Magnetic Atrraction Overcomes Force
(too old to reply)
Primal Point
2006-03-07 04:53:44 UTC
It is difficult for many to realize that we are at a juncture in time
when even 'cosmic laws' as we once knew them are shifting to a higher
level of operation in the way they affect our realms.

The article states: fusion, CREATION of the smallest, healthiest,
elements of the
periodic table is not only a natural and organic process -- but
also can produce a hundred times more energy for a whole
collaborative world, a hundred times more energy and safety
than deadly atomic nuclear fission.
fusion, not fission. creation, not violence.
The unfolding civilization will not operate by force, but rather by
'magnetic attraction'

I am putting a few excerpts form the chapter on Quntum Physics, Theory,

and the Universe from my book "Tahirih Thealogy" in this post to
support this postulate as it aligns with much of what has been said in
the article of this thread:

Marriage of Quantum Physics and Spiritual Teachings
Understanding and enlightenment comes through graduated awareness of
what we believe to be true. When, through experience, we find what we
once believed to be true is no longer relative, it becomes
counterproductive to hold on to the old model. For instance when the
idea was first postulated that the earth moves around the sun, the idea

was rejected. However, to advance and change awareness, it became
necessary to take on that belief and move into the new model. Quantum
physics has been making Newtonian science antiquated for the modern
advancing civilization. Newtonian science was based on ordered laws
being beneath chaos, whereas particle physics in the quantum mechanics
is showing the opposite, that is, that there is chaos beneath the
order. In other words, quantum mechanics is demonstrating that there is

no substance or matter, only energy which interacts with energy. Indeed

it is a radical step to minds that want to know what things are made
of, to say, 'there is no substance'.

Max Planck, who is known as the father of Quantum Physcis, hypothesized

that the exchange of energy between oscillation in the walls of the
black body and radiation occurs in a discrete manner, unlike the
classical assumption of continuous exchange. "Planck's Constant"
demonstrated that radiation can absorb or transfer energy in quantas or


The Black Body Radiation (electromagnetic energy movement) and
Michelson-Morley Experiment of Relativity based on Einstein's Theory
of Relativity are the two basics of Quantum Physics. More details can
be found on the Internet:

These two theories combined brings humanity past rationality into a
world of endless diversity where 'thinking' is central.
Einstein's Relativity Theory showed us what stars are made of, and
gave us the atomic bomb capacity. Refer to Balmer's hydrogen spectrum
wave research on line at the following:

Today we have developed large 'bubble chambers' where we take the
smallest subatomic particles (particle physics) and aim the projectile
particle at a target particle to study what becomes of this substance.
What we have observed is that when they collide, the particles
disappear on impact and new ones are made in their stead. Therefore, it

has been concluded that particles are not matter, but bundles of
condensed energy that are forever colliding in the universe and
recreating. What we previously termed as 'matter' is the process of
turning mass to energy and energy to mass. Thus it can be seen that
there is no matter, only energy. The speed or kinetic energy of the
projectile particle determines the new creation. In this manner we see
the continual birth, death, and recreation or, as the Buddhists call
it, the Wheel of Life. So we see that this realization is not much
different from the teachings which are found in Eastern philosophies of

the Hindus and Buddhists. The philosophies have spoken about this
relationship to creation on the intrinsic level where quantum physics
approaches these truths from an extrinsic outlook. In both cases
relative perspective is a key factor for the wayfarer on the path of
enlightenment where the heart and mind come together to develop
perspective as continually layers of illusion are torn away. This unity

can no longer be contemplated in separation as our science of old has
done; but rather must be explored in the wholeness of All That IS. The
ancient philosophers knew this truth and were able to guide the
individual into experiencing the blissful state of union with the Whole

(Samadhi). They didn't need bubble chambers, because the human pineal
gland is the medium that transmutes the bombarding energy particles.

When one meditates the psychological state of the one meditating
determines the illusions of the perceptions. Experiencing the
interaction of All That Is, is being part of the eternal dance of life,

and thus the continual flow of revelation(s). It is the dancing or
experiencing that counts and manifests our reality. All things,
including words, and even people, are only symbols of the Intelligent
Mind Source of the pervading unity of All That Is. Thus we are
manifestations of All That Is. Releasing the confines of the symbols
allows for reunion with the Source.

Tachyon Energy
Discussing Tachyon Energy, which is characterized as moving faster than

the speed of light, is very exciting because for me it gives
explanation or is the link between the formless Intelligent Mind of All

That Is and the world of form where we presently exist. Quantum physics

postulates that under what is order is chaos; yet to explain Tachyon
Energy physics relies on SOEF (subtle order energy frequency). For me
this is not so much a paradox in that both can be true at the same

Because humanity is moving into the Cycle of Balance, I like the
following excerpt from an article published in 1999 in the Share
Magazine to give more perspective .
In Dr. Gabriel Cousens' and David Wagner's soon to be released book
Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing they have unraveled
(from a scientific, holistic and spiritual point of view) many of the
secrets of the universe. Today, we know that Tachyon Energy is beyond
frequency, moving faster than the speed of light. We also know that the

SOEFs operate at just below the speed of light. We know that the SOEFs
naturally convert Tachyon, which are free flowing through the energetic

matrix into the necessary frequency to support and create perfect order

and balance.
At this point in the evolution of quantum physics exploration we have a

term called 'Zero Point Energy' which has no spin, frequency,
oscillation and no gravity pull. It is the point of infinite
intelligence and contains all the information necessary to create form.

Tachyon Energy is everywhere and limitless. At the place where Zero
Point Energy becomes Tachyon Energy is the beginning of the
'Energetic Continuum' responsible for creating all forms on our

There are several healers today utilizing the principles of Tachyon
Energy, also called 'Free Energy', to bring balance to the human
body. According to Thomas Bearden's theory Tachyon Energy is what has
been the missing link between mind and brain. He says hyper-neuron
waves engage cells which correspond to a thought or action and fire a
neuron to the SMA (supplementary motor center). Bearden says Tachyon
Energy is the trigger for this process and the two hemispheres of the
brain are a perfect interferometer which acts to intercept the Tachyon
Energy and convert it to the electrical impulses or brainwaves. Through

this process thoughts could be inserted into the brain, removed, or
even read by others. As I said earlier, the pineal gland is the human
loci for the transmutation of the energy particles.

Many Eastern philosophies and esoteric teachings say that there is an
etheric body which surrounds the physical body and interpenetrates the
physical body. The etheric body is said to have the blueprint of the
body and when the energy field is distorted by mental or physical
stresses, disease results in the physical body. When Tachyon Energy is
applied the blueprint is restored and the body comes back into balance
naturally. In traditional Chinese medicine the blueprint is called
'li' and the energy that carries it out is called 'chi'. Thus
it can be seen Free Energy has been utilized throughout antiquity. I
suggest that Tachyon Energy approximates the energy of 'Love' which
connects and bonds the universe together. What is interesting is that
healers are imprinting crystals and other substances with this Free
Energy to induce healing in those who come in contact with it. This is
the same energy that many healers contact and use in their Reiki and
hands-on healing modalities to produce instant changes in the patients
being healed or brought into balance.

Freelance quantum physicist, David Ash, says he is on a mission to
establish a gateway to 'God' (the Intelligent Mind) through
science. He has come up with the theory that there are vortices
responsible for the transference of energy into super human realms. He
says that if you can speed up energy within a vortex beyond the speed
of light, then the vortex will vanish out of our space-time. He goes on

to say that if you do this to every vortex in a human body, then the
body disappears out of space-time, and that when you reverse the
process, the body reappears somewhere else. According to David this is
the science that Jesus used as well other immortal masters.

When we put together the string theory with what David Ash postulates,
we can understand how it is possible to be in parallel universes at the

same time (moving faster than the speed of light), or being in more
than one place at the same time. It also gives explanation into the
forms of life and star folk who visit our planet.

Zecharia Sitchin, a researcher of ancient civilizations, says it is the

Nefilim beings who came down from a distant planet, a 10th planet in
our solar system, and literally created us by crossbreeding themselves
with the native hominids they found here. As such these beings have
intervened periodically in our history to guide our development and, in

fact, set up our first civilization, Sumer.

It was the writings of the Sumerians who revealed this information and
thus started Sitchin's quest, a startling reinterpretation of history.
Sitchin believes that the old "gods" are returning again in a sort of
second coming.

Masters of Tachyon Energy should be able to go instantly anywhere in
the universe that their telepathic powers direct them. Critics of the
extraterrestrial hypothesis of UFOs always cite the vast distances and
isolation of deep space. How could they find us, much less get here?
The answer is that our scientists are slowly coming to realize that
reality is not nearly as physical as our old physics believed and we
are all connected to the Infinite Intelligence which can be instantly
accessed in and out of space-time relationships. This awareness opens
up limitless possibilities to humanity's development.

Adamantine Particles
Adamantine particles were first introduced in Glenda Green's book,
'Love Without End' published in 1998. Perhaps quantum science has
discovered them and named them something else, but they are the
smallest 'indivisible' subatomic core particles which hold the
patterns for everything that exists throughout the cosmos. They
contain the potential coding to enable any possible structure to be

However, the only energy or power to which they attune is that of the
magnetism of the love vibration which pervades the universe and holds
all things together. Note magnetic energy is not energy of force. This
magnetic energy is the catalyst that ignites the adamantine particles,
and directs them into various limitless manifestations. Therefore, with

the proper intent, the potential to create whatever we can envision is
there for the doing.

"Knowledge/wisdom overlaid with love/compassion and focused intent
/action creates the power that holds the keys to the universal
storehouse of unmanifested potential, potential that is just waiting
for you to mold it and create anything you can envision." Archangel

So it can be seen what we are really talking about here is the science
of 'love'. Every day we hear that 'love' is all there is, and
we need to 'love' one another. Knowing and understanding the
science and energy of love does make it easier for all of us to apply
the principles of love in our lives.

One website equates the word 'adamantine' to that of 'vajra'
and 'Vajrasattva' which means the "Adamantine Being" who
represents the Buddha of purification and healing. Accordingly, in
Vajrasattva meditation one seeks to cleanse oneself from impurities
accumulated and caused by negative feelings, thoughts, and words.

It is most helpful to contemplate some of the ideas about adamantine
particles that were explained in Glenda Green's book, "Love Without
End". The first one deals with how it was that she was talking to the
Master, as she called Jesus.

When Glenda asked the Master how it was that he was able to appear to
her in three dimensional space, he explained that he was able to access

the memory of his physical body and was able to arrange the particles
around her and activate them through love. Clearly this knowledge has
potential for application in our own lives.

Apparently the interaction and exchange of adamantine particles are
constantly and ceaselessly in motion in the presence of love, and in
such instances, this is the cause of creating forms of functional
unity. An example of this is when two people have love for one another,

this love causes the adamantine particles to exchange between them and
their life energies grow together in a harmonious resonance in mind,
body, and spirit. Often when this love and association lasts over a
period of time, due to the exchange of the particles, they actually
start to look like one another.

Adamantine particles are the particles responsible for creating mass
from the matrix of undivided Spirit from which they spring. They are in

effect the ultimate point from which all potential is manifested, and
thus manifests infinity.

However, these particles belong to the infinite world as well as the
limited physical existence which is experienced and measured. Because
things are in a constant flux there is always change as there are
decaying structures as new ones emerge from the endless supply of
potential that surrounds and supports creations in all dimensions.
Adamantine particles are the first light of creation and consciousness;

they are the energy that drives thoughts into manifestation with fresh
waves of spirit, life, beauty, and healing breezes. Adamantine
particles are commanded by love and are everywhere throughout the
If we consider the world we live in, we will see that everything from
industry to government is run by the 'energy of force', and that
this force is at the heart of causing problems worldwide. When human
consciousness shifts to understanding the laws of magnetic
'attraction' there will be an overnight positive change in
civilization. Magnetic attraction is the source of unity and cohesion
which integrates all dimensional fields, and thus connects all physical


When humanity's thinking changes from 'force' to 'attraction'
every aspect of technology will change as well and we will no longer be

raping the earth and poisoning our waterways and atmosphere. We will
then have non-toxic energy and live into infinity.

The way for this change to take place is through respect for the source

of all that Is. When that kind of thinking is adopted by enough people
the entire model of civilization will be lifted above the energy of
force. It has always been the law that in the face of enough love,
force loses it power to dominate human consciousness. When this point
is reached the change will be so powerful that mysteries will be
uncovered in a matter of seconds.

There is often resistance and rejection when love enters the picture
because the structures that have been formed are thrown into chaos
where there is a redistribution of particles and a defensive reaction
can occur. The effect of life giving energies to the brittle and
inadequate structures bring about a shattering of the rigid outworn
motifs and in some instances can even be life-threatening. Therefore,
it can be expected that defensive reactions will take place. This is
all part of a necessary process for humankind in moving to a more
harmonious civilization. What is interesting is that it is the female
principle which represents consciousness and love as part of the
dynamic powers of life and creation that starts this process in motion.

We are at a point in time that we have to return to the place where
true intelligence lives, which is in the sacred space of each
person's heart. It is first in the sacred chamber of the heart that
the flow and exchange of life giving particles take place. When the
sacred heart becomes enlivened it attracts the magnetized adamantine
particles from an infinite supply from throughout the universe which
empowers one's life and raises it to a higher state of being. Words
cannot be substituted when it comes to the silence necessary for
connecting with all that Is in the sacred chamber of one's heart.
Words act to prepare our thoughts for the universal intelligence which
will enter the sacred chamber. Thus it is that there is more
intelligence within the heart than any mind could ever hope to hold.

When a life has been lived with clear purpose which connects one
through love to higher planes of awareness these purposes are inscribed

in the particle memory. On the other hand when a person's life has
been a confused one of betrayal and insincerity, that person's life
particles can become lost in the ones they have hurt, whereby those
particles are held hostage by those they have harmed. It is to
everyone's benefit if forgiving and releasing takes place, as all
will be happier and healthier in the long run.

Starr* Saffa
GlobalC << Global Consciousness >>
Thursday, February 23, 2006
World BlueStar Awakes With (ElectroDynamic) Start!
press release for all peoples of the world ...
birth of Electrodynamic Blue Star, Global Consciousness!
the overarching COMPLETENESS of the global corporate media
banking *gag-sputte*r chem-dissolution State -- gives witness,
birth, to our aggregate voluntaryist awakening-planetwide world
heart/mind/body collectivity. the Blue Star, world consciousness,
integrity, knowing-ness, sensitivity, gentility ... nurturing respect!
Re: Gentlest Awakening For Our Divine World Family!
for your Wire Service!
this is the 'release' on the Nuclear Structure publication!
for a WORLD in collaboration ...
we just sent this announcement to the BBC, with a special
thanks to their editors and science writer Paul Rincon, for
sharing "Climate 'Hottest for Millennium'" with a world ready
for simple, caring, truths.
the BBC interviewed me live from New Zealand -- years ago --
and now we are back in California, my wife Megumi and I.
then the news was my X49 Scramjet spaceplane design, for
which we were conducting preliminary tests in New Zealand,
and had distributed the business plan for.
now the news is my publication of the Structure of the Atomic
Nucleus -- putting an end to a hundred years of disinfo &
fear-tactics by the 20th century corporate consumer state.
putting an end to that ignorance-based media programming
of conflict and combat focused around the nuclear industry
commitment to nuclear fission energy and arsenals.
as your science education will tell you, the global nuclear fission
industry is deadly -- and is based on the forceful breaking of
large and radioactive nuclei (heavy atomic elements) and the
production of further radiation (gamma rays, beta particles, fast
neutrons, etc.) and further radioactive decay products.
fusion, CREATION of the smallest, healthiest, elements of the
periodic table is not only a natural and organic process -- but
also can produce a hundred times more energy for a whole
collaborative world, a hundred times more energy and safety
than deadly atomic nuclear fission.
fusion, not fission. creation, not violence.
to repeat, I have now published the Electrodynamic Structure
of the Atomic Nucleus ... for ANY scientist, engineer, student,
journalist or other to download, discuss and understand,
or from a few dozen other groups and locations orbiting in
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/StarShipChina/> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Nuclear-Physics/
for three examples.
yes, the paper includes the electrodynamic structures of the
helium, lithium, berylium, boron, carbon, nitrogen & oxygen
nucleon groups (nuclei).
i.e., it reveals a new paradigm in our world -- the realm of
creation, not destruction. nature, and the light elements of
the periodic table, are all assembled in nurturing healthy
processes ... setting an example for global humanity in the
era of the arrival of the soon-to-be well-articulated Blue Star ...
Manido, Maitreya, Messiah, Maschiak, Madi.
and of course, I can email you it as a 2.4 Meg PDF file.
for all our sacred relations,
Millennium Twain
father of the US/International Space Station Program,
Who's Who in the Frontiers of Science & Technology,
designer of the X49 Scramjet 'Electra' Spaceplane,
publisher of "The Undiscovered Physics"
organic, green, vegan, car-free ... refining ...
cc: Ian Wishart, Investigate Magazine
2006-03-07 05:32:56 UTC
Western Quantum Conspiracy Postponed Nuclear Discovery One Century!


took a little digging ... but managed to pull this one out of
cyberspace too -- from 1997!

Millennium Twain


Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 07:59:32 +1200
From: "M.Twain" <***@...>
Subject: Coup Electrodynamica Europa
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mozilla-Status: 0801


Thought I had better send out a copy of this. Before it gets
dissappeared ...



Re: Coup Deutsch
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 18:45:17 +1200


I really can't answer you today re: the details of the history of the
Einstein fraud -- not in the detail you want. Few of my many files
or books are at hand, and I like occasional reinforcement and
reference when discussing such historical, technical and
controversial issues.

Let me give you a couple of data points, that I may not have
already mentioned, to give you the flavor. [I attended a great
workshop on this at SLAC years ago.]

The only reason the nitwit Einstein (scatterbrained, intuitive) got
published is because Max Planck was the editor of the journal in
question. His stuff is nonsense, full of mathematical, contextual,
logical and phenomenological errors. Planck was a darling of the
big money/power autocracy in Germany. [Family connection to
Siemens Corporation.] As a young man Planck was posted to the
local University as a full professor, over the senior and ten times
more accomplished Boltzmann --


OK. Here's the dope. Had to scare up a few books to remind me
of the details.

Ernst Mach represented the philosophy that had to be put down and
-- associate professor Boltzmann was the man whom they slighted.

A decade or more qualifications, experience, depth and insight than
the faker Planck. They treated Boltzmann like trash, as he came
from a common background. Anyway, to make a long story short
(try and find THIS in the physics texts) -- Boltzmann went into a
several year depression and finally committed suicide.

After Planck initiated the fraud of Einstein, another German 'physics'
figurehead (Heisenberg) stood up and gave his complete endorsement
to the Einstein-figureheaded Planck counter-intelligence. [Attendent

with the bogus uncertainty principle barring study of the nucleus, and

'planck constant' smoke which disquised the actual wave continuum
with quantized 'photon' energy packets.] Whole kettle of stinking fish

was then mysteriously blessed by 'the Copenhagen interpretation',
facade, of Bohr ... becoming 'quantum mechanics'.] After that it was

rushed dead-on-arrival into a French, British, and European (not just
German) steamroll of the easily led Americans.

This Quantum European League 'corpse-puscal' (to America and the
USSR and the rest of the world) successfully allowed Europe to block
public discussion of the wave structures of the electron, proton,
atom and nucleus for the balance of that unhappy century.

How's that for epoch-making!



the fascist control of 'physics' visavis Planck, Maxwell, Dirac, etc.


this, also from 1997!
re-discovered on the internet ...




Over the past 24 or so hours I have received several items of
email from one "Millennium Twain" (who usually mails from the
-- invalid -- address of ***@...). These
messages have been about free energy, the "aenertial aether", the
conspiracy to suppress such science and various similar topics.

The text of these messages is presented below.

-- acb

Message-ID: <***@...>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 1997 14:42:52 -0800
From: "M.Twain" <***@...>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
MIME-Version: 1.0

To: ***@...
Subject: Ether Drift Experiments.

Hello Miodrag,

Yeah, "The Michelson-Morley-Miller experiments ALL showed ether
drift." The problem is that none of the experiments were sensitive
enough to detect the small measurements required. [And the
results were in random directions, as you say.] That is, the error
bars were greater than the measurements needed and predicted.

Worse, all the results of the experiments were politically slanted --
in order to discredit the aether, to control the emerging knowledge
of the structure of the atom, and to build up Germany's Einstein.

Worse yet, none of the players (Michelson, Morley, Miller,
Poincare, Einstein, etc.) had an existing theory or model of the
aether! Thus the experiments, even if they had sensitivity, could
produce no results as there were no predictions which had any
objective meaning.

Basically, the problem was political. An aether theory would be
by definition a theory of the continuum (ref Mach). This would
overturn the fascist control of knowledge visavis Planck, Maxwell,
Dirac, etc. which required that knowledge of electromagnetism
absolutely must not be integrated with knowledge of the structure
of the atom!

Even today, with the world in revolution/renaissance, the covert
government/industry machine refuses to relinquish this paradigm.

They are prepared to admit that Einstein and everyone was wrong,
but only if we agree that the lie of mathematical ZPF is the new
ruling paradigm -- promoted by Bernie Haisch of Lockheed Missiles
and Space Company, and Harold Puthoff (CIA-sponsored research
scientist formerly of Stanford Research Institute).

Only government-controlled large corporations will be allowed
to research and build cold-fusion, free-energy, superluminal-
communication and other technologies -- if we agree to their

When (the Frenchman) Sagnac built the world's first laser
interferometer, and thus proved the existance of the inertial
aether continuum (if not its structure) -- this technology was
acquired and controlled by the world's aerospace industries.
It resulted in little public or theoretical discussion, and no
aether theory modeling.

The French have always known about the German-sponsored
American counter-intelligence operation of Quantum Mechanics
and Relativity Theory built up by Planck, Einstein, Sommerfeld,
Schrodinger, Dirac, and everyone. Poincare was quite clear about
it at first -- SRT was nonsense he said. But the French were out-
voted, and came along. If you read the 1905 to 1910 discussions
(and later book) of superluminality by Sommerfeld (translated from
the German) and Brillouin (translated from the French) -- they stated,

not publicly or loudly, that obviously the speed of light limitation
SRT was nonsense (and they showed exactly where and when
nature violated it) -- but said that they thought that the Planck/
Einstein political dogma was important and they
would not contest its rise!

That, of course, didn't stop the French from continuing R&D
specifically into those areas barred by the counter-intelligence,
nor the Germans (and others) who were the first to conduct
and publish superluminal tunnelling experiments.

Millennium Twain


2006-03-07 08:19:52 UTC
Post by Millennium
Western Quantum Conspiracy Postponed Nuclear Discovery One Century!
Yep - it all happened with an increased zeitgeist released by the
Primal Point Energy in the 1844 period. Time to get with the program
for the Shift of the Ages conceptualizations.

Today they even say Einstein got a lot of his stuff from his wife's
research - and maybe that's why he gave the noble prize monies to her.

VisaVis: a higher-order functional visual programming language

2006-03-07 08:27:32 UTC
From: Primal Point - view profile
Date: Sat, Oct 29 2005 2:18 pm
Email: "Primal Point" <***@yahoo.com>
Groups: alt.religion.bahai
Rating: (1 user)
show options

Living Wholeness - Our Mother in Science & Religion as One.

The other day some one questioned why the Baha'i Faith only
recognizes the bonding of the individual with a 'male
manifestation', and that I might have some thing to say on the
subject....so here's something a little different for you regarding
the Mother Creating Principle.

a person wrote ---

I think "darkness" has been maligned as a negative stereotype. When I
read articles like this one "Echoes of the Dark Mother"
http://www.greenspirit.org.uk/resources/DarkMother.htm I can't help but

think that "darkness" is, in fact, "emptiness".


Starr*'s answer: Thank you for the great article. As you know I wrote a

book entitled: "Tahirih TheAlogy: Female Cosmic Christ Spirit of the

Tahirih came in the flesh in the 1800's. However, She was
representative of the PRIMAL POINT and She opened the portal
(doorway/gate) for humankind to touch their origin in this Point.

She animated the Bab as part of this process.

The Dark Mother article asks: "Who then is this Dark Mother, and how
does She relate to the new cosmology? How can She 'speak' to/for
this unfathomable mystery we are finding in the depths of our

The article states: PRIMAL/DARK - MATRIX/MOTHER now that we
understand that matter and energy are not separate 'things', but
different 'act-ivations' and 'act-ivities' of one potentiality.
In fact, I would suggest that while Her role an on- going matrix is
hidden from focus (as context), it should be granted the status of
being considered the most powerfully and diverse...

Starr*: I think the many participants understand the Dark Mother in
terms of quantum science lingo --- ie....implosion-explosion;
compression (nesting)-expansion. From the tight nested (invisible)
Primal Point first Spark from the Void (emptiness) the expansion
process gives birth to the suns - and from the continuation of that
expansion process forms the materiality that receives its sustenance
from that Sun (light) which was born of the Primal Point (Nested,
Compressed Point of the Dark Mother Matrix).

The way back to Source Point is through spiral compression ever
refining the frequencies.

Tahirih came to remind us of our journey and opened the way by ripping
off the veils which sought to conceal Primal Point existence - Thus the

Dark Mother (Primal Matrix), if you will, is known to humanity once
again - as we nest into the Darkness. Our hearts hold the magnetic
space which compresses us back to the Primal Point magnetic pull.
Eventually we hit colorlessness.

Great thoughts from the article:

Creation is being constantly created - cycles of (in terms of
electrons/etc., instantaneous) creation and destruction: the Dark
Mother's archetypal role is to be the 'T/Womb' of all such
'comings and goings', and the very Doorway of them. As ultimate
matrix/transformer, She is consistent with the concept of implicate
order (Bohm): as matrix to all 'light-abled' ex-press-ions, She is
the Mother to all explicate order. Furthermore, as Dark Matter, She
is the deep space T/Womb that embraces all movements between implicate
and explicate orders. In fact, She might be the best deific symbol we
have for Rupert Sheldrake's 'morphogenetic fields'.ly

Her primary 'drawing in' quality - which in terms of Dark Matter,
has been dubbed, the Great Attractor - is one of attraction and
seduction; both are necessary to ensure relationship.

Starr*: As you see - most are in agreement - it is just a matter of
terminology which is becoming illumined by knowledge as it tears the
veils off the season
of patriarchal constructs which often obscured truth.

Joyous Journey! Starr*
Her Splendor lives in all that is!
2019-09-07 23:34:08 UTC
ALWAYS BE POSITIVE NO MATTERĀ  WHAT THE PROBLEM IS, THERE IS ALWAYS A SOLUTION.. BE POSITIVE Good day, I bring a very good news from law of attraction and Dr Mugabe.. I have been

playing the lottery and i never win until i sent a message to someone who won the lottery before and he told me that Dr Mugabe helped him win that i should contact him which i

did, and after i played the numbers he gave me i won $328,000 in the lottery, its so surprising, he is good in love spell, Pregnancy Spell, HEALING and other spell if you are in

need of any help contact him ***@gmail.com Whatsapp number +2349068489909.