Citizens take law into own hands after cash-strapped Ore. county guts sheriff's office
(too old to reply)
Raymond Karczewski
2013-12-27 22:12:30 UTC
Citizens take law into own hands after cash-strapped Ore. county guts
sheriff's office


This was a letter sent to the Editor of Illinois Valley News in
JOSEPHINE COUNTY several years ago by me.

By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski©

It looks like JOSEPHINE COUNTY TAXPAYERS are finally awakened. I
attended an early meeting of the Citizens group when they were first
organizing, and left when it was being hamstrung by Sheriff, Gil
Gilbertson to remain unarmed.

Sheriff Gilbertson is in Violation of His Oath of office and should
have been removed from office from the very beginning of his first
term, (See my action against Sheriff Gilbertson) but there has been a
county government coverup of such violation. It took years for
JOSEPHINE COUNTY TAXPAYERS to finally get the message. All I can say

Letter to the Editor, and Commentary:

If I Were Sheriff Of Josephine County Oregon.

The times, they are achanging, are they not?. We as a People of
these united state of America have lost our Sovereignty. We are in
danger of losing our Constitutional Republic and are shifting into a
war mindset that will destroy whatever vestige of freedom left in
America. We are heading for martial law in which the government
declares open war on the America People under the guise of

I perceive the enemy not to be only foreign, but primarily
domestic. The enemy is US, not some poor, tragic Iraqi, or
Afghanistee. who is merely trying to eke out a subsistence of a living
and has done no harm to your or me. .

We, as a once productive, respected Sovereign People have lost
our Integrity, our initiative, the productivity of our own labor. the
means with which to create the life we want for ourselves and our
posterity, but is somehow alway beyond our reach.

We lost our manufacturing base. Our jobs have been shipped
overseas into a cheaper employment market. We do not have real
money. We have Debt Instruments which prevent us from owning our
homes, our property, from paying off our debts, We have been stripped
of our freedom, our Unalienable Rights are regarded as merely a once
quaint idea held as a spiritual given.. We have been taken over by
those who make the rules and manage the debt instruments, the Federal
Reserve Note (FRNs) which we mistakenly believe to be money. We have
been robbed of our souls by those in whom we have placed our sacred

All that could be changed in the blink of an eye. It happens
when we begin to understand who and what we are. We are not slaves.
We are Sovereign People. No government can change that unless we
believe they can.

So what does this have to do with what I would do if I were
Sheriff of Josephine County Oregon, the highest law enforcement
position answerable to no one but the Sovereign People of Josephine

Most Sheriffs, are but corporate managers, business entities. The
corporation is who they serve, not the people. That would all change
were I elected Sheriff. :

I would maintain and honor the Sovereignty of the People at all

I would return to the enforcement of Common Law, an age old
derivation of God's Law. DO NO HARM.




That is the whole of the law that I would enforce in the name of
the People of Josephine County.

I would no longer enforce "victimless crimes" i.e., statutory law,
color of law, corporate law that has no other purpose but to enhance
the coffers of the Corporation. Presently, ALL CRIME IS COMMERCE..

If no one was hurt or damaged, no crime was committed, therefore NO

I would lift the UNLAWFUL CORPORATE BAN on travellers who use their
automobiles and other travel conveyances of the day for non
commercial purposes in going about their daily errands, duties, etc
for that is not and never has been the intent of the Police Powers
delegated to the States in dealing with commerce.

I would no longer support traffic enforcement upon Living,
Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural Men and Women .Traffic
enforcement would apply only to those in commerce and those who have
consented to enter into contract with the state via application for
Driver Licenses. Our People would have the freedom to come and go as
they wish, as long as they did not harm others or another's property.

I would not enforce municiple ordinances that have no other real
purpose other than to generate revenue. The people would no longer be
"customers" as is now depicted in the Parking lot sign at Cave
Junction City Hall. When and where did the Sovereign People the
creators of government, stop being Sovereigns and become the
"customers" of said government?

I would do away with life destroying programs such as the WAR ON
DRUGS now waged in Josephine County. It has always been a sham, a
money maker for the courts and law enforcement even during its early
days when I was a California Police Sergeant in the sixties.

I would NO LONGER, suck off the teat of the Federal Government by
accepting their grants and gifts with STRINGS ATTACHED. I would
maintain absolute control over other Agencies and their agents who
enter the County enforcing any laws but Common Law. DO NO HARM.

I would get rid of every thug now wearing a uniform. Those who
consistently use unnecessary force upon people just because they can.

I would initiate a retraining program of all presently employed
deputies from "specialists" to "generalists" allowing them to follow
up complaints from beginning complaint to prosecutorial end, as long
as such investigations did not take them off their beats.

I would get rid of all but a few high paying positions of
Investigative specialists beyond the patrol/Jail level and return
them to the Street, where True Crime is faced and dealt with.

Such redistribution of budget would more than compensate for the
present BLACK HOLE of increasing budgetary demands.

In other words, I would get rid of the SHAM which fuels
contemporary law enforcement today.

Would Crime go down? DAMN RIGHT!

Would People of Josephine County Oregon get "MORE BANG FOR THE

Would People of Josephine County Oregon be FREER knowing they are
not being targeted for "VICTIMLESS CRIMES"? THAT'S A NO BRAINER

If I got elected, would I be ASSASSINATED? PROBABLY!

Raymond Ronald Karczewski©

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Karczewski
2013-12-30 08:47:24 UTC
Re: Citizens take law into own hands after cash-strapped Ore. county
guts sheriff's office

Mirror of TRVTH wrote:

Raymond Karczewski wrote:

MOH: >> Note: The author of this message requested that it not be
archived. This message will be removed from Groups in 6 days (1/3/14).

***@frontier.com (Raymond Karczewski) wrote:

rk: >>> This was a letter sent to the Editor of Illinois Valley News
in JOSEPHINE COUNTY several years ago by me.

MOT: >> Is that part of the reason you were banned?

rk: >>> Most Sheriffs, are but corporate managers, business
entities. The corporation is who they serve, not the people. That
would all change were I elected Sheriff.

MOT: >> So, fatboy, you ran for sheriff? Oh, wait -- Ray is all talk
and no action.

rk: >>> I would no longer support traffic enforcement upon
Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural Men and Women
Traffic enforcement would apply only to those in commerce and those
who have consented to enter into contract with the state via
application for Driver Licenses. Our People would have the freedom
to come and go as they wish, as long as they did not harm others or
another's property.

MOT: >> And, under the regime of King Ray, traffic accidents would
skyrocket. People from Douglas County would go down to Grants Pass to
have drag races on the freeway.

MOT: >> So let us know when you file for election, kookboy

Raymond Ronald Karczewski©

rk: For the last 18 years I have been stalked by Government/Media
sponsored/supported Internet Disinformation Agents whose themes
contain the most degrading libels, forgeries and phony biographies
written by fictional authors creating fictional members of my family
which have flooded the Internet with unspeakable false stories
attributed to me.

rk: All of the Disinformation themes are directly traced to a party
named Ed Wilkinson who bragged of his ties with the Federal
Intelligence Community and was himself,a cult member, along with his
mother of Mind Control/hypnosis authority Roy Masters and his
Foundation of Human Understanding.

rk: All Libelous themes are traced to a single conversation had with
WILKINSON at a Grants Pass Oregon picnic in 1997 when I confided to
him of an Interview with a prospective applicant for my Security
of his shooting a mannequin when working for another agency. (His
employment was rejected, by the way) That is one of the mainstay
libelous themes promoted widely throughout the internet by these
anonymous and relentless Disinformation Agents. Read WILKINSON
comments of the picnic meeting at

rk: That was the one and only face to face meeting I had with
WILKINSON, and found him to be mentally unstable. I was surprised to
hear later on the Internet that Wilkinson had become a Cop somewhere,
but I had not been able to confirm it. However when the masks are
removed from the legion of false Internet Handles used by these
disinformation agents, WILKINSON style of writing and face will be
amongst them.

rk: One may read of my experiences with the Roy Masters Family and
their subsequent banning of me from the Roy Masters family owned Radio
Talk station KOPE FM in Southern Oregon, later to move on to the
Premier Broadcasting, one of the largest talk show networks in the
country. The same, Identical ploy was later used by Talk Show Host
Alex Jones to bar me from his station. Listen to:

rk: In 1997 I was Kissed off by the Oregon office of the FBI in
attempting to have them investigate a Mind Control campaign exercised
on Internet using patrons.

rk: The same request was made of JOSEPHINE COUNTY SHERIFF DAVE DANIEL
AND his successor, SHERIFF GIL GILBERTSON. I could find NO LAW
investigate a Crime of NATIONAL IMPORTANCE. This led to my forming an
internet petition to Congress to compel the FBI to Investigate
Government/Media sponsored/supported Mind Control/Disinformation
Activities on the Internet
Take the time to read the comments found in the right margin of the
page. The petition was made of mockery of by these same
Disinformation Agents. They then went on a libelous campaign creating
phony book reviews on Amazon.Com over my book "Journey Beyond Thought:
Breaking the Bonds of the Conditioned Mind". They are phony because
they bear no resemblance to the actual book, and not many books were
out in the public at that time. They also launched a campaign to get
me off the Internet by having me lose my server (who did not want to
be bothered by the controversy created.)

rk: Then there is the Phony OREGON SENATOR RON WYDEN who tried to run
but could not hide from public exposure by Anita and Raymond
Karczewski at a Cave Junction Town Hall meeting on April 16, 2000. A
lengthy account may be read at
http://www.arkenterprises.com/wyden.html There are a host of other
communication kissed off by Wyden and his staff.

rk: To come to the point, I Raymond Ronald Karczewski© have been
exposing the corruption, malfeasance of Office and outright Crimes,
committed by Government and law enforcement officials at all levels,
and have shared my material with local, state and national level news
media, both mainstream and alternate, including 60 MINUTES, along with
forum and newsgroup readership and all I HAVE MET WITH IS A STONEWALL
OF SILENCE or libelous disinformation attacks in all areas.

Have they lost their backbone, are they held fast by Hypnotic spell of
Mind Control, and have lost their will to be Free and Sovereign?

rk: The opportunity exists to take back our country by means other
that a shooting revolution or through reaction to Martial Law. In my
letter to the Editor to the Illinois Valley News, I have laid out a
unique view of Law Enforcement that this nation has NEVER SEEN and
certain has not been able to concieve. If the People of Oregon and
JOSEPHINE COUNTY, let alone communities throughout America, DON'T
WANT THAT TYPE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT,I have no problem conceding to their
wishes and will not run for Sheriff. However, they will have missed
the opportunity of having a Living Christ, run for the office of

rk: If that is NOT NEWS, WHAT THE HELL IS?

rk: All I am looking for is a Fair Shake in others also interested in
exposing Corruption and taking real steps to do so, not just a lot of
HOT AIR. I can't do it for you. I will not do it for you. I have
throughout the last 18 years on the Internet led you to the waters of
Truth so that you might drink of it. How thirsty are You?

rk: I have searched and searched for an honest public official at all
levels of Government and Media and have yet to find one.

rk: Hell, isn't It?

Raymond Ronald Karczewski©
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
