Iran hangs Baha'i man for raping daughter
(too old to reply)
Covenant Breaker
2009-01-15 17:18:52 UTC
Raped Daughter Convinces Court to Hang Baha'i Father

TEHRAN (FNA)- A follower of Baha'i faith was hanged in northeastern
Iran after a local court sentenced him to death for raping his

Despite western media reports, sources said that Houshang Khodadad was
convicted in a criminal court after his daughter sued him for sexual
harassment and rape.

They also stressed that Khodadad had not been executed for religious

Baha'ism is considered as a heretic religion in the Islamic Republic,
but Tehran tolerates followers of the religion. Yet, new converts are
prosecuted as converting from Islam to any other religion is
considered as an act of heresy in Islam which requires capital

Khodadad was not a convert, sources said, adding that he was a
registered follower of Baha'ism.

"He raped his own daughter a while ago, and he was imprisoned in (the
northeastern city of) Torbat Heydarieh and was later hanged (after
being tried and convicted) in a case raised by his daughter," sources

Khodadad had confessed not only to his adulterous relationship with
close relatives, including his daughter, but also sodomy with one of
the inmates when he was in prison.

Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother.


Also Appeared on Reuters Website
2009-01-16 02:18:20 UTC
What is tragic here is that these cultists were claiming the arrest
and prosecution of this man some time ago as a human rights violation
to the assorted panoply of HR groups they pay-off, attempting to
classify him as a prisoner of conscience. If the verified court
transcripts of this man's trial can be made available, which details
the charges and meticulously demonstrates the evidence, I would be
more than happy to translate them into English.

Post by Covenant Breaker
Raped Daughter Convinces Court to Hang Baha'i Father
TEHRAN (FNA)- A follower of Baha'i faith was hanged in northeastern
Iran after a local court sentenced him to death for raping his
Despite western media reports, sources said that Houshang Khodadad was
convicted in a criminal court after his daughter sued him for sexual
harassment and rape.
They also stressed that Khodadad had not been executed for religious
Baha'ism is considered as a heretic religion in the Islamic Republic,
but Tehran tolerates followers of the religion. Yet, new converts are
prosecuted as converting from Islam to any other religion is
considered as an act of heresy in Islam which requires capital
Khodadad was not a convert, sources said, adding that he was a
registered follower of Baha'ism.
"He raped his own daughter a while ago, and he was imprisoned in (the
northeastern city of) Torbat Heydarieh and was later hanged (after
being tried and convicted) in a case raised by his daughter," sources
Khodadad had confessed not only to his adulterous relationship with
close relatives, including his daughter, but also sodomy with one of
the inmates when he was in prison.
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother.
Also Appeared on Reuters Websitehttp://in.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idINIndia-37272920090103
2009-01-16 03:37:43 UTC
Bahai Incest case in Peru, 2004:

This is a situation that Ive been acquainted with since March of last
year. After long consideration of how to publish it, I have, in the
end, opted to tell the tale with identities disguised.

Shirin is a young Bahai woman of Iranian descent, living in a country
in the developing world. Her father was, at the time this story
Chairman of the NSA in that country. I have called her non-Bahai
friend Buddy, rather than give him a name that would indicate

Shirin claims that her father forced her into an incestuous
from the time she was 13 years old. At 18, in the year 2000, she ran
away, but he found her again, and again made advances. She told him
that if he didnt stop, she would publicly accuse him. He then
threatened to institutionalize her. Frightened by this accusation,
desperate to stop the abuse, she made a videotape telling her story.

The next day, Shirin disappeared.

Her friends found this videotape and began asking questions about
she was, and eventually staged public protests demanding to know her
whereabouts. Shirins disappearance was widely publicized; the story
appeared in at least two newspapers, and appeared nightly on t.v.
she was gone -- and she and her family gave an interview after she
reappeared. Her friend Buddy was at the forefront of efforts to find
her, and he reports that a Continental Counsellor told him that it
none of his business where she was, and discouraged her friends from
seeking her. At one point, it was claimed that she had gone to
country. This person is no longer a Counsellor, but has been on the
special commission set up to deal with the case, and is currently on
NSA, so I cannot tell if her removal from office was as a result of
mishandling the initial crisis, or not.

Shirin told me that her grandmother phoned her and asked her to come
over, reporting a family emergency, but when she arrived, her father
there with armed men, falsely claiming to be policemen, who accused
of being involved with drugs. She was taken to a drug rehab facility,
and kept there for over two weeks. A drug test was taken, which
negative. Shirin told me that the conditions there were crowded and
unhygienic, and I have evidence that this facility has been involved
at least one other kidnapping.

Then, the police arrived at the facility, and asked her if she was
against her will. While they were willing to release her, they were
generally unsympathetic, and she described her experience with them
another hell. A forensic examination was done on her, as well as
another drug test. However, one of the cops scolded her for her
accusations, saying that even if he abused her, she should stay
because hes still your dad. The district attorney refused to
prosecute the case, citing lack of evidence.

According to Shirin, two Bahai Counsellors, and an NSA member who
headed up the special commission set up to deal with her case tried
persuade her to return to her fathers home. It was this aspect, more
than anything, that convinced me to take up this case. I was utterly
horrified and appalled. No decent human being, on hearing a young
accuse her father of sexually abusing her, would essentially tell her
shut up and go home. At best, this reveals a profound ignorance
concerning the realities of incest, and at worst, a callous disregard
for Shirins safety.

I asked why they were so set on her going home, she was, after all,
and in college, and an age at which young people often begin living
their own. She said that the only reason they gave was that the
Universal House of Justice wanted it. Shirin resisted this pressure,
and continues to live on her own, but complains of harassment from
family, and that they have done everything they can to blacken her
in the Bahai community.

The Bahai administration seems to have had three concerns: that no
more bad publicity about the Bahai Faith occur because of this case,
that Shirin be reconciled with her family and the Bahai community,
that she be able to move on with her life after this incident.
Strangely, they blame her for the publicity that occurred while she
locked away. During the period last spring while I was in contact
Buddy and Shirin, a Counsellor and NSA members were still trying to
her to forgive her family. I have been told of two NSA members who
appear to be willing to believe the charges of abuse -- and that was
only after long exposure to the case and the behavior of this family.
(One of them, after telling Shirin that she believed she was abused,
removed from the special commission and forbidden to have contact
her.) Nothing in the evidence indicates that her accusation against
father was at all taken seriously by the NSA as a whole or the UHJ.

The UHJ has taken a distant attitude, regarding it primarily as a
private family difficulty. The only action taken against Shirins
father was that he was asked to resign from the NSA. This,
was not intended as a sanction, because he was again elected in 2003,
and the UHJ asked him to resign again. Haifa also provided funds for
Shirins psychotherapy, for at least a year, and possibly longer. I
told that this had ended by last summer, and her doctor continues to
treat her pro bono.

In March of last year, Buddy contacted me, at first asking questions
about Bahai administrative procedure. As time went on I agreed to
in publicizing the case.

I was only in contact with Shirin through a handful of emails, but I
in continuous contact with Buddy through most of the spring and
of 2003, and again during these past few weeks. My impression of
Shirin is that she was bright and articulate, although angry and
frightened. Shirin constantly spoke of her need for justice, even
begging me to seek it on her behalf if her family kidnapped her
or killed her. The impression that Buddy gave was conflicting: He
would depict her as vulnerable, depressed and anxious, and unable to
cope with stress. Yet, when he reported her actions, I saw someone
tremendous strength -- Shirin was able to resist the pressures from
family, from numerous highly-placed Bahai officials, and to go before
the NSA with a list of demands in her hand. I dont think Ive ever
seen anyone stand up to the administration in the way this young girl
has. Experts in sexual abuse say that victims seldom lie about what
they experienced, especially over a sustained period of time. Her
psychiatrist reports that she is making excellent progress in her
therapy, and is performing at the top of her class at University.

Besides helping Shirin in her quest for justice, I felt that
would be a kind of protection for her -- that her family would not
hurt her in any way, if they knew that I would broadcast any
disappearance far and wide. It was largely publicity that got her
released from the drug rehab center in the first place, and I thought
publicity would serve as a way of ensuring that nothing further would
happen along these lines. I was quite frank in my opinion that the
possibility that she would get any substantial action from the Bahai
institutions was remote. I couldnt guarantee her justice; I could
promise that the injustice with which she was treated would not

Ill state here publicly that, even now, if Shirin is again forcibly
institutionalized or she should disappear or any harm come to her, I
will place all evidence I have on this case on my website.

It is only right that the Bahai institutions should take a strong
against child sexual abuse, and avoid even the appearance of
countenancing such a horrible crime, and it was in protest against
lack of action, and the pressures they were placing on Shirin, that I
intended to publicize the case.

While preparing for the article, I continually emphasized the need
solid evidence, and was given a great deal of material. Aside from
collecting evidence for my article, Shirin put her efforts into
recording conversations that would reveal the wrongdoing on the part
her father, family, and Bahai officials. This was entirely her idea,
although I sympathize with this desperate attempt, on the part of a
powerless person, to be heard and taken seriously. I should make it
clear, here, that my role was primarily supportive, and I left all
decisions in her hands. My view is, that when you are dealing with
someone struggling with a feeling of powerlessness, that you must try
give them a sense of confidence and control. I explicitly asked
what she wanted, what justice would mean to her, and told her that I
would not do anything that she didnt want me to do.

A little over a week ago, Buddy sent me an urgent message saying that
Shirin was preparing to confront the NSA with her collection of tapes.

Shirin went to the NSA with a list of demands that are basically
calculated to force the NSA to keep her family away from her,
what amounts to a restraining order, and financial arrangements that
would make the NSA the middle-man between Shirin and her father. She
told them she had audio tapes of her conversations with the
NSA members, and her family members, and implied that they would be
released to the media if action was not taken. From what Ive been
of their contents, these audio tapes can be used to both to prove the
abuse, and the mishandling of her case by Bahai officials.

Both Shirin and Buddy seem to have quite exaggerated expectations
what the NSA could do for her. The NSA cannot guarantee that her
would stay away from her; they are not a police force. The Bahai
is a religious organization that only has control over the membership
status of adherents; these kids are treating it as if it were a civil
court. Her mistake, in my opinion, is in naively believing that
her complaint through Bahai channels, as Bahais are exhorted to do,
will somehow result in justice. Buddy is clearly confused by the
administrations charge of blackmail. In his mind, Shirin has simply
brought evidence to a body empowered to make a decision. But through
the broken English in his emails reporting on their response, I am
already seeing the familiar terminology of Bahai denial, where
ill-intentioned persons are simply trying to bring the Faith into
disrepute out of inexplicable malice.

Shirin particularly wanted me to say that she loves the Bahai Faith,
and Bahaullah, but that her family and NSA have done such terribly
wrong things to her that she must speak out about what has happened.

The current situation is that Shirin is planning to release her story
the media within the next few days, and the NSA working out its own
strategy, which involves a legal complaint against Shirin, and
other NSAs to write letters of support to this countrys government.
position of the Faith is somewhat precarious, and the government
simply dissolve the Assembly in the wake of a scandal such as this.
last meeting she had with the NSA was very brief, and it seems to be
taking the view that it should present itself as not attaching too
importance to the situation, although the evidence clearly indicates
contrary. Buddy also reports that at least some NSA members are
for a way to have her declared insane and committed to an institution.

I believe Shirins story. Although I am no expert in such matters, her
account, and even her behavior is quite consistent with that of other
sexual abuse victims I have known. I also find it very hard to
that a young girl would fabricate such a story, at such tremendous
personal cost, and maintain it for over three years. There is no
in my mind that she is an incest victim that has been further
by a corrupt criminal justice system, and a Bahai administration that
is more concerned about its reputation than the well-being of this

Karen Bacquet

link this story:
Post by Covenant Breaker
Raped Daughter Convinces Court to Hang Baha'i Father
TEHRAN (FNA)- A follower of Baha'i faith was hanged in northeastern
Iran after a local court sentenced him to death for raping his
Despite western media reports, sources said that Houshang Khodadad was
convicted in a criminal court after his daughter sued him for sexual
harassment and rape.
They also stressed that Khodadad had not been executed for religious
Baha'ism is considered as a heretic religion in the Islamic Republic,
but Tehran tolerates followers of the religion. Yet, new converts are
prosecuted as converting from Islam to any other religion is
considered as an act of heresy in Islam which requires capital
Khodadad was not a convert, sources said, adding that he was a
registered follower of Baha'ism.
"He raped his own daughter a while ago, and he was imprisoned in (the
northeastern city of) Torbat Heydarieh and was later hanged (after
being tried and convicted) in a case raised by his daughter," sources
Khodadad had confessed not only to his adulterous relationship with
close relatives, including his daughter, but also sodomy with one of
the inmates when he was in prison.
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother.
Also Appeared on Reuters Websitehttp://in.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idINIndia-37272920090103
2009-01-16 17:02:15 UTC

Not so much that Baha'is commit atrocious crimes like many other
people do, but that in their sick and misguided little minds, they
believe that they must protect the "name" of the Faith by covering up
and enabling Bahai's who are criminals and perverts. Do they not
thirst for justice in these situations? Why are these Baha'is' souls
so sick?

The continued use of civil courts to enforce their sick agenda must be
stopped. I hope and pray that the victims of the Baha'i
Administration all over the world are able to secure competent legal
counsel to fight them on every front.

Covenant Breaker
2009-01-17 10:46:26 UTC
Bahai Incest case in Peru, 2004:http://gaybahai.yuku.com/forum/viewtopic/id/423
This is a situation that Ive been acquainted with since March of last
year. After long consideration of how to publish it, I have, in the
end, opted to tell the tale with identities disguised.
Shirin is a young Bahai woman of Iranian descent, living in a country
in the developing world. Her father was, at the time this story
Chairman of the NSA in that country. I have called her non-Bahai
friend Buddy, rather than give him a name that would indicate
Shirin claims that her father forced her into an incestuous
from the time she was 13 years old. At 18, in the year 2000, she ran
away, but he found her again, and again made advances. She told him
that if he didnt stop, she would publicly accuse him. He then
threatened to institutionalize her. Frightened by this accusation,
desperate to stop the abuse, she made a videotape telling her story.
The next day, Shirin disappeared.
Her friends found this videotape and began asking questions about
she was, and eventually staged public protests demanding to know her
whereabouts. Shirins disappearance was widely publicized; the story
appeared in at least two newspapers, and appeared nightly on t.v.
she was gone -- and she and her family gave an interview after she
reappeared. Her friend Buddy was at the forefront of efforts to find
her, and he reports that a Continental Counsellor told him that it
none of his business where she was, and discouraged her friends from
seeking her. At one point, it was claimed that she had gone to
country. This person is no longer a Counsellor, but has been on the
special commission set up to deal with the case, and is currently on
NSA, so I cannot tell if her removal from office was as a result of
mishandling the initial crisis, or not.
Shirin told me that her grandmother phoned her and asked her to come
over, reporting a family emergency, but when she arrived, her father
there with armed men, falsely claiming to be policemen, who accused
of being involved with drugs. She was taken to a drug rehab facility,
and kept there for over two weeks. A drug test was taken, which
negative. Shirin told me that the conditions there were crowded and
unhygienic, and I have evidence that this facility has been involved
at least one other kidnapping.
Then, the police arrived at the facility, and asked her if she was
against her will. While they were willing to release her, they were
generally unsympathetic, and she described her experience with them
another hell. A forensic examination was done on her, as well as
another drug test. However, one of the cops scolded her for her
accusations, saying that even if he abused her, she should stay
because hes still your dad. The district attorney refused to
prosecute the case, citing lack of evidence.
According to Shirin, two Bahai Counsellors, and an NSA member who
headed up the special commission set up to deal with her case tried
persuade her to return to her fathers home. It was this aspect, more
than anything, that convinced me to take up this case. I was utterly
horrified and appalled. No decent human being, on hearing a young
accuse her father of sexually abusing her, would essentially tell her
shut up and go home. At best, this reveals a profound ignorance
concerning the realities of incest, and at worst, a callous disregard
for Shirins safety.
I asked why they were so set on her going home, she was, after all,
and in college, and an age at which young people often begin living
their own. She said that the only reason they gave was that the
Universal House of Justice wanted it. Shirin resisted this pressure,
and continues to live on her own, but complains of harassment from
family, and that they have done everything they can to blacken her
in the Bahai community.
The Bahai administration seems to have had three concerns: that no
more bad publicity about the Bahai Faith occur because of this case,
that Shirin be reconciled with her family and the Bahai community,
that she be able to move on with her life after this incident.
Strangely, they blame her for the publicity that occurred while she
locked away. During the period last spring while I was in contact
Buddy and Shirin, a Counsellor and NSA members were still trying to
her to forgive her family. I have been told of two NSA members who
appear to be willing to believe the charges of abuse -- and that was
only after long exposure to the case and the behavior of this family.
(One of them, after telling Shirin that she believed she was abused,
removed from the special commission and forbidden to have contact
her.) Nothing in the evidence indicates that her accusation against
father was at all taken seriously by the NSA as a whole or the UHJ.
The UHJ has taken a distant attitude, regarding it primarily as a
private family difficulty. The only action taken against Shirins
father was that he was asked to resign from the NSA. This,
was not intended as a sanction, because he was again elected in 2003,
and the UHJ asked him to resign again. Haifa also provided funds for
Shirins psychotherapy, for at least a year, and possibly longer. I
told that this had ended by last summer, and her doctor continues to
treat her pro bono.
In March of last year, Buddy contacted me, at first asking questions
about Bahai administrative procedure. As time went on I agreed to
in publicizing the case.
I was only in contact with Shirin through a handful of emails, but I
in continuous contact with Buddy through most of the spring and
of 2003, and again during these past few weeks. My impression of
Shirin is that she was bright and articulate, although angry and
frightened. Shirin constantly spoke of her need for justice, even
begging me to seek it on her behalf if her family kidnapped her
or killed her. The impression that Buddy gave was conflicting: He
would depict her as vulnerable, depressed and anxious, and unable to
cope with stress. Yet, when he reported her actions, I saw someone
tremendous strength -- Shirin was able to resist the pressures from
family, from numerous highly-placed Bahai officials, and to go before
the NSA with a list of demands in her hand. I dont think Ive ever
seen anyone stand up to the administration in the way this young girl
has. Experts in sexual abuse say that victims seldom lie about what
they experienced, especially over a sustained period of time. Her
psychiatrist reports that she is making excellent progress in her
therapy, and is performing at the top of her class at University.
Besides helping Shirin in her quest for justice, I felt that
would be a kind of protection for her -- that her family would not
hurt her in any way, if they knew that I would broadcast any
disappearance far and wide. It was largely publicity that got her
released from the drug rehab center in the first place, and I thought
publicity would serve as a way of ensuring that nothing further would
happen along these lines. I was quite frank in my opinion that the
possibility that she would get any substantial action from the Bahai
institutions was remote. I couldnt guarantee her justice; I could
promise that the injustice with which she was treated would not
Ill state here publicly that, even now, if Shirin is again forcibly
institutionalized or she should disappear or any harm come to her, I
will place all evidence I have on this case on my website.
It is only right that the Bahai institutions should take a strong
against child sexual abuse, and avoid even the appearance of
countenancing such a horrible crime, and it was in protest against
lack of action, and the pressures they were placing on Shirin, that I
intended to publicize the case.
While preparing for the article, I continually emphasized the need
solid evidence, and was given a great deal of material. Aside from
collecting evidence for my article, Shirin put her efforts into
recording conversations that would reveal the wrongdoing on the part
her father, family, and Bahai officials. This was entirely her idea,
although I sympathize with this desperate attempt, on the part of a
powerless person, to be heard and taken seriously. I should make it
clear, here, that my role was primarily supportive, and I left all
decisions in her hands. My view is, that when you are dealing with
someone struggling with a feeling of powerlessness, that you must try
give them a sense of confidence and control. I explicitly asked
what she wanted, what justice would mean to her, and told her that I
would not do anything that she didnt want me to do.
A little over a week ago, Buddy sent me an urgent message saying that
Shirin was preparing to confront the NSA with her collection of tapes.
Shirin went to the NSA with a list of demands that are basically
calculated to force the NSA to keep her family away from her,
what amounts to a restraining order, and financial arrangements that
would make the NSA the middle-man between Shirin and her father. She
told them she had audio tapes of her conversations with the
NSA members, and her family members, and implied that they would be
released to the media if action was not taken. From what Ive been
of their contents, these audio tapes can be used to both to prove the
abuse, and the mishandling of her case by Bahai officials.
Both Shirin and Buddy seem to have quite exaggerated expectations
what the NSA could do for her. The NSA cannot guarantee that her
would stay away from her; they are not a police force. The Bahai
is a religious organization that only has control over the membership
status of adherents; these kids are treating it as if it were a civil
court. Her mistake, in my opinion, is in ...
read more »
These are the real followers of Baha'u'llah.
Great followers of Great "Manifestation of God".

Is it true that Shoghi Effendi was a Homosexual ?
Why Shoghi died childless ??
Was he impotent or Ruhiyyih Barren ???
Covenant Breaker
2009-01-17 10:49:23 UTC
These are the real followers of Baha'u'llah.
Great followers of Great "Manifestation of God".

Is it true that Shoghi Effendi was a Homosexual ?
Why Shoghi died childless ??
Was he impotent or Ruhiyyih Barren ???
2009-01-18 05:40:16 UTC
Post by Covenant Breaker
These are the real followers of Baha'u'llah.
Great followers of Great "Manifestation of God".
What a joke, right?
Post by Covenant Breaker
Is it true that Shoghi Effendi was a Homosexual ?
According to the late Mildred Mottahedeh, who was personal friend to
both he and his wife, Shoghi Effendi was a life-long homosexual who
struggled with his orientation. There are also suggestions that George
Townsend was Shoghi Effendi's lover at one point. Note that Fayzullah
Sobhi states that Abbas Effendi was homosexual, but he is the only
known source for that allegation. According to unpublished letters of
Abdu'l-Husayn AYATI Avarih - memos that he inexplicably did not
publish in his Kashf'ul-Hiyal - there are also suggestions that Shoghi
Effendi was gay. Ruhi Afnan, his cousin, is said to have also
suggested the same thing about him.
Post by Covenant Breaker
Why Shoghi died childless ??
For reasons above, and probably also because he shot blanks.
Post by Covenant Breaker
Was he impotent or Ruhiyyih Barren ???
Richard Hollinger has claimed that Ruhiyyah Maxwell was medically
tested for impotency and was found to be fine.

2009-01-20 00:20:17 UTC
Post by Covenant Breaker
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother.
This struck me as an odd statement - so specific, it makes no sense at

I presume the reference to step mother some how derives from the Kitab
i Aqdas, paragraph 107, which states:

"It is forbidden you to wed your faither's wives"

What would be the origin of the rest of the statement I wonder?

2009-01-20 00:33:19 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by Covenant Breaker
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother.
This struck me as an odd statement - so specific, it makes no sense at
I presume the reference to step mother some how derives from the Kitab
"It is forbidden you to wed your faither's wives"
What would be the origin of the rest of the statement I wonder?
It is Iranian propaganda pouring salt on an open wound, is what the
origin and the motivation of the statement is. And they have every
good reason to. After all, the propaganda machinery of the Bahaim
administration was claiming this man as a prisoner of conscience not
too long ago and capitalizing politically for its own causes. The
timing of the court-mandated execution of this man and the ZioNazi
blitzkrieg on Gaza are also not accidental.

2009-01-20 20:57:25 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by Covenant Breaker
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother.
This struck me as an odd statement - so specific, it makes no sense at
all. ... What would be the origin of the rest of the statement I wonder?
It is Iranian propaganda pouring salt on an open wound, is what the
origin and the motivation of the statement is.
Well Im sure, but these things often have an origin, even if it via a
distortion of sorts. To say "they allow incest" and then add "except
for a stepmother" seems like an add mixture of hostile prejudice next
to a sort of journalistic rigour.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
And they have every
good reason to. After all, the propaganda machinery of the Bahaim
administration was claiming this man as a prisoner of conscience not
too long ago and capitalizing politically for its own causes.
Again, have you any evidence for this? It's odd that a google search
on the name returns nothing claiming he was a prisoner of conscience.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
timing of the court-mandated execution of this man and the ZioNazi
blitzkrieg on Gaza are also not accidental.
You are joking, right? If not, you seriously need to get out more. The
Baha'i faith is a tiny religion and the execution of a single follower
is pretty inconsequential with regards to world politics.

2009-01-22 01:07:11 UTC
Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, THIS paragraph totally undermines
the credibility of the whole article:

"Khodadad had confessed not only to his adulterous relationship with
close relatives, including his daughter, but also sodomy with one of
the inmates when he was in prison.

Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother."

No, it doesn't.
Post by Covenant Breaker
Raped Daughter Convinces Court to Hang Baha'i Father
TEHRAN (FNA)- A follower of Baha'i faith was hanged in northeastern
Iran after a local court sentenced him to death for raping his
Despite western media reports, sources said that Houshang Khodadad was
convicted in a criminal court after his daughter sued him for sexual
harassment and rape.
They also stressed that Khodadad had not been executed for religious
Baha'ism is considered as a heretic religion in the Islamic Republic,
but Tehran tolerates followers of the religion. Yet, new converts are
prosecuted as converting from Islam to any other religion is
considered as an act of heresy in Islam which requires capital
Khodadad was not a convert, sources said, adding that he was a
registered follower of Baha'ism.
"He raped his own daughter a while ago, and he was imprisoned in (the
northeastern city of) Torbat Heydarieh and was later hanged (after
being tried and convicted) in a case raised by his daughter," sources
Khodadad had confessed not only to his adulterous relationship with
close relatives, including his daughter, but also sodomy with one of
the inmates when he was in prison.
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother.
Also Appeared on Reuters Website
All Bad
2009-01-22 02:21:45 UTC
Post by PaulHammond
Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, THIS paragraph totally undermines
"Khodadad had confessed not only to his adulterous relationship with
close relatives, including his daughter, but also sodomy with one of
the inmates when he was in prison.
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother."
No, it doesn't.
Now domestic terrorist Bill Ayers has rock solid proof that you are a
Baha'i, by virtue of the fact that you know something. Ah, the standard of
what constitutes 'proof' is a limbo bar in some entertainer's hands.

Post by PaulHammond
Post by Covenant Breaker
Raped Daughter Convinces Court to Hang Baha'i Father
TEHRAN (FNA)- A follower of Baha'i faith was hanged in northeastern
Iran after a local court sentenced him to death for raping his
Despite western media reports, sources said that Houshang Khodadad was
convicted in a criminal court after his daughter sued him for sexual
harassment and rape.
They also stressed that Khodadad had not been executed for religious
Baha'ism is considered as a heretic religion in the Islamic Republic,
but Tehran tolerates followers of the religion. Yet, new converts are
prosecuted as converting from Islam to any other religion is
considered as an act of heresy in Islam which requires capital
Khodadad was not a convert, sources said, adding that he was a
registered follower of Baha'ism.
"He raped his own daughter a while ago, and he was imprisoned in (the
northeastern city of) Torbat Heydarieh and was later hanged (after
being tried and convicted) in a case raised by his daughter," sources
Khodadad had confessed not only to his adulterous relationship with
close relatives, including his daughter, but also sodomy with one of
the inmates when he was in prison.
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother.
Also Appeared on Reuters Website
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-22 02:34:47 UTC
Post by All Bad
Post by PaulHammond
Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, THIS paragraph totally undermines
"Khodadad had confessed not only to his adulterous relationship with
close relatives, including his daughter, but also sodomy with one of
the inmates when he was in prison.
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother."
No, it doesn't.
Now domestic terrorist Bill Ayers has rock solid proof that you are a
Baha'i, by virtue of the fact that you know something.  Ah, the standard of
what constitutes 'proof' is a limbo bar in some entertainer's hands.
And you were referring to what, exactly? To this, that was carried by

And you have not answered the following:
All Bad
2009-01-22 02:40:47 UTC
Post by All Bad
Post by PaulHammond
Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, THIS paragraph totally undermines
"Khodadad had confessed not only to his adulterous relationship with
close relatives, including his daughter, but also sodomy with one of
the inmates when he was in prison.
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother."
No, it doesn't.
Now domestic terrorist Bill Ayers has rock solid proof that you are a
Baha'i, by virtue of the fact that you know something. Ah, the standard of
what constitutes 'proof' is a limbo bar in some entertainer's hands.
And you were referring to what, exactly?

AB: I was referring to MIA1 using the fact that Paul is knowledgeable on
the BF and expresses his knowledge, as asserted proof that he is a Baha'i,
and also referring to guilt by association attacks made on TRB.

To this, that was carried by

AB: The page is blank, but I doubt I am referring to whatever was there when
it was working.

And you have not answered the following:

AB: Is this your fantasy about me working UAVs? I do believe that you and
your new sidekick have accounted for my recent career since Fleming last
looked me up. No trace of UAVs and no indication that you are backing off
from your bizarre fantasy. How do you spell "Whack job"? I spell it W -
A - H - I - D - - A - Z - A - L.

- All Bad
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-22 02:47:30 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by All Bad
Post by PaulHammond
Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, THIS paragraph totally undermines
"Khodadad had confessed not only to his adulterous relationship with
close relatives, including his daughter, but also sodomy with one of
the inmates when he was in prison.
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother."
No, it doesn't.
Now domestic terrorist Bill Ayers has rock solid proof that you are a
Baha'i, by virtue of the fact that you know something. Ah, the standard of
what constitutes 'proof' is a limbo bar in some entertainer's hands.
And you were referring to what, exactly?
AB:  I was referring to MIA1 using the fact that Paul is knowledgeable on
the BF and expresses his knowledge, as asserted proof that he is a Baha'i,
and also referring to guilt by association attacks made on TRB.
To this, that was carried by
AB: The page is blank,
Not on my end. Get a new IP. Here is what it says,
Iran hangs Baha'i man for raping daughter - report
Sat Jan 3, 2009 9:11pm IST Email | Print | Share| Single Page[-] Text
[+] TEHRAN (Reuters) - A follower of the Baha'i faith has been
executed after his daughter complained he had raped her, Iran's semi-
official Fars news agency reported on Saturday.

Baha'is say hundreds of their followers have been jailed and executed
since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution. The government denies it has
detained or executed people for their religion.

Fars gave no details of court proceedings and did not make clear when
the man, identified as Houshang Khodadad, was hanged.

"He ... was imprisoned and executed in Torbat-e Heydarieh (in eastern
Iran) after his daughter complained he had raped her," the news agency
said, adding that charges included rape and incest.

Murder, adultery, rape, armed robbery, apostasy and drug trafficking
are punishable by death under Iran's sharia law.

Baha'is regard their faith's 19th-century founder as the latest in a
line of prophets including Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad.
Iran's Shi'ite religious establishment considers the faith a heretical
offshoot of Islam.

The Baha'i faith originated in Iran 150 years ago and Baha'is say they
number 5 million worldwide, including an estimated 300,000 or more in

The Baha'i International Community which represents the faith operates
under a governing council which is based in Israel, Iran's arch foe,
according to its website www.bahai.org.

Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
but I doubt I am referring to whatever was there when
it was working.
The link works fine throughout most global domains. Or are you
telegraphing a punch here, like the HINDUSTAN TIMES link you had taken
down in 2006 of the BAHAI SPY story? It won't work this time.
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
And you have not answered the following:http://groups.google.com.au/group/talk.religion.bahai/browse_thread/t...
AB:  Is this your fantasy about me working UAVs?
What's the fantasy? You are a known technician to these weapons of
mass destruction.

Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-22 02:55:14 UTC
 How do you spell "Whack job"?  I spell it W -
A - H - I - D -  - A - Z - A - L.
If that were true, and if even you believed it to be true, neither you
or your IT committee would engage in the endless tag-team parlor
tricks you assholes are well known for. But let me show you one of the
several spellings on TRB for HACK and WAR-CRIMINAL: P-A-T- -K-O-H-L-

2009-01-22 22:29:08 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
 How do you spell "Whack job"?  I spell it W -
A - H - I - D -  - A - Z - A - L.
If that were true, and if even you believed it to be true, neither you
or your IT committee
There IS no IT committee.

The fact that you keep banging on about it is part of the proof of
your whack-jobbiness!
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
would engage in the endless tag-team parlor
tricks you assholes are well known for. But let me show you one of the
several spellings on TRB for HACK and WAR-CRIMINAL: P-A-T- -K-O-H-L-
This would be yet another one of those "it's true, because I say so"
arguments (see also IT committee)
2009-01-23 01:41:05 UTC
Post by PaulHammond
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
 How do you spell "Whack job"?  I spell it W -
A - H - I - D -  - A - Z - A - L.
If that were true, and if even you believed it to be true, neither you
or your IT committee
There IS no IT committee.
Just like Richard Nixon said there were no tapes! Right! NOT!!

Fuck off!

2009-01-24 18:03:45 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by PaulHammond
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
 How do you spell "Whack job"?  I spell it W -
A - H - I - D -  - A - Z - A - L.
If that were true, and if even you believed it to be true, neither you
or your IT committee
There IS no IT committee.
Just like Richard Nixon said there were no tapes! Right! NOT!!
 Fuck off!
Alright, David Frost - since you're such a well informed inquisitor,
tell me, where is the IT committee based, how did it recruit me, how
much does it pay me, and how do you know all this?
All Bad
2009-01-24 21:52:09 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by PaulHammond
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
How do you spell "Whack job"? I spell it W -
A - H - I - D - - A - Z - A - L.
If that were true, and if even you believed it to be true, neither you
or your IT committee
There IS no IT committee.
Just like Richard Nixon said there were no tapes! Right! NOT!!
Fuck off!
PH: Alright, David Frost - since you're such a well informed inquisitor,
tell me, where is the IT committee based, how did it recruit me, how
much does it pay me, and how do you know all this?

AB: You will be surprised at how quickly the delusions come to him, and

- All Bad
2009-01-25 01:09:23 UTC
Post by PaulHammond
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by PaulHammond
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
 How do you spell "Whack job"?  I spell it W -
A - H - I - D -  - A - Z - A - L.
If that were true, and if even you believed it to be true, neither you
or your IT committee
There IS no IT committee.
Just like Richard Nixon said there were no tapes! Right! NOT!!
 Fuck off!
Alright, David Frost - since you're such a well informed inquisitor,
tell me, where is the IT committee based, how did it recruit me, how
much does it pay me, and how do you know all this?
You'll have your day in court soon enough....

"First, I do believe, based on Hammond's refusal to say why he is
interested in the Baha'i Faith and his frequent defense of the AO,
that he is probably working for them."

-- Eric Stetson, September 2003
2009-01-22 21:04:08 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by PaulHammond
Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, THIS paragraph totally undermines
the credibility of the whole article...
To this, that was carried by
All the Reuters page does is quote the "semi-official Fars news
agency" in saying he was executed for raping his daughter. What does
that prove? Those facts are not contested.

It does not repeat the statement that "Baha'ism (sic) allows adultery
with family members and relatives, except one's stepmother" nor does
it state that Baha'is have claimed the person was a victim of
religious persecution.

2009-01-23 01:40:23 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by PaulHammond
Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, THIS paragraph totally undermines
the credibility of the whole article...
To this, that was carried by
All the Reuters page does is quote the "semi-official Fars news
agency" in saying he was executed for raping his daughter. What does
that prove? Those facts are not contested.
You obviously are playing stupid and on the payroll to misdirect. The
Reuters piece quotes the Fars newsagency as a source. But it does not
reproduce the story verbatim, does it now?
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
It does not repeat the statement that "Baha'ism (sic) allows adultery
with family members and relatives, except one's stepmother" nor does
it state that Baha'is have claimed the person was a victim of
religious persecution.
Which does not make it a verbatim reproduction. QED...Got anything

2009-01-23 22:52:10 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by PaulHammond
Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, THIS paragraph totally undermines
the credibility of the whole article...
To this, that was carried by
All the Reuters page does is quote the "semi-official Fars news
agency" in saying he was executed for raping his daughter. What does
that prove? Those facts are not contested.
You obviously are playing stupid and on the payroll to misdirect.
So your argument falls apart and your response is personal attacks? Do
you know anything about me? I'm asking you to back up your allegations
with evidence - nothing stupid in that.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Reuters piece quotes the Fars newsagency as a source. But it does not
reproduce the story verbatim, does it now?
No it isn't verbatim, true - journalists rarely do that unless the
story is syndicated which requires them to pay royalties. But it
reproduces the parts of the story that no one is contesting and drops
the parts that are contested.

Putting aside the political and polemic aspects, what I'm interested
in is why do they say the Baha'i Faith "allows adultery with family
members and relatives". Why family members and not, for instance,
neighbours? These are journalists we're talking about here - it
obviously comes from somewhere and I'm wondering where?

2009-01-24 02:20:18 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
So your argument falls apart
Excuse me, my argument falls apart?! Try your argument fell shattered
to pieces, and I showed you how!
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
and your response is personal attacks? Do
you know anything about me?
I know you are with this mob of no-gooders. That is all I need to
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
I'm asking you to back up your allegations
with evidence - nothing stupid in that.
And I did, so take your head out, and actually respond to the points
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
No it isn't verbatim, true -
Thank you, and now you have acknowledged how your *own* argument fell
to pieces tattered as I have asserted.
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
journalists rarely do that unless the
story is syndicated which requires them to pay royalties. But it
reproduces the parts of the story that no one is contesting and drops
the parts that are contested.
Yes, and...
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
Putting aside the political and polemic aspects, what I'm interested
in is why do they say the Baha'i Faith "allows adultery with family
members and relatives".
Because they are trying to add an enormous insult to injury, pour salt
on an open and gaping wound, which has apparently worked quite well,
since the nsa of the US, in typical spinless duplicity (as with the
UCLA taser-incident), has issued the following attempting to distance
itself from a bomb that just blew up directly in its face:


The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the U.S. refutes an
earlier report by Shahabnews that a person executed on charges of
incest was a member of Iran's Bahá'í community. The Assembly says:
" We have learned that the person who was executed was born into a
Bahá'í family but had not been a practicing Bahá'í for years. He had
no formal ties to the Bahá'í community, from which he had distanced
himself. He clearly did not regard himself as a Bahá'í. Some reports
indicate that while he was in prison he was pressured to identify
himself as a Bahá'í, but he refused to do so. The Bahá'í teachings
strongly repudiate all immoral actions of this type and call its
members to the highest standards of chastity. Baha'is believe any
individual of any religious background who commits such action should
be subject to just punishment according to the law. However, in the
current climate in Iran, in which a widespread campaign of lies and
defamation against the Bahá'ís is being undertaken by a group within
the government that is inimical to the Baha'i Faith, it is impossible
to determine the truth of this case. That the story makes a point of
trying to single out the man's religion in this instance raises
serious concern that the Iranian authorities are using this deplorable
case in yet another effort to defame the Bahá'ís. On the same day
that this man was hanged, two drug traffickers were similarly executed
in the Iranian city of Zahedan. The news reports about their
execution made no mention of their religious beliefs, which is the
usual practice. The fact that in the former case a government
spokesperson added the demonstrably false statement, "Baha'ism allows
adultery with family members and relatives, except one's stepmother",
is another indication of the intent of factions within the
government." For original report by Shahabnews, see here.
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
Why family members and not, for instance,
neighbours?  These are journalists we're talking about here - it
obviously comes from somewhere and I'm wondering where?
It comes from the desire to put the boot in as far and deeply as
possible. That's the motivation, the efficient cause and the source.

2009-01-24 20:52:25 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
Putting aside the political and polemic aspects, what I'm interested
in is why do they say the Baha'i Faith "allows adultery with family
members and relatives".
Because they are trying to add an enormous insult to injury, pour salt
on an open and gaping wound, which has apparently worked quite well,
since the nsa of the US, in typical spinless duplicity (as with the
UCLA taser-incident), has issued the following attempting to distance
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing this letter - sheds some
interesting new
facts on the situation.
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the U.S. refutes an
earlier report by Shahabnews that a person executed on charges of
" We have learned that the person who was executed was born into a
Bahá'í family but had not been a practicing Bahá'í for years.  He had
no formal ties to the Bahá'í community, from which he had distanced
himself.  He clearly did not regard himself as a Bahá'í.  Some reports
indicate that while he was in prison he was pressured to identify
himself as a Bahá'í, but he refused to do so. The Bahá'í teachings
strongly repudiate all immoral actions of this type and call its
members to the highest standards of chastity.  Baha'is believe any
individual of any religious background who commits such action should
be subject to just punishment according to the law.  However, in the
current climate in Iran, in which a widespread campaign of lies and
defamation against the Bahá'ís is being undertaken by a group within
the government that is inimical to the Baha'i Faith, it is impossible
to determine the truth of this case. That the story makes a point of
trying to single out the man's religion in this instance raises
serious concern that the Iranian authorities are using this deplorable
case in yet another effort to defame the Bahá'ís.  On the same day
that this man was hanged, two drug traffickers were similarly executed
in the Iranian city of Zahedan.  The news reports about their
execution made no mention of their religious beliefs, which is the
usual practice.  The fact that in the former case a government
spokesperson added the demonstrably false statement, "Baha'ism allows
adultery with family members and relatives, except one's stepmother",
is another indication of the intent of factions within the
government." For original report by Shahabnews, see here.
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
Why family members and not, for instance,
neighbours?  These are journalists we're talking about here - it
obviously comes from somewhere and I'm wondering where?
It comes from the desire to put the boot in as far  and deeply as
possible. That's the motivation, the efficient cause and the source.
Yes, I do understand. I guess they never miss the opportunity to
the Baha'i Faith and a story like this is a bit of a gift. Interesting
that MEMG
gave them the opportunity to respond - I presume Shahabnews didn't
the letter

2009-01-25 01:10:40 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
Yes, I do understand. I guess they never miss the opportunity to
the Baha'i Faith
For good reason too.
Post by r***@yahoo.co.uk
and a story like this is a bit of a gift.
To whom? To the community of sheep you belong to, maybe. But not to
the primary audience in the Mid East .

Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-22 04:20:06 UTC
Post by PaulHammond
Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned,
Which is the official Bahaim propaganda....

2009-01-22 22:30:01 UTC
Post by Death to Haifan Bahaism
Post by PaulHammond
Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned,
Which is the official Bahaim propaganda....
Are you trying to tell me that the Baha'i faith *does* allow its
adherents to practice adultery with all their family members except
for step-mothers?
2009-01-23 01:42:06 UTC
Post by PaulHammond
Are you trying to tell me that the Baha'i faith *does* allow its
adherents to practice adultery with all their family members except
for step-mothers?
You tell us, since you are the bastard child of an incestuous sewer-

2009-01-24 18:02:42 UTC
Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
Post by PaulHammond
Are you trying to tell me that the Baha'i faith *does* allow its
adherents to practice adultery with all their family members except
for step-mothers?
You tell us, since you are the bastard child of an incestuous sewer-
You were the one who suggested that in denying this clear IRI smear on
the Baha'is I was "parrotting official Baha'i propaganda" or whatever
you said.

So this means you agree that the IRI smear is a true and accurate
representation of common Baha'i practice, do you?

Like all those stories about putting stuff in your tea that turned you
Baha'i, and Baha'i prayer meetings were really orgies.

And while we're at it, I guess all those mediaevil stories about
Jewish baby-eating were true too!
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-22 02:52:34 UTC

Iran hangs Baha'i man for raping daughter - report

Sat Jan 3, 2009 9:11pm IST Email | Print | Share| Single Page[-] Text
[+] TEHRAN (Reuters) - A follower of the Baha'i faith has been
executed after his daughter complained he had raped her, Iran's semi-
official Fars news agency reported on Saturday.

Baha'is say hundreds of their followers have been jailed and executed
since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution. The government denies it has
detained or executed people for their religion.

Fars gave no details of court proceedings and did not make clear when
the man, identified as Houshang Khodadad, was hanged.

"He ... was imprisoned and executed in Torbat-e Heydarieh (in eastern
Iran) after his daughter complained he had raped her," the news agency
said, adding that charges included rape and incest.

Murder, adultery, rape, armed robbery, apostasy and drug trafficking
are punishable by death under Iran's sharia law.

Baha'is regard their faith's 19th-century founder as the latest in a
line of prophets including Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad.
Iran's Shi'ite religious establishment considers the faith a heretical
offshoot of Islam.

The Baha'i faith originated in Iran 150 years ago and Baha'is say they
number 5 million worldwide, including an estimated 300,000 or more in

The Baha'i International Community which represents the faith operates
under a governing council which is based in Israel, Iran's arch foe,
according to its website www.bahai.org.
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 06:34:56 UTC
Post by Covenant Breaker
Raped Daughter Convinces Court to Hang Baha'i Father
TEHRAN (FNA)- A follower of Baha'i faith was hanged in northeastern
Iran after a local court sentenced him to death for raping his
Despite western media reports, sources said that Houshang Khodadad was
convicted in a criminal court after his daughter sued him for sexual
harassment and rape.
They also stressed that Khodadad had not been executed for religious
Baha'ism is considered as a heretic religion in the Islamic Republic,
but Tehran tolerates followers of the religion. Yet, new converts are
prosecuted as converting from Islam to any other religion is
considered as an act of heresy in Islam which requires capital
Khodadad was not a convert, sources said, adding that he was a
registered follower of Baha'ism.
"He raped his own daughter a while ago, and he was imprisoned in (the
northeastern city of) Torbat Heydarieh and was later hanged (after
being tried and convicted) in a case raised by his daughter," sources
Khodadad had confessed not only to his adulterous relationship with
close relatives, including his daughter, but also sodomy with one of
the inmates when he was in prison.
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother.
Also Appeared on Reuters Websitehttp://in.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idINIndia-37272920090103
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-01-27 06:39:30 UTC
Post by Covenant Breaker
Raped Daughter Convinces Court to Hang Baha'i Father
TEHRAN (FNA)- A follower of Baha'i faith was hanged in northeastern
Iran after a local court sentenced him to death for raping his
Despite western media reports, sources said that Houshang Khodadad was
convicted in a criminal court after his daughter sued him for sexual
harassment and rape.
They also stressed that Khodadad had not been executed for religious
Baha'ism is considered as a heretic religion in the Islamic Republic,
but Tehran tolerates followers of the religion. Yet, new converts are
prosecuted as converting from Islam to any other religion is
considered as an act of heresy in Islam which requires capital
Khodadad was not a convert, sources said, adding that he was a
registered follower of Baha'ism.
"He raped his own daughter a while ago, and he was imprisoned in (the
northeastern city of) Torbat Heydarieh and was later hanged (after
being tried and convicted) in a case raised by his daughter," sources
Khodadad had confessed not only to his adulterous relationship with
close relatives, including his daughter, but also sodomy with one of
the inmates when he was in prison.
Baha'ism allows adultery with family members and relatives, except
one's stepmother.
Also Appeared on Reuters Websitehttp://in.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idINIndia-37272920090103