Reincarnation, Fact or Fiction.
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Raymond Karczewski
2013-07-08 19:31:24 UTC
Reincarnation, Fact or Fiction.

By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

In the state of Oneness, that timeless realm of consciousness, of
which the dualistic linear, timebound Intellect is unable to access,
All that ever has been, is now and shall be, exists. Some might call
it the Subconscious Mind. Some might call it God, Others might call it
Truth, I call it the Christ State of Consciousness.

As such, all things are possible and present in the eternal moment of
Now. As to the subject of Reincarnation, that seemingly impossible
state of consciousness the Intellect wars against, is just a simple
fact. Through insight anyone can perceive truth which exists beyond
time and space.

In my own personal life, my wife of 49 years, Anita, now deceased was
an excellant Hypnotic Subject. When the Intellect was quieted She
would describe herself simply as "Energy." In that altered state of
Consciousness, she transcended time and space. In many hours of taped
sessions, we explored many lifetimes, several of which she and I were
Together. Fact, or Fantasy?

IN the last Lifetime which occurred shortly before her birth in this
life, She described herself as a woman, supplied the name of the
woman, her husband's name and the name of their two children. She
also noted her physical address in a home located in New York City.

During a motorcycle trip to Salt Lake City, I personally accessed the
records of the Mormon Geneology Library. There, I found the names of
the woman described as her in her previous life. I also verified the
name of her husband and names of both children, along with a numerical
address that was off in number but on the same block in New York City.

So much for reincarnation. The average person is locked into an
intellectual bubble which precludes such insights from ever occuring.
That, folks is the Ignorance, I speak of in my writings.

There is much to life that is prevented from emerging in the
consciousness of such heavily conditioned Intellects.

"No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind,
including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the
SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

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Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
2013-07-09 14:15:51 UTC
Post by Raymond Karczewski
Reincarnation, Fact or Fiction.
By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ
In the state of Oneness, that timeless realm of consciousness, of
which the dualistic linear, timebound Intellect is unable to access,
All that ever has been, is now and shall be, exists. Some might call
it the Subconscious Mind. Some might call it God, Others might call it
Truth, I call it the Christ State of Consciousness.
As such, all things are possible and present in the eternal moment of
Now. As to the subject of Reincarnation, that seemingly impossible
state of consciousness the Intellect wars against, is just a simple
fact. Through insight anyone can perceive truth which exists beyond
time and space.
In my own personal life, my wife of 49 years, Anita, now deceased was
an excellant Hypnotic Subject. When the Intellect was quieted She
would describe herself simply as "Energy." In that altered state of
Consciousness, she transcended time and space. In many hours of taped
sessions, we explored many lifetimes, several of which she and I were
Together. Fact, or Fantasy?
IN the last Lifetime which occurred shortly before her birth in this
life, She described herself as a woman, supplied the name of the
woman, her husband's name and the name of their two children. She
also noted her physical address in a home located in New York City.
During a motorcycle trip to Salt Lake City, I personally accessed the
records of the Mormon Geneology Library. There, I found the names of
the woman described as her in her previous life. I also verified the
name of her husband and names of both children, along with a numerical
address that was off in number but on the same block in New York City.
So much for reincarnation. The average person is locked into an
intellectual bubble which precludes such insights from ever occuring.
That, folks is the Ignorance, I speak of in my writings.
There is much to life that is prevented from emerging in the
consciousness of such heavily conditioned Intellects.
"No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind,
including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the
SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"
Reincarnation is not compatable with Bible teachings.

First of all, the Bible does not teach that we have a "soul" which is
immortal and which can leave the body at death. Notice what the Bible
says a soul is. Ge 2:7,

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

Does it say that the man was 'given' a soul? No, it says he "became" a
soul. Thus a soul is the whole person, his flesh, and his mind, all of
him (or her). If a soul is a person, then that means a soul is not
immortal, and thus when a person dies, a soul dies. Thus there is
nothing to come back in a rebirth. Eze 18:4 confirms that a soul can

"Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the
soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die." (KJV)

Also the Bible very plainly tells us that the dead are unconscience,
oblivious of anything. Notice Ec 9:5,

"For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing;
they have no further reward, and even the memory of them is
forgotten." (NIV)

Also Ps 146:3,4,

"3 Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no
salvation. 4 His spirit departs, he returns to the earth; In that very
day his thoughts perish." (NASB)

The Bible says that the dead are not recycled, but both the righteous
and the unrighteous are awaiting a resurrection. (see below)

Also, the reincarnation belief has some problems with it. If a person
is continually reborn in order to improve themselves, would it not be
advantageous to remember all the details of the previous lives in
order to be able to correct them and not commit the same mistakes over
and over?

True, a few claim to remember past lives, but it is usually just
partial memories, not all of them. And the VAST MAJORITY of people
have NO recollection of any alleged past mistakes made at all! Thus
they would continually make them.

Also, the rebirths are not limited to humans. Throughout the world,
such as in Africa, Asia, North and South America, islands of the
Pacific, and Europe, people believe that human souls migrate into
sharks, alligators, tigers, bear cats, weasels, mice, and even insects
such as wasps and dung beetles.

Neither is reincarnation limited to animal forms. Barren women in
Africa and India invoke trees believed to be inhabited by souls of the
dead. Similar customs also existed in ancient Europe.

Since the soul dies, what hope is there for the dead? Rather than
leaving sinful humans to work out their own destiny by undergoing
countless rebirths, filled with suffering and pain, the Bible answers:
"There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the
unrighteous." (Ac 24:15)

In his infinite wisdom and love, the Creator remembers the life
pattern of dead ones. He does not do this as a basis to judge and
punish them, as the law of karma says. Rather, He does so in order to
resurrect people, bringing them back from the dead with the same
personalities and characteristics that they had before they died.

Those who are resurrected to life on earth will then be judged on the
basis of their life course AFTER their resurrection. (see Ro 6:7,23)
Then, as humans, they will have the prospect of life again-in a
restored earthly paradise, concerning which the Bible assures us:

"Death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be
anymore. The former things have passed away." (Re 21:4.)

John 4:23,24
Post by Raymond Karczewski
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ
Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com
Change The Quality of Your Life Today