Joel J. Marangella
2009-01-20 19:18:11 UTC
Following Mason Remey¹s accession to the Guardianship, he too, in complete
fidelity to the provisions of the Will and Testament of Abdu¹l-Bahá, had
clearly appointed, "in his own life-time" Joel B. Marangella as his
successor. The manner in which it was accomplished and the timing of this
appointment is recounted in his Proclamation of 12 November 1969, as
"This act of appointment goes back to the year 1961, some nineteen months
after the Proclamation issued by Mason Remey. In December of that year, a
letter was received from Mason Remey in whose outer envelope was enclosed a
smaller sealed envelope containing the following inscription written by
Mason on its face:
"Joel: Please take care of this sealed envelope among your papers in the
Bernese Oberland. As I see things now it may have to do with the coming
world catastrophe in or after 1963. You will know when to break the seal."
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It was only following Mason Remey's public announcement on September 21,
1964 of my appointment as President of the Second International Baha'i
Council, and the obvious implications of this appointment, that I decided
that the time had come to open the sealed envelope described above which
until then had remained deposited in a safety deposit box in a bank in
Interlaken, Switzerland. The hand-written statement found therein read as
"Dear Joel:
This is to tell you to tell the Baha'i World that I appoint you to be the
third Guardian of the Baha'i Faith according to the Will and Testament of
the Master, 'Abdu'l-Baha.
Mason, Guardian
of the Bahá'í Faith"
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As stated in my Proclamation: "upon reading this statement of appointment, I
was first struck by the fact that it was addressed to me and not to the
believers and that it commissioned me 'to tell' the Bahá¹í World that I was
the third Guardian. The question that immediately arose in my mind was when
I should tell the believers of this appointment." I realize now that, in the
light of the events that were later to transpire, I should have informed the
believers of this appointment at the time, I opened the letter addressed to
me by Mason, as it is obvious that Mason Remey, then already 87 years of
age, had phrased the letter in the way that he did, as he had realized that
the time might soon be at hand when his physical or mental faculties would
have become so impaired that it would be necessary for him to abdicate the
Guardianship and for me to assume the Guardianship of the Faith while he was
still living which would be a very difficult and most reluctant decision for
me to make. Fortunately, he did not leave this decision to me when, less
than four years later in the summer of 1965, I visited him in Florence,
Italy, (actually Fiesole on the hills above) and he instructed me at that
time, as the appointed President of the second International Baha'i Council,
to announce to the Baha'i World the activation of this Council whose
membership, he had announced earlier. I then prepared an announcement that
appeared in the October issue of the "Glad Tidings" (our Newsletter at the
time) under the title of "Council Assumes Task." However, aware as I was of
the tremendous implications involved in the activation the International
Council, I tried, unsuccessfully, as I later realized, to compose the
wording of my announcement in such a way that I would only be assigning
tasks to individual members, much as Shoghi Effendi had done upon his
appointment of the first International Baha'i Council, and thus, I thought,
at the time that this would preclude my actual assumption of the presidency
of an actively functioning body. There were however, two essential
differences in my situation and the one that Mason Remey had found himself
in as President of the first International Council, for unlike the specific
instructions given me by Mason Remey to activate the Council, Shoghi Effendi
had never instructed Mason Remey to activate the International Baha'i
Council under his presidency during his ministry and secondly, Shoghi
Effendi had announced in his cablegram of 8 March, 1952 that Ruhiyyih Khanum
was the "chosen liaison" between himself and the Council, thus further
precluding any semblance of assuming the presidency himself. Whether Mason
Remey had realized the full implications of the instructions given to me to
activate the Council, I do not know, or whether he understood that in doing
this, he had thereby abdicated the Guardianship. However, it had been as
though Mason had sensed the great reluctance that I had in assuming the
Guardianship, and to further induce me to overcome this reluctance that he
stated the following in a letter to me, under date of February 18, 1966:
"I am turning the affairs of the Faith over to you as the President of the
second Baha'i International Council to handle this for meyou having the
other members of the Council to assist you" and further in this same letter:
"from now on I will leave you free to conduct the affairs of the Faith, I
making suggestions when necessary." (published in the Glad Tidings of May
Following Mason Remey¹s accession to the Guardianship, he too, in complete
fidelity to the provisions of the Will and Testament of Abdu¹l-Bahá, had
clearly appointed, "in his own life-time" Joel B. Marangella as his
successor. The manner in which it was accomplished and the timing of this
appointment is recounted in his Proclamation of 12 November 1969, as
"This act of appointment goes back to the year 1961, some nineteen months
after the Proclamation issued by Mason Remey. In December of that year, a
letter was received from Mason Remey in whose outer envelope was enclosed a
smaller sealed envelope containing the following inscription written by
Mason on its face:
"Joel: Please take care of this sealed envelope among your papers in the
Bernese Oberland. As I see things now it may have to do with the coming
world catastrophe in or after 1963. You will know when to break the seal."
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It was only following Mason Remey's public announcement on September 21,
1964 of my appointment as President of the Second International Baha'i
Council, and the obvious implications of this appointment, that I decided
that the time had come to open the sealed envelope described above which
until then had remained deposited in a safety deposit box in a bank in
Interlaken, Switzerland. The hand-written statement found therein read as
"Dear Joel:
This is to tell you to tell the Baha'i World that I appoint you to be the
third Guardian of the Baha'i Faith according to the Will and Testament of
the Master, 'Abdu'l-Baha.
Mason, Guardian
of the Bahá'í Faith"
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As stated in my Proclamation: "upon reading this statement of appointment, I
was first struck by the fact that it was addressed to me and not to the
believers and that it commissioned me 'to tell' the Bahá¹í World that I was
the third Guardian. The question that immediately arose in my mind was when
I should tell the believers of this appointment." I realize now that, in the
light of the events that were later to transpire, I should have informed the
believers of this appointment at the time, I opened the letter addressed to
me by Mason, as it is obvious that Mason Remey, then already 87 years of
age, had phrased the letter in the way that he did, as he had realized that
the time might soon be at hand when his physical or mental faculties would
have become so impaired that it would be necessary for him to abdicate the
Guardianship and for me to assume the Guardianship of the Faith while he was
still living which would be a very difficult and most reluctant decision for
me to make. Fortunately, he did not leave this decision to me when, less
than four years later in the summer of 1965, I visited him in Florence,
Italy, (actually Fiesole on the hills above) and he instructed me at that
time, as the appointed President of the second International Baha'i Council,
to announce to the Baha'i World the activation of this Council whose
membership, he had announced earlier. I then prepared an announcement that
appeared in the October issue of the "Glad Tidings" (our Newsletter at the
time) under the title of "Council Assumes Task." However, aware as I was of
the tremendous implications involved in the activation the International
Council, I tried, unsuccessfully, as I later realized, to compose the
wording of my announcement in such a way that I would only be assigning
tasks to individual members, much as Shoghi Effendi had done upon his
appointment of the first International Baha'i Council, and thus, I thought,
at the time that this would preclude my actual assumption of the presidency
of an actively functioning body. There were however, two essential
differences in my situation and the one that Mason Remey had found himself
in as President of the first International Council, for unlike the specific
instructions given me by Mason Remey to activate the Council, Shoghi Effendi
had never instructed Mason Remey to activate the International Baha'i
Council under his presidency during his ministry and secondly, Shoghi
Effendi had announced in his cablegram of 8 March, 1952 that Ruhiyyih Khanum
was the "chosen liaison" between himself and the Council, thus further
precluding any semblance of assuming the presidency himself. Whether Mason
Remey had realized the full implications of the instructions given to me to
activate the Council, I do not know, or whether he understood that in doing
this, he had thereby abdicated the Guardianship. However, it had been as
though Mason had sensed the great reluctance that I had in assuming the
Guardianship, and to further induce me to overcome this reluctance that he
stated the following in a letter to me, under date of February 18, 1966:
"I am turning the affairs of the Faith over to you as the President of the
second Baha'i International Council to handle this for meyou having the
other members of the Council to assist you" and further in this same letter:
"from now on I will leave you free to conduct the affairs of the Faith, I
making suggestions when necessary." (published in the Glad Tidings of May