Gifting: The Divine Solution to Economic Crash.
(too old to reply)
Raymond Karczewski
2014-03-19 13:55:00 UTC
Gifting: The Divine Solution to Economic Crash.

What I am about to say is not for everyone. Let us make that clear.

Many of you have lost faith, in your country, in your beliefs and
in yourselves.

A lifetime of sweat and toil have left you with little to show for
it, and the value of the dollar diminishes with each day. You feel
trapped, betrayed, and confused. You have lost your spark, your
vitality, your life. Fear has overwhelmed you as you seemed to be at
the end of your rope, the end of the line.

That, my friends is predictable, for each of you, by your actions
are predictable.

You suddenly realize that you are caught within the thrall of
slavery, even whilste you strove for success, fame, recognition and

What happened? Simply stated, YOU WERE CONNED. You gave up your
sovereignty, your self-responsibility for your lives to others who
promised they would solve your problems for you, even while they
syphoned off your hard earned money and enriched themselves at your

How could that happen? You have been under the influence of Satanic
Mind Control. You sold your souls for empty promises and have been
worn out through the strain of competition. You never understood the
harm such way of life had upon you. You feigned cooperation, but that
was merely a facade, gained through the degree of Satanic Power
struggle you found yourselves limited by.

Suppose I gave you an opportunity to Help yourselves by Helping
others? Would that make sense to you?

I am not writing this to sell you anything, to pursuade you to do
anything. I am merely offering you an opportunity, one which you may
take or leave.

Suppose you could convert your dying dollars into gold and silver by
gifting others with your dying dollars and link with others
like-spirited, enlightened men and women?

If you would like more information, check out my link,
http://www.mygoldplan.com/raykar/ Following the video, you have the
opportunity to tell me if you are interested. Fill out the form, and
I shall send more info for you to decide for yourself, whether its
time for you to make a real change in your lives. I am no salesman
and I have no intention of selling you anything. Let your own spirit
of Intelligence guide you.

"No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind,
including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the
SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
David Raleigh Arnold
2014-03-23 16:36:16 UTC
On Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:55:00 GMT
Post by Raymond Karczewski
Gifting: The Divine Solution to Economic Crash.
The system will collapse unless the benefits of technology are
shared. The real temporal problem is not giving, but not taking
anything near a fair share. Your nonsense would have been
helpful in the past, but not any more.
