Orthodox Jews condemn criminal Zionist aggression in Gaza
(too old to reply)
2009-01-08 05:51:51 UTC

The Torah Position on the Current Conflict in Gaza

Contact: Rabbi Hersh Lowenthal of www.TrueTorahJews.org,

NEW YORK, Jan. 6 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Once again, we find
ourselves reading horrifying headlines regarding the unrest in the
Middle East. In one long chain of tragedies and civilian bloodshed,
residential neighborhoods have been transformed into war zones, the
daily lives of civilians distorted by ever-present shadows of terror
and fright.

Our readers have long been familiar with the Torah position; let us re-
announce it boldly and clearly:

The Zionist ideology is antithetical to the Torah. Zionism was
deviously designed to replace the Torah and its holy, God-given
commandments with nationalistic, power-driven ideals that are devoid
of holiness, godliness, or spirituality.

God-fearing Jews believe that the ultimate Redemption of the Jewish
Nation will come about only through the Hands of God, and that at the
time of the Redemption, peace will reign in the entire world. Any
other type of forced "redemption" is but a sinful transgression,
condemned by God and His Holy Torah.

What more proof does one need than the fact that for centuries, Jews
have lived peacefully in Arabic countries, enjoying the respect and
friendship of their neighbors? The tragedy of Zionism changed all of
that. The painful truth is that in the eyes of the Zionist government,
Jews are merely the cannon-fodder needed for the State of Israel to
achieve its agenda.

Obviously, the State of Israel has absolutely no connection with
either Jews or Judaism. Furthermore, Torah-true Jews did not
participate in the founding of the State, and for decades, we have
announced our disapproval and disassociation from the State of Israel
at every opportunity.

The following explanation clarifies this issue beautifully: "Would the
Jews be held responsible in a conflict between North Korea and South
Korea? Obviously not! In the same way, Jews should not be held
responsible for the Zionists' conflicts with their neighbors. The
State of Israel has as much to do with Jews and Judaism as does New
Zealand or Zimbabwe," says Rabbi Hersh Lewinthal.

May it be clear to every nation, to every person in the entire world:

The Zionists are neither our representatives nor our spokesmen. They
have absolutely no right to speak in the name of world Jewry. It is a
terrible mistake to confuse Jews with Zionism, or to blame Jews for
Zionist actions. We truly wish to live in peace with every nation in
the world. We pray for our Jewish brethren as well as for the non-Jews
in the Middle East, that they may be saved from danger and peril.

And most of all, we await that great day when G-d's glory will be
revealed in the entire world, and there will be peace for all of
humanity. Amen.

SOURCE www.TrueTorahJews.org
Bruce Chiles
2009-01-08 09:03:01 UTC

"Cacophonies of the New American/Israeli KILLERS..."





A partial return to the status quo ante bellum....


"Cacophonies of the New American KILLERS..."










Post by Sock-Puppet'ullah
The Torah Position on the Current Conflict in Gaza
Contact: Rabbi Hersh Lowenthal of www.TrueTorahJews.org,
NEW YORK, Jan. 6 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Once again, we find
ourselves reading horrifying headlines regarding the unrest in the
Middle East. In one long chain of tragedies and civilian bloodshed,
residential neighborhoods have been transformed into war zones, the
daily lives of civilians distorted by ever-present shadows of terror
and fright.
Our readers have long been familiar with the Torah position; let us re-
The Zionist ideology is antithetical to the Torah. Zionism was
deviously designed to replace the Torah and its holy, God-given
commandments with nationalistic, power-driven ideals that are devoid
of holiness, godliness, or spirituality.
God-fearing Jews believe that the ultimate Redemption of the Jewish
Nation will come about only through the Hands of God, and that at the
time of the Redemption, peace will reign in the entire world. Any
other type of forced "redemption" is but a sinful transgression,
condemned by God and His Holy Torah.
What more proof does one need than the fact that for centuries, Jews
have lived peacefully in Arabic countries, enjoying the respect and
friendship of their neighbors? The tragedy of Zionism changed all of
that. The painful truth is that in the eyes of the Zionist government,
Jews are merely the cannon-fodder needed for the State of Israel to
achieve its agenda.
Obviously, the State of Israel has absolutely no connection with
either Jews or Judaism. Furthermore, Torah-true Jews did not
participate in the founding of the State, and for decades, we have
announced our disapproval and disassociation from the State of Israel
at every opportunity.
The following explanation clarifies this issue beautifully: "Would the
Jews be held responsible in a conflict between North Korea and South
Korea? Obviously not! In the same way, Jews should not be held
responsible for the Zionists' conflicts with their neighbors. The
State of Israel has as much to do with Jews and Judaism as does New
Zealand or Zimbabwe," says Rabbi Hersh Lewinthal.
The Zionists are neither our representatives nor our spokesmen. They
have absolutely no right to speak in the name of world Jewry. It is a
terrible mistake to confuse Jews with Zionism, or to blame Jews for
Zionist actions. We truly wish to live in peace with every nation in
the world. We pray for our Jewish brethren as well as for the non-Jews
in the Middle East, that they may be saved from danger and peril.
And most of all, we await that great day when G-d's glory will be
revealed in the entire world, and there will be peace for all of
humanity. Amen.
SOURCE www.TrueTorahJews.org
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