Description of Raymond Karczewski by Government.Media Disinformation Agent Ed Wilkinson Regarding at 1997 Grants Pass Picnic Meeting
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Raymond Karczewski
2012-08-18 14:22:32 UTC
Description of Raymond Karczewski by Government.Media Disinformation
Agent Ed Wilkinson Regarding at 1997 Grants Pass Picnic Meeting

rk: NOTE: Ed Wilkinson, a man who operates under a number of
different internet aliases, with direct ties to the US INTELLIGENCE
THE ROY MASTERS CULT is the Author of all existing Libel Themes
on the Internet, Yet the Authorities will not move on him. Here is
some background regarding the only in-person contact I have ever had

Ed Wilkinson, responsible for a number of the "anonymous" attacks on
this page (marked with ***), current resident of Illinois Valley, OR,
former Grants Pass Business man, former Arms Dealer, Member of
Republican Party Central Committee, known as ***@nospam.com,
***@cdsnet.net, also known as Mr. Ed, aka Sir Ed, aka Oregon Ed,
aka Ray Kargoofy, aka (LIghtColonel Meepzorp-Bazza, SAIC), aka Raymond
Karscrewloose, aka Agent Sir Ed wrote:

Date: 1997/05/31

ed: I've been reluctant to post much about it because he lives in my
town and I don't want to get into a pissing contest with him, plus, he
is a charming, witty person in person, and my natural reluctance to
offend someone I've broken bread with is making me hesitate, but, here

ed: "Ray is immensely sure of himself. NOTHING can sway him. NOTHING.
I brought up many valid points arguing against his theses, and he
acknowledged not ONE!

ed: He's huge. 6 foot 3 or something, fat, but the kind of fat you see
on bikers, underladen with layers of muscle.

ed: He's an ex-cop from San Fran. who retired on disability. I don't
know why, but a friend of mine told me it's 'cause he thinks he was

ed: He's got scars all over him, a nose that looks like it's been
broken several times, and he looks mostly like an ex-biker or
ex-heavyweight boxer. (Which he was. He won a bunch o' titles in the
service.) He lifts weights, and he definitely looks like he could tear
a Doug Fir down without too much trouble.

ed: He is so self-confident that he actually goes beyond arrogant.
Several times, he told me there was no such thing as the Devil, it's
merely man's focusing of dissonant energy. Well, I told him that I
have personal experience that there is such a thing as the Devil, and
he said "that's your perception." So, I said, "Well, that is your
perception that my perception is wrong," and he responded "No, for I'm
confined by no labels or illusions. The power of the infinite flows
through me and everything that I see is the untrammelled reality,
undistorted by any emotion or flaw."

ed: He has a very good sense of humor. I tend to crack jokes and puns
constantly and he kept up the repartee, going toe-to-toe with me.

ed: At one point, he was leaning forward, eyes fiercely blazing at me,
telling me how everything I see is simply a misperceived perception
shell, and he said "You MUST let the power of the infinite move you,
to see Maya." Then, he stopped and asked pedantically "You DO know
what Maya is, do you not?" And I replied "Yeah...she's a black poet
who read at Clinton's inaguration."

ed: Well, he was taken aback for a moment, then he burst out laughing,
slapped his knee, said "Maya! A black poet! Ha ha!!" etc., then he
slapped my knee and said "You're all right, Ed" even though it was
plainly obvious I had said that to jolt him from his self-absorption.

ed: My summation of Ray? He's stark, raving bonkers, but he is
definitively his own man.

ed: I know when I speak with people if they are just robots or not,
and he is not. Ray was able to respond with spontaneous reams and
reams of exegesis with my every comment. I know that he genuinely
believes this stuff, and it IS coming from some source external to
himself, so...he is no phony BS'er, or would-be Jim Jones. (Although I
think he would like to be a would-be Roy Masters. I think he's jealous
of Roy, although he admits to no human weaknesses.)

ed: Basically, he sees himself as the locus of "the power of the
infinite," and believes that it is his job to wake people up from
their deceived minds.

ed: I think he's a total nutcase, but I enjoyed the picnic. He's got
an incredibly quick mind, very facile, and I was in my element, as I,
too, love to debate furiously!

jm: What did you sense about his emotional tone. Any love there?

ed: Absolute, stone-cold assurance that what he, and he alone, sees,
is the truth. He TRULY believes that "The power of the infinite flows
through [me]."

ed: A very strange kind of love, like you'd get from a psycopathic
cult leader. Where his presence is all-embracing, his eyes are fixed
and staring, and seem to blaze, and he tries to envelop you in his
persona. But, if you don't agree with him, you feel damned.

ed: Very strange, very powerful, pulsating kind of individual. I got
the feeling, as I rode my bike away from the picnic, that his aura
(VERY powerful) was chasing after me and trying to envelope me.

ed: He has a very good sense of humor. I tend to crack jokes and puns
constantly and he kept up the repartee.

jm: That's interesting. Who would have thunk it from this newsgroup

ed: Yeah, he was actually nothing like what I had pictured him.

ed: In person, he does have incredible charisma, and he could easily
become a cult leader.

Raymond Ronald Karczewski©
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

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Raymond Karczewski
2012-08-18 14:29:25 UTC
Re: Description of Raymond Karczewski by Government.Media
Disinformation Agent Ed Wilkinson Regarding at 1997 Grants Pass Picnic

Oregon Shout wrote:

Raymond Karczewski wrote:

os: > {comment from ed: My summation of Ray? He's stark, raving
bonkers, but he is definitively his own man."
Ray, I remember it is said it is better to tame a lion than beat a
dead horse...by the same man who taught me that there was AL...L
possibilities and no limitations"~

os: > Ray you are' your own man,... and you know who is within
you'...the same one in all of us...if WE listen. WE are all really
just puppets in the hand' of G-d...As you recognize,...all this WE do
will be for the Oneness of humanity.

Raymond Karczewski replied:
OS, I agree with you with one exception. We are not "puppets" of God,
for that implies duality. We ARE ONE with the essence of God, Infinite
Intelligence, Truth, but we have been misdirected from that holistic
(holy) state of Being via Dualistic Satanic Conditioned Intellectual

The intellectual driven world of man is evidence of such a hellish
state. I merely mirror such fallen state of being by the Truthfulness
of my very existence.

You can see the Hell is raises. Ray

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

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Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

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