(too old to reply)
Raymond Karczewski
2012-04-18 08:23:33 UTC

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

James: > Raymond, I could not help but require of you More on this
statement(above) a synopsis if you will~ IMHO, the best procedure to
avoid failure is generally to focus on a higher reality such as

James: > Your perception --defined--would be most
appreciated--either here or another blog:

James: > thank-you very much~/Todah Raba

rk: James, Thank you for the invitation to express Truth, rather
than to define Illusion.

rk: You see. Each of us live under the constant thrall of Satanic
Conditioning, Dualistic illusion which demands reactions to reactions
to endless other reactions to images, to illusions, thoughts,
perspectives, hunches, imaginations, ad infinitum.

rk: It is the normal state of Human Consciousness that civilized
man lives under and is the cause of his "Fall From Grace", that is,
his God Given ability to directly perceive Truth, the "Holistic"
(holy) essence of What is, the ethereal essence well beyond the images
of thought and graven images of a time-bound intellect.

rk: To the average man/woman, such superficial intellection is all
they know, but they also know something is missing in such superficial
makeup of thought. That is the nature of self-judgement found in the
intellect which seeks to impose power over others in order to assuage
their own inner need for feedback, praise, flattery, re-inforcement,

rk: I have written thousands of articles to this point which may be
read on my site and Google Archives. You see, I speak the same
language as all others on this and other forums on the Internet, but
my words have a distinctly different resonance to them to the ear of
the average man or woman, who've been conditioned to live throughout
their lives via belief, concepts, thoughts etc, all of which can be
found nowhere else in consciousness but in the dualistis/opposing
Intellect, the peripheral level of consciousness based in satanic
(opposing) ruled consciousness.

rk: Satan, is the god of the Intellect, of Civilized thought,
responsible for all of its worldly mysteries, foundations, principles,
etc. It is the god of Government and Religion, the two main forces of
Satanic Control directed toward the control of civilized sheeple
through never-broken mind control. It has always been that way since
the first civilization (man's fall from grace). It shall alway be
that way for those who have made an art form out of disguising such
satanic forces via flowerly language, positive imagery, yet
devastating destructive consequences of such.

rk: Satanic intellection is illusory, partial, incomplete, a mere
reflection of the Holistic Truth which lies beyond the ken of the any
self-respecting Intellect. Its signature is clear to all who have the
eyes to see and ears to hear. It is the alpha and omega of reaction,
incompleteness, separateness, opposition, conflict and disharmony. It
is Hell. That is its nature. It cannot bring anything together
because its nature is that of separation and division. You would have
thought that, by now, Civilized man would have caught up to such
deception, but then again, in the fictional world of story telling,
the best story teller wins out.

rk: A Christ is a simple man or woman of Truth. I am such a Christ.
I have transcended that level of intellect and am at one with the
multiverse consciousness of nondualistic infinity. A mouthful to be
certain, but nevertheless, True.

rk: My only gift to all is Truth. The holistic, indivisible,
nondualistic essence of WHAT IS. It is a shock to the Intellect. IT
is the destroyer of images, of illusions, of deception. IT is a
Mirror which reflects that which stands before it, the illusion which
fights for its life, hut cannot stand up to the simple, indisputable,
unreplicatable Truth.

rk: People may wonder how I survived the Satanic Experiences with the
OREGON COURT SYSTEM and JOSEPHINE COUNTY, but they are trained to
expect a woundrous tale, of a worldly path carved out for them to
follow. They can't HANDLE THE SIMPLE TRUTH. And so they are turned
off in favor of the next spiritual/religio/political, pied piper ready
with a good story to lead them down the path to their own destruction.

rk: That, simply James is why the comments of this Simple Man of
Truth, this Christ enrages damned near everyone who hears his words.
They would have to realize they are STUPID to have lived their lives
as they have and not changed simple habits which melt like a snow
flake in the warm ray of the sun.

rk: Stupid people demand plans which meet their own stamp of
approval, before they may adopt them as their own. Is not the fly in
the ointment the fact that they are STUPID, incomplete, confused and
racked with conflict, which presents the cause for their own failure?

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Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

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Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Steve Hayes
2012-04-18 15:30:24 UTC
Post by Raymond Karczewski
Raymond Ronald Karczewski?-- A Living Christ
James: > Raymond, I could not help but require of you More on this
statement(above) a synopsis if you will~ IMHO, the best procedure to
avoid failure is generally to focus on a higher reality such as
James: > Your perception --defined--would be most
James: > thank-you very much~/Todah Raba
If I have to press PgDn before coming across ANYTHING in the post relating to
the subject line, I have to assume that the poster doesn't hacve a clue what
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Steve Hayes