2008-10-19 21:45:20 UTC
"Behold, the Lord will lay waste the earth and make it desolate,
and He will twist its surface and scatter its inhabitants...The earth
shall be utterly laid waste and utterly despoiled for the inhabitants;
for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the
everlasting covenant. Therefore, a curse devours the earth, and its
inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the
earth are scorched, a few men are left." Isaiah 24:1-8
From the beginning of his role as Guardian, Shoghi Effendi tried in
vain to awaken the Baha'is throughout the world to the dangers of the
overwhelming materialism that had engulfed the world. Often Abdu'l-
Baha described the dangers we face, but it seems that only a few take
His warnings seriously. Since then the moral regression of the peoples
of the world, the cancer of materialism, and the destruction of the
ecology, have steadily worsened. Still only a few understand that we
must all change our ways of thinking completely, dedicate our lives to
God, and make the tremendous sacrifices required to change the world.
Many are aware of the warnings and prophecies, but unfortunately, few
Baha'is pay any attention. Those who do heed the warnings and
prophecies of Baha'u'llah, Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi will be at
least able to prepare themselves spiritually for the times yet to come
in the next decade. As for the others, the vast majority, they will
continue as they are, deaf to the warnings, blinded by the so-called
"attractions" of this materialistic civilizations. The few prophetic
warnings presented herein should be sufficient for those who are
spiritually awake.
"...The civilization, so often vaunted by the learned exponents
of arts and sciences, will, if allowed to overleap the bounds of
moderation, bring great evil upon men. Thus warneth you He Who is the
All-Knowing. If carried to excess civilization will prove as prolific
a source of evil as it had of goodness when kept within the
restraints of moderation. Meditate on this, O people, and be not of
them that wander distraught in the wilderness of error. The day is
approaching when its flame will devour the cities, when the Tongue of
Grandeur will proclaim:'The Kingdom is God's, the Almighty, the All-
Praised." Baha'u'llah in Gleanings, pp. 342-343
"The 'fiery tribulations' to come would not only 'weld the
American nation to its sister nations in both hemispheres' but would
cleanse it of 'the accumulated dross which ingrained racial prejudice,
rampant materialism, widespread ungodliness and moral laxity have
combined, in the course of successive generations, to produce, and
which have prevented her thus far from assuming the role of world
spiritual leadership forecast by Abdu'l-Baha's unerring pen -- a role
which she is bound to fulfill through travail and sorrow.'" Shoghi
Effendi, cited in Baha' World, 1954-1963,[year book], p.114
"The time for the destruction of the world and its people hath
arrived." "The promised day is come, the day when tormenting trials
will have surged over your heads, and beneath your feet, saying:
'Taste ye what your hands have wrought.'" "Soon shall the blasts of
His chastisement beat upon you, and the dust of hell enshroud you."
"The day will soon come whereon they will cry out for help and receive
no answer." "O ye peoples of the world! Know verily that an unforeseen
calamity is following you and that grievous retribution awaiteth you.
Think not the deeds ye have committed have been blotted from My sight.
By My beauty! All your doings hath My pen graven with open characters
upon the tablets of chrysolite." Ibid, Baha'u'llah cited, p. 123
In her notes printed in this same Baha'i World yearbook for 1954-63,
page 113, Ruhiyyih Khanum tells us what Shoghi Effendi said about
those who think of themselves as the"good people" in these times still
ahead of us. "He said it was wrong to think, as some Baha'is do, that
the good would perish with the evil. All men are evil because they
have repudiated God in this day and turned from Him. He said we can
only believe that in some mysterious way, in spite of the terrible
destruction, enough will be left over to build the future."
In his communications to the American believers, Shoghi Effendi was
especially insistent that the American Baha'is be aware of the degree
of materialism engulfing the nation, so that perhaps, some of them,
could distance themselves from the values and thinking of their peers.
How tragic that so few of them have paid any attention to his urgent
pleas and repeated warnings.
"The steady and alarming deterioration in standards of
morality as exemplified by the appalling increase of crime, by
political corruption in ever-widening and ever higher circles, by the
loosening of the sacred ties of marriage, by the inordinate craving
for pleasure and diversion, and by the marked and progressive
slackening of parental control, is no doubt the most arresting and
distressing aspect of the decline that has set in, and can be clearly
perceived, in the fortunes of an entire nation."
"Parallel with this and pervading all departments of life --
an evil which the nation, and indeed all those within the capitalist
system, though to a lesser degree, share with that state and its
satellites [Russia] regarded as the sworn enemies of that system -- is
the crass materialism, which lays excessive and ever increasing
emphasis on material well-being forgetful of those things of the
spirit on which alone a sure and stable foundation can be laid for
human society. It is this same cancerous materialism, born originally
in Europe, carried to excess in the North American continent,
contaminating the Asiatic peoples and nations, spreading its ominous
tentacles to the border of Africa, and now invading its very heart,
which Baha'u'llah in unequivocal and emphatic language denounced in
His Writings, comparing it to a devouring flame and regarding it as
the chief factor in precipitating the dire ordeals and world-shaking
crisis that must necessarily involve the burning of cities and the
spread of terror and consternation in the hearts of men." Shoghi
Effendi cited in Baha'i World, 1954- 1963, p. 172#
The downfall of communism in the East is not the result of idealism,
but of materialism, because the people there know little or nothing
about democracy, "market place economics", capitalism , etc.; because
of this it cannot but lead to ever increasing chaos, internal strife,
and disintegration of the former U.S.S.R. The so-called "free-market"
system and democracy as practiced in the West today, are in themselves
extremely corrupt, and not suitable for a world civilization destined
to replace existing systems. However, the citizens of the Western
nations have not awakened to most of the defects of their systems,
except for a few exceptional souls. In a Tablet by Abdu'l-Baha, called
"Lamentation" these days are described, and I quote the last part of
that Tablet below.
"From different parts are to be heard sighs of anguish,
lamentations of poverty, cries of agony and misery -- and the calls
for succor have reached the gate of heaven. One hears the weeping of
the hopeless, the appeals of the oppressed, the trembling murmurs of
the helpless, the harrowing wails of the shipwrecked in the sea of
perception. The heat of the conflagration of opposition spreads on all
sides, the fire of longing is raging with great intensity and the
tongues of the flames of calamity leap forth in every direction. Here
one sees the oppression of kings and the thoughtlessness of cabinet
ministers; there one sees conflict on the battlefields of thoughts and
ideals between ambitious generals, statesmen and administrators of the
nations and countries. They consult, scheme, plot and exchange views;
they organize fallacious and superfluous companies and falsify the
established values; and thus do lay and destroy the foundation of
their political careers."
"In short: when thou observest these things with the eye of
reality, thou wilt see that the outcome, result and fruit of all
these theatrical performances are mirages, and their sweetness is
bitter poison. A few days the earth will roll on its axis, and these
fleeting visions will be completely forgotten."
"When thou shutest thine eyes to this world and lookest upward
and heavenward, thou wilt see light upon light stretching from
eternity to eternity. The reality of the mysteries will be revealed.
Happy is the pure soul who does not attach himself to transient
conditions and comforts, but rather seeks to attach himself to the
purity, nobility and splendor of the world which endures." Abdu'l-Baha
cited in Baha'i Scriptures, p. 344
You will notice, no doubt, that Abdu'l-Baha speaks of a shift in the
axis of the earth, which is the subject I will discuss below. The
approximate time when these terrible events will begin, or occur, is
mentioned earlier and is around the end of this century. Shoghi
Effendi said that when the prophecies tell us these events will come
suddenly, he said it meant "unexpectedly", because humanity does not
believe. No doubt the anarchy and disintegration we witness in the
Eastern nations will encompass nations around the world. Perhaps this
will be followed by oppressive government action, to quell the riots
and control the social upheaval.All of this would most certainly be
terminated by a catastrophic shift in the axis of the Earth, changing
land masses and destroying thousands of cities not already devastated
by war. Two-thirds of humanity will perish, as mentioned in the Bible
and repeated by Abdu'l-Baha.
"What! Are they sure that the overwhelming chastisement of God
shall not come upon them, or that the Hour will not come suddenly,
while they are unaware?" Quran, 12:106-7
"But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighted down
with dissipation, drunkeness and cares of this life, and that day
come upon you suddenly like a snare, for it will come upon all who
dwell upon the face of the whole earth." Luke, 21:34-35
"After this date great commotion and upheaval will embrace the
whole earth. To make a long story short, terrible wars, and
disastrous earthquakes will take place and all kinds of miseries will
encompass mankind to such an extent that in certain parts of the world
historical monuments will be completely destroyed. Briefly, the
population of the earth will be diminished to one-third." Abdu'l-Baha
in Tablet to a Persian believer.
"From the Holy Scriptures, it is clear that a series of great
events will appear in the world, either concurrently or serially
between the initial appearance of the Manifestation of God and the
final ushering in of the Kingdom of God on earth. These are a
cataclysmic upheaval, a worldwide economic collapse and a fiery
holocaust or Armageddon. These events will be fulfilled in both
senses, that is literally and figuratively so that no man shall have
grounds for excuse." Abdu'l-Baha in Tablet to a Persian believer.
A Baha'i who visited Haifa told me that Shoghi Effendi remarked that
the final cataclysm might well destroy the Baha'i monuments and
buildings. After the second World War Shoghi Effendi said that in the
Last Days there would be riots in the cities of America, perhaps
because of racial strife and economic disasters.
"...the burning of cities, the contamination of the atmosphere of
the earth -- these stand out as the signs and portents that must
either herald or accompany the retributive calamity." Shoghi Effendi
in Message to America,April 1947
"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the
heavens will pass away with a loud noise and the elements be dissolved
with fire and the earth and the works that are upon it will be burned
up." 2 Peter, 3:10-13
Of course, the majority of the Baha'is, like the rest of humanity,
have ignored and will continue to ignore, the dire warnings of the
Founders of their Faith, because of attachment to this materialistic
civilization. Some have told me that they are "unafraid", that they
will remain in the large cities which Shoghi Effendi said are in
extreme danger, which is simply a way of saying that they do not
"...Those men who having amassed the vanities and ornaments of
the earth, have turned away disdainfully from God -- these have lost
both this world and the world to come. Ere long, will God, with the
Hand of Power, strip them of their possessions, and divest them of the
robe of His bounty. To this they themselves will soon witness. Thou
too, shall testify." Baha'u'llah in Gleanings, p. 209
"...If ye fail, at the appointed hour to turn towards God, He,
verily, will lay violent hold on you, and will cause grievous
afflictions to assail you from every direction. How severe indeed is
the chastisement with which your Lord will then chastise you..." Ibid.
p. 214
When Abdu'l-Baha visited the home of my grandmother and my father in
Montclair , New Jersey He said that in the future New York would be
under water and that Montclair would eventually become a harbor. He
said that Greenland would become green, whereas now it is covered with
glaciers. While in Canada, a believer related a dream to Abdu'l-Baha
in which he said he was looking at the sky and saw the stars suddenly
begin to move rapidly across the heavens. He asked Abdu'l-Baha if that
is what would happen during the cataclysm, and Abdu'l-Baha said yes,
it would be like that. He also told some of the old believers that
America would become tropical. A shift in the axis of the earth would
cause these changes. A shift in the axis can change the shapes of
continents and destroy coastal and low-lying cities around the world.
Furthermore, in Some Answered Questions, Abdu'l-Baha said:
"Each of the Divine Manifestations has...a cycle, and during the
cycle His laws and commandments prevail and are performed. When His
cycle is completed by the appearance of a new Manifestation, a new
cycle begins. In this way cycles begin, end and are renewed, until a
universal cycle is completed in the world, when important events and
great occurrences will take place which entirely efface every trace
and record of the past; then a new universal cycle begins in the
world..." Abdu'l-Baha in Some Answered Questions, pp. 160-161 #
"Mention hath been made in certain books of a deluge which caused
all that existed on earth, historical records as well as other things,
to be destroyed. Moreover, many cataclysms have occurred which have
effaced the traces of many events..." Baha'u'llah in Gleanings, p. 174
In recent years more and more geologists and paleontologists, have
come to recognize that great catastrophes have repeatedly occurred in
past ages, often leading to the termination of certain stages in
evolution and marking new evolutionary surges. Recent discoveries
indicate that such catastrophies, altering the Earth's climate, have
occurred far more frequently than previously believed.
"Discussion of whether human economic activity can affect the
climate has generally rested on a comforting assumption: if change did
occur, it would occur gradually. There would be time to respond. That
assumption has been made untenable by analysis of glacial ice as well
as of sediments from the ocean floor."
"The findings reveal that far from being stable, the earth's
climate has always changed quite abruptly--both during times of
glaciation and, as the newest studies indicate, during interglacial
periods such as the current one....The studies 'have concluded that
130,000 years ago, when the earth was as warm as it is today, there
were very rapid changes from warm to cold climates,' explains Michael
L. Bender of the University of Rhode Island. 'If that conclusion
stands up, it is going to be extremely important because the very
stable climate that the earth has had for the past 10,000 years will
not necessarily stay that way.'[Dr. Barber's theory, discussed below,
is that the axis shifts about every 10,000 years, causing vast climate
changes, and what we call ice ages in certain areas]...The factors
that cause the abrupt changes remain obscure...'The fact that
interglacials are not times of stable climate,'Bond adds [Columbia
University],'is a warning that we are poised between modes and could
bring on a switch.'" Scientific American, Dec. 1993,p. 34
In the ice of Siberia they have discovered frozen mammoths with grass
still in their mouths, evidence that they were frozen instantaneously,
and that the area where they were found once had a temperate climate.
A sudden shift in the axis of the Earth would account for this, as
well as the other evidence that the oceans have, in past ages, swept
across large portions of the continents. A shift in the gyroscopic
equilibrium of the Earth would cause a sudden shift in the axis to a
new equilibrium point, causing violent storms, tremendous earthquakes,
immense tidal waves, volcanic activity, changes in ocean levels and
high winds.
The illustration in the Appendix indicates where the poles wandered in
past ages, based on estimates from geological evidence. Solid lines
and dotted lines indicate two estimates. From a position near Hawaii
in the Pre-Cambrian, the North Pole migrated north-westward to between
Japan and Kamchatka by about the end of the Palaeozoic, and then via
eastern Siberia to its present position. Most geologists today are
"gradualists" (uniformitarianists) and still cannot accept the idea of
sudden changes. Also, R.W. Fairbridge, in Natural History, (Vol
LXXX,No.6,June/July) claims that the South Pole was once located in
North Africa, according to geological and topological indications.
There are also fossil remains in Antarctica which indicate that it had
a temperate or tropical climate at one time.In A Revolution in the
Earth Sciences (A. Hallam, Clarendon Press, '73) p.40:
"Now the recognition of the apparent polar wandering was a
surprising result because, as we have seen, conventional geophysical
theory had firmly favoured the fixity of pole position. Were the data
therefore unreliable, or was the theory in error? Fortunately an
English astronomer, T. Gold, quickly came to the rescue in 1955. An
analysis of minor rotational perturbations other than precession was
only explicable if there were no permanent stiffness in the geoidal
shape of the Earth, as had previously been claimed." [That is, when a
shift occurs, the equatorial bulge is replaced by water from the
oceans until the actual crust, over thousands of years, slowly bulges]
In the same book, the reason scientists have problems accepting the
idea of a shift in the axis is explained.
"In nearly all matters the human mind has a strong tendency to
judge in the light of its own experience, knowledge and prejudices
rather than on the evidence presented [and the same is true in
religions]. Thus new ideas are judged in the light of prevailing
beliefs. If the ideas are too revolutionary, that is to say, if they
depart too far from reigning theories and cannot be fitted into the
current body of knowledge they will not be acceptable...they are
almost certain to be ignored or meet with opposition which is too
strong to overcome..."
Some scientists do keep an open mind, as this quotation from Stephen
Jay Gould of Harvard University indicates:"...maybe the poles do move
rapidly. The claim should at least be investigated, rather than being
dismissed without a test."(Catastrophes and Earth History, p. 16) None
of the conventional theories provide a definite explanation for the
shift in the axis, and because most scientists are reluctant to
consider new and unorthodox hypotheses, clinging to their old ideas in
the face of all the new discoveries and anomalies that disprove their
old theories, they remain baffled by the evidence of past changes.
"Behold, the Lord will lay waste the earth and make it desolate,
and He will twist its surface and scatter its inhabitants...The earth
shall be utterly laid waste and utterly despoiled for the inhabitants;
for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the
everlasting covenant. Therefore, a curse devours the earth, and its
inhabitants suffer for their guilt; therefore the inhabitants of the
earth are scorched, a few men are left." Isaiah 24:1-8
From the beginning of his role as Guardian, Shoghi Effendi tried in
vain to awaken the Baha'is throughout the world to the dangers of the
overwhelming materialism that had engulfed the world. Often Abdu'l-
Baha described the dangers we face, but it seems that only a few take
His warnings seriously. Since then the moral regression of the peoples
of the world, the cancer of materialism, and the destruction of the
ecology, have steadily worsened. Still only a few understand that we
must all change our ways of thinking completely, dedicate our lives to
God, and make the tremendous sacrifices required to change the world.
Many are aware of the warnings and prophecies, but unfortunately, few
Baha'is pay any attention. Those who do heed the warnings and
prophecies of Baha'u'llah, Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi will be at
least able to prepare themselves spiritually for the times yet to come
in the next decade. As for the others, the vast majority, they will
continue as they are, deaf to the warnings, blinded by the so-called
"attractions" of this materialistic civilizations. The few prophetic
warnings presented herein should be sufficient for those who are
spiritually awake.
"...The civilization, so often vaunted by the learned exponents
of arts and sciences, will, if allowed to overleap the bounds of
moderation, bring great evil upon men. Thus warneth you He Who is the
All-Knowing. If carried to excess civilization will prove as prolific
a source of evil as it had of goodness when kept within the
restraints of moderation. Meditate on this, O people, and be not of
them that wander distraught in the wilderness of error. The day is
approaching when its flame will devour the cities, when the Tongue of
Grandeur will proclaim:'The Kingdom is God's, the Almighty, the All-
Praised." Baha'u'llah in Gleanings, pp. 342-343
"The 'fiery tribulations' to come would not only 'weld the
American nation to its sister nations in both hemispheres' but would
cleanse it of 'the accumulated dross which ingrained racial prejudice,
rampant materialism, widespread ungodliness and moral laxity have
combined, in the course of successive generations, to produce, and
which have prevented her thus far from assuming the role of world
spiritual leadership forecast by Abdu'l-Baha's unerring pen -- a role
which she is bound to fulfill through travail and sorrow.'" Shoghi
Effendi, cited in Baha' World, 1954-1963,[year book], p.114
"The time for the destruction of the world and its people hath
arrived." "The promised day is come, the day when tormenting trials
will have surged over your heads, and beneath your feet, saying:
'Taste ye what your hands have wrought.'" "Soon shall the blasts of
His chastisement beat upon you, and the dust of hell enshroud you."
"The day will soon come whereon they will cry out for help and receive
no answer." "O ye peoples of the world! Know verily that an unforeseen
calamity is following you and that grievous retribution awaiteth you.
Think not the deeds ye have committed have been blotted from My sight.
By My beauty! All your doings hath My pen graven with open characters
upon the tablets of chrysolite." Ibid, Baha'u'llah cited, p. 123
In her notes printed in this same Baha'i World yearbook for 1954-63,
page 113, Ruhiyyih Khanum tells us what Shoghi Effendi said about
those who think of themselves as the"good people" in these times still
ahead of us. "He said it was wrong to think, as some Baha'is do, that
the good would perish with the evil. All men are evil because they
have repudiated God in this day and turned from Him. He said we can
only believe that in some mysterious way, in spite of the terrible
destruction, enough will be left over to build the future."
In his communications to the American believers, Shoghi Effendi was
especially insistent that the American Baha'is be aware of the degree
of materialism engulfing the nation, so that perhaps, some of them,
could distance themselves from the values and thinking of their peers.
How tragic that so few of them have paid any attention to his urgent
pleas and repeated warnings.
"The steady and alarming deterioration in standards of
morality as exemplified by the appalling increase of crime, by
political corruption in ever-widening and ever higher circles, by the
loosening of the sacred ties of marriage, by the inordinate craving
for pleasure and diversion, and by the marked and progressive
slackening of parental control, is no doubt the most arresting and
distressing aspect of the decline that has set in, and can be clearly
perceived, in the fortunes of an entire nation."
"Parallel with this and pervading all departments of life --
an evil which the nation, and indeed all those within the capitalist
system, though to a lesser degree, share with that state and its
satellites [Russia] regarded as the sworn enemies of that system -- is
the crass materialism, which lays excessive and ever increasing
emphasis on material well-being forgetful of those things of the
spirit on which alone a sure and stable foundation can be laid for
human society. It is this same cancerous materialism, born originally
in Europe, carried to excess in the North American continent,
contaminating the Asiatic peoples and nations, spreading its ominous
tentacles to the border of Africa, and now invading its very heart,
which Baha'u'llah in unequivocal and emphatic language denounced in
His Writings, comparing it to a devouring flame and regarding it as
the chief factor in precipitating the dire ordeals and world-shaking
crisis that must necessarily involve the burning of cities and the
spread of terror and consternation in the hearts of men." Shoghi
Effendi cited in Baha'i World, 1954- 1963, p. 172#
The downfall of communism in the East is not the result of idealism,
but of materialism, because the people there know little or nothing
about democracy, "market place economics", capitalism , etc.; because
of this it cannot but lead to ever increasing chaos, internal strife,
and disintegration of the former U.S.S.R. The so-called "free-market"
system and democracy as practiced in the West today, are in themselves
extremely corrupt, and not suitable for a world civilization destined
to replace existing systems. However, the citizens of the Western
nations have not awakened to most of the defects of their systems,
except for a few exceptional souls. In a Tablet by Abdu'l-Baha, called
"Lamentation" these days are described, and I quote the last part of
that Tablet below.
"From different parts are to be heard sighs of anguish,
lamentations of poverty, cries of agony and misery -- and the calls
for succor have reached the gate of heaven. One hears the weeping of
the hopeless, the appeals of the oppressed, the trembling murmurs of
the helpless, the harrowing wails of the shipwrecked in the sea of
perception. The heat of the conflagration of opposition spreads on all
sides, the fire of longing is raging with great intensity and the
tongues of the flames of calamity leap forth in every direction. Here
one sees the oppression of kings and the thoughtlessness of cabinet
ministers; there one sees conflict on the battlefields of thoughts and
ideals between ambitious generals, statesmen and administrators of the
nations and countries. They consult, scheme, plot and exchange views;
they organize fallacious and superfluous companies and falsify the
established values; and thus do lay and destroy the foundation of
their political careers."
"In short: when thou observest these things with the eye of
reality, thou wilt see that the outcome, result and fruit of all
these theatrical performances are mirages, and their sweetness is
bitter poison. A few days the earth will roll on its axis, and these
fleeting visions will be completely forgotten."
"When thou shutest thine eyes to this world and lookest upward
and heavenward, thou wilt see light upon light stretching from
eternity to eternity. The reality of the mysteries will be revealed.
Happy is the pure soul who does not attach himself to transient
conditions and comforts, but rather seeks to attach himself to the
purity, nobility and splendor of the world which endures." Abdu'l-Baha
cited in Baha'i Scriptures, p. 344
You will notice, no doubt, that Abdu'l-Baha speaks of a shift in the
axis of the earth, which is the subject I will discuss below. The
approximate time when these terrible events will begin, or occur, is
mentioned earlier and is around the end of this century. Shoghi
Effendi said that when the prophecies tell us these events will come
suddenly, he said it meant "unexpectedly", because humanity does not
believe. No doubt the anarchy and disintegration we witness in the
Eastern nations will encompass nations around the world. Perhaps this
will be followed by oppressive government action, to quell the riots
and control the social upheaval.All of this would most certainly be
terminated by a catastrophic shift in the axis of the Earth, changing
land masses and destroying thousands of cities not already devastated
by war. Two-thirds of humanity will perish, as mentioned in the Bible
and repeated by Abdu'l-Baha.
"What! Are they sure that the overwhelming chastisement of God
shall not come upon them, or that the Hour will not come suddenly,
while they are unaware?" Quran, 12:106-7
"But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighted down
with dissipation, drunkeness and cares of this life, and that day
come upon you suddenly like a snare, for it will come upon all who
dwell upon the face of the whole earth." Luke, 21:34-35
"After this date great commotion and upheaval will embrace the
whole earth. To make a long story short, terrible wars, and
disastrous earthquakes will take place and all kinds of miseries will
encompass mankind to such an extent that in certain parts of the world
historical monuments will be completely destroyed. Briefly, the
population of the earth will be diminished to one-third." Abdu'l-Baha
in Tablet to a Persian believer.
"From the Holy Scriptures, it is clear that a series of great
events will appear in the world, either concurrently or serially
between the initial appearance of the Manifestation of God and the
final ushering in of the Kingdom of God on earth. These are a
cataclysmic upheaval, a worldwide economic collapse and a fiery
holocaust or Armageddon. These events will be fulfilled in both
senses, that is literally and figuratively so that no man shall have
grounds for excuse." Abdu'l-Baha in Tablet to a Persian believer.
A Baha'i who visited Haifa told me that Shoghi Effendi remarked that
the final cataclysm might well destroy the Baha'i monuments and
buildings. After the second World War Shoghi Effendi said that in the
Last Days there would be riots in the cities of America, perhaps
because of racial strife and economic disasters.
"...the burning of cities, the contamination of the atmosphere of
the earth -- these stand out as the signs and portents that must
either herald or accompany the retributive calamity." Shoghi Effendi
in Message to America,April 1947
"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the
heavens will pass away with a loud noise and the elements be dissolved
with fire and the earth and the works that are upon it will be burned
up." 2 Peter, 3:10-13
Of course, the majority of the Baha'is, like the rest of humanity,
have ignored and will continue to ignore, the dire warnings of the
Founders of their Faith, because of attachment to this materialistic
civilization. Some have told me that they are "unafraid", that they
will remain in the large cities which Shoghi Effendi said are in
extreme danger, which is simply a way of saying that they do not
"...Those men who having amassed the vanities and ornaments of
the earth, have turned away disdainfully from God -- these have lost
both this world and the world to come. Ere long, will God, with the
Hand of Power, strip them of their possessions, and divest them of the
robe of His bounty. To this they themselves will soon witness. Thou
too, shall testify." Baha'u'llah in Gleanings, p. 209
"...If ye fail, at the appointed hour to turn towards God, He,
verily, will lay violent hold on you, and will cause grievous
afflictions to assail you from every direction. How severe indeed is
the chastisement with which your Lord will then chastise you..." Ibid.
p. 214
When Abdu'l-Baha visited the home of my grandmother and my father in
Montclair , New Jersey He said that in the future New York would be
under water and that Montclair would eventually become a harbor. He
said that Greenland would become green, whereas now it is covered with
glaciers. While in Canada, a believer related a dream to Abdu'l-Baha
in which he said he was looking at the sky and saw the stars suddenly
begin to move rapidly across the heavens. He asked Abdu'l-Baha if that
is what would happen during the cataclysm, and Abdu'l-Baha said yes,
it would be like that. He also told some of the old believers that
America would become tropical. A shift in the axis of the earth would
cause these changes. A shift in the axis can change the shapes of
continents and destroy coastal and low-lying cities around the world.
Furthermore, in Some Answered Questions, Abdu'l-Baha said:
"Each of the Divine Manifestations has...a cycle, and during the
cycle His laws and commandments prevail and are performed. When His
cycle is completed by the appearance of a new Manifestation, a new
cycle begins. In this way cycles begin, end and are renewed, until a
universal cycle is completed in the world, when important events and
great occurrences will take place which entirely efface every trace
and record of the past; then a new universal cycle begins in the
world..." Abdu'l-Baha in Some Answered Questions, pp. 160-161 #
"Mention hath been made in certain books of a deluge which caused
all that existed on earth, historical records as well as other things,
to be destroyed. Moreover, many cataclysms have occurred which have
effaced the traces of many events..." Baha'u'llah in Gleanings, p. 174
In recent years more and more geologists and paleontologists, have
come to recognize that great catastrophes have repeatedly occurred in
past ages, often leading to the termination of certain stages in
evolution and marking new evolutionary surges. Recent discoveries
indicate that such catastrophies, altering the Earth's climate, have
occurred far more frequently than previously believed.
"Discussion of whether human economic activity can affect the
climate has generally rested on a comforting assumption: if change did
occur, it would occur gradually. There would be time to respond. That
assumption has been made untenable by analysis of glacial ice as well
as of sediments from the ocean floor."
"The findings reveal that far from being stable, the earth's
climate has always changed quite abruptly--both during times of
glaciation and, as the newest studies indicate, during interglacial
periods such as the current one....The studies 'have concluded that
130,000 years ago, when the earth was as warm as it is today, there
were very rapid changes from warm to cold climates,' explains Michael
L. Bender of the University of Rhode Island. 'If that conclusion
stands up, it is going to be extremely important because the very
stable climate that the earth has had for the past 10,000 years will
not necessarily stay that way.'[Dr. Barber's theory, discussed below,
is that the axis shifts about every 10,000 years, causing vast climate
changes, and what we call ice ages in certain areas]...The factors
that cause the abrupt changes remain obscure...'The fact that
interglacials are not times of stable climate,'Bond adds [Columbia
University],'is a warning that we are poised between modes and could
bring on a switch.'" Scientific American, Dec. 1993,p. 34
In the ice of Siberia they have discovered frozen mammoths with grass
still in their mouths, evidence that they were frozen instantaneously,
and that the area where they were found once had a temperate climate.
A sudden shift in the axis of the Earth would account for this, as
well as the other evidence that the oceans have, in past ages, swept
across large portions of the continents. A shift in the gyroscopic
equilibrium of the Earth would cause a sudden shift in the axis to a
new equilibrium point, causing violent storms, tremendous earthquakes,
immense tidal waves, volcanic activity, changes in ocean levels and
high winds.
The illustration in the Appendix indicates where the poles wandered in
past ages, based on estimates from geological evidence. Solid lines
and dotted lines indicate two estimates. From a position near Hawaii
in the Pre-Cambrian, the North Pole migrated north-westward to between
Japan and Kamchatka by about the end of the Palaeozoic, and then via
eastern Siberia to its present position. Most geologists today are
"gradualists" (uniformitarianists) and still cannot accept the idea of
sudden changes. Also, R.W. Fairbridge, in Natural History, (Vol
LXXX,No.6,June/July) claims that the South Pole was once located in
North Africa, according to geological and topological indications.
There are also fossil remains in Antarctica which indicate that it had
a temperate or tropical climate at one time.In A Revolution in the
Earth Sciences (A. Hallam, Clarendon Press, '73) p.40:
"Now the recognition of the apparent polar wandering was a
surprising result because, as we have seen, conventional geophysical
theory had firmly favoured the fixity of pole position. Were the data
therefore unreliable, or was the theory in error? Fortunately an
English astronomer, T. Gold, quickly came to the rescue in 1955. An
analysis of minor rotational perturbations other than precession was
only explicable if there were no permanent stiffness in the geoidal
shape of the Earth, as had previously been claimed." [That is, when a
shift occurs, the equatorial bulge is replaced by water from the
oceans until the actual crust, over thousands of years, slowly bulges]
In the same book, the reason scientists have problems accepting the
idea of a shift in the axis is explained.
"In nearly all matters the human mind has a strong tendency to
judge in the light of its own experience, knowledge and prejudices
rather than on the evidence presented [and the same is true in
religions]. Thus new ideas are judged in the light of prevailing
beliefs. If the ideas are too revolutionary, that is to say, if they
depart too far from reigning theories and cannot be fitted into the
current body of knowledge they will not be acceptable...they are
almost certain to be ignored or meet with opposition which is too
strong to overcome..."
Some scientists do keep an open mind, as this quotation from Stephen
Jay Gould of Harvard University indicates:"...maybe the poles do move
rapidly. The claim should at least be investigated, rather than being
dismissed without a test."(Catastrophes and Earth History, p. 16) None
of the conventional theories provide a definite explanation for the
shift in the axis, and because most scientists are reluctant to
consider new and unorthodox hypotheses, clinging to their old ideas in
the face of all the new discoveries and anomalies that disprove their
old theories, they remain baffled by the evidence of past changes.