NSA's court aggression finally exposed by the press
(too old to reply)
Bahai Censorship - See Website
2009-05-19 10:40:46 UTC
Hats off to the Chicago Tribune for finally exposing to the public the
outrageous legal action by the NSA against a small group of the
Orthodox Baha'is who are fighting for their First Amendment freedoms
to practice their religion and speak out about it.
The article fails to mention that the Wilmette NSA lost its case
against the Orthodox Baha'is and has it under appeal. It incorrectly
implies that the OBF accept Mason Remey because Shoghi Effendi called
him son. That is not OBF belief. Rather, the OBF believe that Shoghi
Effendi appointed Mason Remey as second Guardian when he named him the
"President" of the then embryonic Universal House of Justice called
the International Baha'i Council. Also, the last sentence of the
article was falsely attributed to Mr. Stockman when that statement was
made by me. I was the one who said that: "It's not our desire to
convert people. It's our desire to put our material out there for
people to know what the truth is and decide themselves."
The article does make it clear to the world what the NSA is trying to
do against the OBF, so I am thankful for that.
Regardless of how one stands on the controversy between the Orthodox
Baha'is and the "mainstream" ones, most people cannot understand why
the NSA with its "millions" of members cannot tolerate a small group
of people who identify themselves as and sincerely believe they are
Baha'is, by using the term "Orthodox Baha'is" to distinguish
themselves from the "mainstream" group.
The truth is that this is an outrageous court aggression against the
Orthodox Baha'is.
I applaud the Chicago Tribune for allowing their readers to read and decide for themselves
what they think about the lawsuit by the Baha'is of Wilmette against other US citizens,
which is essentially seeking to deprive other Baha'is of their Constitutional right to
religious freedom and conscience.

It should be noted that Judge Amy St Eve, considered an outstanding legal mind by her
peers, ruled against the Baha'is of Wilmette in the lower court. In the 7th Circuit Court
of Appeals, Judge Diane S. Sykes stated to the lawyer for the Wilmette Baha'is that their
attempt to deprive other Bahai denominations of essentially their religious freedom and
liberty, quote, "Clearly raises some Constitutional concerns." Similarly, Judge William J.
Bauer shared a similar concern when he repeatedly asked the lawyer for the Wilmette
Baha'is what would be the outcome for members of the Reform Bahai Faith.

It is fortunate for Bahais of all persuasions, and our country, that we have judges
capable of penetrating the obfuscation and going right to the heart of the matter. Anyone
interested in hearing Judge Sykes and Judge Bauer's own recorded words in the Court room
may listen to a 3-minute mp3 clip at the following link.
http://www.fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship/USCo... (There's a 30-minute clip also)

Despite the claims of many here, numbers of adherents are not important. The truth is
important. Only the individual can decide that for him or herself. Members of the Orthodox
Baha'i Faith and other Bahai denominations have followed their consciences and are
entitled to their beliefs, before God, and before the legal bar of justice, and woe unto
our country should that ever change.

While the Reform Bahai Faith was not a party to the lawsuit, it was slandered or mentioned
in court in both lawsuits. Reform Bahais believe the purported will and testament of 1921
is a fraudulent document, despite both Wilmette and Orthodox Baha'is thinking otherwise,
and find it sad that the Wilmette Baha'is especially have chosen to sue other
denominations, which they also did as early as the 1940s against early Reform Bahais Julie
Chanler and Ahmad Sohrab.

To our minds, the oppressive and dictatorial actions they have taken against their own
followers for decades, such as requiring or pressuring wives to divorce their husbands
(medieval and appalling as it may sound), demonstrates emphatically that they have strayed
very from the Example of universality set by Abdu'l-Baha when he was in Chicago in 1912.
This lawsuit is merely the latest for those interested enough to examine the truth
independently for themselves, via the websites here linked to.

Reform Bahai Faith
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
2009-05-20 07:39:00 UTC
On May 19, 3:40 am, Bahai Censorship - See Website
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
Hats off to the Chicago Tribune for finally exposing to the public the
outrageous legal action by the NSA against a small group of the
Orthodox Baha'is who are fighting for their First Amendment freedoms
to practice their religion and speak out about it.
The article fails to mention that the Wilmette NSA lost its case
against the Orthodox Baha'is and has it under appeal.  It incorrectly
implies that the OBF accept Mason Remey because Shoghi Effendi called
him son. That is not OBF belief. Rather, the OBF believe that Shoghi
Effendi appointed Mason Remey as second Guardian when he named him the
"President" of the then embryonic Universal House of Justice called
the International Baha'i Council.  Also, the last sentence of the
article was falsely attributed to Mr. Stockman when that statement was
made by me.  I was the one who said that: "It's not our desire to
convert people. It's our desire to put our material out there for
people to know what the truth is and decide themselves."
The article does make it clear to the world what the NSA is trying to
do against the OBF, so I am thankful for that.
Regardless of how one stands on the controversy between the Orthodox
Baha'is and the "mainstream" ones, most people cannot understand why
the NSA with its "millions" of members cannot tolerate a small group
of people who identify themselves as and sincerely believe they are
Baha'is, by using the term "Orthodox Baha'is" to distinguish
themselves from the "mainstream" group.
The truth is that this is an outrageous court aggression against the
Orthodox Baha'is.
I applaud the Chicago Tribune for allowing their readers to read and decide for themselves
what they think about the lawsuit by the Baha'is of Wilmette against other US citizens,
which is essentially seeking to deprive other Baha'is of their Constitutional right to
religious freedom and conscience.
It should be noted that Judge Amy St Eve, considered an outstanding legal mind by her
peers, ruled against the Baha'is of Wilmette in the lower court. In the 7th Circuit Court
of Appeals, Judge Diane S. Sykes stated to the lawyer for the Wilmette Baha'is that their
attempt to deprive other Bahai denominations of essentially their religious freedom and
liberty, quote, "Clearly raises some Constitutional concerns." Similarly, Judge William J.
Bauer shared a similar concern when he repeatedly asked the lawyer for the Wilmette
Baha'is what would be the outcome for members of the Reform Bahai Faith.
It is fortunate for Bahais of all persuasions, and our country, that we have judges
capable of penetrating the obfuscation and going right to the heart of the matter. Anyone
interested in hearing Judge Sykes and Judge Bauer's own recorded words in the Court room
may listen to a 3-minute mp3 clip at the following link.http://www.fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship/USCo... (There's a 30-minute clip also)
Despite the claims of many here, numbers of adherents are not important. The truth is
important. Only the individual can decide that for him or herself. Members of the Orthodox
Baha'i Faith and other Bahai denominations have followed their consciences and are
entitled to their beliefs, before God, and before the legal bar of justice, and woe unto
our country should that ever change.
While the Reform Bahai Faith was not a party to the lawsuit, it was slandered or mentioned
in court in both lawsuits. Reform Bahais believe the purported will and testament of 1921
is a fraudulent document, despite both Wilmette and Orthodox Baha'is thinking otherwise,
and find it sad that the Wilmette Baha'is especially have chosen to sue other
denominations, which they also did as early as the 1940s against early Reform Bahais Julie
Chanler and Ahmad Sohrab.
To our minds, the oppressive and dictatorial actions they have taken against their own
followers for decades, such as requiring or pressuring wives to divorce their husbands
(medieval and appalling as it may sound), demonstrates emphatically that they have strayed
very from the Example of universality set by Abdu'l-Baha when he was in Chicago in 1912.
This lawsuit is merely the latest for those interested enough to examine the truth
independently for themselves, via the websites here linked to.
Reform Bahai Faithhttp://www.reformbahai.org
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Consciencehttp://www.fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2009-05-22 06:30:53 UTC
Hats off to the Chicago Tribune for finally exposing to the public the
outrageous legal action by the NSA against a small group of the
Orthodox Baha'is who are fighting for their First Amendment freedoms
to practice their religion and speak out about it.
The article is here:http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-bahai-18-may18,0,6239589...
The article fails to mention that the Wilmette NSA lost its case
against the Orthodox Baha'is and has it under appeal.  It incorrectly
implies that the OBF accept Mason Remey because Shoghi Effendi called
him son. That is not OBF belief. Rather, the OBF believe that Shoghi
Effendi appointed Mason Remey as second Guardian when he named him the
"President" of the then embryonic Universal House of Justice called
the International Baha'i Council.  Also, the last sentence of the
article was falsely attributed to Mr. Stockman when that statement was
made by me.  I was the one who said that: "It's not our desire to
convert people. It's our desire to put our material out there for
people to know what the truth is and decide themselves."
The article does make it clear to the world what the NSA is trying to
do against the OBF, so I am thankful for that.
Regardless of how one stands on the controversy between the Orthodox
Baha'is and the "mainstream" ones, most people cannot understand why
the NSA with its "millions" of members cannot tolerate a small group
of people who identify themselves as and sincerely believe they are
Baha'is, by using the term "Orthodox Baha'is" to distinguish
themselves from the "mainstream" group.
The truth is that this is an outrageous court aggression against the
Orthodox Baha'is.
Bahai Censorship - See Website
2009-05-24 12:15:40 UTC
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
Hats off to the Chicago Tribune for finally exposing to the public the
outrageous legal action by the NSA against a small group of the
Orthodox Baha'is who are fighting for their First Amendment freedoms
to practice their religion and speak out about it.
The article fails to mention that the Wilmette NSA lost its case
against the Orthodox Baha'is and has it under appeal. It incorrectly
implies that the OBF accept Mason Remey because Shoghi Effendi called
him son. That is not OBF belief. Rather, the OBF believe that Shoghi
Effendi appointed Mason Remey as second Guardian when he named him the
"President" of the then embryonic Universal House of Justice called
the International Baha'i Council. Also, the last sentence of the
article was falsely attributed to Mr. Stockman when that statement was
made by me. I was the one who said that: "It's not our desire to
convert people. It's our desire to put our material out there for
people to know what the truth is and decide themselves."
The article does make it clear to the world what the NSA is trying to
do against the OBF, so I am thankful for that.
Regardless of how one stands on the controversy between the Orthodox
Baha'is and the "mainstream" ones, most people cannot understand why
the NSA with its "millions" of members cannot tolerate a small group
of people who identify themselves as and sincerely believe they are
Baha'is, by using the term "Orthodox Baha'is" to distinguish
themselves from the "mainstream" group.
The truth is that this is an outrageous court aggression against the
Orthodox Baha'is.
I applaud the Chicago Tribune for allowing their readers to read and
decide for themselves what they think about the lawsuit by the Baha'is
of Wilmette against other US citizens, which is essentially seeking to
deprive other Baha'is of their Constitutional right to religious freedom
and conscience.
It should be noted that Judge Amy St Eve, considered an outstanding
legal mind by her peers, ruled against the Baha'is of Wilmette in the
lower court. In the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Diane S. Sykes
stated to the lawyer for the Wilmette Baha'is that their attempt to
deprive other Bahai denominations of essentially their religious freedom
and liberty, quote, "Clearly raises some Constitutional concerns."
Similarly, Judge William J. Bauer shared a similar concern when he
repeatedly asked the lawyer for the Wilmette Baha'is what would be the
outcome for members of the Reform Bahai Faith.
It is fortunate for Bahais of all persuasions, and our country, that we
have judges capable of penetrating the obfuscation and going right to
the heart of the matter. Anyone interested in hearing Judge Sykes and
Judge Bauer's own recorded words in the Court room may listen to a
3-minute mp3 clip at the following link.
http://www.fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship/USCo... (There's a 30-minute clip also)
Despite the claims of many here, numbers of adherents are not important.
The truth is important. Only the individual can decide that for him or
herself. Members of the Orthodox Baha'i Faith and other Bahai
denominations have followed their consciences and are entitled to their
beliefs, before God, and before the legal bar of justice, and woe unto
our country should that ever change.
While the Reform Bahai Faith was not a party to the lawsuit, it was
slandered or mentioned in court in both lawsuits. Reform Bahais believe
the purported will and testament of 1921 is a fraudulent document,
despite both Wilmette and Orthodox Baha'is thinking otherwise, and find
it sad that the Wilmette Baha'is especially have chosen to sue other
denominations, which they also did as early as the 1940s against early
Reform Bahais Julie Chanler and Ahmad Sohrab.
To our minds, the oppressive and dictatorial actions they have taken
against their own followers for decades, such as requiring or pressuring
wives to divorce their husbands (medieval and appalling as it may
sound), demonstrates emphatically that they have strayed very from the
Example of universality set by Abdu'l-Baha when he was in Chicago in
1912. This lawsuit is merely the latest for those interested enough to
examine the truth independently for themselves, via the websites here
linked to.
Reform Bahai Faith
[QUOTE who="Janice"]According to Abdu'l-Baha "religion must be the cause of unity, harmony
and agreement among mankind. If it be the cause of discord and hostility, if it leads to
sparation and conflict, the absence of religion would be preferable in the world."

Which is precisely why the fraudulent will and testament of 1921, purported to be
Abdu'l-Baha's, has produced so much suffering and misery as that of husbands and wives
required to shun one another over religious "truth" and similar appalling abominations
within the Wilmette Baha'i denomination, the vast majority of whom have been deceived into
believing it's a legitimate document.

Dr. C. Ainsworth Mitchell, chief document expert at the British Museum, judged it a fraud
in 1930, yet it's essentially the fraudulent document which is a the core of why the
Wilmette Baha'is are suing and seeking to destroy other Bahai denominations:

Reform Bahai Faith
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
Bahai Censorship - See Website
2009-05-24 12:18:24 UTC
[QUOTE who="Marcello"]I was once very attracted to the "mainstream" Baha'i Faith, and even
attended the local Baha'i center fairly regularly. But the more I learned about the
authoritarian structure of the faith, the more disillusioned I became. This lawsuit only
confirms to me that something has gone very wrong with the hierarchy of the Baha'i faith.
The inspiring message of Baha'u'llah is now subservient to the political dogmatism of a
misguided bureaucracy. What a shame. [/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, I believe you're right about the "political dogmatism of a misguided
bureaucracy." The good news is that Abdu'l-Baha's supposed will and testament of 1921 is a
fraudulent document, independently judged as such with the scientific methods of forensic
science in 1930. Dr. C. Ainsworth Mitchell's original Report is deposited with the Library
of Congress and available at this link:

Ruth White and Ahamad Sohrab, early reform Bahais during the 1930s and '40s, wrote several
books that fully discuss what went wrong, subverting the universality of Baha'u'llah's
Teachings into a corrupt money and power seeking organization. Their works are also
available on the Reform Bahai Faith website.

The sad thing is that most Baha'is have been brainwashed and deceived into believe Shoghi
Effendi was appointed by Abdu'l-Baha as a "guardian" and thereby taught not to think and
investigate for themselves. As Professor Juan Cole once said, "It's a perfect racket."

We must despair, though. God has preserved the knowledge, down through the decades, about
what Abdu'l-Baha actually taught, as the Center of the Covenant. His vision is a free and
open Bahai Cause, which is still alive, and growing.

Reform Bahai Faith
Rochester, Michigan USA
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
Hats off to the Chicago Tribune for finally exposing to the public the
outrageous legal action by the NSA against a small group of the
Orthodox Baha'is who are fighting for their First Amendment freedoms
to practice their religion and speak out about it.
The article fails to mention that the Wilmette NSA lost its case
against the Orthodox Baha'is and has it under appeal. It incorrectly
implies that the OBF accept Mason Remey because Shoghi Effendi called
him son. That is not OBF belief. Rather, the OBF believe that Shoghi
Effendi appointed Mason Remey as second Guardian when he named him the
"President" of the then embryonic Universal House of Justice called
the International Baha'i Council. Also, the last sentence of the
article was falsely attributed to Mr. Stockman when that statement was
made by me. I was the one who said that: "It's not our desire to
convert people. It's our desire to put our material out there for
people to know what the truth is and decide themselves."
The article does make it clear to the world what the NSA is trying to
do against the OBF, so I am thankful for that.
Regardless of how one stands on the controversy between the Orthodox
Baha'is and the "mainstream" ones, most people cannot understand why
the NSA with its "millions" of members cannot tolerate a small group
of people who identify themselves as and sincerely believe they are
Baha'is, by using the term "Orthodox Baha'is" to distinguish
themselves from the "mainstream" group.
The truth is that this is an outrageous court aggression against the
Orthodox Baha'is.
I applaud the Chicago Tribune for allowing their readers to read and
decide for themselves what they think about the lawsuit by the Baha'is
of Wilmette against other US citizens, which is essentially seeking to
deprive other Baha'is of their Constitutional right to religious
freedom and conscience.
It should be noted that Judge Amy St Eve, considered an outstanding
legal mind by her peers, ruled against the Baha'is of Wilmette in the
lower court. In the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Diane S. Sykes
stated to the lawyer for the Wilmette Baha'is that their attempt to
deprive other Bahai denominations of essentially their religious
freedom and liberty, quote, "Clearly raises some Constitutional
concerns." Similarly, Judge William J. Bauer shared a similar concern
when he repeatedly asked the lawyer for the Wilmette Baha'is what
would be the outcome for members of the Reform Bahai Faith.
It is fortunate for Bahais of all persuasions, and our country, that
we have judges capable of penetrating the obfuscation and going right
to the heart of the matter. Anyone interested in hearing Judge Sykes
and Judge Bauer's own recorded words in the Court room may listen to a
3-minute mp3 clip at the following link.
http://www.fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship/USCo... (There's a 30-minute clip also)
Despite the claims of many here, numbers of adherents are not
important. The truth is important. Only the individual can decide that
for him or herself. Members of the Orthodox Baha'i Faith and other
Bahai denominations have followed their consciences and are entitled
to their beliefs, before God, and before the legal bar of justice, and
woe unto our country should that ever change.
While the Reform Bahai Faith was not a party to the lawsuit, it was
slandered or mentioned in court in both lawsuits. Reform Bahais
believe the purported will and testament of 1921 is a fraudulent
document, despite both Wilmette and Orthodox Baha'is thinking
otherwise, and find it sad that the Wilmette Baha'is especially have
chosen to sue other denominations, which they also did as early as the
1940s against early Reform Bahais Julie Chanler and Ahmad Sohrab.
To our minds, the oppressive and dictatorial actions they have taken
against their own followers for decades, such as requiring or
pressuring wives to divorce their husbands (medieval and appalling as
it may sound), demonstrates emphatically that they have strayed very
from the Example of universality set by Abdu'l-Baha when he was in
Chicago in 1912. This lawsuit is merely the latest for those
interested enough to examine the truth independently for themselves,
via the websites here linked to.
Reform Bahai Faith
[QUOTE who="Janice"]According to Abdu'l-Baha "religion must be the cause
of unity, harmony and agreement among mankind. If it be the cause of
discord and hostility, if it leads to sparation and conflict, the
absence of religion would be preferable in the world."
Which is precisely why the fraudulent will and testament of 1921,
purported to be Abdu'l-Baha's, has produced so much suffering and misery
as that of husbands and wives required to shun one another over
religious "truth" and similar appalling abominations within the Wilmette
Baha'i denomination, the vast majority of whom have been deceived into
believing it's a legitimate document.
Dr. C. Ainsworth Mitchell, chief document expert at the British Museum,
judged it a fraud in 1930, yet it's essentially the fraudulent document
which is a the core of why the Wilmette Baha'is are suing and seeking to
Reform Bahai Faith
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
Bahai Censorship - See Website
2009-05-24 12:21:35 UTC
The response by members of the Wilmette Bahai denomination here to this article by The
Chicago Tribune ought to give any thoughtful person reason for pause and reflection. Below
are a few excerpts for historical context.

Many of the comments demonstrate the truth of what Professor Juan Cole of the University
of Michigan observed way back in 1998 in his book Modernity and the Millennium: The
Genesis of the Baha'i Faith in the Nineteenth-Century Middle East, Columbia University
Press, writing that the Baha'i administration has increasingly come under the control of
fundamentalists, "stressing scriptural literalism ... theocracy, censorship, intellectual
intolerance, and denying key democratic values" (196).

Similarly he wrote online in 1998,“The very technique of the more glaze-eyed among these
people is to unbearably bully a Baha'i whom they don't like, use unjustified threats of
declaring him or her a CB [Covenant Breaker (heretic)] to silence the individual, and if
the person will not be silenced, then to depend upon the gullibility of the Baha'is in
refusing to listen to any victim's story because, of course, the Baha'i institutions are
infallible and divinely guided and could never do anything wrong. It is a perfect racket.”

Professor Juan Cole, in February 23, 1999:
"There is nothing to be puzzled by. Right wing Baha'is only like to hear the sound of
their own voices (which are the only voices they will admit to being "Baha'i" at all).
Obviously, the world is so constructed that they cannot in fact only hear their own
voices. They are forced to hear other
voices that differ from theirs. This most disturbs them when the voices come from enrolled
Baha'is or when the voices speak of the Baha'i faith. The way they sometimes deal with the
enrolled Baha'is is to summon them to a heresy inquiry and threaten them with being
shunned if they do not fall silent. With non-Baha'is or with ex-Baha'is, they deal with
their speech about the faith by backbiting, slandering and libelling the speaker. You will
note that since I've been on this list I have been accused of long-term heresy, of
"claiming authority," of out and out lying (though that was retracted, twice), of
misrepresentation, of 'playing fast and loose with the facts,' and even of being
'delusional.' I have been accused of all these falsehoods by *Baha'is*, by prominent
Baha'is. I have been backbitten by them. This shows that all the talk about the danger a
sharp tongue can do, all the talk about the need for harmony, for returning poison with
honey, for a sin-covering eye, is just *talk* among right wing Baha'is. No one fights
dirtier than they when they discover a voice they cannot silence and cannot refute.

Further insightful comment from Juan Cole and others at

I suggest recalling the words of Judge Diane S. Sykes, to the lawyer for the Wilmette
Baha'is in their attempt to deprive other Bahai denominations of essentially their
religious freedom and liberty, quote, "Clearly raises some Constitutional concerns."
Again, the 3-minute Mp3 file of her actually making this statement in the 7th Circuit
Court of Appeals may be found at

It’s long past time that the people of Chicago and the United States should know the
Wilmette Baha’is for the fanatical and oppressive organization it actually is. The Chicago
Tribune is to be applauded for allowing its readers to decide for themselves.

The Reform Bahai Faith
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
[QUOTE who="Marcello"]I was once very attracted to the "mainstream"
Baha'i Faith, and even attended the local Baha'i center fairly
regularly. But the more I learned about the authoritarian structure of
the faith, the more disillusioned I became. This lawsuit only confirms
to me that something has gone very wrong with the hierarchy of the
Baha'i faith. The inspiring message of Baha'u'llah is now subservient to
the political dogmatism of a misguided bureaucracy. What a shame. [/QUOTE]
Unfortunately, I believe you're right about the "political dogmatism of
a misguided bureaucracy." The good news is that Abdu'l-Baha's supposed
will and testament of 1921 is a fraudulent document, independently
judged as such with the scientific methods of forensic science in 1930.
Dr. C. Ainsworth Mitchell's original Report is deposited with the
Ruth White and Ahamad Sohrab, early reform Bahais during the 1930s and
'40s, wrote several books that fully discuss what went wrong, subverting
the universality of Baha'u'llah's Teachings into a corrupt money and
power seeking organization. Their works are also available on the Reform
Bahai Faith website.
The sad thing is that most Baha'is have been brainwashed and deceived
into believe Shoghi Effendi was appointed by Abdu'l-Baha as a "guardian"
and thereby taught not to think and investigate for themselves. As
Professor Juan Cole once said, "It's a perfect racket."
We must despair, though. God has preserved the knowledge, down through
the decades, about what Abdu'l-Baha actually taught, as the Center of
the Covenant. His vision is a free and open Bahai Cause, which is still
alive, and growing.
Reform Bahai Faith
Rochester, Michigan USA
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
Hats off to the Chicago Tribune for finally exposing to the public the
outrageous legal action by the NSA against a small group of the
Orthodox Baha'is who are fighting for their First Amendment freedoms
to practice their religion and speak out about it.
The article fails to mention that the Wilmette NSA lost its case
against the Orthodox Baha'is and has it under appeal. It incorrectly
implies that the OBF accept Mason Remey because Shoghi Effendi called
him son. That is not OBF belief. Rather, the OBF believe that Shoghi
Effendi appointed Mason Remey as second Guardian when he named him the
"President" of the then embryonic Universal House of Justice called
the International Baha'i Council. Also, the last sentence of the
article was falsely attributed to Mr. Stockman when that statement was
made by me. I was the one who said that: "It's not our desire to
convert people. It's our desire to put our material out there for
people to know what the truth is and decide themselves."
The article does make it clear to the world what the NSA is trying to
do against the OBF, so I am thankful for that.
Regardless of how one stands on the controversy between the Orthodox
Baha'is and the "mainstream" ones, most people cannot understand why
the NSA with its "millions" of members cannot tolerate a small group
of people who identify themselves as and sincerely believe they are
Baha'is, by using the term "Orthodox Baha'is" to distinguish
themselves from the "mainstream" group.
The truth is that this is an outrageous court aggression against the
Orthodox Baha'is.
I applaud the Chicago Tribune for allowing their readers to read and
decide for themselves what they think about the lawsuit by the
Baha'is of Wilmette against other US citizens, which is essentially
seeking to deprive other Baha'is of their Constitutional right to
religious freedom and conscience.
It should be noted that Judge Amy St Eve, considered an outstanding
legal mind by her peers, ruled against the Baha'is of Wilmette in the
lower court. In the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, Judge Diane S.
Sykes stated to the lawyer for the Wilmette Baha'is that their
attempt to deprive other Bahai denominations of essentially their
religious freedom and liberty, quote, "Clearly raises some
Constitutional concerns." Similarly, Judge William J. Bauer shared a
similar concern when he repeatedly asked the lawyer for the Wilmette
Baha'is what would be the outcome for members of the Reform Bahai Faith.
It is fortunate for Bahais of all persuasions, and our country, that
we have judges capable of penetrating the obfuscation and going right
to the heart of the matter. Anyone interested in hearing Judge Sykes
and Judge Bauer's own recorded words in the Court room may listen to
a 3-minute mp3 clip at the following link.
http://www.fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship/USCo... (There's a 30-minute clip also)
Despite the claims of many here, numbers of adherents are not
important. The truth is important. Only the individual can decide
that for him or herself. Members of the Orthodox Baha'i Faith and
other Bahai denominations have followed their consciences and are
entitled to their beliefs, before God, and before the legal bar of
justice, and woe unto our country should that ever change.
While the Reform Bahai Faith was not a party to the lawsuit, it was
slandered or mentioned in court in both lawsuits. Reform Bahais
believe the purported will and testament of 1921 is a fraudulent
document, despite both Wilmette and Orthodox Baha'is thinking
otherwise, and find it sad that the Wilmette Baha'is especially have
chosen to sue other denominations, which they also did as early as
the 1940s against early Reform Bahais Julie Chanler and Ahmad Sohrab.
To our minds, the oppressive and dictatorial actions they have taken
against their own followers for decades, such as requiring or
pressuring wives to divorce their husbands (medieval and appalling as
it may sound), demonstrates emphatically that they have strayed very
from the Example of universality set by Abdu'l-Baha when he was in
Chicago in 1912. This lawsuit is merely the latest for those
interested enough to examine the truth independently for themselves,
via the websites here linked to.
Reform Bahai Faith
[QUOTE who="Janice"]According to Abdu'l-Baha "religion must be the
cause of unity, harmony and agreement among mankind. If it be the
cause of discord and hostility, if it leads to sparation and conflict,
the absence of religion would be preferable in the world."
Which is precisely why the fraudulent will and testament of 1921,
purported to be Abdu'l-Baha's, has produced so much suffering and
misery as that of husbands and wives required to shun one another over
religious "truth" and similar appalling abominations within the
Wilmette Baha'i denomination, the vast majority of whom have been
deceived into believing it's a legitimate document.
Dr. C. Ainsworth Mitchell, chief document expert at the British
Museum, judged it a fraud in 1930, yet it's essentially the fraudulent
document which is a the core of why the Wilmette Baha'is are suing and
Reform Bahai Faith
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
Bahai Censorship - See Website
2009-05-24 12:35:58 UTC
The mis-posted links are

The Baha'i Technique - Slander & Shunning

7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges hammer NSA's attorney 2-20-09

In connection with divorcing one's spouse over the appalling
idiocies of the Haifan corruption of Abdu'l-Baha's Interpretation
of Baha'u'llah's Teachings, see

Compare Shunning > Menu
All Bad
2009-05-24 19:23:02 UTC
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
The mis-posted links are
The Baha'i Technique - Slander & Shunning
7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges hammer NSA's attorney 2-20-09
In connection with divorcing one's spouse over the appalling
idiocies of the Haifan corruption of Abdu'l-Baha's Interpretation
of Baha'u'llah's Teachings, see
Compare Shunning > Menu
I'll take the shunning, but w/ mild seasonings please.

- All Bad
2009-05-26 00:25:22 UTC
See also,


"Rod Wicks on Pat Kohli"


Pat Kohli, or Patrick Kohli, is a member of the Haifan Baha'i Faith[1]
who makes regular contributions to the USENET newsgroup
talk.religion.bahai[2]. He is a computer programmer who has worked on
software for various projects, including military systems.

Contents [hide]
1 Background
2 Articles and Resources
2.1 Related SourceWatch Articles
2.2 References
2.3 External Articles

He "is a computer scientist assigned to He works for PMA-231
as the Open Architecture (OA) IPT lead, in the OA/FORCEnet IPT of the
Network Centric Warfare IPT. Prior to this he worked at Saint Inigoes
for 4.5 and developed a prototype next generation flight data
recorder, using COTS components, to meet incident reporting,
maintenance and FOQA needs. Pat also supported the old PMA-282 which
did weapon control systems for guided missiles. Pat has an MS in
computer Information Systems from Florida Tech." [3]

"Pat Kohli, NCW Open Architecture Lead, demonstrated how the E-2/C-2
program office (PMA-231) is continuously evaluating and implementing
software modernization to facilitate transition of the existing E-2
operational flight program to an environment using commercially
available systems. Venlet said, "The Naval Aviation Enterprise has
embraced open architecture as a fundamental building block of weapon
system development from its very inception. Our government/industry
teams continue to leverage these open system strategies and concepts
in achieving reduction in overall development cycle times and
delivering increased system capabilities to the Fleet faster and
cheaper. The advantages of integrating open architecture designs and
contracting strategies are measurable and pronounced as is
substantiated by our E-2D Advanced Hawkeye and P-8 Multi-Mission
Aircraft development programs. The key to continued success will be
maintaining the close partnership with industry experts, as we provide
the right capabilities, at the right time and right cost to the joint
warfighter."The E-2 Hawkeye team has been representing and directly
supporting Venlet's executive office - the aviation domain lead for
open architecture initiatives - since June 2004, because of its role
as a battle management command and control platform and a central
network communications node in aviation. E-2 Program Manager Capt.
Randy Mahrsaid, "Today's evolving E-2 open architecture model paves
the way for a more mature system to be used by the E-2D prior to it
taking its place in the fleet."[3]

Pat Kohli has maintained a consistent web presence since the late
1990s, particularly on USENET, addressing both external critics and
dissenters within the Haifan Baha'i Faith tradition to which he
belongs [5]. In 1998, he voted against the creation of the USENET
group, talk.religion.bahai, as an un-moderated discussion forum for
issues relating to the Baha'i faith [4]. Official discussion regarding
the creation of this group may also be found at: [6]. He posts under
the handles Mr All Bad and All_Bad [5]

[edit]Articles and Resources
[edit]Related SourceWatch Articles
PMA Group
$B",(B Letter from Assistant Secretary, Kishan Manocha, on Behalf of
National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom [1],
dated October 8, 2002, Accessed 17 February, 2009.
$B",(B Discussion Archive of USENET group Talk.Religion.Baha'i, [2],
Accessed February 17, 2009
$B",(B 3.0 3.1 Drema Ballengee-Grunst, "Assistant SecNav visits NAVAIR T&E
laboratory", November 10, 2005.
$B",(B Record of votes cast regarding the creation of the USENET group,
talk.religion.bahai,[3], Accessed February 17, 2009.
$B",(B Excerpt from USENET group talk.religion.bahai,[4], Accessed February
17, 2009.
[edit]External Articles

Retrieved from "http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Pat_Kohli"
Categories: United States | Religion | Military | War/peace
Bahai Censorship - See Website
2009-05-25 12:26:39 UTC
Reform Bahai Faith
16 min ago

Long suppressed by Bahais of other denominations,
Reform Bahais have returned to, and renewed,
Abdu'l-Baha's authentic 1912 Covenant.


Of the several Bahai denominations, the Reform Bahai Faith is the only denomination that
follows Abdu'l-Baha'is authentic Covenant, and not what many have believed is the
fraudulent will and testament of 1921.

Reform Bahai Faith
Wilmette Bahai Shunning

The reporter Manya A. Brachear mentions an appalling fact, entirely glossed over by every
Wilmette Baha'i poster to this thread: "Goldberg's wife was encouraged to divorce her

What Ms. Brachear doesn't report is that Wilmette Baha'is who refuse to "shun" their
spouse are themselves in turn shunned from the denomination.

It's difficult to think of a more spiritually sick practice than this one that the
fraudulent will and testament has produced, carefully hidden from new Baha'is and the
general American public.

For the stories and comments of about dozen people who have experienced or witnessed the
effects of Baha'i shunning, see Shunning > Menu

The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
The mis-posted links are
The Baha'i Technique - Slander & Shunning
7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges hammer NSA's attorney 2-20-09
In connection with divorcing one's spouse over the appalling
idiocies of the Haifan corruption of Abdu'l-Baha's Interpretation
of Baha'u'llah's Teachings, see
Compare Shunning > Menu
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
Bahai Censorship - See Website
2009-05-27 17:11:18 UTC
Shunning > Menu

Shunning > Menu
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
Reform Bahai Faith
16 min ago
Long suppressed by Bahais of other denominations,
Reform Bahais have returned to, and renewed,
Abdu'l-Baha's authentic 1912 Covenant.
Of the several Bahai denominations, the Reform Bahai Faith is the only
denomination that follows Abdu'l-Baha'is authentic Covenant, and not
what many have believed is the fraudulent will and testament of 1921.
Reform Bahai Faith
Wilmette Bahai Shunning
The reporter Manya A. Brachear mentions an appalling fact, entirely
glossed over by every Wilmette Baha'i poster to this thread: "Goldberg's
wife was encouraged to divorce her husband."
What Ms. Brachear doesn't report is that Wilmette Baha'is who refuse to
"shun" their spouse are themselves in turn shunned from the denomination.
It's difficult to think of a more spiritually sick practice than this
one that the fraudulent will and testament has produced, carefully
hidden from new Baha'is and the general American public.
For the stories and comments of about dozen people who have experienced
or witnessed the effects of Baha'i shunning, see Shunning > Menu
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
The mis-posted links are
The Baha'i Technique - Slander & Shunning
7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges hammer NSA's attorney 2-20-09
In connection with divorcing one's spouse over the appalling
idiocies of the Haifan corruption of Abdu'l-Baha's Interpretation
of Baha'u'llah's Teachings, see
Compare Shunning > Menu
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
2009-05-28 01:17:05 UTC
On May 27, 10:11 am, Bahai Censorship - See Website
Shunning > Menuhttp://www.fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship/Shunning.htm
Shunning > Menuhttp://www.fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship/Shunning.htm
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
Reform Bahai Faith
16 min ago
Long suppressed by Bahais of other denominations,
Reform Bahais have returned to, and renewed,
Abdu'l-Baha's authentic 1912 Covenant.
Of the several Bahai denominations, the Reform Bahai Faith is the only
denomination that follows Abdu'l-Baha'is authentic Covenant, and not
what many have believed is the fraudulent will and testament of 1921.
Reform Bahai Faith
Wilmette Bahai Shunning
The reporter Manya A. Brachear mentions an appalling fact, entirely
glossed over by every Wilmette Baha'i poster to this thread: "Goldberg's
wife was encouraged to divorce her husband."
What Ms. Brachear doesn't report is that Wilmette Baha'is who refuse to
"shun" their spouse are themselves in turn shunned from the denomination.
It's difficult to think of a more spiritually sick practice than this
one that the fraudulent will and testament has produced, carefully
hidden from new Baha'is and the general American public.
For the stories and comments of about dozen people who have experienced
or witnessed the effects of Baha'i shunning, see Shunning > Menu
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
Post by Bahai Censorship - See Website
The mis-posted links are
The Baha'i Technique - Slander & Shunning
7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges hammer NSA's attorney 2-20-09
In connection with divorcing one's spouse over the appalling
idiocies of the Haifan corruption of Abdu'l-Baha's Interpretation
of Baha'u'llah's Teachings, see
Compare Shunning > Menu
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Consciencehttp://www.fglaysher.com/bahaicensorship- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2009-05-26 00:25:49 UTC
Hats off to the Chicago Tribune for finally exposing to the public the
outrageous legal action by the NSA against a small group of the
Orthodox Baha'is who are fighting for their First Amendment freedoms
to practice their religion and speak out about it.
The article is here:http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-bahai-18-may18,0,6239589...
The article fails to mention that the Wilmette NSA lost its case
against the Orthodox Baha'is and has it under appeal.  It incorrectly
implies that the OBF accept Mason Remey because Shoghi Effendi called
him son. That is not OBF belief. Rather, the OBF believe that Shoghi
Effendi appointed Mason Remey as second Guardian when he named him the
"President" of the then embryonic Universal House of Justice called
the International Baha'i Council.  Also, the last sentence of the
article was falsely attributed to Mr. Stockman when that statement was
made by me.  I was the one who said that: "It's not our desire to
convert people. It's our desire to put our material out there for
people to know what the truth is and decide themselves."
The article does make it clear to the world what the NSA is trying to
do against the OBF, so I am thankful for that.
Regardless of how one stands on the controversy between the Orthodox
Baha'is and the "mainstream" ones, most people cannot understand why
the NSA with its "millions" of members cannot tolerate a small group
of people who identify themselves as and sincerely believe they are
Baha'is, by using the term "Orthodox Baha'is" to distinguish
themselves from the "mainstream" group.
The truth is that this is an outrageous court aggression against the
Orthodox Baha'is.