Badi Villar Cardenas: Cyber-Criminal and Baha'i Terrorist
(too old to reply)
2009-04-17 00:49:56 UTC

Badi Villar Cardenas is a Lima, Peru based member of a dangerous
rightwing Stalinist religious cult known as Haifan Baha'ism. Haifan
Baha'ism in Latin and South America has been involved in the past with
CIA-funded rightwing regimes, such as that of Augusto Pinochet in
Chile, and even rightwing death squads in El Salvador in the 1980s as
well as the CIA crack-cocaine funded Contras in Nicaragua in the
1980s. Members of the Haifan Bahaim National Spirtual Assembly of
Chile served in the cabinets of Augusto Pinochet and so as are
culpable for the human rights violations under the Pinochet regime
against the people of Chile. Recently high ranking members of Baha'ism
in Peru maintained close ties simultaneously to the ousted
authoritarian regime of Alberto Fujimori as well as Abimael Guzman's
the Maoist Shining Path terrorist organization. It is a well known
fact that uhj member Farzam Arbab, the father of the Ruhi Institutes,
developed his model upon that of Marxist guerilla indoctrination cells
which the Shining Path maintained in the jungles of Peru, Bolivia and
Columbia. With Fujimori high ranking members of the NSA of Peru have
maintained (and apparently still do) financial interests. Fujimori is
currently under trial in Peru for criminal fraud and human rights
violations during his decade long dictatorship.

In his various capacities in the Peruvian Bahaim community, Badi
Villar Cardenas serves as consultant to several baha'i owned
agribusiness contractors in the Amazon, one of which is owned by Costa
Rica (cosa nostra) based Iranian Bahaim Hozhabr Yazdani. These are
(baha'i) companies who are responsible for logging and destruction of
the Amazon rainforests and contributing to the genocide against the
native Amerindian peoples living along the river -- monies which they
then send to their cult headquarters in Haifa, occupied Palestine. As
such Badi Villar Cardenas is an accomplice in the war and genocide
against the Quechua peoples and, along with his Baha'i cosa nostra
masters, a war criminal.
Death to Haifan Bahaism
2009-04-18 03:58:39 UTC

Cyber-Criminal and Bahaim Terrorist Badi Villar

Badi Villar Cardenas is a Lima, Peru based member of a dangerous
rightwing Stalinist religious cult known as Haifan Baha'ism. In his
capacity as a member of this cult, on the internet he serves in their
Baha'i Internet Agency. Throughout Latin and South America, in the
past Haifan Baha'ism has been involved with CIA-funded rightwing
regimes, such as that of Augusto Pinochet in Chile, and even rightwing
death squads in El Salvador in the 1980s as well as the CIA crack-
cocaine funded Contras in Nicaragua in the 1980s. Members of the
Haifan Baha'i National Spirtual Assembly of Chile served in the
cabinets of Augusto Pinochet and so as are culpable for the human
rights violations under the Pinochet regime against the people of
Chile. Recently high ranking members of Haifan Baha'ism in Peru
maintained close ties simultaneously to the ousted authoritarian
regime of Alberto Fujimori as well as Abimael Guzman's the Maoist
Shining Path terrorist organization. It is a well known fact that uhj
member Farzam Arbab, the father of the Ruhi Institutes, developed his
model upon that of Marxist guerilla indoctrination cells which the
Shining Path maintained in the jungles of Peru, Bolivia and Columbia.
With Alberto Fujimori high ranking members of the NSA of Peru have
maintained (and apparently still do) financial interests. On April 7,
2009, Fujimori was convicted of human rights violations and sentenced
to 25 years in prison for his role in killings and kidnappings by the
Grupo Colina death squad during his government's battle against
leftist guerrillas in the 1990s.

In his various capacities in the Peruvian Haifan Baha'i community,
Badi Villar Cardenas serves as consultant to several Haifan Baha'i
owned agribusiness contractors in the Amazon, one of which is owned by
Costa Rica (cosa nostra) based Iranian Bahaim Hozhabr Yazdani. These
are (Haifan Baha'i) companies who are responsible for logging and
destruction of the Amazon rainforests and contributing to the genocide
against the native Amerindian peoples living along the river -- monies
which they then send to their cult headquarters in Haifa, occupied
Palestine. As such Badi Villar Cardenas is an accomplice in the war
and genocide against the Quechua peoples and, along with his Baha'i
cosa nostra masters, a war criminal.
