.... we should be apologising to the world for
creating a nasty, foul-mouthed, mendacious, fundamentally dishonest
racist sexist fatasist.
You just described your own demon founder Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nari to
the letter, especially here, Kitab-i-Badi' (the book they will never
translate for you dumb glaze-eyed Western cultists):
You corrupt, genocidal and lying demonic cultists have as much, if not
more to, apologize to the People of the Bayan for than the white
Australians to the Stolen Generation of Aborigines in Australia.
Beginning with your demon profit, you are all thieves and lying,
deceiving parasites who have the blood of innocents on your vermin
hands, from Edirne all the way to the present:
BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques
1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais
The BAHAIM Technique
"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS