Iranian.Com Sourcewatched
(too old to reply)
2009-04-07 01:52:26 UTC

Here it is, the Iranian.Com Sourcewatch article.

I find it quite amusing that according to the site's own statistics
70-80% of the users come from North America. What is more interesting
is that one of the advisors of this site is the Asia Society which was
set-up by John Rockefeller and is tied to the Rockefeller foundation.

No wonder (besides other closer to home reasons) that there is a
pronounced pro-Baha'i spin here on this site. The Rockefellers and
Rockefeller money is the nexus. Go figure...

See articles Bill Gates, Philanthropy and Social Engineering



The Project For A New American Humanitarianism: Olympian Ambitions
from Darfur to Tibet and Beijing

2009-04-07 01:55:24 UTC


Iranian.com, known also as The Iranian and the Iranian Times[1] is an
online English and Persian language magazine, blog and discussion
forum founded in July 1995 by the journalist Jahanshah Javid, who
remains its current publisher/editor/moderator.[2]

According to its website, "Iranian.com is the largest online community
for Iranians residing in North America. With more than 620,000 unique
visitors and nearly 6.5 million page views per month (March 2007

Founder and editor Jahanshah Javid explains the site's motto, "Nothing
is Sacred" as being " to a great extent, a response to the situation
in Iran. In Iran you cannot write an article saying Ayatollah Khomeini
was a hateful man who brought misery to millions, for instance. You
cannot say Velayate Faqih is incompatible with democracy. You cannot
demand the separation of mosque and state. You cannot defend the
rights of Bahais to practice their faith."[4]

"In Iran, the list of no-can-dos is endless. Why can't you? Because
these issues are "sacred", because Islam says so, because the Supreme
Leader says so, because ayatollah so-and-so says so, because the
hezbollah say so. Because our culture says so."[5]

Referring to the content of the site, Jahanshah Javid states that
"There are no taboos or sacred cows, as far as I'm concerned. You want
to say how great the Shah was? Go ahead. You want to make fun of Reza
Pahlavi? Okay. You want to say Khatami is a fraud? Fine. You want to
say the Bahai faith is better than Islam? Sure. You want to say the
Bahai faith is just like any other organized religion? Sure. You want
to write about sex? I have no problem with that."[6]

Contents [hide]
1 Site Usage Statistics and Demographics
2 Current Site Advertisers
3 Awards
4 Contacts
5 Resources and articles
5.1 Related Sourcewatch articles
5.2 References

[edit]Site Usage Statistics and Demographics
According to the site, "Users are spread across the globe, though
75%-80% live in North America. There is a healthy mix of male and
female users (55:45), primarily in the 25 - 44 years age group."[7]

200,000+ unique users a month
80% US/Canadian
40% Age 25-35
70% male
40% Age 25-35
50% income above $60K
More than 90% Iranian
90,000 page views per day.[8]
[edit]Current Site Advertisers
Asia Society
World Quest Networks
US Transcom
World Singles Networks
Global Phone[9]
In 2006 the site was nominated for the "Award of Excellence in Media
Electronic Magazine (Best Contribution to Freedom of Speech) in the
2nd Annual Persian "Persian Golden Lioness Award" category from the
International Further Studies Institute(IFSI) at The World Academy of
Arts, Literature, and Media (WAALM)[10]

Jahanshah Javid: ***@iranian.com
[edit]Resources and articles
Frequently asked questions about iranian.com, answered by Jahanshah
Javid, accessed April 7, 2009.
BBC Interview with Jahanshah Javid (in Persian), accessed April 7,
About Jahanshah Javid, accessed April 7, 2009.
[edit]Related Sourcewatch articles
Jahanshah Javid
$B",(B News Archive section from Iranian Times, accessed April 7, 2009.
$B",(B Site Statistics, accessed April 7, 2009.
$B",(B Demographics for Advertisers on Iranian.com, accessed April 7,
$B",(B Frequently asked questions about iranian.com, answered by Jahanshah
Javid, accessed April 7, 2009.
$B",(B Frequently asked questions about iranian.com, answered by Jahanshah
Javid, accessed April 7, 2009.
$B",(B Frequently asked questions about iranian.com, answered by Jahanshah
Javid, accessed April 7, 2009.
$B",(B Demographics for Advertisers on Iranian.com, accessed April 7,
$B",(B Demographics for Advertisers on Iranian.com, accessed April 7,
$B",(B Demographics for Advertisers on Iranian.com, accessed April 7,
$B",(B World Academy of Arts, Literature, and Media, 2nd Annual Persian
"Persian Golden Lioness Award", accessed April 7, 2009.

Retrieved from "http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?
Categories: United States | Internet | Iran
2009-04-07 03:36:43 UTC
Methinks the Rockefeller endowed JJ doth protest too much...
by NUR on Mon Apr 06, 2009 08:33 PM PDT (posted to comment section of

Jahanshah, you are married to a Baha'i, and this is public
information. So whether you believe or do not believe in God, begs the
question entirely here, since 1) your personal interests already lean
in their direction because of your personal situation and b)
especially as these days belief in any higher power beyond
institutional power and bureaucracy of the Haifan Baha'i organization
is entirely optional. To wit,

"We don't want to be like those people who want to see God with their
own eyes, or hear His melody with their own ears, because we have been
given the gift of being able to see through the eyes of the House of
Justice and listen through the ears of the House of Justice." - Bahai
Counselor Rebeque Murphy http://media1.bahai.us/tab/Highlights/Sunday/30_Counselor_Murphy_Remarks.mp3

What you don't get, or are deliberately playing naneh man gharibam, as
you did at UNM when you wouldn't publish articles by anti-regime
activists like me for the Daily Lobo when you edited it, or when you
worked for the IRI's Aftab (aka aftabeh) network, is that propaganda
and manufactured consent is real and in itself constitutes narrative
of oppression. Sooner than later such narratives will be challenged
for what they are - pure propaganda and lies - and usually from
within. That you are leaning on the side of an organization with a
checkered past shows that you yourself are standing on the wrong side
of history, so don't lecture me with de-contextualized platitudes you
opportunistically took from Obama's inauguration speech.

Moreover I am an Ex-Bahai and far more qualified than you will ever be
in understanding and representing the nature of this community/cult
and the factuality of its various narratives and claims. I have
interrogated all the evidence for years and what you and your
financial endowers claim regarding the so-called persecution of the
Baha'is in Iran is an exagerrated propaganda fiction catered
specifically towards foreign policy interests and ends of
destabilizing Iran - whether under the mullahs or under any other
regime. It was the same stew and same bowl (hamin ash va hamin kaseh)
under the Shah as well.

And absolutely, history is always on the side of the oppressed, which
is why I as a Bayani - a community and creed persecuted by the Baha'is
for 145 years - am here testify to the world and to history against

Now in case you decide to censor and delete this message, as you have
done with others and is your usual penchant going back to your days at
the Daily Lobo, I am crossposting this comment to USENET as well as
putting it in the discussion log for the Iranian.Com entry on
Sourcewatch. Furthemore, since I have your attention, let me challenge
you to a live, no holds barred, public debate about this question and
the questions hanging over your interests of peddling uncritical
support for the Haifan Bahai organization. But knowing you personally,
I doubt you will take it.

Ball in your court, JJ. Also, to conclude, think of me as one of your
personal demons from the past come back to haunt you with a double
vengeance! Sooner or later you will learn that one yourself.

Wahid Azal (the artist formerly known as Nima Hazini who once wrote as
Kaveh Ahangar at UNM)
2009-04-07 04:04:19 UTC

JJ's naneh man gharibam bazi
by NUR on Mon Apr 06, 2009 09:03 PM PDT

It feels great to go one on one with two-faced opportunists and lying
crypto-fascists and give them black eyes. Listen to yourself, you even
sound like the Baha'is.

Now to business: do you deny that you are/or were married to one
Javaneh Khodabakhsh, a Baha'i:


Yes or no?

(crossposting response in case of deletion by Censor Javid)
2009-04-07 05:01:36 UTC
JJ's naneh man gharibam bazi
by NUR on Mon Apr 06, 2009 09:03 PM PDT
It feels great to go one on one with two-faced opportunists and lying
crypto-fascists and give them black eyes. Listen to yourself, you even
sound like the Baha'is.
Now to business: do you deny that you are/or were married to one
Yes or no?
(crossposting response in case of deletion by Censor Javid)
Additional material (post taken down) twice removed from thread -

First hand Baha'i material
by sophia on Mon Apr 06, 2009 09:18 PM PDT

You have now deleted this material that I posted once. Remember,as you
have publicly stated, "Nothing is Sacred".
first hand Baha'i material
by sophia on Mon Apr 06, 2009 08:39 PM PDT

Hi Jahanshah,

If this true about your stance on the matter, please allow these links
to stay, under the understanding that some people would approach this
material critically. I would also invite commentary on these
publications. The document (available as PDF download at the links
below), is entitled "The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet", and
divides up the spread of the faith under the Universal House of
Justice into extensive two, four five, ten year plans. It originates
from a Baha'i publisher officially connected with the Ruhi Institute,
and is comprised of official statements, correspondences and
references from the Universal House of Justice. I will provide no
initial commentary on this article, but rather allow it to stand by
itself. If free and fair investigation of truth is allowed, then
something from the Haifan Baha'is own widely available writings should
pose no problem.


"The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet. Systematic Unfoldment of the
Divine Plan. Unfoldment of the Bahá’í Faith. Our Response to Plans."


With extended material here:


Also buy the book here.




"Palabra Publications is an organization dedicated to the production
and dissemination of teaching, deepening, and training institute
course materials at low costs. These materials strive to address the
spiritual education needs of diverse peoples with a variety of books,
such as those described below."


Training Institute Materials

At the request of the Ruhi Institute, Palabra Publications is helping
to make its materials available worldwide in English, Spanish,
Persian and Arabic. Several other organizations are also authorized
distribute the materials in these five languages. You can find out
more by clicking here.

This publisher also distributes numerous other UHJ materials,
Messages from the Universal House of Justice

Turning Point
Selected Messages of the Universal House of Justice
and Supplementary Material

Beginning with the Four Year Plan in 1996, the Universal House of
Justice set a new course in the teaching work for individuals,
communities, and institutions. “The next four years,” the Supreme
wrote, “will represent an extraordinary period in the history of our
Faith, a turning point of epochal magnitude.” So potent were the
implications of that Plan, that its single aim of advancing the
process of entry by troops was carried forward into a series of
to span twenty-five years until the end the first century of the
Formative Age in 2021. This book contains selected messages from the
Universal House of Justice and other documents that guided the
learning process of the Bahá’í world over the course of a decade,
1996-2006, resulting in profound changes in consciousness and
systematic action. By the end of this period, the House of Justice
concluded, “The elements required for a concerted effort to infuse
diverse regions of the world with the spirit of Bahá’u’lláh’s
Revelation have crystallized into a framework for action that now
needs only to be exploited.”

The book is divided into three parts. Part I includes forty messages
from the Universal House of Justice, from December 26, 1995 to Ridván
2006. Part II involves an exploration of particular themes, such as
“Learning in Action,” “Learning to Maintain Focus,” and “Learning to
Administer Growth,” that includes copious extracts from messages
written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to individuals
National Assemblies. Part III contains a number of supporting
documents from this period which were approved by the House of
or prepared by the International Teaching Centre, such as “Training
Institutes” and “Building Momentum.” This volume serves as a
significant resource, tracing the evolution of thought over this
important period and outlining the essential concepts that guide
current activities for expansion and consolidation in clusters
worldwide. Through continued study and reflection on these and other
materials, Bahá’ís will gain a clearer vision of the “methodological
pattern of functioning” and the culture of learning that has come to
characterize the efforts of Bahá’í individuals, institutions, and
Author: Compilation
Price: $12.00


The Five Year Plan, 2006-2011, 2nd edition
Messages of the Universal House of Justice

This compilation contains letters of the Universal House of Justice
initiating the Five Year Plan 2006-2011. At this time the Bahá’ís of
the world enter the midpoint of that series of Plans, beginning in
1996 and continuing for a quarter century until the year 2021, which
all focus on a single aim—advancing the process of entry by troops.
The compilation includes the Ridván 2006 letter, the Ridván 2005
letter and three letters from December 2005: the letter dated 27
December 2005, to the Conference of the Continental Boards of
Counsellors; the letter dated 28 December 2005, to all National
Spiritual Assemblies; and the letter dated 31 December 2005, to the
Bahá’ís of the World.
Author: Compilation
Price: $1.00


The Five Year Plan, 2001-2006
Messages from the Universal House of Justice

This compilation contains the letters of the Universal House of
Justice that trace the efforts of the Bahá’í world after the Four
Plan, through the Twelve Month Plan, and into the Five Year Plan. It
also includes an appendix offering the document, “Building Momentum,”
prepared by the International Teaching Centre in April 2003 to assess
the progress of the Plan’s first two years.
Author: Compilation

Price: $3.00 plans/dp/B0006QN42O
2009-04-09 02:54:10 UTC
Cat amongst the pigeons...
by NUR on Wed Apr 08, 2009 07:41 PM PDT

Talk of the ASIA SOCIETY and its connection to this site is not
paranoia. It is called linkage. After all it is not as if there is a
connection assumed out of thin air. It is stated on this site itself.
I find it interesting that instead of addressing the nature of such
relationship people resort to red herrings, misdirections, ad hominems
and argumentative indirections. This in itself says a lot and suggests
there is something further to look into.

Now the relationship of the ASIA SOCIETY with iranian.com is real and
so therefore is arguably guiding some agenda of this site. Liberal
foundation funding and corporate donor relationships are a long
established pattern of behavior and the way things are done in Anglo-
European politics and the business community - not to mention the
nexus between the two. If you continue to say I am paranoid over
pointing this fact out, then every political scientist and pundit who
has worked in this area is also paranoid. Perhaps it is more the case
that those who are hurling the paranoid accusations, to paraphrase
Shakespeare, are simply protesting too much - i.e. are misdirecting!
Haifan Bahais are masters at this sort of logical and argumentative
fallacy, like AdibM here, since it is the guiding motif of their whole
history and modus operandi. In critical and more open, objective
forums you cannot get away with this sort of blanket dismissal. It
will get people more suspicious about your motives in dismissing and
labelling those who point it out to you.

That aside, as an FYI, the administrators of Sourcewatch have today
reverted JJ when he yesterday (after coming over and opening an
account for himself and then immediately beginning to edit the
iranian.com entry) attempted to openly fudge referenced statistical
information regarding this site in the sourcewatch article on it.
Comment by another editor regarding JJ's creative editing:


Hi Bob,

Could you please check/advise upon and or/revert the edits recently
made by new user Jahanshah (who appears to be
http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Jahanshah_Javid, editor of
Iranian.com) to the Iranian.com article.

At the moment his edit stands as "According to its website,
"Iranian.com is the largest online community for Iranians residing in
North America. With more than 160,000 unique visitors and nearly 2.5
million page views per month."Demographics for Advertisers on
Iranian.com, accessed April 7, 2009.

However, the reference I created directly quotes the referenced page
(here http://www.iranian.com/contact.html) as claiming that "With more
than 620,000 unique visitors and nearly 6.5 million page views per
month (March 2007 stats)". Granted, these statistics may be outdated,
but as I understand it, as the editor/publisher of the site, Jahanshah
should change the actual site statistics on Iranian.com first, prior
to altering referenced material on Sourcewatch. If there is a
discrepancy between the information on the page and the referenced
link, I believe this should noted in the talk page (which Jahanshah
has not done) in order not to create confusion with properly
referenced material. Obviously, if the site statistics change at the
source, then this will need to be altered, but as you can see, there
is a significant discrepancy in usage numbers quoted here and the edit
here has been made prior to any first hand updates on the site itself.
Thanks very much. --Atomised 07:04, 7 April 2009 (EDT)


Bob (the administrator of Sourcewatch) checked, reverted and left this
comment on JJ's talk page:


Hi Jahanshah, I reverted your changes as they were no longer faithful
to the reference to the primary source. The fugures you added may be
more recent but they do not match the reference.--Bob Burton 08:12, 8
April 2009 (EDT)


Such zeeraki behavior by JJ has rightfully raised flags and has
convinced some of us over there that he has something to hide. That he
does this about referenced statistical information openly published
obviously means that it is the case about other issues as well,
particularly regarding the actual sources of funding for iranian.com -
and then following from this, the influence of such funding on the
openly pro-Haifan Bahai slant of this site and JJ.

Those who continue to dismiss this train of inquiry as paranoia are
either 1) living in a la-la land and need to come back to reality and
the real world or 2) are themselves in on the nature of whatever it is
they are frantically trying to hide by dismissing. Remember the
saying, bokhor bokhor! The undisputable clique-i-ness of the Haifan
Bahais here with JJ and the uncritical support some are giving to JJ's
selective implementation of free speech and imposition of censorship
on the detractors of the Haifan Baha'is all directly points to it. And
you don't have to be a supporter of the IRI to see it. I utterly
detest the IRI, but I do agree with them on the Baha'i issue. One just
needs keen detective skills to see what is going on and follow it to
its conclusion.

On that train of thought, let me ask: the Sufi community of Iran and
several of the big Sufi Orders have, on and off, been relentless
targets of the IRI's hardliners since 1979. Pray tell, why has there
been hardly any mention of the persecution of Sufism by the hardline
mullahs in Iran on iranian.com? Is this site and its webmaster
suggesting some Iranian minority groups are more Iranian minorities
than others? In fact, the Sufis are no minority at all. Although no
numbers and statistics are available, there are far more Sufis than
the Baha'is. Why have the Haifan Baha'is been allowed to dominate -
and in many cases monopolize - virtually all discussions of human
rights and persecution in Iran, not just here, but everywhere outside
of Iran? Who's yanking whose chain here? I'll tell you: money talks
and sh*t walks. Geddit??

Finally, please note, my legal name as of August 2004 is WAHID AZAL. I
am no longer legally known as Nima Hazini. Thank you!


[Comment and time of posting recorded in the event of deletion by the
censor of this site]
2009-04-10 15:03:15 UTC

The fate of Baha'ism, Light and fire
by NUR on Fri Apr 10, 2009 07:56 AM PDT

Dear Manouchehr,

The Haifan Bahais are only one amongst a myriad of other Bahai sects,
albeit the numerical majority. In the greater scheme, however, the
Haifan Bahai organization is the malignant cancer needing to be cut
out, and this is precisely what this Physician is here to do - to cut
out a fatal and malignant cancer! All of the other Bahai
denominations, especially the Orthodox Bahais, also agree. The Haifan
Bahai organization must be cut to size in order for everyone else
concerned, non-Haifan Bahai, Bayani as well as others, to live and
breathe freely. I have no problem with the other Bahai denominations
continuing to exist in an equal playing field. It is the malignant and
cancerous bacteria that is the Haifan cult which is the problem and
which should be wiped off the face of the earth for the universal good
of humanity, insha'Llah! Furthemore, it is only fair that the living
descendents of Mirza Husayn 'Ali Baha' get back their bequeethed
inheritance, which is Bahji: i.e. the estate that Shoghi Effendi stole
from them. So, you see, we're not talking about the fate of Bahaism as
a whole. We're speaking of Divine Justice falling upon the heads of a
very specific, albeit presently powerful, cabal! The other groups can
go on and do whatsoever they like in a new world [living] in peace and
freedom, and we Bayanis are happy to commune with them in friendship
and amity, even though we believe the overall founder of Bahaism was a
malefic and satanic SOB!

Now earlier on another thread you specifically objected to my
referring to Mirza Husayn 'Ali as Nari. Your objection is noted.
Please note that the epithet is one regularly used by many Bayanis as
well, and not just for derisive and dismissive reasons; but also for
clearly demarcated theological reasons that are explicitly specified
and stipulated in the Bayan itself.

In the Persian Bayan the Essence of the Seven Letters, the Bab,
delineates that in every Resurrection/Revelation (qiyamat/zuhur) Light
(nur) and darkness (zulma), Paradise ('iliyyun) and hell (jahanam),
epiphanize within the dramaturgy of specific persons. There are the
Letters of Light (huruf-i-nur) and there are the letters of fire
(huruf-i-nar), and the difference between the words 'nur' (256) and
'nar' (251) is one letter - and note their abjad numerology is only a
difference of five (which is the abjad numerical value of the word Bab
and the letter ha'). The Letters of Light are referrable to the
reality of affirmation (isbat) and the phrase 'illa allah' (but the
Godhead) and the letters of fire to that of negation (nafy) and 'la
ilaha' (no god). As such in each Manifestation the manifestation of
the Primal Will (mashiyat-i-ula) - who is Light (nur) - is met by His
or Her antagonist, who is the personification of the fire (nar). For
every Christ there is the antichrist! If this sounds dualist in a very
odd but very old Persian sort of way it is because that is the case!
However do not take this as the final word on the overall ontology of
the Bayan because the metaphysics of the Bayan gets quite complex.
Let's just say that such dualism occurs only in the spatiotemporal
world of manifestation, and specifically during each Resurrection,
while the greater overall scheme centrifugally revolves around Tawhid
(unicity). To understand all this is to refer to the Bab's numerous,
complex esoteric commentaries on the tahlil (la ilaha illa allah) in
His Book of the Five Grades (kitab-i-panj sha'n), the Persian Bayan
and a few other places.

Now one of the countless epithets given by the Essence of the Seven
Letters to Subh-i-Azal is NUR (Light). This was both a correspondence
to the ancestral home from which Subh-i-Azal hailed from in
Mazandaran; but also because NUR is equivalent in abjad numerology to
the phrase nafs allah (Logos-Self of the Godhead) which the Bab
applied to Himself. For example, in the iqama of the Bayani namaz, we
say "ashhadu an 'aliyan qabla nabil mazhar nafs allah" (I testify that
'Ali before Nabil is the Manifestation of the Logos-Self of the
Godhead). Now the signet ring of the Primal Point also bears the
inscription, "innani ana hujjat allah wa nurihi" (Verily I am the
Proof of the Godhead and Its Light). The Proof (hujjat) of the Godhead
is Its Light which is the manifestation of Its Logos-Self (nafs). To
the Bayanis, the hujjat/proof of the Bayan is, first, Siyyid 'Ali
Muhammad Shirazi, the Bab, and after His martyrdom Mirza Yahya Nuri
Subh-i-Azal - who are deemed One and the Same. The Bab often wrote to
Subh-i-Azal - as well as His Letters of the Living - saying, "This is
an epistle/book from God the Dearly Precious, the Best Beloved, to God
the Protector, the Peerless!"

There are resonances to Gnostic Christology here, but High Imamology
and the Sufi doctrine of the Perfect Man (insan kamil) already
presupposed much of this in Islamic esotericism and theophanology. In
any case, as the successor to the Point of the Bayan Subh-i-Azal is
specifically the Return of the Point (rij'at-i-nuqta) in the station
(maqam) of Mirror (mirat). Subh-i-Azal is deemed therefore the very
Logos-Self (nafs) of the Point in another modality. The Essence of the
Seven Letters even states to Him in an epistle, "anta ana wa ana
anta" (I am You and You are I). This relationship also needs to be
understood in its proper Shi'ite context as analogous to the
relationship of Muhammad (sws) to 'Ali (as). Nubuwwat/prophecy is
discharged or apotheosized within Wilayat/Providential Guidance
through which the reality of Islam qua religion is completed. In the
Bayan Nuqtawiyat/Pointhood is likewise discharged and completed within
Miratiyat/Mirrorhood and the Bayan as religion is completed, i.e. for
every Sun (risalat) there must be a Moon (wilayat), for every a day
night, arc of descent (nuzul) and arc of ascent ('uruj), Revelation
(tanzil) and the Return (tawil)!

Given this, the violation of the sanctity of Subh-i-Azal and the
betrayal of the trust of the Primal Point by Mirza Husayn 'Ali in his
bogus claim and what transpired due to it, in the Bayani theological
context, this legitimately makes Husayn 'Ali the primal letter of
negation (harf nafy), the breaker of the primordial covenant of the
Godhead (naqiz min 'ahd Allah), thus the embodiment of the fire (nar)
and so the antichrist (dajjal) of the Revelation of the Bayan! QED

Hope this contextualizes the matter better for you. Finally, for the
record, I should also state that I am neither a liberal or neo-liberal
(or conservative, for that matter), and so do not subscribe to any
notions of political correctness, nor, moreover, do I subscribe to
vacuous and amorally platitudinal ideas about getting along for the
sake of getting along or these fake notions of unity and let's all
hold hands and sing "koombaya" like the Baha'is pretend. Such behavior
is usually the hallmark of wolves in sheeps clothing who believe
nothing is sacred. In my world, there is right and there is wrong, and
no apologies or moral waffling is needed or required to stand with
what is right against what is wrong. I also live by the motto,

"rast-gu vali kufr gu"/Speak the Truth even though it be blasphemy!


[Comment and time of posting recorded in the event of deletion by the
censor of this site]
