Raymond Karczewski
2013-04-11 23:12:50 UTC
Heralding in "The Second Coming of Christ"
By Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ
Millions of Christians are awaiting "The Second Coming of Christ."
But what is it that they await?
Born into a world of struggle, strife, violence and exploitation,
they only KNOW what they KNOW, what they have been taught, what they
have been led to believe and such knowledge promises, but seldom
delivers them from a consciousness that remains caught within the
extreme opposites of Heaven and Hell, Duality itself.
In short their programming, their conditioning into the realm of
Intellectual dualistic thought takes place shortly after infancy and
for the vast majority follows them to their graves, never knowing what
life was all about. Never understanding who they were and their
reason for living.
Through years and years of conditioning, They have been made to
doubt themselves, to defer to others to do their thinking for them, to
seek security in the hands of others who seem smarter, more proficient
in areas they perceive themselves to lack.
Who were their teachers? Who are their teachers? Were.
Are they not one's parents, one's friends, acquaintences, Associates,
government and religious leaders, exploitive technical experts who do
their thinking for them for a fee?
Can you see what happens to such people? Can you see what has
happened to you? Can you put a word to it? I Can! You have been
The words, the ideas, the visions, the desires which occupy your
mind are merely wispy fantasies, until they are acted upon and then
created as reality in your lives. But who is doing your thinking for
you. Who is motivating you toward a distinct and recognizeable
reality? Is it You? For most, unfortunately NOT!
I have spent the last 18 years on the Internet writing about this
Age old Secret which has enslaved man, and I have done so to a hostile
audience, to a fearful audience, to an audience reluctant to enter
into inquiry, but quick toward attack and derision. To numbers of
people who have been conditioned to believe in fantasies, Myths,
graven images, all forms of superstition and the like, all because
their conditioned intellect does not, will not allow for them to go
beyond the hellish limitations the Satanic ruled Intellect has set for
Look at the world today? Check out the headlines. Do you still have
your homes, your jobs, your families, your freedom, your sanity? You,
each of you have created the world you now live in by virtue of the
quality of your consciousness, a consciousness overwhelmed by remote
controlling Satanic Conditioning which holds you captive to the
Intellectual realm of consciousness. Even your views of Christ are
Satanic in nature for they are but limited thoughts which remote
sources have conditioned into you.
Truth stands alone. It does not require support of any kind.
Truth is "What Is". However, the "idea" of Truth is not Truth, is it?
The idea of God is not GOD, is it?
The simple fact is that GOD is Truth, wholistic, Eternal. GOD is
Supreme Intelligence manifest in the Eternal Moment of Now, and GOD
The Idea of God is SATANIC, for it is partial in nature, dualistic
and opposing in nature, it is a dead, aftermoment-based counterfeit
reflection of that which is irreplicatable, which is wholistic, but is
pummelled repetitively into your undiscerning conciousness, you pliant
spongelike intellect from costumed men speaking from pulpits in
parables to you because your intellect is not wired for Truth, but is
fascinated by stories of impossibilities which are believed to be
true, yet cannot be manifested in the lives of civilized human beings.
A sure formula for the creation of doubt, for the enslavement of
man, is it not?
Examine yourselves. Have your beliefs set you free, or have they
enslaved you? Have they robbed you of your lifeforce, your energy,
your very God-given Sovereignty?
The answer is self-evident for you are awaiting "THE SECOND COMING
OF CHRIST" the messiah, the one who will set you free.
Why do you worship dead ideas of a fantasay Christ rather than
actually listen to and observe the energy of a Living Christ, a simple
man a Truth.
Why do you deny your own Christhood (a potential holistic
consciousness transcendent of a fragmented, dualistic, opposing
If any of you wish to satisfy your curiousity as to the veracity of
my living Christhood, visit my website http://www.arkenterprises.com
and links.
Pay close attention to your reactions to what you read, for that is
your true spiritual teacher. It will, for most of you appear in the
form of outrage, anger, and hurt, for that is the pain of your own
illusions resisting exposure to the simple Truth. Few of you will
directly understand what I say, because your limited Intellect cannot
process that which lies beyond the Intellect's limitations.
Read the evidence of a simple man of Truth, a Christ STANDING DOWN
the courts of Oregon and Josephine County. Yes, God has given them
the power over the common man in order to test the spiritual mettle of
such people, but they, the institutionally satanic ruled courts have
NO POWER over a simple Man of Truth.
All you need do is enter with an open mind and withstand the
fireworks which necessarily follows.
This has been my Gift to you. The Gift of Truth. Do with it as
you will.
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ
Watch my You-Tube Videos at:
Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com
Change The Quality of Your Life Today
By Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ
Millions of Christians are awaiting "The Second Coming of Christ."
But what is it that they await?
Born into a world of struggle, strife, violence and exploitation,
they only KNOW what they KNOW, what they have been taught, what they
have been led to believe and such knowledge promises, but seldom
delivers them from a consciousness that remains caught within the
extreme opposites of Heaven and Hell, Duality itself.
In short their programming, their conditioning into the realm of
Intellectual dualistic thought takes place shortly after infancy and
for the vast majority follows them to their graves, never knowing what
life was all about. Never understanding who they were and their
reason for living.
Through years and years of conditioning, They have been made to
doubt themselves, to defer to others to do their thinking for them, to
seek security in the hands of others who seem smarter, more proficient
in areas they perceive themselves to lack.
Who were their teachers? Who are their teachers? Were.
Are they not one's parents, one's friends, acquaintences, Associates,
government and religious leaders, exploitive technical experts who do
their thinking for them for a fee?
Can you see what happens to such people? Can you see what has
happened to you? Can you put a word to it? I Can! You have been
The words, the ideas, the visions, the desires which occupy your
mind are merely wispy fantasies, until they are acted upon and then
created as reality in your lives. But who is doing your thinking for
you. Who is motivating you toward a distinct and recognizeable
reality? Is it You? For most, unfortunately NOT!
I have spent the last 18 years on the Internet writing about this
Age old Secret which has enslaved man, and I have done so to a hostile
audience, to a fearful audience, to an audience reluctant to enter
into inquiry, but quick toward attack and derision. To numbers of
people who have been conditioned to believe in fantasies, Myths,
graven images, all forms of superstition and the like, all because
their conditioned intellect does not, will not allow for them to go
beyond the hellish limitations the Satanic ruled Intellect has set for
Look at the world today? Check out the headlines. Do you still have
your homes, your jobs, your families, your freedom, your sanity? You,
each of you have created the world you now live in by virtue of the
quality of your consciousness, a consciousness overwhelmed by remote
controlling Satanic Conditioning which holds you captive to the
Intellectual realm of consciousness. Even your views of Christ are
Satanic in nature for they are but limited thoughts which remote
sources have conditioned into you.
Truth stands alone. It does not require support of any kind.
Truth is "What Is". However, the "idea" of Truth is not Truth, is it?
The idea of God is not GOD, is it?
The simple fact is that GOD is Truth, wholistic, Eternal. GOD is
Supreme Intelligence manifest in the Eternal Moment of Now, and GOD
The Idea of God is SATANIC, for it is partial in nature, dualistic
and opposing in nature, it is a dead, aftermoment-based counterfeit
reflection of that which is irreplicatable, which is wholistic, but is
pummelled repetitively into your undiscerning conciousness, you pliant
spongelike intellect from costumed men speaking from pulpits in
parables to you because your intellect is not wired for Truth, but is
fascinated by stories of impossibilities which are believed to be
true, yet cannot be manifested in the lives of civilized human beings.
A sure formula for the creation of doubt, for the enslavement of
man, is it not?
Examine yourselves. Have your beliefs set you free, or have they
enslaved you? Have they robbed you of your lifeforce, your energy,
your very God-given Sovereignty?
The answer is self-evident for you are awaiting "THE SECOND COMING
OF CHRIST" the messiah, the one who will set you free.
Why do you worship dead ideas of a fantasay Christ rather than
actually listen to and observe the energy of a Living Christ, a simple
man a Truth.
Why do you deny your own Christhood (a potential holistic
consciousness transcendent of a fragmented, dualistic, opposing
If any of you wish to satisfy your curiousity as to the veracity of
my living Christhood, visit my website http://www.arkenterprises.com
and links.
Pay close attention to your reactions to what you read, for that is
your true spiritual teacher. It will, for most of you appear in the
form of outrage, anger, and hurt, for that is the pain of your own
illusions resisting exposure to the simple Truth. Few of you will
directly understand what I say, because your limited Intellect cannot
process that which lies beyond the Intellect's limitations.
Read the evidence of a simple man of Truth, a Christ STANDING DOWN
the courts of Oregon and Josephine County. Yes, God has given them
the power over the common man in order to test the spiritual mettle of
such people, but they, the institutionally satanic ruled courts have
NO POWER over a simple Man of Truth.
All you need do is enter with an open mind and withstand the
fireworks which necessarily follows.
This has been my Gift to you. The Gift of Truth. Do with it as
you will.
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ
Watch my You-Tube Videos at:
Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com
Change The Quality of Your Life Today