2009-01-07 04:50:55 UTC
Ma’idih-i-Asmani, vol. 4, page 355
Translation by Wahid Azal (Jan. 7, 2009)
Chapter 11
The Critics of the Cause of God (munkirin-i-amru’llah)
The Ancient Beauty in the Tablet of Habib from Maragha, which begins
with “H B hear the call of God from the direction of the throne by the
protective signs/verses (bi-ayati muhayyimin)..etc.” they [i.e.
Husayn ‘Ali Nuri] enunciate the command (mi-farmayand) [i.e. state],
By God, the Truth, whomsoever criticizes it [i.e. Baha’ism], [which
is] possessed of the manifest, the brilliant, the high and the
perspicuous excellence, it behoveth him to ask his mother [yanbaghi
lahu bi-an yas’al min ummihi] about his origins [or ‘state’,
i.e.‘hal’, meaning he should inquire his mother about his legitimate
conception – trans.], for he shall return to the nethermost hell
[asfal al-jahim]”…
In Promulgation of Universal Peace p. 322 the following is quoted by
‘Abbas Effendi from a prayer by his father, cf. THE BAHA’I FAITH AND
ISLAM (ed.) Heshmat Moayyad (The Association for Baha’i Studies:
Ottawa, 1990), p.23
O God! Whomsoever violates My Covenant, O God, humiliate him. Verily
whosoever violates My Covenant, erase and efface him.
Ma’idih-i-Asmani, vol. 4, page 355
Translation by Wahid Azal (Jan. 7, 2009)
Chapter 11
The Critics of the Cause of God (munkirin-i-amru’llah)
The Ancient Beauty in the Tablet of Habib from Maragha, which begins
with “H B hear the call of God from the direction of the throne by the
protective signs/verses (bi-ayati muhayyimin)..etc.” they [i.e.
Husayn ‘Ali Nuri] enunciate the command (mi-farmayand) [i.e. state],
By God, the Truth, whomsoever criticizes it [i.e. Baha’ism], [which
is] possessed of the manifest, the brilliant, the high and the
perspicuous excellence, it behoveth him to ask his mother [yanbaghi
lahu bi-an yas’al min ummihi] about his origins [or ‘state’,
i.e.‘hal’, meaning he should inquire his mother about his legitimate
conception – trans.], for he shall return to the nethermost hell
[asfal al-jahim]”…
In Promulgation of Universal Peace p. 322 the following is quoted by
‘Abbas Effendi from a prayer by his father, cf. THE BAHA’I FAITH AND
ISLAM (ed.) Heshmat Moayyad (The Association for Baha’i Studies:
Ottawa, 1990), p.23
O God! Whomsoever violates My Covenant, O God, humiliate him. Verily
whosoever violates My Covenant, erase and efface him.