The Diagnosis
(too old to reply)
2008-02-18 20:40:45 UTC
The Diagnosis

If there could be a highway to the moon, it would take 20 months of
constant driving at the rate of 400 miles per day to reach the land of the
moon. If there could be a railroad stretching up to the sun, a streamlined
train traveling 90 mph non-stop, day after day and year after year, would
require 116 years to reach sunny land. An airplane flying at 500 mph would
have to travel nonstop for 500 years to reach the nearest fixed star.
Yet far beyond the starry sky lie the pearly gates of God's great
heavenly sky city. No one knows how far it is in miles, and no one will ever
develop a space vehicle for going there, but every one of us can get to that
beautiful place by taking three simple steps that we're going to talk about
in this little book.
In the book of Revelation, John declared that "nothing which defileth"
would go through the gates into that dwelling place of God. The only thing
that defiles in God's sight is sin. Isaiah wrote, "your iniquities have
separated between you and your God" (Isaiah 59:2). In order to live again in
the presence of God, each individual must be free from the condemnation
brought on by sin. The apostle John confirmed this fact by his description
of that great multitude that he saw in vision standing before the throne of
God. They had palms in their hands and were dressed in white robes,
representing freedom from sin (Revelation 7:9).
So mark it down as the first giant step on the way from earth to
heaven: we must have our sins forgiven. This is probably the best-known fact
about the entire salvation process. Yet the most perplexing questions are
raised about the way to take this step. The truth is that millions have only
the vaguest idea about how to obtain relief from the guilt of their
wrongdoing. How can a person obtain pardon and be restored to a saving union
with God
It is my belief that countless numbers of people really want to be
Christians, but no one has made it clear enough or appealing enough to win
their decision. In the next few pages you will read the most simple,
bottom-line explanation of the plan of salvation. Even the children should
be able to understand what it means to be saved. I do not believe that it is
enough to just tell people they are lost and need to be found. We must show
them step by step how to pass from death to life. The doctor doesn't tell
his patients that they are sick and need to be well without giving a
prescription for their healing. In the same way, we must be prepared to
offer a specific cure for those who have been diagnosed with the disease of
Mark Earnest
2008-02-19 00:42:15 UTC
The Diagnosis
If there could be a highway to the moon, it would take 20 months of
constant driving at the rate of 400 miles per day to reach the land of the
Surely it would go faster than that. A tiny space ship only took 3 days.

If there could be a railroad stretching up to the sun, a streamlined
train traveling 90 mph non-stop, day after day and year after year, would
require 116 years to reach sunny land.
I doubt that seriously, considering how powerful locomotives are these days.

An airplane flying at 500 mph would
have to travel nonstop for 500 years to reach the nearest fixed star.
No, only about 30 days. Try again.
Yet far beyond the starry sky lie the pearly gates of God's great
heavenly sky city. No one knows how far it is in miles,
Sure we do. It is in the heart.

and no one will ever
develop a space vehicle for going there, but every one of us can get to
that beautiful place by taking three simple steps that we're going to talk
about in this little book.
It's not near that simple, except to the pure at heart.
In the book of Revelation, John declared that "nothing which defileth"
would go through the gates into that dwelling place of God. The only thing
that defiles in God's sight is sin. Isaiah wrote, "your iniquities have
separated between you and your God" (Isaiah 59:2). In order to live again
in the presence of God, each individual must be free from the condemnation
brought on by sin. The apostle John confirmed this fact by his description
of that great multitude that he saw in vision standing before the throne
of God. They had palms in their hands and were dressed in white robes,
representing freedom from sin (Revelation 7:9).
So mark it down as the first giant step on the way from earth to
heaven: we must have our sins forgiven. This is probably the best-known
fact about the entire salvation process. Yet the most perplexing questions
are raised about the way to take this step. The truth is that millions
have only the vaguest idea about how to obtain relief from the guilt of
their wrongdoing. How can a person obtain pardon and be restored to a
saving union with God
It is my belief that countless numbers of people really want to be
Christians, but no one has made it clear enough or appealing enough to win
their decision. In the next few pages you will read the most simple,
bottom-line explanation of the plan of salvation. Even the children should
be able to understand what it means to be saved. I do not believe that it
is enough to just tell people they are lost and need to be found. We must
show them step by step how to pass from death to life. The doctor doesn't
tell his patients that they are sick and need to be well without giving a
prescription for their healing. In the same way, we must be prepared to
offer a specific cure for those who have been diagnosed with the disease
of sin.
It takes more than "getting forgiveness" to enter the state of being,
You also have to be spiritually reborn, which means to return to where
you are a baby again, even though an adult, where all things become new, and
you may literally see God, angels, saints, and the kingdom itself...here on
David St. Albans
2008-02-19 06:00:13 UTC
The Diagnosis
     Yet far beyond the starry sky lie the pearly gates of God's great
heavenly sky city.
Prove this to be fact. It is not shown on the Hubble photographs, from
a telescope that can see things up to a million or more light years
away...let's say you had a car that could travel a light speed, and
that you had a road to the galaxy you see one million light years
away. It would take the car one million years to get there! We can see
it from here and beyond and guess what. No pearly Gates. Heaven is not
a place. it's a sense of "reward" which Christians have manufactured
for themselves and keep everyone else from being able to feel it!
There is no heaven. There IS an afterlife, and God wants everyone,
EVERYONE to join Him there and no one NO ONE is restricted, even if
they never heard of Jesus Christ. the after life has no religious ties
or affiliations. It is about consciousness. And you, as a supposed Dr.
should really stop spouting nonsense like this.
No one knows how far it is in miles, and no one will ever
develop a space vehicle for going there, but every one of us can get to that
beautiful place by taking three simple steps that we're going to talk about
in this little book.
Actually it's a very big book. It says a lot. A lot of it is
contradictory and wrong. Try reading the whole thing sometime. A lot
of it will make you sick, slaughtering people for having a different
view of god. Or just to steal their lands. Women raped. Sold into
slavery. Men having their eyes seared out, tortured and given boils
and sores, all so God canhave some fun! Wild stuff! Big book. Great
read! Adults only!
     In the book of Revelation, John declared that "nothing which defileth"
would go through the gates into that dwelling place of God. The only thing
that defiles in God's sight is sin. Isaiah wrote, "your iniquities have
separated between you and your God" (Isaiah 59:2). In order to live again in
the presence of God, each individual must be free from the condemnation
brought on by sin. The apostle John confirmed this fact by his description
of that great multitude that he saw in vision standing before the throne of
God. They had palms in their hands and were dressed in white robes,
representing freedom from sin (Revelation 7:9).
All this is twaddle, unproveable and written to make people feel bad
about themselves. It is superstitious clap-trap. After two thousand
years you should know that by now.
     So mark it down as the first giant step on the way from earth to
heaven: we must have our sins forgiven. This is probably the best-known fact
about the entire salvation process.
it is not a "fact" you have not one shred of evidence that such a
place exists or the the Bible is true.
Yet the most perplexing questions are
raised about the way to take this step. The truth is that millions have only
the vaguest idea about how to obtain relief from the guilt of their
Maybe because we haven't done anything wrong?
How can a person obtain pardon and be restored to a saving union
with God
God doesn't pardon. God facillitates.
     It is my belief that countless numbers of people really want to be
Christians, but no one has made it clear enough or appealing enough to win
their decision.
There is nothing at all appealing about pronouncing oneself 'evil" and
in need of some sort of spiritual dry-cleaning using blood of holy
lamb and secret words and bodies turned into bread and wine turned
into blood. You see, you are still living in the Middle Ages. In those
days, everyone in the Western World were Christians, EVERYONE, except
a few put upon and despised Jews. The rest of the world was Muslim,
Hindu and Confucionist and Taoist, and Shintoist. However the
Christians were so dumb and uneducated they didn't even know or
understand what their neighbors believed. Everyone HAD to be a
christian, or they would do their best to MURDER them! So after a few
thousand years, a lot of people kind of gave up on Christianity and
want nothing more to do with it. Why? It was unappealing then and it
is unappealing now.
In the next few pages you will read the most simple,
bottom-line explanation of the plan of salvation.
You know, do we really need one more preacher telling us how HE thinks
Salvation is got? I mean, most people have read the Bible. We get it.
We get it. WE GET IT. We simply do not believe it. You are posting to
Bahais and other religious people who do Not believe what you are
saying at all.
Even the children should
be able to understand what it means to be saved.
Only a child would fall for such a presumptive idea that everyone
needs to be saved. And oddly, children are mostly so innocent they do
not need saving. It is the adults that teach them this garbage that
need saving, from themselves and their evil doctrines.
I do not believe that it is
enough to just tell people they are lost and need to be found. We must show
them step by step how to pass from death to life. The doctor doesn't tell
his patients that they are sick and need to be well without giving a
prescription for their healing. In the same way, we must be prepared to
offer a specific cure for those who have been diagnosed with the disease of
What a fatuous and specious argument. People aren't sick. Religons are

2008-02-20 04:19:10 UTC
The Diagnosis
If there could be a highway to the moon, it would take 20 months of
constant driving at the rate of 400 miles per day to reach the land of the
moon. If there could be a railroad stretching up to the sun, a streamlined
train traveling 90 mph non-stop, day after day and year after year, would
require 116 years to reach sunny land. An airplane flying at 500 mph would
have to travel nonstop for 500 years to reach the nearest fixed star.
Yet far beyond the starry sky lie the pearly gates of God's great
heavenly sky city. No one knows how far it is in miles, and no one will ever
develop a space vehicle for going there,
They built a "Gate" or "Doorway".
