Darrick Evenson to Joel B. Marangella.....
(too old to reply)
2009-09-11 22:12:39 UTC
Dear Orthodox Baha'is,

Joel B. Marangella confirmed to me in two emails the following:

*Joseph Smith was a true Seer who prophecied of Baha'u'llah
*Abortion is absolutely forbidden..no exceptions.
*Jesus arose in His ethereal body, which His disciples thought was
a physical body (i.e. they were seeing Him in vision but did not know
and that the Gospel accounts of His resurrection are accurate and NOT
"mere parables".

One of the "Hands" of Marangella said that I was "violating every
of the Faith" because I told him that I did not believe that all the
races were
equal in intelligence. I then resigned from the Orthodox Baha'i Faith.

Here is an email that I sent Mr. Marangella years ago.

Mr. Marangella,

My apologies to you for insulting you. I was very upset with David
Maxwell, a member of the OBF, for telling me that I "violated every
principle of the Faith" because I do not believe that all the races
are equal in intelligence. I should not have gotten angry at YOU for
his stupidity. I apologize for that.

The races are NOT equal in intelligence. The Asian race, who have the
largest brains, are the most intelligent. They are followed by the
Caucasians, then the Malaysians, then the Africans, then the
Melanesians, and finally the Australoids. This is a proven scientific
fact, not theory. Asians always do best in every test regarding
intelligence. Caucasians always do better than Africans. Australoids
always do the worst. Scientific racism is a proven fact, and has
NOTHING to do with wanting one race to dominate another! What
slavery was NOT scientific racism, but rather the love of wealth.
inspired segregation had NOTHING to do with scientific racism.

As a Haifan Baha'i I told people what I thought about the
of races. We are told that evolution proves that Homo Sapien-Sapiens
are more intelligent than "lower" kinds of man, based solely upon
brain cranial capacity. Yet, today, Asians have the largest brains,
and Australoids the smallest. Asians do best on math and language
skills, and Australoids do the worst. Caucasians do better in math
language than do Africans, etc. These are PROVED scientific
and one of the main principles of the Faith is that if Religion and
Science disagree on a point, we must go with science.

I must go with science.

Not only that, there is nothing in the Revelation of Baha'u'llah (the
writings of Baha'u'llah, 'Abdu'l-Baha, or Shoghi Effendi) that say or
even "hint" that the races are equal in intelligence.

They are not. So, this is not a choice between a "Baha'i Principle"
and Science. It is simply accepting the Baha'i Principle to accept
truth; regardless of the philosophies of men, no matter how popular
they be.

Dave Maxwell cares NOTHING about facts, or what science has to say on
the issue. He believes in false propaganda. He has grafted the
Humanist FALSE propaganda onto the Baha'i Revelation; as have the
Haifan Baha'is. But NOWHERE did Baha'u'llah or 'Abdu'l-Baha or
Effendi every say or right that "the races are equal in intelligent".
Does not exist. I've looked for such a statement since 1981, very
fervently. In fact, 'Abdu'l-Baha says the OPPOSITE, that Persians are
the most intelligent people inherently.

Also, I have written on the Internet the fact that you confirmed the

*Jesus arose in his ethereal body, the Gospel accounts of his
resurrection are not "mere parables" but historical and accurate

*Joseph Smith was a Seer (not a Prophet) who prophesied of
in his capacity as a Seer.

*Abortion is forbidden in the Cause.

Yet, several Orthodox Baha'is have "hinted" that I am lying about
these things, and that you never confirmed these things to me.
Perhapsyou can set them straight, that I was telling the truth about
things, and you did confirm these items were true. You did, in fact,
to me that those beliefs are true.

So, again. I became angry at you; because of the gross stupidy of
David Maxwell. I should not have. I do apologize for that. You are a
very good man, and were always my friend.
Darrick Evenson
2009-09-12 00:29:27 UTC
Post by Darrick
Dear Orthodox Baha'is,
*Joseph Smith was a true Seer who prophecied of Baha'u'llah
*Abortion is absolutely forbidden..no exceptions.
*Jesus arose in His ethereal body, which His disciples thought was
a physical body (i.e. they were seeing Him in vision but did not know
and that the Gospel accounts of His resurrection are accurate and NOT
"mere parables".
One of the "Hands" of Marangella said that I was "violating every
of the Faith" because I told him that I did not believe that all the
races were
equal in intelligence. I then resigned from the Orthodox Baha'i Faith.
Here is an email that I sent Mr. Marangella years ago.
Mr. Marangella,
My apologies to you for insulting you. I was very upset with David
Maxwell, a member of the OBF, for telling me that I "violated every
principle of the Faith" because I do not believe that all the races
are equal in intelligence. I should not have gotten angry at YOU for
his stupidity. I apologize for that.
The races are NOT equal in intelligence. The Asian race, who have the
largest brains, are the most intelligent. They are followed by the
Caucasians, then the Malaysians, then the Africans, then the
Melanesians, and finally the Australoids. This is a proven scientific
fact, not theory. Asians always do best in every test regarding
intelligence. Caucasians always do better than Africans. Australoids
always do the worst. Scientific racism is a proven fact, and has
NOTHING to do with wanting one race to dominate another! What
slavery was NOT scientific racism, but rather the love of wealth.
inspired segregation had NOTHING to do with scientific racism.
As a Haifan Baha'i I told people what I thought about the
of races. We are told that evolution proves that Homo Sapien-Sapiens
are more intelligent than "lower" kinds of man, based solely upon
brain cranial capacity. Yet, today, Asians have the largest brains,
and Australoids the smallest. Asians do best on math and language
skills, and Australoids do the worst. Caucasians do better in math
language than do Africans, etc. These are PROVED scientific
and one of the main principles of the Faith is that if Religion and
Science disagree on a point, we must go with science.
I must go with science.
Not only that, there is nothing in the Revelation of Baha'u'llah (the
writings of Baha'u'llah, 'Abdu'l-Baha, or Shoghi Effendi) that say or
even "hint" that the races are equal in intelligence.
They are not. So, this is not a choice between a "Baha'i Principle"
and Science. It is simply accepting the Baha'i Principle to accept
truth; regardless of the philosophies of men, no matter how popular
they be.
Dave Maxwell cares NOTHING about facts, or what science has to say on
the issue. He believes in false propaganda. He has grafted the
Humanist FALSE propaganda onto the Baha'i Revelation; as have the
Haifan Baha'is. But NOWHERE did Baha'u'llah or 'Abdu'l-Baha or
Effendi every say or right that "the races are equal in intelligent".
Does not exist. I've looked for such a statement since 1981, very
fervently. In fact, 'Abdu'l-Baha says the OPPOSITE, that Persians are
the most intelligent people inherently.
Also, I have written on the Internet the fact that you confirmed the
*Jesus arose in his ethereal body, the Gospel accounts of his
resurrection are not "mere parables" but historical and accurate
*Joseph Smith was a Seer (not a Prophet) who prophesied of
in his capacity as a Seer.
*Abortion is forbidden in the Cause.
Yet, several Orthodox Baha'is have "hinted" that I am lying about
these things, and that you never confirmed these things to me.
Perhapsyou can set them straight, that I was telling the truth about
things, and you did confirm these items were true. You did, in fact,
to me that those beliefs are true.
So, again. I became angry at you; because of the gross stupidy of
David Maxwell. I should not have. I do apologize for that. You are a
very good man, and were always my friend.
Darrick Evenson
2009-09-12 00:30:46 UTC
Post by Darrick
Dear Orthodox Baha'is,
*Joseph Smith was a true Seer who prophecied of Baha'u'llah
*Abortion is absolutely forbidden..no exceptions.
*Jesus arose in His ethereal body, which His disciples thought was
a physical body (i.e. they were seeing Him in vision but did not know
and that the Gospel accounts of His resurrection are accurate and NOT
"mere parables".
One of the "Hands" of Marangella said that I was "violating every
of the Faith" because I told him that I did not believe that all the
races were
equal in intelligence. I then resigned from the Orthodox Baha'i Faith.
Here is an email that I sent Mr. Marangella years ago.
Mr. Marangella,
My apologies to you for insulting you. I was very upset with David
Maxwell, a member of the OBF, for telling me that I "violated every
principle of the Faith" because I do not believe that all the races
are equal in intelligence. I should not have gotten angry at YOU for
his stupidity. I apologize for that.
The races are NOT equal in intelligence. The Asian race, who have the
largest brains, are the most intelligent. They are followed by the
Caucasians, then the Malaysians, then the Africans, then the
Melanesians, and finally the Australoids. This is a proven scientific
fact, not theory. Asians always do best in every test regarding
intelligence. Caucasians always do better than Africans. Australoids
always do the worst. Scientific racism is a proven fact, and has
NOTHING to do with wanting one race to dominate another! What
slavery was NOT scientific racism, but rather the love of wealth.
inspired segregation had NOTHING to do with scientific racism.
As a Haifan Baha'i I told people what I thought about the
of races. We are told that evolution proves that Homo Sapien-Sapiens
are more intelligent than "lower" kinds of man, based solely upon
brain cranial capacity. Yet, today, Asians have the largest brains,
and Australoids the smallest. Asians do best on math and language
skills, and Australoids do the worst. Caucasians do better in math
language than do Africans, etc. These are PROVED scientific
and one of the main principles of the Faith is that if Religion and
Science disagree on a point, we must go with science.
I must go with science.
Not only that, there is nothing in the Revelation of Baha'u'llah (the
writings of Baha'u'llah, 'Abdu'l-Baha, or Shoghi Effendi) that say or
even "hint" that the races are equal in intelligence.
They are not. So, this is not a choice between a "Baha'i Principle"
and Science. It is simply accepting the Baha'i Principle to accept
truth; regardless of the philosophies of men, no matter how popular
they be.
Dave Maxwell cares NOTHING about facts, or what science has to say on
the issue. He believes in false propaganda. He has grafted the
Humanist FALSE propaganda onto the Baha'i Revelation; as have the
Haifan Baha'is. But NOWHERE did Baha'u'llah or 'Abdu'l-Baha or
Effendi every say or right that "the races are equal in intelligent".
Does not exist. I've looked for such a statement since 1981, very
fervently. In fact, 'Abdu'l-Baha says the OPPOSITE, that Persians are
the most intelligent people inherently.
Also, I have written on the Internet the fact that you confirmed the
*Jesus arose in his ethereal body, the Gospel accounts of his
resurrection are not "mere parables" but historical and accurate
*Joseph Smith was a Seer (not a Prophet) who prophesied of
in his capacity as a Seer.
*Abortion is forbidden in the Cause.
Yet, several Orthodox Baha'is have "hinted" that I am lying about
these things, and that you never confirmed these things to me.
Perhapsyou can set them straight, that I was telling the truth about
things, and you did confirm these items were true. You did, in fact,
to me that those beliefs are true.
So, again. I became angry at you; because of the gross stupidy of
David Maxwell. I should not have. I do apologize for that. You are a
very good man, and were always my friend.
Darrick Evenson