The most recent verbal excrement from Peter "Archon"
(too old to reply)
2009-08-06 09:33:10 UTC
"The solution is childishly simple; the solution is so simple, it’s
hardly worth mentioning. The solution is no more and no less than
unreserved acceptance of whatever the central authority of the Cause,
in this case the Universal House of Justice, decrees. If we would
hold to that, if we would contemplate it deeply, if we would absorb
the implications and meaning of unreserved acceptance and
implementation of whatever the Central Authority in the Cause decrees,
we are safe. Nothing can trouble us, we are in an impregnable

2009-08-06 16:27:39 UTC
Post by NUR
"The solution is childishly simple; the solution is so simple, it’s
hardly worth mentioning.  The solution is no more and no less than
unreserved acceptance of whatever the central authority of the Cause,
in this case the Universal House of Justice, decrees.  If we would
hold to that, if we would contemplate it deeply, if we would absorb
the implications and meaning of unreserved acceptance and
implementation of whatever the Central Authority in the Cause decrees,
we are safe.  Nothing can trouble us, we are in an impregnable
The extreme fanaticism of these Baha'is makes the Revelation of
Baha'u'llah appear tyrannical and almost humorously crazy. They are
doing more to destroy this Revelation than any of its enemies. Their
"Central Authority" reminds me of Frank Zappa's "Central
Scrutinizer" (from Joe's Garage, a story about how the government made
everything illegal in order to control the population and had
eventually decided to make music illegal):

Central Scrutinizer:
This is the CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER...it is my responsibility to enforce
all the laws that haven't been passed yet. It is also my
responsibility to alert each and every one of you to the potential
consequences of various ordinary everyday activities you might be
performing which could eventually lead to *The Death Penalty* (or
affect your parents' credit rating). Our criminal institutions are
full of little creeps like you who do wrong things...and many of them
were driven to these crimes by a horrible force called MUSIC!

Our studies have shown that this horrible force is so dangerous to
society at large that laws are being drawn up at this very moment to
stop it forever! Cruel and inhuman punishments are being carefully
described in tiny paragraphs so they won't conflict with the
Constitution (which, itself, is being modified in order to accommodate

I bring you now a special presentation to show what can happen to you
if you choose a career in MUSIC...The WHITE ZONE is for loading and
unloading only...if you have to load or unload, go to the WHITE
ZONE... you'll love it...it's a way of life...Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...Hi,
it's me, I'm back. This is the CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER...The WHITE ZONE is
for loading and unloading only...If yah gotta load, or if yah gotta
unload, go to the WHITE ZONE. You'll love it...it's a way of life.
That's right, you'll love it, it's a way of life, that's right, you'll
love it, it's a way of life, you'll love it. This, is, the CENTRAL

Sounds like one of their Ridvan letters!

2009-08-07 06:39:05 UTC
Post by JG9
Post by NUR
"The solution is childishly simple; the solution is so simple, it’s
hardly worth mentioning.  The solution is no more and no less than
unreserved acceptance of whatever the central authority of the Cause,
in this case the Universal House of Justice, decrees.  If we would
hold to that, if we would contemplate it deeply, if we would absorb
the implications and meaning of unreserved acceptance and
implementation of whatever the Central Authority in the Cause decrees,
we are safe.  Nothing can trouble us, we are in an impregnable
The extreme fanaticism of these Baha'is makes the Revelation of
Baha'u'llah appear tyrannical and almost humorously crazy.
Because the so-called revelation of Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri is
tyrannical and crazy. Besides the entire Kitab-i-Aqdas, here is more

Ma'idih-i-Asmani, vol. 4, page 355

Translation by Wahid Azal (Jan. 7, 2009)


Chapter 11

The Critics of the Cause of God (munkirin-i-amru'llah)

The Ancient Beauty in the Tablet of Habib from Maragha, which begins
with "H B hear the call of God from the direction of the throne by the
protective signs/verses (bi-ayati muhayyimin)..etc." they [i.e. Husayn
'Ali Nuri] enunciate the command (mi-farmayand) [i.e. state],

By God, the Truth, whomsoever criticizes it [i.e. Baha'ism], [which
is] possessed of the manifest, the brilliant, the high and the
perspicuous excellence, it behoveth him to ask his mother [yanbaghi
lahu bi-an yas'al min ummihi] about his origins [or 'state',
i.e.'hal', meaning he should inquire his mother about his legitimate
conception – trans.], for he shall return to the nethermost hell
[asfal al-jahim]"…

In Promulgation of Universal Peace p. 322 the following is quoted by
'Abbas Effendi from a prayer by his father, cf. THE BAHA'I FAITH AND
ISLAM (ed.) Heshmat Moayyad (The Association for Baha'i Studies:
Ottawa, 1990), p.23


O God! Whomsoever violates My Covenant, O God, humiliate him. Verily
whosoever violates My Covenant, erase and efface him.


The entire Baha'i doctrine of the covenant is tyrannical and crazy
from start to finish, whoever interprets it.
