What Does the Future Hold for America: Sovereignty or Slavery?
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Raymond Karczewski
2012-09-26 03:41:09 UTC
What Does the Future Hold for America: Sovereignty or Slavery?

By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ

If one looks at the headlines and reads of the Cop shootings and
nothing is done about it, I wonder why so many people get upset when
they have, themselves, put their own bodies and souls in the position
of Wards of the State, Slaves, human property owned by the State and
who are subject to legislative corporate rules, regulations,
ordinances etc. which are "Color of Law" and not true law at all?

Such Wards of the State, slaves, if you will, are not looked upon by
the courts as operating at full legal capacity. After all, as 14th
Amendment Citizens they (YOU) are seen by the courts as "infants" in
the eyes of the law, and therefore deemed incapable of tending to
their own legal problems thus requiring a lawyer to represent their
interests in a court of law. There is the Stacked Deck, that the
confused and mind controlled sheeple run into when it is time for
their fleecing.

In essence, today's cop, today's corporate Law Enforcer is yesterdays
Slave Overseer. Slaves are to ruled over, not tolerated. They are to
keep their mouths shut, produce wealth for the state through their own
sweat and labor, and be reduced to victim status by manipulation of
the Money System, and mind boggling legalese of a confusing system
which can throw you out of your homes that some of you have paid for
in you lifetime. The headlines bare that out, do they not?

One can yell and wail and protest and wring your hands in despair
while doing so in great numbers in ORGANIZED PROTESTS, but, in the
eyes of the present skewed court system, YOU are legally are just
"uppity slaves" venting. Hence,YOU are dealt as such, harshly because
YOU have CONSENTED to YOUR own enslavement. YOU have sold YOUR souls
to the Devil, for the security of childlike automatons who are treated
like chattel, (that's Cattle).

At the present, the word of a slave has no meaning in a court of law
as YOU cannot operate at full legal capacity, as only a Sovereign Can.
YOU have lost sight that YOU are indeed men and women of the Sovereign
People, the creators of government, but YOU have been conditioned
through education and media to GIVE ALL THAT UP to be a slave, a
subject of the Corporation, for the seductive promise of Security. Do
any of you reading this FEEL SECURE, because of your decision?

I'm a retired Police Sergeant, got a couple of years of college and
survived it without losing my common sense in return for Intellectual
acumen. But what's more, I have broken the secret of Satanic Mind
Control which has ruled over Civilized Man since Man's Fall from
Grace. I have also broken the Spell which has enslaved Millions of
People through the Satanic mind control Trigger word "Christ" which
has enslaved billions in the last two thousand years.

A Christ is a simple man or woman of Truth. All men and women are
potential Christs, but they suffer from Amnesia of their True State of
Sovereignty, clouded in their minds by a lifetime of Satanic
Conditioning which has reduced them to mumbling, bumbling,
self-doubting Slaves, ruled by the Satanic elite.

I have not forgotten who I am.

I follow God's Law: That is DO NO HARM. Without harming another, or
another's property, nor infringing upon another's rights, the very
foundation of Common Law, what need do I have to bind myself to man's
law, the law of Mammon, Color of Law with its millions of statutory
rules and regulations which bring with it victimless crimes and all
kinds of other insanity? Doesn't anyone see how THEY HAVE ENSLAVED
THEMSELVES via their own consent?

To any and all who think I am blowing smoke about your enslavement, I
suggest that you read of my personal experiences on my website page
http://www.arkenterprises.com/index11.html Wherein the Courts of
Oregon, and County of JOsephine Threatened me with 35 to 40 years in
prison, convicted the JURISTIC PERSON in two trials AND THREW ME OUT
SENTENCING. That is the POWER that each of you hold in your own
hands, but you GAVE IT UP when you consented to belong to the
Corporation which calls itself government and be subject to its
legislative rules and regulation that are called law, BUT ARE NOT LAW.

You have been defrauded of your Birthright, that as Sovereign Sons and
Daughters of God, Infinit Intelligence. You have been SCHNOOKERED,
and most of you just DON'T GIVE A DAMN, unless its your time in the
legal hopper.

I have, for years, suggested the solution: RESCIND YOUR 14th
Amendment Status and return to your God Given Estate of Sovereignty.
I have shown the way, yet you people continue to snore your lives
away, complaining only when you personally or you loved ones, are
beaten, maimed, shot and killed while you play by Satanic rules
couched in positive images which are hollow in fact and account for
the hellish existence that civilized man has not been able to escape
for millenia.

LET THERE BE AN EXODUS of Americans out of this present land of
Slavery and return them to their rightful place of creators and
Masters over their Government Servants. That is the way back to peace
and stability. Stand on YOUR OWN TWO FEET.

Withdraw your support and you will see with whom the power lies.

If you choose to remain in your present Slave Status, I, this simple
man of Truth, this Christ, wash my hands of you. Because you will
deserve what you get.

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Karczewski
2012-09-26 15:23:26 UTC
Re: What Does the Future Hold for America: Sovereignty or Slavery?

Gale P: wrote:

"Raymond Karczewski" <***@earthlink.net>

gp: > Pertaining to your article below: My response is in red. (see

rk: >> If one looks at the headlines and reads of the Cop shootings
and nothing is done about it, I wonder why so many people get upset
when they have, themselves, put their own bodies and souls in the
position of Wards of the State, Slaves, human property owned by the
State and who are subject to legislative corporate rules, regulations,
ordinances etc. which are "Color of Law" and not true law at all?

gp: > Most people have no clue how such a system works, nor the
laws/codes/policies of such beast, also, most have no clue as to what
is going on, nor do they realize the condition that they are in, due
to the 'conditioning' over their lifespan. No one knows they are a
slave, until the truth confronts them.

rk: I agree, but given the circumstances, what can you and I do about

rk: >> Such Wards of the State, slaves, if you will, are not looked
upon by the courts as operating at full legal capacity. After all, as
14th Amendment Citizens they (YOU) are seen by the courts as "infants"
in the eyes of the law, and therefore deemed incapable of tending to
their own legal problems thus requiring a lawyer to represent their
interests in a court of law. There is the Stacked Deck, that the
confused and mind controlled sheeple run into when it is time for
their fleecing.

gp: > since the sheep know not, we as true shepherds must protect and
educate them to safety!

rk: Gale, You can lead a sheep to water, but can you make them drink?
That is the real issue, is it not? Many are thirsty, but few are
willing to quench their thirst at a stream, unfamiliar to their

rk: >> In essence, today's cop, today's corporate Law Enforcer is
yesterdays Slave Overseer. Slaves are to ruled over, not tolerated.
They are to keep their mouths shut, produce wealth for the state
through their own sweat and labor, and be reduced to victim status by
manipulation of the Money System, and mind boggling legalese of a
confusing system which can throw you out of your homes that some of
you have paid for in you lifetime. The headlines bare that out, do
they not?

gp: > True,for those who have no clue. No one has to do anything
anyone else commands of them without consent, this they all must

rk: Gale, for many, they have been conditioned by our school system
out of such autonomy and ability to think beyond rote memorization of
concepts approved of by the system. Such is the very nature of
Satanic Conditioning.

rk: >> One can yell and wail and protest and wring your hands in
despair while doing so in great numbers in ORGANIZED PROTESTS, but, in
the eyes of the present skewed court system, YOU are legally are
just "uppity slaves" venting. Hence,YOU are dealt as such, harshly
because YOU have CONSENTED to YOUR own enslavement. YOU have sold
YOUR souls to the Devil, for the security of childlike automatons who
are treated like chattel, (that's Cattle).

gp: > Everyone must learn to stand up for themselves, and stand their
ground, but FIRST, they must understand that they have been
conditioned to submit to such deception.

rk: Agreed.

rk: >> At the present, the word of a slave has no meaning in a court
of law as YOU cannot operate at full legal capacity, as only a
Sovereign Can. YOU have lost sight that YOU are indeed men and
women of the Sovereign People, the creators of government, but YOU
have been conditioned through education and media to GIVE ALL THAT UP
to be a slave, a subject of the Corporation, for the seductive promise
of Security. Do any of you reading this FEEL SECURE, because of your

gp: > I, am secured in knowing who I am, and having my own mind, I
know I do not have to consent or contract with anyone. It is not
natural for man to rule over man, but for man to be a good steward of
those things entrusted to him.

rk: Again, agreed.

rk: >> I'm a retired Police Sergeant, got a couple of years of college
and survived it without losing my common sense in return for
Intellectual acumen. But what's more, I have broken the secret of
Satanic Mind Control which has ruled over Civilized Man since Man's
Fall from Grace. I have also broken the Spell which has enslaved
Millions of People through the Satanic mind control Trigger word
"Christ" which has enslaved billions in the last two thousand years.

gp: > I, personally would not attach that word 'christ' to me, and
hopefully you will delete it from your page, and NOT use it. (I am
attaching an explaination concerning that word, 'christ' after
investigation. (See attachment)

rk: Gale, I have read your attachment. I am not concerned with
commonly grasped words dictated by others for the sake of authority
and power, but for the resonance of Truth they convey. I acknowledge
that my use of the word Christ in uncommon, for I, this Living,
Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural man, Creation of God,
Son, if you will, am the authority for newly created meaning. It is
designed to shock slumbering people awake to their conditioning via
the Satanic Mind Control Trigger "Christ" that casts the Satanic Spell
over their ordinarily Divine Awareness.

rk: >> A Christ is a simple man or woman of Truth. All men and women
are potential Christs, but they suffer from Amnesia of their True
State of Sovereignty, clouded in their minds by a lifetime of Satanic
Conditioning which has reduced them to mumbling, bumbling,
self-doubting Slaves, ruled by the Satanic elite.

gp: > You have been deceived about this word, confer to attachment,
examine closely. I study words and origins of words, meanings, please
see attachment!!!

rk: Gale, how can you say I have been "deceived" in the face of
"Billions of Blind Believers" who, over the last 2000 years have sold
their souls for the security that comes with "herd Thinking?"

rk: >> I have not forgotten who I am.

rk: >> I follow God's Law: That is DO NO HARM. Without harming
another, or another's property, nor infringing upon another's rights,
the very foundation of Common Law, what need do I have to bind myself
to man's law, the law of Mammon, Color of Law with its millions of
statutory rules and regulations which bring with it victimless
crimes and all kinds of other insanity? Doesn't anyone see how THEY
HAVE ENSLAVED THEMSELVES via their own consent?

gp: > The word, 'God' is actually a PLURAL word in Hebrew, which
refers to gods, rulers and judges, and magistrates (ONLY in plural
form). I have proof if you want it. It is a very good idea to
investigate 'words', after all we are in a war of words with the

rk: Precisely, without words, how can one argue? divide, separate
themselves, create wars, exploit, lie, cheat? Gale, you and many
others have not yet read my spiritual explanations concerning the
mechanism of Intellectual Consciousness which may be found on my
website and other contributions to the Internet. I acknowledge they
are too shocking to their delicate hold on reality based in words and
concepts. It is my purpose to SHOCK them to a point of AWAKENDNESS
when nothing else works.

gp: > You must understand the hidden meaning behind the words, so you
do not number yourself with one of them, nor bring any kind of curse
upon yourself. Words are powerful, they open and close doors, by
words, many things have been created. We must know what it is we are
speaking, and claiming. TRUTH must stand in ALL things! I am getting
tired and will stop here. Much love and respect to you brother!!! Gale

rk: I do not desire to number myself with anyone or anything. I
stand alone -- all one. My message is so extraordinarily simple, that
complex conditioned Intellect CANNOT GRASP IT. By the way, Gale, I
appreciate your insightful comments. You have no idea of the
prevailing mindset of the average Internet Contributor. But I'm Sure
you Will. I am posting this to my usual places and adding you to my
mail list. I perceive that future responses shall bring out the best
in Spiritual Dialogue, that until now, many have been precluded from.

rk: >> To any and all who think I am blowing smoke about your
enslavement, I suggest that you read of my personal experiences on my
website page http://www.arkenterprises.com/index11.html
Wherein the Courts of Oregon, and County of Josephine Threatened me
with 35 to 40 years in prison, convicted the JURISTIC PERSON in two
of you hold in your own hands, but you GAVE IT UP when you consented
to belong to the Corporation which calls itself government and be
subject to its legislative rules and regulation that are called law,

rk: >> You have been defrauded of your Birthright, that as Sovereign
Sons and Daughters of God, Infinite Intelligence. You have been
SCHNOOKERED, and most of you just DON'T GIVE A DAMN, unless its your
time in the legal hopper.

rk: >> I have, for years, suggested the solution: RESCIND YOUR 14th
Amendment Status and return to your God Given Estate of Sovereignty.
I have shown the way, yet you people continue to snore your lives
away, complaining only when you personally or you loved ones, are
beaten, maimed, shot and killed while you play by Satanic rules
couched in positive images which are hollow in fact and account for
the hellish existence that civilized man has not been able to escape
for millenia.

rk: >> LET THERE BE AN EXODUS of Americans out of this present land of
Slavery and return them to their rightful place of creators and
Masters over their Government Servants. That is the way back to
peace and stability. Stand on YOUR OWN TWO FEET.

it. Withdraw your support and you will see with whom the power lies.

rk: >> If you choose to remain in your present Slave Status, I, this
simple man of Truth, this Christ, wash my hands of you. Because you
will deserve what you get.

Watch my You-Tube Videos at:

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
