Just How Important is Government to Insuring Peace on Earth?
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Raymond Karczewski
2014-04-23 04:52:23 UTC
Just How Important is Government to Insuring Peace on Earth?

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

Just how important is Government and religion in Insuring Peace on
Earth? That is a question that every Living, Breathing,
Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient Natural Man or Woman must ask themselves.

This question is not a superficial inquiry, but raises a deep
fundamental examination of the human condition and why the world they
have created for themselves, support and serve with their life's

Most people believe in God. Some believe there is no God. What do they
actually know about such an entity to sustain such beliefs? Is not
such dualistic stance merely one of intellectual conditioning which
creates opposition, conflict, divisiveness and confusion in their

What does anyone know of such an entity called "God"? ln the state of
eternal intellectual confusion, has man ever known peace on earth?

The simple fact is that God is a concept to most, one which has ruled
the lives of billions and billions of living men and women throughout
millenia through systems of satanic, intellectual thought which has
seduced living sovereign men and women and has converted them into
groveling slaves through the medium of self-doubt via imposed beliefs,
a fiction of the mind which has succeeded in counterfeiting TRUTH,
Divine Intelligence, God itself, and caused such outer directed
conditioned human beings into helpless slaves.

Not so, you Say? Examine your own lives and tell me, ARE YOU TRULY
FREE? You may believe yourselves to be Intelligent, but REALLY, ARE

Look at the world with its wars, the vast schisms created of the rich
and the poor, the powerful and its victims? Where do you fit in? Are
you homeless yet? Are you Bankrupt? Do you still have a job? Do you
regard and accord yourself self-respect? Are you Free? Do you even
know what Freedom is?

I am a Christ! A Simple man of Truth. A man of Peace. A man of
Balance. A man who understands who he is, and who you are. A man who
is controversial and threatening to the satanic controls of those
satanic individuals who see themselves as rulers of the world and
regard you as mere useful servants or "Useless Eaters," those who are
troublesome to their current grasp upon you present conditionable
Satanic Intellects.

I am here to tell you that IGNORANCE IS NOT BLISS. That just angers
you for I have touched in you that which you have been running away
from all your lives. What is it? It is your pact with the Satanic
Intellect whom you all worship as Satan, the petty "god" of civilized

You wonder why the world is so SCREWED UP even whilste you support it
while imagining that you are personally not responsible for it. You
deserve better. You blame the problems of the world on others. The
finger of blame points away from you. You see your life slipping away,
no closer to that fantasy of peace and prosperity that draws you away,
a human resource, a beast of burden, an ass, by chasing that "Carrot
on a Stick."

My life is an open book. One for everyone to see. Nothing is hidden
when dealing with the Satanic actions of the forces which has enslave
each of you. They may be found on my website,

What this Christ has Done, SO CAN EACH OF YOU!

Why do you continue to support government and religious institutions
which promise peace and security, BUT NEVER HAS DELIVERED on that
promise since the Dawn of Civilization, the beginning of human
civilized societies.

Government and Religions are Satanic Institutions which exists only in
your own skewed Intellectual consciousness. They produce nothing. They
parasitically feed off your life force, your labor, your sweat and
blood. They regard you as slaves to do the bidding of the few who
control your minds. These are the Banking and Corporate elitists, who
are the real satanic force behind lesser fictions such as Politicians,
Priests, Media and Social mind controllers, etc.

They spin fantasies, they call the tune, while you all dance to it?
Have you ever watched a Presidential Political Convention and watched
just how much insanity, conflict, and confusion resides in the human
intellect when the civilized masks are dropped via political hysteria?

What make you think war is any different when you send your own sons
and daughter to foreign countries to kill, rape, pillage in the name
of corporate profit?

By now, most of you reading this are well aware of my exposure of
Criminal Government in Oregon. I am every man who demands to be free
when others organize themselves and tell me I cannot live in freedom,
I cannot live in peace.

I don't resist Evil. I EXPOSE IT! I DO NOT give Evil my support. I
withdraw my support of the evil that governments do to the hearts and
mind of living men and women.

I BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT THEM. It is nonviolent, yet it is an act
of Peaceful Revolution which exists beyond the illusory powers of such
satanic government which has made most of you into doubting slaves.

Within my issue with the State of OREGON and County of JOSEPHINE, lies
the key to reclaiming freedom and sovereignty, to a land which has
deteriorated from its original promise of freedom and prosperity as
the collective soul of the people has been sold out to a Satanic
entity which is faceless, soulless, and holds itself above the law of
Nature, the Law of God.

What I have done, SO CAN YOU.

Let us get on with the task at hand. Restore our Freedom. Restore our
Sovereignty. Restore our Personal Wealth which we have given away to
others through Trickery and Deceit.

How many of you have the courage to Act rather than just simply engage
in empty talk?

We shall see, Won't We?

No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind,
including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the
SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Karczewski
2014-04-23 05:25:10 UTC
Re: Just How Important is Government to Insuring Peace on Earth?

From: Kevin Jostes <***@gmail.com>

To: Raymond Karczewski <***@earthlink.net>

kj: > So I'd be interested in hearing your take on ancient egyptian
symbology, aliens, demonic interdimensional entities, reptilian
humanoids, as caught on film numerous times in the eyes of many
illumanist puppets, witchcraft in the music industry, nasa space
images of space and the sun showing entities traversing through a hole
in the sun, the hologram we all live and you know disillusionment of
that nature as I believe in diagnosing the root cause of the problem
although you've done a great job identifying the resulting effects.

rk: Kevin, as you and others have probably noticed, my energy is
different from others on the internet whose talents are based in
knowledge, indoctrination and tradition. All that you speak of above
is based in Satanic Conditioning. It is based in programming, ritual,
rote repetition and memory. All that is based in the Intellect, the
satanic intellect. It is the way of the world where traditions are
passed down, and require belief. It is the satanic way of the world.

rk: My words emanate from the spirit of Truth, the direct resonance
of holistic energy encapsulated in the word spoken or written. It is
beyond the intellect therefore it disrupts the dissonant satanically
conditioned worldly intellect and causes it to react violently when
the intellect is exposed in its limitations.

rk: One who has the spiritual "eyes to see and ears to hear" the
unique, pristine, unreplicatable resonance of Holistic Truth
penetrates all the illusions which block all conditioned believers
from accessing the Truth. Truth is not the same as faith or belief.
Those are "counterfeit truth". As such most people are unable to see
the truth and therefore worship the idea of Truth as it is presented
as graven images and satanic symbology of which you speak.

rk: There are many authorities and experts which abound on the
internet concerning the the questions your raise, but there are few
Christs, few simple men or women of Truth which exist to be heard.
Christs are not popular in the satanic controlled world of conditioned
believers. Experts in illusion, weavers of fantasy are. You know
them by their entertainment factor. These are the New Age gurus which
pander to searching egos deluded by the "yellow brick road" to
salvation. Check out the likes on illusions against the likes on
Truth. They do tell their story, do they not?

"No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind,
including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the
SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
