team, there is no keeping score. It is all
for his glory or his grief. When the Holy Spirit enters your heart,
there is no more trying to win any race or trying to be anything but
an advocate for the Mo

Mark Maeiou Yes, I agree (sort of). Something must be done with people
who have egos greater than life itself.

Mark Dottle Look no further than poor parenting and the public school

Beth McMaster I worship nature and all that she is. I always help the
innocent and I am not all ego. I left Christianity years ago to follow
a simpler religion that is not hypocritical or self centered.
Christianity from the beginning has had one goal. Make everyone
believe Christianity is the only true religion. It isn't.

Alex Nicanovich Life is my God. Om Shanti xx

Raymond Karczewski Alex, you've got it. Truth is LIFE, Truth is the
WAY, Truth is GOD.

Eric Seitz "What is Truth?" Pontius Pilate

Alex Nicanovich Raymond, isnt it.. Life is living us as truth, just
sometimes we cannot or refuse to see and witness it unfolding infront
and through us?

Raymond Karczewski Eric, why not speak for yourself rather than quote
another who also DOES NOT KNOW what Truth is, regardless of his
prominence in history ? Stop the nonsense of fortifying your
Satanically ruled intellect, and be quiet. There you shall be in a

Jimmy J Fury Fiore With out God the true God the only God the God of
the bible. Their is no truth truth is not relative. Without the true
God you can't have moral absolutes , you will then try to make your
own moral standards. That will never hold up to Gods standard of
perfection that can only be met through Christ dying for your sins.
Without God theirs no hope for life after this and if this is it
theirs no hope in living period.

Beth McMaster What you all appear to be saying is if one does not
believe in the true God you are shit. Hate to break it to you guys but
there are many many good people who have no egos and do not worship
the one and only. Only Christianity is hell bent on discrediting any
other religion except itself.

JIMMY FIORE With out God the true God the only God the God of the
bible. Their is no truth truth is not relative. Without the true God
you can't have moral absolutes , you will then try to make your own
moral standards. That will never hold up to Gods standard of
perfection that can only be met through Christ dying for your sins.
Without God theirs no hope for life after this and if this is it
theirs no hope in living period. rk: Jimmy, you are a mind controlled
satanic believer. Your are a cult member, not much difference than
those who committed mass suicide via JIM JONES, another Christian

Jimmy J Fury Fiore It is the only truth as I said truth is not
relative. There can only be one truth. When you have a bunch of
religions all saying their right. Only one can be the truth.

Raymond Karczewski Jimmy, If you were speaking Truth, you would not be
TALKING the way you are. You are a DELUDED MAN speaking only of your
satanic Idea of Truth.

Jimmy J Fury Fiore I know who Jim Jonez is Raymond. Not even close do
some research before you say that. So what is truth? And where do you
get morals?

Jimmy J Fury Fiore What do you believe Raymond ?

Raymond Karczewski Don't you see the trap that you are setting for
yourself. You just want to argue about ideas and beliefs when you ask
another to define God, Truth, Etc. You worship ideas of god, truth,
etc. Those, I agree are ARGUABLE. But when you speak to one of Christ
Consciousness you shall only be mirrored by the Mirror of Truth as to
your true state of Consciousness. Your defensiveness is showing. By

Jimmy J Fury Fiore So your an atheist? Do you believe in evolution?

Raymond Karczewski An atheist NO. A Christ, YES! I suggest I am over
your head and you shall continue to expose your ignorance with every
kneejerk reaction which compels you to argue.

Jimmy J Fury Fiore So your the messiah? And I'm the delusional one ?
3 minutes ago

YOURS. To Jimmy and all others, I AM WHO I SAY I AM. Christ
Consciousness can be naught other. Take what I say or Leave it, but
bear the consequences of your actions. One way or the other you shall
reach the Truth sooner or later.

"No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind, including
JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the SATANIC WEAPON
used to enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

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Change The Quality of Your Life Today
2014-02-19 21:40:15 UTC
Post by Raymond Karczewski
Who and What IS God?
The "Who" is: "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is
JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth." (Ps 83:18; KJV)

The "Who" is also: "And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou
say unto the children of Israel, Jehovah, the God of your fathers, the
God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me
unto you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all
generations." (Ex 3:15; ASV)

And the "Who" is: "the Lord, the God of heaven's armies--Jehovah is
his name." (Hosea 12:5; Living Bible)

The "what" is: "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must
worship him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:24; KJV)

So to summarize:

Who is God? Jehovah
What is God? A spirit being

John 4:23,24
