The only reason you have my letter that I attempted to send to the >contact you gave me is because it probably never even went to >somebody in Israel; it probably just went to you.
I'm 99% sure that you are the owner of that email address you gave >me.
Frankly I don't even think you've ever had any contact with any of >the descendants of Bahaullah.
Whatever! And kindly don't posit your own twisted strategies on to
others. Not everyone in the world lives in the cultural vacuum of
amoral corporate narratives that you live by. Susan Maneck used to
make such silly arguments once upon a time regarding myself and the
nonexistent "Azalis" she claimed didn't exist other than in my head,
and lived to seriously regret it. With you it will also be the same.
Why would they want to talk with you?
The same reason they have been actively speaking to Bayanis since the
1920s. And the same reason why when Negar Bahai-Anselem went to Iran
in the 1970s, she made contact with her Bayani relatives. The same
Susan Maneck who claimed nonexistent Azalis is the same Susan Maneck
who publicly broadcast this story when BAHAIS IN MY BACKYARD first
came out. Moreover it is the same reason why the wife of Jalal Azal,
i.e. the youngest daughter of Badi'ullah, married this grandson of
Subh-i-Azal. You see, Eric, the world is not so completely simple or
composed by simpletons or arrogant twats like many of you white
Americans seem to deem the world as a projection of yourselves. The
entire Iranian relations of Mrs. Negar Bahai-Anselem consider Husayn
'Ali to have been the antichrist in person. Yet when Negar went to
Iran, it is with them she stayed.
You hate Bahaullah and his teachings. You even frequently call him >Satan. I don't think Unitarian Bahais in Israel would have any >interest in corresponding with you.
You think what you want, Mr Head-Trip! Meanwhile we'll start posting
more items from our Muwahhidin contacts in Palestine on various fora,
including Bayanic.Com. You ruined your own chances in making a genuine
contact with these people. Sorry.
I have been honest about my relationship with Bahaism, which is as >follows: I believe Bahaullah was a prophet, but also a fallible man >like anyone else.
Then you cannot be a Christian. Simple as that. You seem to be
confused in your articulated positions, Eric. Seriously confused. But
I believe your posited confusion is all an act, and now you have
proven it to me once again. Why someone who claims to wish to be
declared a CB then seeks public validation from the likes of Susan
Maneck and Steve Marshall points to only one thing: that your efforts
are being strategically coordinated by the same parties using the
Haifan Bahai organization for their various ends. You might think you
are smart and pulling wool over eyes, but your methods and aims are
completely transparent to me -- as are the people pulling your puppet
strings from behind the scenes.
I have an interest in seeing a liberal Bahaism emerge,
Then you cannot be a Christian. Unless you possess some kind of
unresolved Messiah-complex, in which case you need a shrink and not a
forum, your position as simultaneously a Christian minister and Baha'o-
phile do not gell. Simple as that.
and since I happen to know a lot about this religion, I'm trying to >do what I can to help in that effort.
Poppycock! I know a self-aggrandizing show-man when I see one!