a secular alliance???
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2012-08-28 03:06:58 UTC
Here's something I just posted to talk.philosophy.humanism and
other groups.
This came from the "Jesus will not return" thread.
Jesus will not return.
One has to have existed in order to return.
Yes, there is the argument that Jesus was a fictional
character, a composite based on earlier figures.
But I believe he existed but not that he was resurrected
and not that he was some God incarnate.
I say on my web page that Jesus and Taliesin (Gwion Bach)
are the two figures I have the most evidence for my being
similar to. But I also have some evidence for Moses,
Jacob, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Quetzalcoatl, Iowa Dakota
Salmon youth, Adonis, Amergin, Fionn, Myrddin, The Turquoise
Bee, and a few more so far even though I have done very
little library research after 1997 (I expected readers
would come forward with more data but none have).
I expected that readers in small religions (including
pagan and native and African religions) would come
forward with more parallels information but they have
not yet. I thought they would since such parallels
information would prove that their major figures
were just as good as and similar to figures such
as Krishna, Moses, Buddha, and Jesus (I'm not sure
about Mohammed yet). But perhaps they do not want
to support me, and perhaps they are waiting for me
to come out of the low years.
But I estimate that there may have been up to 1000
such figures in the last 5000 years (or since and
including Krishna).
If this is true it is to the advantage of atheists
to help me with my research, since it could prove
that Jesus and the other major figures were just
some of many mystic bipolars with certain solar
and lunar cycle characteristics that should be
able to be explained scientifically. And towards
that goal, I offer myself as a living specimen,
obviously not a living god, and willing to undergo
tests such as FMRIs even now and when I come out
of the low years.
The low years began on Jan. 29, 1996, and have
been characterized by low creativity, delusions,
and occasional low mood. The delusions have been
minimized by my being on lithium and olanzapine
and avoiding alcohol 1--9 days before full moon
(due to earlier problems during waxing gibbous moon).
For most past figures the low years have lasted
seven years but I have gone over 16.55 years so
far, so long I think since my suffering has been
reduced by the meds.
But anyway, I propose a partnership between myself
and any interested atheists.
Perhaps I should have proposed a secular alliance
rather than an un-holy alliance. And such a
secular alliance could include interested members
of religions as well as atheists, since I am not
pushing my individual religion.

A while ago I asked my top-ranked deity ALL if it
was OK for me (or anyone else) to have no deities.
I then divined by perineum click divination that
the answer is yes. (Similarly I once asked ALL
if it was OK for me to have lower-ranked deities
and again the answer was yes.)

Regarding the existence or non-existence of Jesus.
Perhaps he is a fictional character but if he is
then elements of his biographical date were taken
from earlier actual characters who were similar to
me. And on the subsubpage
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/christian.html I
argue that the story of Jesus's baptism (which I
say was his anointing) is similar to my sun stare
experience of Sept. 5, 1991.

I was away from the net for 3 days and am just now
catching up.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/nf.html Newfoundland&Labrador Travel & Music
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"Here I go again...back into the flame" (Sarah McLachlan)
walt tonne
2012-08-28 22:38:38 UTC
I came to the same conclusion by examining 5 randomly selected
pubic hairs under a spectroscope.
David Dalton
2012-08-29 02:16:08 UTC
In article
Post by walt tonne
I came to the same conclusion by examining 5 randomly selected
pubic hairs under a spectroscope.
Were they from 5 different individuals and if were they
all male or all female or a mixture?

It would help if you and any other interested readers would
check what is known of the biographical features of past
historical religious figures and figures in folktales and
mythology to see if any of them have any of the features
listed on my summary of key features of my cycles. I
guess the main ones to look for are:

1. a sun stare with tunneling beyond the sun followed
by wings descending
2. a naked thorn hill climb
3. a glowing sky blue (at night) rose (or maybe lotus) vision
4. all the above took place during late waning crescent moon
5. three or four later waning crescent highs, three of which
followed 5.5 lunar months (162 days, 6 solar rotations)
after onset of a waxing gibbous moon trial
6. several waxing gibbous moon trials
7. seven (or longer) years of low years (with more waxing
gibbous moon trials, delusion, low creativity, some low mood)
8. in most past figures I think those low years ended 11 years
(a sunspot cycle) or 11 years and a few months after
the sun stare
9. learned to not drink 1--9 days before full moon

I guess the easiest things to look for are the waning
crescent highs, generally with clear sky lightning or
highly variable weather at their onset, the waxing
gibbous moon trials, the 5.5 lunar month separation,
and the 7 years of low years (though I am now at over
16.5 years), and the blue rose vision.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/nf.html Newfoundland&Labrador Travel & Music
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"Here I go again...back into the flame" (Sarah McLachlan)