(too old to reply)
Joel J. Marangella
2008-06-29 03:21:32 UTC



What will be your excuse when, upon your own passing, you should meet Shoghi
Effendi in the next world?


He would certainly say to you how greatly shocked, dismayed and saddened he
had been, upon his passing, to note that so many of the believers, like
yourself, who during his ministry had ostensibly evinced such faithful and
steadfast faith in the Covenant of Baha'u'llah and firm belief in the
sacredness and immutability of the divinely-conceived Will and Testament of
'Abdu'l-Baha, in which the Guardian of the Cause of God is named as "THE
LIFE" of the Universal House of Justice had then readily accepted, without
question, the incredulous conclusion that had been hastily reached and
proclaimed to the Baha'i World by the Hands of the Cause, gathered in
conclave at Akka but a few weeks following his passing, that the
Guardianship had come to a premature end based on the transparently
fallacious argument that because all of the Aghsan had either died or had
been declared violators of the Covenant he had left no will and testament
appointing a successor.


As you considered the Hands who had been appointed by Shoghi Effendi to this
exalted rank were more conversant on the Teachings and the provisions of the
Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha than you were, they must have been right
in their conclusion that the Guardianship had come to an end.


He shall certainly point out how astonished he had been that the Hands, at
the outset, had expected to find a will and testament left by him and had
actually searched for one that had, of course, not been found and thus had
exhibited an inexcusably ignorance of, or forgetfulness of, the specific
terms of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha which require the Guardian
of the Faith to appoint his successor "IN HIS OWN LIFE-TIME" and not by
testamentary document. And moreover they had revealed an equally glaring
ignorance of or duplicity in their misrepresentation of the qualifications
stipulated by 'Abdu'l-Baha in His Will that the Guardian's successor must
possess to be considered for appointment, none of which could ever have
included a requirement to be an Aghsan, whom he had clearly identified in
his writings as a term referring solely to the sons of Baha'u'llah.


It had been a long time since you had read the Will and Testament of
'Abdu'l-Baha and you had forgotten its provisions relating to the specifics
concerning the manner in which the Guardian appoints his successor and the
qualifications that his appointee is required to possess.


Shoghi Effendi would then certainly mention how utterly incomprehensible it
had been to him that the Hands could have thought that he would have left
this world without fulfilling the sacred Mandate prescribed in the Will and
Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha that makes it incumbent upon him to appoint his
successor "IN HIS OWN LIFE-TIME" and thereby faithfully provide for the
continuation of the Guardianship and the continued vital preservation of

And, moreover, he would certainly further assert how incredulous it had been
that the Hands, upon finding that he had not left a will and testament,
should then have not taken any time whatsoever to reexamine the Will and
Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha where they would have readily discovered their
error in expecting to find such a will, for under its terms he obviously
would have appointed his successor and definitely revealed his identity
during the course of his ministry, but notwithstanding, they, as well as all
of the believers, had obviously inexplicably failed, at the time, to
recognize this appointment of tremendous import. He would certainly mention
how distressed and shocked he had been in noting the stand that had been so
surprisingly taken by Ruhiyyih Khanum, who had voiced vehement opposition to
any thought of their being another Guardian of the Faith, a stand that was
so utterly contrary to her views so often expressed during his ministry and
as expressed in her well-known work titled: "Twenty-five Years of the
Guardianship" in which she had emphasized the absolute essentiality of the
Guardianship. He could only conclude that she had so radically changed her
stand about the Guardianship because of her evident inability to reconcile
herself to seeing another believer take his place as the Guardian of the
Faith. This unyielding and flagrant opposition to such a possibility by one
who had been so close to him and had served as his secretary for some twenty
years had undoubtedly influenced her fellow-Hands, with a single notable
exception, in reaching their hasty and ill-considered conclusion that the
Guardianship of the Cause of God had come to a premature end with his


You, would, of course, be able to claim your complete ignorance of the Hands
evident loss of faith (again with a single exception) in the Covenant and in
their confidence that Shoghi Effendi would have faithfully complied with
every clause of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha and particularly make
the point that you had no idea that Ruhiyyih Khanum, of all people, had been
so adamantly opposed to the continuation of the Guardianship.


Shoghi Effendi would then have undoubtedly pointed out that had the Hands
taken the time to undertake even a cursory review of the "HISTORIC" and
"EPOCH MAKING" messages he had dispatched to the Baha'i World during the
concluding years of his ministry, in which, for example, he had hailed in
one of his messages the erection of the highest institutions of the Faith at
the World Center of the Faith, they would have perceived and realized, not
only the significant import of the acts he had announced but most
importantly the significance that they should have accorded to the one and
only Proclamation he had issued during his ministry on 9 January 1951 in
which he had extolled the "HISTORIC DECISION" that he had taken "AT LONG
LAST" to form the International Baha'i Council and had eulogized this act
ORDER OF THE FAITH OF BAHA'U'LLAH," in whose constitution they would have
found, the key, although purposely and necessarily obscured by him, at the
time, to the identity of his successor whom they had tragically failed to
recognize. Had they, on the other hand, made a comprehensive reexamination
of these communications they should have recognized the identity of his
successor, and then have understood that, although he had made this
appointment publicly and in complete conformity with the terms of the Will
and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha, at the time, he had wisely chosen to make
this appointment in such an indirect and unexpected manner, that it had
successfully veiled his identity from the believers, as he had intended at
the time. For had the highly distinguished Hand of the Cause he had chosen
as his successor, a believer who had been eulogized in numerous Tablets by
'Abdu'l-Baha and whose multiple services to the Faith during half a century
had been unsurpassed by any other believer, been recognized by the Baha'i
World, at the time of his appointment, this knowledge would have caused
universal consternation amongst the Baha'is and virtually paralyzed them in
their labors to achieve the goals of the Ten Year Global Crusade soon to
begin, For the one whom he had chosen as his successor was not a young man,
or even of middle age, but twenty-three years his senior and yet despite
this advanced age was destined to succeed him. This was a clear indication
that he had foreseen the imminence of his own passing. While he had, in this
manner, been successful in obscuring the appointment of his successor, at
the time, he would certainly point out that he had expected that the
identity of his successor would inevitably be recognized and announced to
the Baha'i World when the International Baha'i Council--the embryonic
Universal House of Justice--would, for the first time, assume upon his
passing, its rightful active role as the supreme administrative body in the
Baha'i World, at which time, Charles Mason Remey, who had been appointed by
him as its President and irremovable Head, would then preside over this body
as it directed the National Spiritual Assemblies of the world in their
prosecution of the goals of the Ten Year Global Crusade in accordance with
the role he had projected in his message to the Baha'i World in 1952.


You would observe that your failure to perceive the import of his
appointment of a successor in this way had revealed the same obvious lack of
perception that had inexcusably been exhibited by Mason Remey's fellow Hands
of the Cause and all of the other believers as well.


He had therefore been appalled when the Hands, contrary to his plans, and
lacking any authority to do so, did not permit the International Council to
assume its rightful role and had instead shamefully relegated this Council
to a subordinate position to an illegitimate body they had fashioned
themselves comprised of nine Hands, who as so-called Custodians of the
Faith, constituted themselves in the role of a collective Guardianship and
took over direction of their now sans-Guardian Faith for a period of some
six years until their demise and replacement at Ridvan 1963 with an elected
equally illegitimate sans-Guardian so-called Universal House of Justice.

He would certainly now point out that in their abandonment of the
Guardianship it was if he had never existed or had ever written a single
word about the Baha'i Administrative Order for they had ignored, as a case
in point, the emphasis he had placed in his writings on the sacredness and
immutability of the divinely-conceived Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha in
explaining that it was as much the Will of Baha'u'llah as that of
'Abdu'l-Baha and that together with the Kitab-i-Aqdas these two sacred
documents were to be considered as "INSEPARABLE PARTS OF ONE COMPLETE UNIT,"
thus making it clear that, as this Will was a part of the explicit Holy
Text, the institutions delineated in that Document were destined to endure
unchanged and remain in effect as long as the sacred laws of the Aqdas
itself were observed. Moreover, he had emphasized in the "DISPENSATION" that

He would finally state how heartened he had been by the fact that there had
been a few stalwart believers who had retained their steadfast and
unshakeable faith in the indestructibility of the Covenant of Baha'u'llah
and in the immortality of its sacred and divinely-conceived Child--the Will
and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha--and had welcomed with elation the receipt of
Mason Remey's Proclamation at Ridvan 1960, in which their unwavering faith
in the Covenant and in the immortality and immutability of the sacred
provisions of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha, that provide for an
unbroken line of Guardians of the Cause of God as long as the Dispensation
of Baha'u'llah endures, had at last been fully vindicated. For, in this
Proclamation, they had joyfully found a completely sound and valid
explanation that undeniably proved the basis upon which he had rightfully
acceded to the Guardianship. These few believers and those who shall
inevitably follow in their footsteps in increasing numbers will assuredly
preserve intact and unaltered the institutions of the divinely-conceived
Baha'i Administrative Order in all of their perfection as bequeathed to the
world through the inspired Pen of 'Abdu'l-Baha and thus in this way insure
by their exemplary constancy, the ultimate establishment of the World Order
of Baha'u'llah in all of its destined glory and perfection in accordance
with God's immutable Purpose.


In the light of all that Shoghi Effendi had explained it would now be
obvious that he had appointed his successor in faithful compliance with the
provisions of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha and that you, on the
other hand, had not presented a valid excuse for your own faithless
abandonment of the continuing Guardianship of the Cause of God. And you,
will now have sadly realized that you, had actually been a party, however
unwittingly, to the shameful betrayal of Shoghi Effendi in voicing no
objection, at the time or had questioned the dismantlement shamefully
carried out by the erstwhile Hands of the Cause of the highest institutions
of the Administrative Order that Shoghi Effendi had but recently erected at
the World Center of the Faith "AT LONG LAST" during the concluding years of
his ministry and moreover had blindly and erroneously recognized, and had
accorded allegiance initially to both a body of nine Hands, created outside
the provisions of the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha that had
shamelessly been foisted upon the Baha'i World following his passing, and
had subsequently granted undeserved allegiance to their equally illegitimate
sans-Guardian so-called Universal House of Justice, as corrupted substitutes


Joel Bray Marangella

Guardian of the Baha'i Faith

June 2008

WEB: http://www.Bahai-Guardian.com/excuse/html
The Blue Fiddle
2008-06-30 01:02:21 UTC
"Joel J. Marangella" <***@iinet.net.au> wrote in message

Geez mucker, you made a right bollix of the succession!
2008-07-01 01:10:54 UTC
On Jun 30, 9:02 am, "The Blue Fiddle"
<***@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Geez mucker, you made a right bollix of the succession!

Whether this person is a new pawn in town or an old one, in a new
gown, he
is obviously working for the bogus UHJ and like the other pawns of
illegitimate institution, can't be polite, rational or reasonable.
have been disabled, morally, and cannot enter into logical and
discussion because they are recruited to follow the footsteps of those
are running the headless, dummy UHJ, and have distanced themselves
from the
teachings of the Faith. They will do anything to hold on to their
and illegitimate position.
The Blue Fiddle
2008-07-01 20:00:00 UTC
<***@bigpond.com> wrote in message
On Jun 30, 9:02 am, "The Blue Fiddle"
<***@btinternet.com> wrote:

> > Geez mucker, you made a right bollix of the succession!

> Whether this person is a new pawn in town or an old one, in a new
> gown, he
> is obviously working for the bogus UHJ and like the other pawns of
> that
> illegitimate institution, can't be polite, rational or reasonable.
> They
> have been disabled, morally, and cannot enter into logical and
> legitimate
> discussion because they are recruited to follow the footsteps of those
> who
> are running the headless, dummy UHJ, and have distanced themselves
> from the
> teachings of the Faith. They will do anything to hold on to their
> insecure
> and illegitimate position.

Wrong on just about every count!
You need to work on the act and look less like a Nimikins clone.

If you want logic - your case hinges on a document whose provenance is
suspect as the available scientific evidence indicates it to be one huge

In the alternative, that I am wrong and the document is genuine, the
succession was confused. How else do you explain the differing sectarian
2008-07-01 23:35:29 UTC
On Jul 1, 2:00 pm, "The Blue Fiddle"
<***@btinternet.com> wrote:
> <***@bigpond.com> wrote in message
> news:caccb45a-758d-4b2a-9ba5-***@q24g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
> On Jun 30, 9:02 am, "The Blue Fiddle"
> <***@btinternet.com> wrote:
> > > Geez mucker, you made a right bollix of the succession!
> > Whether this person is a new pawn in town or an old one, in a new
> > gown, he
> > is obviously working for the bogus UHJ and like the other pawns of
> > that
> > illegitimate institution, can't be polite, rational or reasonable.
> > They
> > have been disabled, morally, and cannot enter into logical and
> > legitimate
> > discussion because they are recruited to follow the footsteps of those
> > who
> > are running the headless, dummy UHJ, and have distanced themselves
> > from the
> > teachings of the Faith. They will do anything to hold on to their
> > insecure
> > and illegitimate position.
> Wrong on just about every count!
> You need to work on the act and look less like a Nimikins clone.
> If you want logic - your case hinges on a document whose provenance is
> suspect as the available scientific evidence indicates it to be one huge
> fraud.
> In the alternative, that I am wrong and the document is genuine, the
> succession was confused. How else do you explain the differing sectarian
> interpretations?.

What available evidence are you talking about? Is arrogance evidence
now because thats all I see here?

And the way you explain the "confused succession" is that God tests
His servants to see if they are sincere. This has occurred in the
past many times. The inability of the blind to see does not mean that
those with sight are in error.

2008-07-02 00:18:31 UTC
> Wrong on just about every count!

You dare to contradict the next Guardian? It must be true!

>You need to work on the act and look less like a Nimikins clone.

Now why would he want to do that? Doesn't He Whom God Will Make
Manifest have a higher station?
2008-07-02 09:46:12 UTC
On Jul 2, 8:18 am, ***@aol.com wrote:
> > Wrong on just about every count!
> You dare to contradict the next Guardian? It must be true!
>  >You need to work on the act and look less like a Nimikins clone.
> Now why would he want to do that? Doesn't He Whom God Will Make
> Manifest have a higher station?


Your mean-spirited comment, in and of itself, is proof that the bogus
UHJ and its pawns like you, are wrong.
As usual, like a sponge, you hang onto somebody else to launch your
despicable attack on the followers of the true Faith of God and in the
meantime try and provoke that person into making further personal
attacks. It is pathetic.
Have you ever been able to present any proof for the legitimacy of
your bogus UHJ? The records of this newsgroup show otherwise.
2008-07-02 07:38:46 UTC
On Jul 1, 11:10 am, ***@bigpond.com wrote:
> On Jun 30, 9:02 am, "The Blue Fiddle"
> <***@btinternet.com> wrote:
> > Geez mucker, you made a right bollix of the succession!
> Whether this person is a new pawn in town or an old one, in a new
> gown, he
> is obviously working for the bogus UHJ and like the other pawns of
> that
> illegitimate institution, can't be polite, rational or reasonable.
> They
> have been disabled, morally, and cannot enter into logical and
> legitimate
> discussion because they are recruited to follow the footsteps of those
> who
> are running the headless, dummy UHJ, and have distanced themselves
> from the
> teachings of the Faith. They will do anything to hold on to their
> insecure
> and illegitimate position.

Thank you for saying so, Nosrat Khan-i-Kabir! ;-)

If this imbecile on the payroll of the uhj ever bothers you, just let
me know.

The Blue Fiddle
2008-07-02 12:13:27 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Thank you for saying so, Nosrat Khan-i-Kabir! ;-)
> If this imbecile on the payroll of the uhj ever bothers you, just let
> me know.

Why? What will you do? Issue legal proceedings?
2008-07-03 02:25:27 UTC
On Jul 2, 10:13 pm, "The Blue Fiddle"
<***@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Why? What will you do? Issue legal proceedings?

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
The Blue Fiddle
2008-07-03 17:47:01 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jul 2, 10:13 pm, "The Blue Fiddle"
> <***@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> Why? What will you do? Issue legal proceedings?
> BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques
> 1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
> 2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
> ignorance
> 3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
> and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
> 4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
> biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
> the main issue exposed)
> 5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
> [i.e. shoot the messenger]
> 6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
> the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
> attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
> bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais
> See *Bahais In My Backyard*
> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2877478116441126906&hl=en-AU
> "Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
> Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
> Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
> Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
> Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS

I thought not!

You're all piss and wind ... aren't you, Nimikins!?!
All Bad
2008-07-04 14:29:07 UTC
"The Blue Fiddle" <***@btinternet.com> wrote in message
> "303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:61d86a22-70c1-48fb-af43-***@a9g2000prl.googlegroups.com...
>> Thank you for saying so, Nosrat Khan-i-Kabir! ;-)
>> If this imbecile on the payroll of the uhj ever bothers you, just let
>> me know.
> Why? What will you do? Issue legal proceedings?

He will regurgipost you, of course.
WEASEL Tactics & Techniques
1. Just spew
2. Demonstrate no knowledge [of the given issue] but feign expertise
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary and
totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues 4. The exposer is then painted
as someone with an axe to grind, biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim,
still have not responded to the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer [i.e.
shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out new handles onto the discussion
with the vain hope that the google usenet software might mistake the sock
puppetry for an actual conversation (even though it does not see it as an
actual conversation).

See *Springtime for Hitler*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Weasel Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-WEASELS
2008-07-05 00:25:31 UTC
BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
2008-07-03 08:51:55 UTC
On 2 Jul, 08:38, 303 <***@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you for saying so, Nosrat Khan-i-Kabir!   ;-)
> If this imbecile on the payroll of the uhj ever bothers you, just let
> me know.

This is such a wonderful mixture of swaggering pomposity and pathetic
fawing on Nima's part I just thought it should be posted again so we
can all savour it.

2008-07-03 09:59:59 UTC
On Jul 3, 6:51 pm, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> On 2 Jul, 08:38, 303 <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thank you for saying so, Nosrat Khan-i-Kabir! ;-)
> > If this imbecile on the payroll of the uhj ever bothers you, just let
> > me know.
> This is such a wonderful mixture of swaggering pomposity and pathetic
> fawing on Nima's part I just thought it should be posted again so we
> can all savour it.

Or, rather...the IT committee is taking shifts in the abusive
personalities it rolls out on TRB to harass people. Palu retires the
palu alias, Dermod takes the middle shift, then in steps palu's alter
ego as the Viv alias.

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
2008-07-03 13:08:16 UTC
On 3 Jul, 10:59, 303 <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 3, 6:51 pm, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> > On 2 Jul, 08:38, 303 <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Thank you for saying so, Nosrat Khan-i-Kabir!   ;-)
> > > If this imbecile on the payroll of the uhj ever bothers you, just let
> > > me know.
> > This is such a wonderful mixture of swaggering pomposity and pathetic
> > fawing on Nima's part I just thought it should be posted again so we
> > can all savour it.
> Or, rather...the IT committee is taking shifts in the abusive
> personalities it rolls out on TRB to harass people. Palu retires the
> palu alias, Dermod takes the middle shift, then in steps palu's alter
> ego as the Viv alias.

Talking of shifts, Nima, have you shifted from your claim that Joel B.
Marangella (the man you once claimed was so ugly he was scared to put
his photo on the internet) is himself on the payroll of the UHJ?

I'm sure Nosrat and Jeffrey would like to know whether you still hold
to that position on their "Guardian" or whether you now admit your
were wrong.

Ot perhaps you do hold to that position and your offer to Nosrat meant
that you were ready to help him against all on the payroll of the UHJ,
and so you're prepared to help him if he mounts a coup against Joel
similar to the one Joel himself mounted against Mason Remey.

The Blue Fiddle
2008-07-03 17:58:43 UTC
"Viv" <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote in message

> Talking of shifts, Nima, have you shifted from your claim that Joel B.
> Marangella (the man you once claimed was so ugly he was scared to put
> his photo on the internet) is himself on the payroll of the UHJ?

Undoubtedly! (Shurely Shome Mishtake -Ed)

> I'm sure Nosrat and Jeffrey would like to know whether you still hold
> to that position on their "Guardian" or whether you now admit your
> were wrong.

> Ot perhaps you do hold to that position and your offer to Nosrat meant
> that you were ready to help him against all on the payroll of the UHJ,
> and so you're prepared to help him if he mounts a coup against Joel
> similar to the one Joel himself mounted against Mason Remey.

The boy wonder is reeling from the onset of The Blue Fiddle and jigging
about in a vain effort to garner allies and support. The slow air of defeat
is blowing ...

2008-07-04 02:04:50 UTC
On Jul 4, 3:58 am, "The Blue Fiddle"
<***@btinternet.com> wrote:
> similar to the one Joel himself mounted against Mason Remey.
> The boy wonder is reeling from the onset of The Blue Fiddle and jigging
> about in a vain effort to garner allies and support. The slow air of defeat
> is blowing ...
> V.

Note the letter Dead Weed signs off with...

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
All Bad
2008-07-04 14:33:50 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jul 4, 3:58 am, "The Blue Fiddle"
> <***@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> similar to the one Joel himself mounted against Mason Remey.
>> The boy wonder is reeling from the onset of The Blue Fiddle and jigging
>> about in a vain effort to garner allies and support. The slow air of
>> defeat
>> is blowing ...
>> V.
> Note the letter Dead Weed signs off with...

That is residue from the previous message, Viv's sign off.

- All Bad

> WEASEL Tactics & Techniques

> 1. Just spew

> 2. Demonstrate no knowledge [of the given issue] but feign expertise

> 3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary and

> totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues 4. The exposer is then
> painted

> as someone with an axe to grind, biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim,

> still have not responded to the main issue exposed)

> 5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer [i.e.

> shoot the messenger]

> 6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out new handles onto the discussion

> with the vain hope that the google usenet software might mistake the sock

> puppetry for an actual conversation (even though it does not see it as an

> actual conversation).



> See *Springtime for Hitler*

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springtime_for_Hitler




> "Slanderous Vilification" = The Weasel Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,

> Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,

> Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,

> Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,

> Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-WEASELS

2008-07-05 00:26:05 UTC
On Jul 5, 12:33 am, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>

> That is residue from the previous message, Viv's sign off.


BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
2008-07-06 00:38:41 UTC
On 4 Jul, 15:33, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net> wrote:
> "303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:48066b2c-6f72-4974-b136-***@z16g2000prn.googlegroups.com...
> > On Jul 4, 3:58 am, "The Blue Fiddle"
> > <***@btinternet.com> wrote:
> >> similar to the one Joel himself mounted against Mason Remey.
> >> The boy wonder is reeling from the onset of The Blue Fiddle and jigging
> >> about in a vain effort to garner allies and support.  The slow air of
> >> defeat
> >> is blowing ...
> >> V.
> > Note the letter Dead Weed signs off with...
> That is residue from the previous message, Viv's sign off.
> - All Bad

It could have been Dermod's deliberate attempt to wind Nima up and
provoke a predictable response from our local Infestation.

I've signed off as Viv myself before for that reason.
The Blue Fiddle
2008-07-04 22:57:44 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jul 4, 3:58 am, "The Blue Fiddle"
> <***@btinternet.com> wrote:
>> similar to the one Joel himself mounted against Mason Remey.
>> The boy wonder is reeling from the onset of The Blue Fiddle and jigging
>> about in a vain effort to garner allies and support. The slow air of
>> defeat
>> is blowing ...
>> V.
> Note the letter Dead Weed signs off with...

Yes! It's "V" for Victory over the Neo-Nazi Rottenführer Nimikins
2008-07-05 00:33:52 UTC
On Jul 5, 8:57 am, "The Blue Fiddle"
<***@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Yes! It's "V" for Victory over the Neo-Nazi Rottenführer Nimikins

Victory over windmills of your twsited mind, O Don Quixote, and
nothing else since the victory is all mine!

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
The Blue Fiddle
2008-07-07 00:37:04 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
On Jul 5, 8:57 am, "The Blue Fiddle"
<***@btinternet.com> wrote:

> Yes! It's "V" for Victory over the Neo-Nazi Rottenführer Nimikins

> Victory over windmills of your twsited mind, O Don Quixote, and
> nothing else since the victory is all mine!

Is this after the mother of all battles?
2008-07-03 23:56:09 UTC
On Jul 3, 9:08 pm, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> On 3 Jul, 10:59, 303 <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Jul 3, 6:51 pm, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> > > On 2 Jul, 08:38, 303 <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Thank you for saying so, Nosrat Khan-i-Kabir!   ;-)
> > > > If this imbecile on the payroll of the uhj ever bothers you, just let
> > > > me know.
> > > This is such a wonderful mixture of swaggering pomposity and pathetic
> > > fawing on Nima's part I just thought it should be posted again so we
> > > can all savour it.
> > Or, rather...the IT committee is taking shifts in the abusive
> > personalities it rolls out on TRB to harass people. Palu retires the
> > palu alias, Dermod takes the middle shift, then in steps palu's alter
> > ego as the Viv alias.
> Talking of shifts, Nima, have you shifted from your claim that Joel B.
> Marangella (the man you once claimed was so ugly he was scared to put
> his photo on the internet) is himself on the payroll of the UHJ?
> I'm sure Nosrat and Jeffrey would like to know whether you still hold
> to that position on their "Guardian" or whether you now admit your
> were wrong.
> Ot perhaps you do hold to that position and your offer to Nosrat meant
> that you were ready to help him against all on the payroll of the UHJ,
> and so you're prepared to help him if he mounts a coup against Joel
> similar to the one Joel himself mounted against Mason Remey.
> V.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

This is another disgusting comment from another bogus UHJ pawn.

In this Newsgroup many times the true believers of the Cause of God
(Orthodox Baha’is) have proved many times that your headless UHJ is
bogus and illegitimate.

If the presence of you people here is not due to your employment or
contract or any other sort of agreement or arrangement and you really
believe that your bogus UHJ is legitimate why don’t you try to
disprove the illegitimacy of the bogus UHJ? Why, instead, do you
expend your energy hypocritically in attacking persons and
personalities and in sowing discord?

So far you have not been able to participate in a reasonable
discussion and you have not been able to present any evidence from
Sacred and Authoritative writings that prove your bogus UHJ is not
illegitimate; of course you cannot, because you cannot find even a
single word in the Writings that suggest a man-made and imperfect
dummy institution could be the real Universal House of Justice as
explained by Abdu’l Baha in his sacred Will and Testament.

2008-07-04 02:01:06 UTC
On Jul 3, 11:08 pm, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> On 3 Jul, 10:59, 303 <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Jul 3, 6:51 pm, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> > > On 2 Jul, 08:38, 303 <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Thank you for saying so, Nosrat Khan-i-Kabir! ;-)
> > > > If this imbecile on the payroll of the uhj ever bothers you, just let
> > > > me know.
> > > This is such a wonderful mixture of swaggering pomposity and pathetic
> > > fawing on Nima's part I just thought it should be posted again so we
> > > can all savour it.
> > Or, rather...the IT committee is taking shifts in the abusive
> > personalities it rolls out on TRB to harass people. Palu retires the
> > palu alias, Dermod takes the middle shift, then in steps palu's alter
> > ego as the Viv alias.
> Talking of shifts, Nima, have you shifted from your claim that Joel B.
> Marangella (the man you once claimed was so ugly he was scared to put
> his photo on the internet) is himself on the payroll of the UHJ?
> I'm sure Nosrat and Jeffrey would like to know whether you still hold
> to that position on their "Guardian" or whether you now admit your
> were wrong.

I admit that any group or entity that at one time gets in bed with you
schmbags eventually realizes the folly of such a venture when they
wake up from the nightmare of association with bona fide demons.


BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
2008-07-04 09:03:42 UTC
You're not answring the question Nima.

I realise it's a bit of a touchy subject, with you now trying to cosy
up to both Jeffrey and Nosrat, but if you don't answer that itself
speaks volumes.

In the past you have denounced Joel B. Marangella as a paid agent of
the UHJ in Haifa.

Do you still think he is?

Or do you think he was but has cut the links?

Or - and I realise this a painful for you to contemplate - do you now
say he never was, and you were wrong?

Do tell.

2008-07-04 09:59:26 UTC
On Jul 4, 7:03 pm, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> You're not answring the question Nima.

Talking about yourself, I see, O ye demon of the GREAT LIE:

You go obtain the Australian nsa's repudiation of the Taheri letter
first - which you have alleged is not genuine - before sticking your
ugly, demonic cultist head with that specific alias around these parts
ever again. M'kay?

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
2008-07-04 10:00:30 UTC
On Jul 4, 7:03 pm, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> You're not answring the question Nima.

Talking about yourself, I see, O ye demon of the GREAT LIE:

You go obtain the Australian nsa's repudiation of the Taheri letter
first - which you have alleged is not genuine - before sticking your
ugly, demonic cultist head with that specific alias around these parts
ever again. M'kay?

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
2008-07-04 10:05:03 UTC

The self-righteous arrogance of these IT committee criminal scum is
truly staggering beyond words. They duck, weave, obfuscate, misdirect,
sleight of hand, abuse, lie and lie and lie and lie endlessly about
absolutely everything to everyone other than their pathetic demonic
own, yet have the gall to attempt to interrogate others.

la'anat'uLlah 'ala qawm az-zalimin!

2008-07-04 10:10:43 UTC
Changing the subject to try to get off the hook, I see, Nima. No
change in behaviour there, then.

Obviously you want to get away from people being reminded of your
comments about Joel B. Marangella being a paid agent of the UHJ while
you're sucking up to Nosrat and Jeffrey. After all, people might then
see another example of what a hypocrite you are.
2008-07-04 10:28:52 UTC
On Jul 4, 8:10 pm, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> you're sucking up to Nosrat and Jeffrey.

It's not sucking up. It's called a true consensus about the nature of
your demonic, EVIL cult. Now ANSWER, demon:

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
All Bad
2008-07-04 14:40:30 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
"Viv" <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote in message
> Changing the subject to try to get off the hook, I see, Nima. No
> change in behaviour there, then.
> Obviously you want to get away from people being reminded of your
> comments about Joel B. Marangella being a paid agent of the UHJ while
> you're sucking up to Nosrat and Jeffrey. After all, people might then
> see another example of what a hypocrite you are.
> It's not sucking up. It's called a true consensus about the nature of
> your demonic, EVIL cult. Now ANSWER, demon:

Yep, Viv, he's definitely running as fast as he can from his words.

Nima, are you the paid agent of the UHJ, or Joel, or the both of you?

> WEASEL Tactics & Techniques
> 1. Just spew
> 2. Demonstrate no knowledge [of the given issue] but feign expertise
> 3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary and
> totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues 4. The exposer is then
> painted
> as someone with an axe to grind, biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim,
> still have not responded to the main issue exposed)
> 5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer [i.e.
> shoot the messenger]
> 6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out new handles onto the discussion
> with the vain hope that the google usenet software might mistake the sock
> puppetry for an actual conversation (even though it does not see it as an
> actual conversation).
> See *Springtime for Hitler*
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springtime_for_Hitler
> "Slanderous Vilification" = The Weasel Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
> Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
> Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
> Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
> Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-WEASELS
2008-07-05 00:29:20 UTC
On Jul 5, 12:40 am, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>

> Yep, Viv, he's definitely running as fast as he can from his words.


BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
2008-07-06 00:50:04 UTC
On 4 Jul, 10:59, 303 <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 4, 7:03 pm, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> > You're not answring the question Nima.
> Talking about yourself, I see, O ye demon of the GREAT LIE:http://groups.google.com/group/talk.religion.bahai/browse_thread/thre...
> You go obtain the Australian nsa's repudiation of the Taheri letter
> first - which you have alleged is not genuine - before sticking your
> ugly, demonic cultist head with that specific alias around these parts
> ever again. M'kay?
> BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques
> 1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
> 2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
> ignorance
> 3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
> and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
> 4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
> biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
> the main issue exposed)
> 5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
> [i.e. shoot the messenger]
> 6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
> the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
> attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
> bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

Amazing stuff! Viv asks you about your views on Marangella - relevant
to this thread - so you throw "I believe you have said this old letter
no one cares about but me was a forgery - so how about you prove to me
that this old letter I say that you said was forged was forged".

But, luckily you leave us a handy guide to techniques commonly used by
those rare Jewish animals, the "Bahaim" - so we can see how clearly
1), 3) and 4) apply here.

you won't respond to Viv's question. You are clearly attempting to
divert us onto your pet subject, Taheri's letter (off-topic on this
thread). You paint Viv as, not only someone with an ax to grind, but
as an ugly demon, no less!

Could it be, since you are so expert in their techniques, that you
could be one of those mysterious Bahaims you're always going on about
but I have yet to meet?

The Blue Fiddle
2008-07-03 17:52:30 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jul 3, 6:51 pm, Viv <***@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
>> On 2 Jul, 08:38, 303 <***@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Thank you for saying so, Nosrat Khan-i-Kabir! ;-)
>> > If this imbecile on the payroll of the uhj ever bothers you, just let
>> > me know.
>> This is such a wonderful mixture of swaggering pomposity and pathetic
>> fawing on Nima's part I just thought it should be posted again so we
>> can all savour it.
> Or, rather...the IT committee is taking shifts in the abusive
> personalities it rolls out on TRB to harass people.

As far as I can see there's only one person around here being harassed ...
and that's you ... for being, among many other things, an inveterate liar
and a coward.

Palu retires the
> palu alias, Dermod takes the middle shift, then in steps palu's alter
> ego as the Viv alias.

The Blue Fiddle controls all the strings around here ... and then takes a
2008-07-04 02:03:56 UTC
On Jul 4, 3:52 am, "The Blue Fiddle"
<***@btinternet.com> wrote:
> personalities it rolls out on TRB to harass people.
> As far as I can see there's only one person around here being harassed ...
> and that's you ... for being, among many other things, an inveterate liar
> and a coward.

Would that be inveterate liars and coward's such as this, perhaps:

"The Beloved Guardian assured us that those diseased people who
attacked the Cause of God would deservedly suffer and be destroyed
and behold, this vicious one was struck down exactly as you will be
destroyed for your wanton and outrageous lies and calumnies."
<bs snip>

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
All Bad
2008-07-04 14:48:21 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jul 4, 3:52 am, "The Blue Fiddle"
> <***@btinternet.com> wrote:
> > personalities it rolls out on TRB to harass people.
>> As far as I can see there's only one person around here being harassed
>> ...
>> and that's you ... for being, among many other things, an inveterate liar
>> and a coward.
> Would that be inveterate liars and coward's such as this, perhaps:

Nima lying about his family of origin, would be a good example.

Thesis - Nima claiming some of his ancestors were Jewish
I am doing all of this for my great-grandmother, Sara'i Mottahedeh. Sara'i's
father was Mirza Yaqub Mottahedeh, one of the first Jewish Baha'i converts
in Hamadan.
I am doing this for the memory of Yaqub Eshraghian, my great-grandfather,
whose father was one of the first rabbis in Tehran who converted to the
Baha'i faith.

Anti-thesis - Nima denying that any of his ancestors were Jewish
Because I'm not. My ancestors were all Shi'a and Shaykhis.

Synthesis - Nima lied about his family of origin, either his ancestors did
or did not include Jews; it can't be both cases.

> WEASEL Tactics & Techniques
> 1. Just spew
> 2. Demonstrate no knowledge [of the given issue] but feign expertise
> 3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary and
> totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues 4. The exposer is then
> painted
> as someone with an axe to grind, biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim,
> still have not responded to the main issue exposed)
> 5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer [i.e.
> shoot the messenger]
> 6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out new handles onto the discussion
> with the vain hope that the google usenet software might mistake the sock
> puppetry for an actual conversation (even though it does not see it as an
> actual conversation).
> See *Springtime for Hitler*
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springtime_for_Hitler
> "Slanderous Vilification" = The Weasel Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
> Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
> Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
> Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
> Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-WEASELS
2008-07-05 00:32:37 UTC
On Jul 5, 12:48 am, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>

Pat Kohli LYING about me lying about my ancestors by selectively
quoting from my messages and deliberately excising parts of messages
that makes hij look like the kook:

"I am doing this for the memory of my great ancestor, poet and
scholar, and
great-great grandfather, Hajj Shaykh Siyyid Abu'l-Qasem Bahraamabaadi
"Hazini," who was a Shaykhi cleric/`alim who became a Babi during the
anti-Babi pogroms, and in the 1870s became a Baha'i. Shaykh Abu'l-
gained much notoriety in his native Bahraamaabad as the "Ayatollah
because he would step up to the pulpit and read from the Kitab-e Iqan,
poetry of Tahirih as well as his own poetry and cast his turban from
head into the crowd of the faithful below while cursing to the pits of
the mullahs and
the entire Shi'ite ecclesiastical establishment as whole! He and his
penetrating radicalism is the one whom I take after, he is my model in
whose path is my own and who has been my Suhrawardian super-sensory
and perfect nature, if there ever was such a thing! Shaykh Abu'l-
Qasem was
the heir to a massive fortune by virtue of having been the first-born
son of
a descendent of one of the last wealthy, landed aristocrats of Kirman
the Safavids, Nadir Shah and the Zands. He was also related and first
to the Ibrahimi clan and Hajj Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani
specifically, the
Iranian leader of the Shaykhi sect. When he became a Babi, his mother
disinherited him and bequeethed his entire inheritance to Hajj
Karim Khan, and so Shaykh Abu'l-Qasim spent the rest of his life
earning a living as a scribe and tutor in Persian, Arabic and the
sciences in his native city. When Reza Khan became Reza Shah and
forced the
nation to take proper last names, Shaykh Abu'l-Qasem took the name of
poetic nom de plume/takhallus, Hazini, melancholy. According to my
grandather he was anything but melancholy, but rather a joyous almost
otherwordly and larger than life personality, yet an intellect as well
as a
firebrand all rolled into one! May his precious memory be eternally
and may I one day find the opportunity to edit and publish his
Shaykhi/Babi/Baha'i poetry and write a biography of
his life! "

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
All Bad
2008-07-06 03:14:06 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jul 5, 12:48 am, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>
> wrote:

You are lying about not lying about it. You lied then and you lie now.

> Pat Kohli LYING about me lying about my ancestors by selectively
> quoting from my messages and deliberately excising parts of messages
> that makes hij look like the kook:

You did in fact post claiming that some of your ancestors were Jewish!
"I am doing all of this for my great-grandmother, Sara'i Mottahedeh.
father was Mirza Yaqub Mottahedeh, one of the first Jewish Baha'i converts
in Hamadan. ...
I am doing this for the memory of Yaqub Eshraghian, my great-grandfather,
whose father was one of the first rabbis in Tehran who converted to the
Baha'i faith."

> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.iranian/msg/9a68f611e84079b6
> "I am doing this for the memory of my great ancestor, poet and
> scholar, and
> great-great grandfather, Hajj Shaykh Siyyid Abu'l-Qasem Bahraamabaadi
> (snip)
> and may I one day find the opportunity to edit and publish his
> Shaykhi/Babi/Baha'i poetry and write a biography of
> his life! "

Then you subsequently denied that you had any Jewish ancestors and claimed
they were all Muslims:

"Because I'm not. My ancestors were all Shi'a and Shaykhis."

Now you even lie about lying about it.

- All Bad

> WEASEL Tactics & Techniques
> 1. Just spew
> 2. Demonstrate no knowledge [of the given issue] but feign expertise
> 3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary and
> totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues 4. The exposer is then
> painted
> as someone with an axe to grind, biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim,
> still have not responded to the main issue exposed)
> 5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer [i.e.
> shoot the messenger]
> 6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out new handles onto the discussion
> with the vain hope that the google usenet software might mistake the sock
> puppetry for an actual conversation (even though it does not see it as an
> actual conversation).
> See *Springtime for Hitler*
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springtime_for_Hitler
> "Slanderous Vilification" = The Weasel Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
> Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
> Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
> Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
> Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-WEASELS
2008-07-06 21:54:07 UTC
All Bad wrote:

> "303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:c289ea15-bc6f-41b8-9497-***@m44g2000hsc.googlegroups.com...
> > On Jul 5, 12:48 am, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>
> > wrote:
> >
> You are lying about not lying about it. You lied then and you lie now.
> > Pat Kohli LYING about me lying about my ancestors by selectively
> > quoting from my messages and deliberately excising parts of messages
> > that makes hij look like the kook:
> You did in fact post claiming that some of your ancestors were Jewish!

Say, Pat - one of our recent visitors from alt.usenet.kooks had a very
nice (long! - but odd how much of it applies to Nima) sig detailing
lots of kooky behaviour. One of the seems to particularly apply to
this situation.

When caught in a lie: LIE!

Incidentally, I've saved it - and may use it myself on future
occassions - I'll append the whole thing here

Couldn't resist highlighting some of the best ones:

The k00k will, without any trace of irony, lie, manipulate,
censor, and declare themselves powerful in ways ranging from the
to have an account shut down to being God Herself, in order to
people that they are not liars, manipulators, censors, or insane.

Always pick on those smarter and tougher than you.

Remember that your ko0ky klaims are 'facts', and that 'facts' do not
require proof.
Do not neglect to poast your responses to forums that the originator
doesn't read. This will make the people in that forum very impressed
with how you tear him to shreds without him being able to respond.
like it even better if you are off-topic for that forum.

The entire United States government is willing to spend millions of
dollars for the sole purpose of harassing you.


---it's 10 k, but there are some gems in there---

Killfiled by: directory; Anim8rfsk
"It's not nice to misrepresent Mother Nature."
Never learn from your mistakes.
Always practice your mistakes; you may get them right.
Always pick on those smarter and tougher than you.
Always believe that only you know the TRVTH.
Never allow logic or reason get in the way of a good k00k.
When being overwhelmed by logic and reason: k00ksuit!
If you are going to be wrong, do it at the top of your lungs.
When caught in a lie: LIE!
When in doubt: Order the Crab Won Ton
Plagiarism is your friend. Use it.
Whenever contradicted; morph, start calling people names, and make
accusations. Include the children of your target in your allegations,
even if they don't have any.
(06-Jun-05) When nobody else will listen, post to your own fan group.
(06-Jun-05) Obviously, since you have your own fan group, this must
that you have fans. Post prolifically to your fan group - you
want to disappoint them!
(10-May-2005)Everyone reads usenet. Approval here means approval
Post numerous blank posts, or posts containing only a message id.
Post numerous copy&paste web articles from crackerpot websites.
Never forget to call kookologists "k00ks."
If there are several, call them "sockpuppets" too
When all else fails, accuse various and sundry kookologists of e-
viruses to you. This is a sure-fire method of garnering sympathy and
ensuring that the General Public will always see things your way. An
especially effective sub-strategy here is to accuse them of infecting
you with the 'Sasser' worm via e-mail.
Quote notorious scientists or writers - it makes it look as if they
approve the drivel you are writing!
(9-Jul-05) Anytime your computer is infected with a virus, bogged
by spyware, attacked over your internet connection, or otherwise
from preventable problems, government agencies are responsible and
trying to silence you and are monitoring your computer files.
Ignore all traffic signs and feel free to trespass, you don't have to
obey any rules.
Scare your enemies with lawsuits, police escorts and whines.
Always back up your empty (albeit noisy) threats with phony LARTs,
police reports, and harassing letters to the FBI and other gubbermint
Be vigilant in your redundancy. The more you repeat yourself, the
likely others will believe you!
If you can't find anyone as crazy as yourself to support you in the
flamewars you start with the normal population, create sock puppets
use anonymous remailers that shamelessly hang on every word you
(17-Mar-05) When dealing with law enforcement, remember that it is
who have the problem, not you. Be sure to inform them of this at
available opportunity, as they will surely appreciate your
criticism. Be sure to make them aware that YOU KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!
cops like that, when people know their rights. That way they don't
to read them to you on the way to the station." - George Carlin)
The more your fake personalities adulate you, the more respect you'll
When confronted with a reality that you don't like: Announce loudly
that you are departing, never to return as long as there's an
Come back in three or four days and claim you were drunk, hacked,
abducted by alience, or forged. Alternately you can just not even
mention your prior departure, and if anyone asks you about it, either
ignore them or respond with something along the lines of "YOUR NOT
BOSS OF ME! *PLONK*!" People really know you mean business then.
Always remain clueproof.
(20-Mar-05) Anyone who does not believe that you are the
of [$DEITY_OR_PROPHET] is obviously an infidel lacking in faith whose
soul in in peril of everlasting damnation.
When responding to one line challenges, post paragraphs of rants and
screed in response.
Incoherency is not a roadblock to poasting.
Neither is illiteracy.
Delusions poasted often enough become fact.
Claim you will destroy <insert newsfroup> for attacking you.
When spnaked, send cmsg for Fanboi newsfroup(s).
Find your Lame, Use your Lame, Be your Lame!
Post Edit when the TRVTH hurts.
Always sneck the offending newsfroups.
Always poast pictures of yourself so you can be admired in all your
Always accuse others of the very acts you are guilty of.
Post lots of boasts about your high IQ and incredible talents.
(20-Mar-05) If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.
Anybody who fails to understand this is engaged in a deliberate
of misinformation and character assassination.
Always <plonk> somebody just before replying the plonkee!
The k00k considers itself the most intelligent person in any
conversation, possibly on the planet. Other people are benighted and
ignorant, and have been waiting their whole lives for the k00k to
them from intellectual darkness.
Write a self-published book and claim it a success. Bonus points for
comparing it to "Mein Kampf" and/or the Bible.
Declare yourself equal to a deity of your choice.
Claim that you've come from other planets.
Claim thousands of past lives.
Frothing complaints carry far more weight when you send them from
"legal@" some domain.
Nothing strikes terror into the hearts of your detractors more than
telling them that you're archiving their messages for possible use in
the future.
Never forget that everyone else posting to Usenet is a paid
disinformation agent looking to discredit you.
Usenet is governed by US law. If a poster in Romania killfiles you,
obviously violating your 1st Amendment rights and can be sued.
Every news admin in the world hangs out in NANAU, and they're just
to nuke the account of that meanyhead who just called you
Drop 'em a line - that's what they're there for, after all.
AUK will be closed down. Just you wait and see.
They've nuked hundreds of accounts in the name of free speech and
*yours* will be next.
The k00k will, without any trace of irony, lie, manipulate,
censor, and declare themselves powerful in ways ranging from the
to have an account shut down to being God Herself, in order to
people that they are not liars, manipulators, censors, or insane.
Abuse women while telling how many hundreds you've loved. Nevermind
you're one ugly motherfucker and that there were 30,000 femininas
thought you were a scumbag with bad teeth.
Remember that your ko0ky klaims are 'facts', and that 'facts' do not
require proof.
Do not neglect to poast your responses to forums that the originator
doesn't read. This will make the people in that forum very impressed
with how you tear him to shreds without him being able to respond.
like it even better if you are off-topic for that forum.
Keep in mind that lack of evidence supporting your konspiracy theory
actually _is_ evidence, of how effective the konspiracy is in hiding.
(06-Oct-05) When spanked, always retreat to the safety of the Ad
(04-Aug-2005) When spanked mercilessly for days on end, proving with
each poast just what an illiterate and ignorant fool you are, ALWAYS
claim ownership of [person(s),froup(s)]. This works on so many
It inspires dread in your opponents that they will no longer be able
poast in their home froup and that they will eventually have to pay
rent, to name just two.
Any problems with your poasts are the fault of the konspirators, who
trying to stop you from preventing the extinction of humanity.
Konspiracies that are able to subvert whole governments are always
to silence konspiracy ko0ks.
The entire United States government is willing to spend millions of
dollars for the sole purpose of harassing you.
Hollywood is making movies based on your personal life.
Do not consult psychiatrists or other mental health professionals.
are part of the konspiracy, and will sedate you and lock you away and
keep you drugged if you tell them the truth.
Numerology and Astrology are respectable sciences and are useful for
proving your case.
Everyone is Tim Hill, or David Green, or...
There is a fine line between trolling and kookery. Find that line and
cross it repeatedly. When you are killfiled and/or LARTed for
as a result, claim victory. If you lose multiple accounts, this
proves that you are indeed a world-class troll, with a black-belt in
If you respond to every post someone else makes, they're obsessed. If
they respond to less than 1% of your posts, they're even more
Publishing people's real names, addresses, and phone numbers when
there's no other way for you to come out of a flamewar with any
is cool, and proves that you are a master of secret internet
stores, and absolutely not to be fucked with.
Everyone is out to get you. You can put a stop to this by telling
everyone that they're out to get you at every available opportunity.
You are the only sane one.
Those that give you a hard time about morally bankrupt things you
yourself admit to are just persecutioners of the new inquisition.
Yelling in all caps and cursing at your detractors is debate. Your
detractors laughing at you with sarcastic remarks is obvious anger
If doing something results in the loss of your account, legal
or blunt trauma injury, do it again. It always works better the
Asterisks, lots and lots of Asterisks.
Poking holes in kookscreed is stalking, and is a felony.
K00ks LOVE to "connect the dots". They are, of course, dots that only
the k00k can see.
"They laughed at Einstein, too!"
2008-07-07 05:01:42 UTC
On Jul 6, 1:14 pm, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>
> "303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:c289ea15-bc6f-41b8-9497-***@m44g2000hsc.googlegroups.com...
> > On Jul 5, 12:48 am, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>
> > wrote:
> You are lying about not lying about it. You lied then and you lie now.
> > Pat Kohli LYING about me lying about my ancestors by selectively
> > quoting from my messages and deliberately excising parts of messages
> > that makes hij look like the kook:
> You did in fact post claiming that some of your ancestors were Jewish!
> "I am doing all of this for my great-grandmother, Sara'i Mottahedeh.
> Sara'i's
> father was Mirza Yaqub Mottahedeh, one of the first Jewish Baha'i converts
> in Hamadan. ...
> I am doing this for the memory of Yaqub Eshraghian, my great-grandfather,
> whose father was one of the first rabbis in Tehran who converted to the
> Baha'i faith."
> >http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.iranian/msg/9a68f611e84079b6
> > "I am doing this for the memory of my great ancestor, poet and
> > scholar, and
> > great-great grandfather, Hajj Shaykh Siyyid Abu'l-Qasem Bahraamabaadi
> > (snip)
> > and may I one day find the opportunity to edit and publish his
> > Shaykhi/Babi/Baha'i poetry and write a biography of
> > his life! "
> Then you subsequently denied that you had any Jewish ancestors and claimed
> they were all Muslims:

No lie there! Since Iranian geneologies are accounted patrilineal, not
matrilineal, the statement is technically correct. All my patrinlineal
ancestors of the patrilineal line are all Shi'ite Muslim (and even
some Zoroastrian). Since Jewish geneologies are accounted matrilineal,
the other statement is true as well. Because you are a brain dead
bahaim dolt and a brainwashed cultist, such nuances go over your head.
Now you were saying?

2008-07-07 05:10:45 UTC
On Jul 6, 1:14 pm, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>

- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
> "303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message

> news:c289ea15-bc6f-41b8-9497-***@m44g2000hsc.googlegroups.com...

> > On Jul 5, 12:48 am, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>
> > wrote:

> You are lying about not lying about it. You lied then and you lie now.

> > Pat Kohli LYING about me lying about my ancestors by selectively
> > quoting from my messages and deliberately excising parts of messages
> > that makes hij look like the kook:

> You did in fact post claiming that some of your ancestors were Jewish!
> "I am doing all of this for my great-grandmother, Sara'i Mottahedeh.
> Sara'i's
> father was Mirza Yaqub Mottahedeh, one of the first Jewish Baha'i converts
> in Hamadan. ...
> I am doing this for the memory of Yaqub Eshraghian, my great-grandfather,
> whose father was one of the first rabbis in Tehran who converted to the
> Baha'i faith."

> >http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.iranian/msg/9a68f611e84079b6

> > "I am doing this for the memory of my great ancestor, poet and
> > scholar, and
> > great-great grandfather, Hajj Shaykh Siyyid Abu'l-Qasem Bahraamabaadi
> > (snip)
> > and may I one day find the opportunity to edit and publish his
> > Shaykhi/Babi/Baha'i poetry and write a biography of
> > his life! "

> Then you subsequently denied that you had any Jewish ancestors and claimed
> they were all Muslims:

No lie there! Since Iranian geneologies are accounted patrilineal, not
matrilineal, the statement is technically correct. All my patrinlineal
ancestors of the patrilineal line are all Shi'ite Muslim (and even
some Zoroastrian). Since Jewish geneologies are accounted matrilineal,
the other statement is true as well. Because you are a brain dead
bahaim dolt and a brainwashed cultist, such nuances go over your head.
Now you were saying?

2008-07-07 21:00:04 UTC
303 wrote:
> No lie there! Since Iranian geneologies are accounted patrilineal, not
> matrilineal, the statement is technically correct.

You know, that reminds me of Father Ted teaching Father Jack some all
purpose nonsense on the occasion of a potentially embarrassing visit
by some bishops:

"That would be an ecumenical matter"

Also remarkably similar to Bill Clinton's "technical" defence that he
wasn't lying about having sex with Monica Lewinsky because
"technically" in the mouth it doesn't count.

I'm sure we're all so pleased to know that, on a technicality, you're
not a liar!

The Blue Fiddle
2008-07-07 22:38:07 UTC
"PaulHammond" <***@onetel.net.uk> wrote in message
> 303 wrote:
>> No lie there! Since Iranian geneologies are accounted patrilineal, not
>> matrilineal, the statement is technically correct.
> You know, that reminds me of Father Ted teaching Father Jack some all
> purpose nonsense on the occasion of a potentially embarrassing visit
> by some bishops:
> "That would be an ecumenical matter"

And sure wouldn't it be grand if the Holy Stone found itself lodged in a
certain technical non-liar's fundament!

> Also remarkably similar to Bill Clinton's "technical" defence that he
> wasn't lying about having sex with Monica Lewinsky because
> "technically" in the mouth it doesn't count.
> I'm sure we're all so pleased to know that, on a technicality, you're
> not a liar!

Wow! That's his claim to fame!
All Bad
2008-07-07 12:12:29 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jul 6, 1:14 pm, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>
> wrote:
>> "303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:c289ea15-bc6f-41b8-9497-***@m44g2000hsc.googlegroups.com...
>> > On Jul 5, 12:48 am, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>
>> > wrote:
>> You are lying about not lying about it. You lied then and you lie now.
>> > Pat Kohli LYING about me lying about my ancestors by selectively
>> > quoting from my messages and deliberately excising parts of messages
>> > that makes hij look like the kook:
>> You did in fact post claiming that some of your ancestors were Jewish!
>> "I am doing all of this for my great-grandmother, Sara'i Mottahedeh.
>> Sara'i's
>> father was Mirza Yaqub Mottahedeh, one of the first Jewish Baha'i
>> converts
>> in Hamadan. ...
>> I am doing this for the memory of Yaqub Eshraghian, my great-grandfather,
>> whose father was one of the first rabbis in Tehran who converted to the
>> Baha'i faith."
>> >http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.iranian/msg/9a68f611e84079b6
>> > "I am doing this for the memory of my great ancestor, poet and
>> > scholar, and
>> > great-great grandfather, Hajj Shaykh Siyyid Abu'l-Qasem Bahraamabaadi
>> > (snip)
>> > and may I one day find the opportunity to edit and publish his
>> > Shaykhi/Babi/Baha'i poetry and write a biography of
>> > his life! "
>> Then you subsequently denied that you had any Jewish ancestors and
>> claimed
>> they were all Muslims:
> No lie there! Since Iranian geneologies are accounted patrilineal, not
> matrilineal, the statement is technically correct. All my patrinlineal
> ancestors of the patrilineal line are all Shi'ite Muslim (and even
> some Zoroastrian). Since Jewish geneologies are accounted matrilineal,
> the other statement is true as well. Because you are a brain dead
> bahaim dolt and a brainwashed cultist, such nuances go over your head.
> Now you were saying?

No lie in being clearly double minded when cornered and your nose stuck in
it over a few years. Well, no; you lied then, you've lied all along and
you've lied about lying about it. Now you try to weasel your way out,

- All Bad
The Blue Fiddle
2008-07-07 21:59:22 UTC
"All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net> wrote in message
> No lie in being clearly double minded when cornered and your nose stuck in
> it over a few years. Well, no; you lied then, you've lied all along and
> you've lied about lying about it. Now you try to weasel your way out,
> liar.

And that's no word of a lie ...
2008-07-08 04:48:56 UTC
On Jul 7, 10:12 pm, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>

> No lie in being clearly double minded

Still no lie. The lie was clearly in your misdirecting and selective
quotation of my previous posts, something even Rod Wicks has shown.

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
The Blue Fiddle
2008-07-08 22:45:52 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jul 7, 10:12 pm, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>
> wrote:
>> No lie in being clearly double minded
> Still no lie. The lie was clearly in your misdirecting and selective
> quotation of my previous posts, something even Rod Wicks has shown.

So you have no respect for Rod Wicks' intellect when you assert that
something is so evident that even Rod could see it?

Scratch another friendship ! How remiss of me! You did that months ago ...
but only now is the contempt showing!
2008-07-07 04:57:24 UTC
On Jul 7, 7:54 am, PaulHammond <***@onetel.net.uk> wrote:

> When caught in a lie: LIE!

Gee, that's the bahaim technique you employ summarized in one word!

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
All Bad
2008-07-07 12:17:59 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Jul 7, 7:54 am, PaulHammond <***@onetel.net.uk> wrote:
>> When caught in a lie: LIE!
> Gee, that's the bahaim technique you employ summarized in one word!
Here is a recent example:
> No lie there! Since Iranian geneologies are accounted patrilineal, not
> matrilineal, the statement is technically correct. All my patrinlineal
> ancestors of the patrilineal line are all Shi'ite Muslim (and even
> some Zoroastrian). Since Jewish geneologies are accounted matrilineal,
> the other statement is true as well. Because you are a brain dead
> bahaim dolt and a brainwashed cultist, such nuances go over your head.
> Now you were saying?

Note that you are claiming ancestors who are all Shi'ite Muslim while some
are Zoroastrian! If all are of one, then clearly some can not be of

- All Bad

> WEASEL Tactics & Techniques
> 1. Just spew
> 2. Demonstrate no knowledge [of the given issue] but feign expertise
> 3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary and
> totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues 4. The exposer is then
> painted
> as someone with an axe to grind, biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim,
> still have not responded to the main issue exposed)
> 5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer [i.e.
> shoot the messenger]
> 6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out new handles onto the discussion
> with the vain hope that the google usenet software might mistake the sock
> puppetry for an actual conversation (even though it does not see it as an
> actual conversation).
> See *Springtime for Hitler*
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springtime_for_Hitler
> "Slanderous Vilification" = The Weasel Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
> Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
> Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
> Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
> Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-WEASELS
2008-07-08 04:53:14 UTC
On Jul 7, 10:17 pm, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>
> "303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1539d41a-bb83-48be-9157-***@b1g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...> On Jul 7, 7:54 am, PaulHammond <***@onetel.net.uk> wrote:
> >> When caught in a lie: LIE!
> > Gee, that's the bahaim technique you employ summarized in one word!
> Here is a recent example:
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> No lie there! Since Iranian geneologies are accounted patrilineal, not
> > matrilineal, the statement is technically correct. All my patrinlineal
> > ancestors of the patrilineal line are all Shi'ite Muslim (and even
> > some Zoroastrian). Since Jewish geneologies are accounted matrilineal,
> > the other statement is true as well. Because you are a brain dead
> > bahaim dolt and a brainwashed cultist, such nuances go over your head.
> > Now you were saying?
> http://groups.google.com/group/talk.religion.bahai/msg/66d66b9d68ed6059
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Note that you are claiming ancestors who are all Shi'ite Muslim while some
> are Zoroastrian! If all are of one, then clearly some can not be of
> another.

You obviously do not know much of the history of central Fars
province in Iran, esp. Kirman. So to answer your confusion: yes, they
most certainly can just as in India you have had as you do know Hindu/
Muslim, Muslim/Sikh, Hindu/Sikh, Buddhist/Hindu, Sikh/Buddhist,
Buddhist/Jain, Jain/Muslim, Jain/Hindu, etc, families. You bahaim
think you invented, you have had the same in Iran for centuries.

Patty wanna donut?

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
2008-07-09 11:32:05 UTC
303 wrote:

> On Jul 7, 10:17 pm, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>
> wrote:
> > "303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> >
> > news:1539d41a-bb83-48be-9157-***@b1g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...> On Jul 7, 7:54 am, PaulHammond <***@onetel.net.uk> wrote:
> >
> > >> When caught in a lie: LIE!
> >
> > > Gee, that's the bahaim technique you employ summarized in one word!
> >
> > Here is a recent example:
> > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> No lie there! Since Iranian geneologies are accounted patrilineal, not
> > > matrilineal, the statement is technically correct. All my patrinlineal
> > > ancestors of the patrilineal line are all Shi'ite Muslim (and even
> > > some Zoroastrian). Since Jewish geneologies are accounted matrilineal,
> > > the other statement is true as well. Because you are a brain dead
> > > bahaim dolt and a brainwashed cultist, such nuances go over your head.
> > > Now you were saying?
> >
> > http://groups.google.com/group/talk.religion.bahai/msg/66d66b9d68ed6059
> > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > Note that you are claiming ancestors who are all Shi'ite Muslim while some
> > are Zoroastrian! If all are of one, then clearly some can not be of
> > another.
> You obviously do not know much of the history of central Fars
> province in Iran, esp. Kirman. So to answer your confusion: yes, they
> most certainly can just as in India you have had as you do know Hindu/
> Muslim, Muslim/Sikh, Hindu/Sikh, Buddhist/Hindu, Sikh/Buddhist,
> Buddhist/Jain, Jain/Muslim, Jain/Hindu, etc, families. You bahaim
> think you invented, you have had the same in Iran for centuries.

Pat's not "confused" here. He knows a contradiction when he sees one.

you're the one pulling the Bill Clinton defence here. Damn, I already
deleted it - doesn't the handy guide to dodgy behaviour you normally
append have something to say about "diversiionary tactics" and trying
to confuse the issue?

Oh, that reminds me - how are you getting on with that logic exercise
I set you?

a) All Baha'is are Liars

b) All Liars are Baha'is

Can you distinguish between these two possible statements yet? And do
you understand that the assertion of b) does not preclude the
existence of Baha'is who are NOT liars?

All Bad
2008-07-10 00:20:07 UTC
"PaulHammond" <***@onetel.net.uk> wrote in message
> 303 wrote:
>> On Jul 7, 10:17 pm, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>
>> wrote:
>> > "303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> >
>> > news:1539d41a-bb83-48be-9157-***@b1g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...>
>> > On Jul 7, 7:54 am, PaulHammond <***@onetel.net.uk> wrote:
>> >
>> > >> When caught in a lie: LIE!
>> >
>> > > Gee, that's the bahaim technique you employ summarized in one word!
>> >
>> > Here is a recent example:
>> > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> No lie there! Since Iranian geneologies are
>> > accounted patrilineal, not
>> > > matrilineal, the statement is technically correct. All my
>> > > patrinlineal
>> > > ancestors of the patrilineal line are all Shi'ite Muslim (and even
>> > > some Zoroastrian). Since Jewish geneologies are accounted
>> > > matrilineal,
>> > > the other statement is true as well. Because you are a brain dead
>> > > bahaim dolt and a brainwashed cultist, such nuances go over your
>> > > head.
>> > > Now you were saying?
>> >
>> > http://groups.google.com/group/talk.religion.bahai/msg/66d66b9d68ed6059
>> > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> >
>> > Note that you are claiming ancestors who are all Shi'ite Muslim while
>> > some
>> > are Zoroastrian! If all are of one, then clearly some can not be of
>> > another.
>> You obviously do not know much of the history of central Fars
>> province in Iran, esp. Kirman. So to answer your confusion: yes, they
>> most certainly can just as in India you have had as you do know Hindu/
>> Muslim, Muslim/Sikh, Hindu/Sikh, Buddhist/Hindu, Sikh/Buddhist,
>> Buddhist/Jain, Jain/Muslim, Jain/Hindu, etc, families. You bahaim
>> think you invented, you have had the same in Iran for centuries.
> Pat's not "confused" here. He knows a contradiction when he sees one.
> you're the one pulling the Bill Clinton defence here. Damn, I already
> deleted it - doesn't the handy guide to dodgy behaviour you normally
> append have something to say about "diversiionary tactics" and trying
> to confuse the issue?
> Oh, that reminds me - how are you getting on with that logic exercise
> I set you?
> a) All Baha'is are Liars
> b) All Liars are Baha'is
> Can you distinguish between these two possible statements yet? And do
> you understand that the assertion of b) does not preclude the
> existence of Baha'is who are NOT liars?

Even so, Nima is not really a Baha'i, even if he is taking money from the
AO. So much for thesis B.

- All Bad
The Blue Fiddle
2008-07-10 00:56:31 UTC
"All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net> wrote in message
>> Oh, that reminds me - how are you getting on with that logic exercise
>> I set you?
>> a) All Baha'is are Liars
>> b) All Liars are Baha'is
>> Can you distinguish between these two possible statements yet? And do
>> you understand that the assertion of b) does not preclude the
>> existence of Baha'is who are NOT liars?
> Even so, Nima is not really a Baha'i, even if he is taking money from the
> AO. So much for thesis B.

That's a proposition we have never really examined - the possibility, or
more likely, probability that Mimikins is a paid agent of the IT Committee
(DoubleX Section).

I think there's a compelling circumstantial case for this.
2008-07-11 22:15:02 UTC
The Blue Fiddle wrote:

> "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net> wrote in message
> news:***@metrocastcablevision.com...
> >> Oh, that reminds me - how are you getting on with that logic exercise
> >> I set you?
> >>
> >> a) All Baha'is are Liars
> >>
> >> b) All Liars are Baha'is
> >>
> >> Can you distinguish between these two possible statements yet? And do
> >> you understand that the assertion of b) does not preclude the
> >> existence of Baha'is who are NOT liars?
> >
> > Even so, Nima is not really a Baha'i, even if he is taking money from the
> > AO. So much for thesis B.
> That's a proposition we have never really examined - the possibility, or
> more likely, probability that Mimikins is a paid agent of the IT Committee
> (DoubleX Section).
> I think there's a compelling circumstantial case for this.

I don't know though - wouldn't the IT Committee (Dark and Persian Ops)
have to be incredibly Machiavellian to achieve this?

I thought the evidence was against that - aren't they really quite
straightforward - known for such tacitcs as "flogging a dead horse"
and "one size fits all"?
All Bad
2008-07-12 14:00:52 UTC
"PaulHammond" <***@onetel.net.uk> wrote in message
> The Blue Fiddle wrote:
>> "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net> wrote in message
>> news:***@metrocastcablevision.com...
>> >> Oh, that reminds me - how are you getting on with that logic exercise
>> >> I set you?
>> >>
>> >> a) All Baha'is are Liars
>> >>
>> >> b) All Liars are Baha'is
>> >>
>> >> Can you distinguish between these two possible statements yet? And do
>> >> you understand that the assertion of b) does not preclude the
>> >> existence of Baha'is who are NOT liars?
>> >
>> > Even so, Nima is not really a Baha'i, even if he is taking money from
>> > the
>> > AO. So much for thesis B.
>> That's a proposition we have never really examined - the possibility, or
>> more likely, probability that Mimikins is a paid agent of the IT
>> Committee
>> (DoubleX Section).
>> I think there's a compelling circumstantial case for this.
> I don't know though - wouldn't the IT Committee (Dark and Persian Ops)
> have to be incredibly Machiavellian to achieve this?
> I thought the evidence was against that - aren't they really quite
> straightforward - known for such tacitcs as "flogging a dead horse"
> and "one size fits all"?

See! They fooled you.

- All Bad
2008-07-14 03:45:29 UTC
BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
All Bad
2008-07-14 23:58:23 UTC
"303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message

You may be close to something.

> WEASEL Tactics & Techniques
> 1. Just spew
> 2. Demonstrate no knowledge [of the given issue] but feign expertise
> 3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary and
> totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues 4. The exposer is then
> painted
> as someone with an axe to grind, biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim,
> still have not responded to the main issue exposed)
> 5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer [i.e.
> shoot the messenger]
> 6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out new handles onto the discussion
> with the vain hope that the google usenet software might mistake the sock
> puppetry for an actual conversation (even though it does not see it as an
> actual conversation).
> See *Springtime for Hitler*
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Springtime_for_Hitler
> "Slanderous Vilification" = The Weasel Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
> Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
> Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
> Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
> Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-WEASELS
2008-07-16 01:18:24 UTC
BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
The Blue Fiddle
2008-07-18 14:04:43 UTC
"PaulHammond" <***@onetel.net.uk> wrote in message
>> That's a proposition we have never really examined - the possibility, or
>> more likely, probability that Mimikins is a paid agent of the IT
>> Committee
>> (DoubleX Section).
>> I think there's a compelling circumstantial case for this.
> I don't know though - wouldn't the IT Committee (Dark and Persian Ops)
> have to be incredibly Machiavellian to achieve this?

Indeed it would!

> I thought the evidence was against that - aren't they really quite
> straightforward - known for such tacitcs as "flogging a dead horse"
> and "one size fits all"?

Point made ... Mimikins is their agent!
2008-07-19 04:54:58 UTC
BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS
2008-07-08 05:02:46 UTC
On Jul 7, 10:17 pm, "All Bad" <***@md.metrocast.net>
> "303" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1539d41a-bb83-48be-9157-***@b1g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...> On Jul 7, 7:54 am, PaulHammond <***@onetel.net.uk> wrote:
> >> When caught in a lie: LIE!
> > Gee, that's the bahaim technique you employ summarized in one word!
> Here is a recent example:
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> No lie there! Since Iranian geneologies are accounted patrilineal, not
> > matrilineal, the statement is technically correct. All my patrinlineal
> > ancestors of the patrilineal line are all Shi'ite Muslim (and even
> > some Zoroastrian). Since Jewish geneologies are accounted matrilineal,
> > the other statement is true as well. Because you are a brain dead
> > bahaim dolt and a brainwashed cultist, such nuances go over your head.
> > Now you were saying?
> http://groups.google.com/group/talk.religion.bahai/msg/66d66b9d68ed6059
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Note that you are claiming ancestors who are all Shi'ite Muslim while some
> are Zoroastrian! If all are of one, then clearly some can not be of
> another.

You obviously do not know much of the history of central Fars
province in Iran, esp. Kirman. So to answer your confusion: yes, they
most certainly can just as in India you have had as you do know Hindu/
Muslim, Muslim/Sikh, Hindu/Sikh, Buddhist/Hindu, Sikh/Buddhist,
Buddhist/Jain, Jain/Muslim, Jain/Hindu, etc, families. You bahaim
think you invented DIVERSITY. You have not
Despite the cultural slander and racism of your garbled pseudo-
historical texts, you have had the same going on in Iran for

Patty wanna donut?

BAHAIM Tactics & Techniques

1. As far as possible they hold back from responding
2. Then they claim no knowledge [of the given issue] by feigning
3. After the exposer has exposed they will try to divert to secondary
and totally peripheral and irrelevent side-issues
4. The exposer is then painted as someone with an axe to grind,
biased, deluded (while they, the bahaim, still have not responded to
the main issue exposed)
5. Next they relate mental instability and insanity to the exposer
[i.e. shoot the messenger]
6. Then, the last tactic, is to wheel out several dubious personas on
the scene who claim to be neutral non-bahai observers who then begin
attacking the exposer as well as the issue exposed and supporting the
bahais and their issues as so-called non-bahais

See *Bahais In My Backyard*

"Slanderous Vilification" = The Baha'i Technique - Ad Hominem, Libel,
Slander, Demonize, Scapegoat, Ostracize, Shun, Banish, Backbite,
Defame, Vilify, Discredit, Smear, Revile, Suppress, Attack, Bully,
Intimidate, Threaten, Malign, Blackball, Deceive, Coerce, Silence,
Harass... etc., etc.... CAUTION NON-BAHAIS