Post by NURPost by AlborzPost by NURPost by AlborzPost by NUR
the so called western artist like modonoa or michael jackson are
rotten charachter.
they are not rational people.
In front of the criminals and hooligans running Iran, these people are
pure saints.
Post by Alborzthe jackson was a homsexual, boys loving paedohpile.
So are 7/8 of the talabehs in the hawzeh system of the madrasas, as is
rumored to be Ali Khamenei himself.
Post by AlborzThe modana is looking to adopt the african orphan babys, even the ppor
Malavy rejected her.
These rotten people are not qualified to says anything about iran.
Actually, they are more qualified than you or your sidekick here,
khar nanateh, babateh va koll-i-ommat-i-zaaret!
Post by Alborzthe madona is even not qualified to care of a baby.
how can this vulagar songtress can knows anything about iran ?
Very simple, oghde'i, unlike your regime of armed, genocidal clowns,
she is a musical icon that has brought listening and viewing pleasure
to millions for close to 30 years now. That in itself makes her
qualified to *give* her support to the people of Iran.
Post by Alborzshe was only qualified for nude dancing,
And obviously this bothers you, right?
Post by Alborznow she is old and qualified
for nothing
The next time you can draw in several thousand people to an event you
personally hold, talk about Madonna's qualifications. Until then put
your amniyati head under your scared-shitless, arrogant moftkhor
pillow, have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up!
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screaming 14-16 old teenager girls.