Ruth White
2009-07-17 14:29:13 UTC
NOT slightest intimation that they intended to appoint an hereditary
guardianship (28-29).
Ruth White. Abdul Baha's Questioned Will and Testament.
Beverly Hills: White, 1946.
"Neither [Abdu'l-Baha] nor Baha'u'llah had given the slightest
intimation that they intended to appoint an hereditary guardianship. In
fact everything that they had said or spoken indicated the opposite
"I also did a great deal of recollecting of events that had happened
during our two visits to the home of Abdu'l-Baha, where I had an
opportunity to see him in relation to his family and his
"in-laws." The deductions that I made confirmed what Abdul-Baha had so
often said--that the spiritual relationship was the real kinship, and
not the physical. For his family, with the exception of his wife and
sister, were the average types with a strong bent toward organized
religion, whereas Abdu'l-Baha was universal, "super-racial and
undogmatic." The world was his family. His loving care for his universal
family was evident throughout his life, but at no time was it more
evident than during the first world war and directly after it. He
personally supervised vast agricultural projects at Tiberias and
Adassieh, and he rationed and distributed the products that he
cultivated, thereby saving thousands from starvation" (28-29).
-- The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience See 2007 - Lawsuit by Wilmette
NSA Against Other Denominations Dr. C. (Charles) Ainsworth
guardianship (28-29).
Ruth White. Abdul Baha's Questioned Will and Testament.
Beverly Hills: White, 1946.
"Neither [Abdu'l-Baha] nor Baha'u'llah had given the slightest
intimation that they intended to appoint an hereditary guardianship. In
fact everything that they had said or spoken indicated the opposite
"I also did a great deal of recollecting of events that had happened
during our two visits to the home of Abdu'l-Baha, where I had an
opportunity to see him in relation to his family and his
"in-laws." The deductions that I made confirmed what Abdul-Baha had so
often said--that the spiritual relationship was the real kinship, and
not the physical. For his family, with the exception of his wife and
sister, were the average types with a strong bent toward organized
religion, whereas Abdu'l-Baha was universal, "super-racial and
undogmatic." The world was his family. His loving care for his universal
family was evident throughout his life, but at no time was it more
evident than during the first world war and directly after it. He
personally supervised vast agricultural projects at Tiberias and
Adassieh, and he rationed and distributed the products that he
cultivated, thereby saving thousands from starvation" (28-29).
-- The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience See 2007 - Lawsuit by Wilmette
NSA Against Other Denominations Dr. C. (Charles) Ainsworth