2010-07-26 11:09:56 UTC
I have been studying the world's major religions (Judaism, Christianity and
Islam) tonight and have realized they are all different paths to God and
were all started by messengers from God. Each messenger was foretold in the
Jewish sacred writings. When I read Bahai books they say Bahaullah was the
promised one foretold in all religions who would unite all religions. Which
verses in the Bible or Koran foretell Bahaullah?
Islam) tonight and have realized they are all different paths to God and
were all started by messengers from God. Each messenger was foretold in the
Jewish sacred writings. When I read Bahai books they say Bahaullah was the
promised one foretold in all religions who would unite all religions. Which
verses in the Bible or Koran foretell Bahaullah?