A Daughter's Concern for Freedom In America
(too old to reply)
Raymond Karczewski
2012-11-14 17:21:13 UTC
A Daughter's Concern for Freedom In America

America, I Knew You When!!

Lisa Heathman wrote

Raymond Karczewski wrote:

NOTE: I ran across this article written by my daughter Lisa in 2002
when I was falsely arrested and incarcerated in the Josephine County
Jail over fraudulent arrest tactics by the Josephine County Sheriff's

Through it all, I exposed the MultiBillion Dollar Scam by the Police
extorting moneys for licensing non commercial travellers who have the
Unalienable Right to Travel freely and unencumbered on the roads they
paid for here in America.

The American People (that's spelled Sheeple) have become accustomed to
be routinely shorn of their hard earned assets gained by their own
sweat and Tears.

Here it is 10 years later, and have conditions in America improved or

What has happened in the meantime. Well the Josephine County courts
and government Killed my wife with the stress they put on her. See:

Although the court system played their bluff against a man of the
Sovereign People, to the very end with convicting the JURISIC
PERSON/DEFENDANT in two trials, they quiety threw me out of jail with
NO CHARGES OVER MY HEAD as a free man when I called their bluff with a
combined hunger strike leaving me near death in their jail and
refusing to accept their fraudulen sentencing.

Over the years, I have written extensively on these experiences and NO
ONE GIVES A DAMN! Well now it your turn. The government is gearing
up for a false flag event which will bring about Martial Law, and the
blood will run freely in the streets, and the blood will be your
blood, because you did nothing about your victimization by government
tyranny when you had the chance. For the vast majority of you, I can
truly say, "YOU'RE NO COUNTRYMAN OF MINE! And may God have mercy on
your souls. Read what Lisa had to say. Ray

Lisa writes: Hi, I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is
Lisa and I am Ray and Anita Karczewski's daughter. I know you've
been following my father's story with regards to his legal problems
and incarceration in the Josephine County Jail in Grants Pass, Oregon
and I would like to tell how this has affected my life.

Since my dad has been rearrested on a probation violation connected
with probation that he had never accepted in the first place, I have
had to quit my job and temporarily relocate to Oregon in order to help
him keep you informed on the latest developments in his case via his
website and emails.

I am also here because of my mother's health. She was discharged from
intensive care two months ago and must breathe with the help of oxygen
tanks. She tires very easily and her legs are weak. I have recently
learned that she had fallen a few times and that if my dad hadn't been
here at those times, the consequences could have been disastrous. I
have had to separate my 6-yr old son from his daddy, his friends and
his puppy in order to make sure my mom has wood for heating her home,
food to eat and companionship in a highly stressful time for all of
us. I am her arms and legs when she can't lift things or can't stand
for more than a short time. My husband misses us and we miss him and
our home terribly, but it's an absolute necessity that I be here to
help my parents with all they have going on.

Dad is now in Day 9 of a hunger strike. He is doing this because the
court system will not answer questions about our Constitutional
rights. If they honestly answer his questions, they would have to
free him and their errors and wrongdoings will be known. It will show
the mutation and mutilation that this country has gone through in
front of our very eyes, yet seems unnoticed. It is heartwrenching to
hear the deterioration in his voice as the days pass and to know the
physical effects this is having on him. He has been moved to solitary
confinement lockdown in an effort to get him to back off of his hunger
protest -- it looks bad to have a man die because you are not willing
to do your job. There is talk that the jail might resort to force
feeding him so he wouldn't die in their custody and they can cover
this whole thing up and not be held accountable -- how's THAT for
trampling on Civil and Constitutional rights? He is risking his life
to protect and defend the foundation that our country was built on.
He does this not only for himself but also for his grandson,
your kids, the neighbor down the street, following generations --
EVERY citizen of the United States. I hope we can all appreciate a
man whose convictions are so solid that he is literally laying down
his life in order to protect ours.

I am doing everything I can to see that my mom is properly taken care
of . I work towards my dad's freedom but may also be waiting for his
death. I wish I could go back to my normal life, but nothing is
normal anymore.

One man in jail and his daughter typing like a madman can't fix this,
please I ask you to help me. Call, write, WHATEVER you are able to
do. I love my dad and need him home to take care of mom, and this
can't happen without many people reacting with outrage at this
situation. After all, it could be yours one day.

Phone numbers to call and express your opinions.
Judge Gerald C. Neufeld: (541) 476-2309
District Attorney Clay E. Johnson: (541) 476-5200
Josephine County Board of County Commissioners: (541) 474-5221
Sheriff Dave Daniel: (541) 474-5123
OR email to: ***@co.josephine.or.us

USPS (snail mail) to:
Josephine County Courthouse
500 nw 6th Street
Grants Pass, OR 97526

Governor Ted Kulongoski
Mailing Address: 900 Court St. NE, Salem 97301-4047
Telephone: 503-378-3111
Fax: 503-378-4863

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

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Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Mike Painter
2012-11-15 18:54:39 UTC
Post by Raymond Karczewski
A Daughter's Concern for Freedom In America
America, I Knew You When!!
NOTE: I ran across this article written by my daughter Lisa in 2002
when I was falsely arrested and incarcerated in the Josephine County
Jail over fraudulent arrest tactics by the Josephine County Sheriff's
"This is my position:

1. This court is a legal fiction. It has jurisdiction only over
other legal fictions. I am not a legal fiction. This court has no
jurisdiction over this living, breathing, flesh-and-blood,
sentient, natural, private man unless I confer such jurisdiction thru
consent and contract.
I do not. Nor have I ever consented to contracting with the court
and/or agents of Josephine County.

2. I am not the defendant listed in this case. I have never been,
nor will I ever be.
Unless the prosecutor can prove that I, this living, breathing,
flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural, private man am that legal
fiction/juristic person named as defendant, this case must be

3. At no time since my arrest on September 5, 2002 have I willingly
consented to doing business with this private corporate court or any
other agent of the corporate State of Oregon or County of Josephine. "

and it goes on and on and on.

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." ~ Robert Pirsig