Catholic Jesus Gospel
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Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
2013-03-16 07:23:32 UTC
The Catholic Jesus Gospel
A Mythic Message of Divine Inspiration
According to altar boy Daniel Thomas Andrew Tarcisius Daly

And being born in a manger, the son of Mary and Joseph, Jesus grew up and was well known as a godfearing child of a holy Jewish family. Jesus was strong in the Lord and loved his father Joseph and his mother Mary with all his heart. He worked with his father as a Carpenter and carefully learned all the ways of the trade. He was quick to pay attention to even the most minor of details and would listen faithfully as Joseph instructed him in the ways of Jewish living and being holy towards God.

Jesus cried greatly when Joseph died, and when they were at the grave his mother Mary said ‘Fear not, dear Jesus. For your father has gone to heaven to be with his heavenly father, the father of us all. Remember that dear son. God is your father, and he loves you greatly.’
‘I will remember,’ responded the boy Jesus.

As Jesus grew, he grew strong in the faith, and was full of courage. The Holy Spirit of God watched over him, instructing his mind and teaching him the proper ways of godly conduct and how to teach men the way of the Gospel of God. The Holy Spirit blazed in the young man Jesus’ heart, and as he worked and grew everyone in Nazareth thought of him as a most special and gifted child of God. But there was something different about him. Something different his mother Mary noticed. He was special, was Jesus, as the Angel Gabriel had told her. He was special and had a gift – a gift for all men in Israel and, one day, to the ends of the world. And as he continued to grow in learning, wisdom and understanding, Mary knew she must share her son’s message to be a Holy Mother to the world, to spread the message of God’s beloved peacemakers, children of God, children of peace, bound together in bonds of love, and unity.

As he grew Jesus shared with his mother his dreams from what he had seen in the sacred scriptures. Dreams of forming a special community – a chosen community – one which would live forever, a sacred ecclesia of God – which throughout eternity would serve God in love and fidelity, knowing God loved them dearly and would forever be faithful to them. And Mary knew her son was wise and would share him in this vision, as she knew Joseph her husband would have, had he lived longer.

Jesus grew and soon, one day, he spoke with his mother.
‘It is time, mother. The Day of the Lord is upon us and I must preach the Gospel. For God my father wishes this of me.’
And Mary nodded solemnly, gave her son her blessing, and sent him on his way.

And then she prayed this holy prayer.

‘God of my fathers, God of my ancestors, I sing praise to your name. My dear son Jesus, descended from our champion King David, is truly a Son of David, a man after God’s own heart. I thank you King of Eternity for the passion you have placed in my son’s heart, and I ask you to keep your hand upon him all his days, until he has completed his sacred mission. Praise to you Lord God Almighty. I rejoice in your ways with quiet humility and grateful service. Alleluia.

And Jesus went off, and came to John. And was baptized. And the Holy Spirit of God alighted upon him and a voice from the heavenlies said ‘This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.’

And immediately Jesus went to the desert, were the dark lord tested him, but Jesus came through this testing in his faith and the Gospel was preached.

One day as he saw the crowds gathering, Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down. His disciples gathered around him, and he began to teach them.
‘God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs
God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted
God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth
God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied
God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy
God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God
God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God
God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs
God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted the same way.

And you must pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but deliver us from all evil. For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, world without end, Amen.’

Jesus continued his teaching. ‘Judge not, less you are likewise judged. For the standard you use in your judgement may very well be applied to yourself in the way God decides to judge you. So what if there is a problem with your brother, like a little speck in his eye. You probably have a log in your own eye, so at least remove the log before you try getting the speck out of your brother’s eye.

Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.’

One of the teachers of religious law was standing there listening to the debate. He realized that Jesus had answered well, so he asked, ‘Of all the commandments, which is the most important?’
Jesus replied, ‘The most important commandment is this: ‘Shema Israel, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Achud.’ And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Secondly, you shall love your neighbour as yourself. These are the prime commandments.’
The teacher replied ‘Well said Jesus of Nazareth. To love God with all of your being is the summation of our faith, so much more than just the sacrificial aspects.’
‘You are not far from heaven,’ Jesus responded to the teacher.

Jesus spoke to his disciples. ‘There was a man, walking along a road, and he saw a man who had apparently been robbed, lying on the road, bleeding. He was a Pharisee this man, and looked at the bleeding man, but was too busy to help him so walked on. Later on a scribe came by, but was also just a little too busy to get involved, and passed on as well. Later that day, when it was starting to get cold and dark, a Samaritan came along, who the Pharisees and Scribes really don’t approve of, looked at the man, and despite it being late and cold, troubled himself to put the man carefully on his donkey, take him to an inn, and pay for his healing. Now tell me, was it the Pharisee, scribe or Samaritan who did the right thing?’

Jesus spoke to his disciples. ‘The younger son of a farmer wanted the good life, sick to death of work. He’d had enough, demanded his inheritance right there and then, and because the farmer loved his son, he gave him his share. The son went off, partied for quite a while, but ended up broke. He was working for a man, feeding the pigs, and eating very poorly, when he came to his senses. ‘At home I’ll get a better feed. I will ask for forgiveness. I have been an idiot, but hopefully dad will forgive me.’ The son went home, and his father killed the fatted lamb in his son’s honour. But the older brother, who had worked hard and not left, remaining faithful, complained. And then the father said to the older brother, ‘I would have done so much for you as well, and more besides. But rejoice, for your brother was lost to the family, but is now found again.’

Jesus was chatting with Nicodemus one day.
'Why do your disciples call you the Son of God,' he asked Joseph's son.
Jesus replied 'Did not the prophet Malachi teach that we all have one God, the Father of us all?'
'Yes, yes he did,' responded Nicodemus.
'And did not Moses write in Exodus that Israel, as a people, are God's firstborn son?'
'Exodus 4:22 I believe,' responded the knowledgeable Nicodemus.
'So wherefore are the Pharisees so uppity in their defiance of a son of Israel who righteously claims his God-given inheritance? They and their holy Hashem. Does not scripture even degree God prefers to be called by his real name? Nay, the Pharisees distance the people from God and put him on a pedestal when he is all of ours loving heavenly father.'
'True,' responded Nicodemus.
'Yet I will say more than this. Are not the gentiles children of Noah, our father also, and is not the God of the Rainbow covenant also their God? For he is the heavenly father of all the children of men who seek his name and his glory. For a nation which does not know God shall drink new spiritual wine and likewise call upon the presence of the Almighty.'
And Nicodemus was amazed.

'Why do they call you Messiah?' Nicodemus asked Jesus.
'Have you read Jeremiah chapter 33?' asked Jesus in response.
'In younger years,' responded the member of the Sanhedrin.
'It is clear,' continued Jesus, that not just one King of Judah fulfilled the Messianic role. For after the prophet declares Zedekiah the Messiah, the one whose name means 'The LORD our righteousness', he reminds us that David shall never lack a man upon the throne. For their are many Messiahs, and the Governor of Judah, my ancestor Zerubbabel, likewise fulfilled the role of Isaiah 11. For did not God grant Zerubbabel his signet ring as Haggai reminds us. And did not the prophet Zechariah teach that Zerubbabel would prosper by the Spirit of the LORD? For God's anointing was verily upon him.'
'But why do they call you Messiah?' asked Nicodemus.
'Psalm 89 teaches us that David's house fell. For such was the warning from God to Solomon. And Zerubbabel could only aspire so high for his generation. Why should the son of Joseph think more highly of himself? For those who abase themselves shall be exalted and those who exalt themselves shall be abased. A son of David knows his own heart, and my Christhood is of love, for what more Glory can I seek than that?'
And Nicodemus considered his words.

'So, you know all things do you?'Peter asked Jesus cautiously.
'The Son of God is a revelation in and of himself. One day you may know what that means.'
'Why do you speak with Nicodemus in private, Rabbi?'
'A gentle heart has Nicodemus. And of the Sanhedrin he is. He is accustomed to special treatment.'
'Yet God respects no man?' queried Peter.
'And a wise heart knows when to go both with the grain...'
'And against it,' finished Peter.
'There will come a time my friend when the Sanhedrin will not always be so accommodating to the likes of us. Meekness is not unwise at the moment. A dark day approaches.'
'You say that. But what do you mean?'
'I have made it clear,' responded Jesus.
They continued on the road and they reached Emmaus. 'A place of retreat,' said Jesus softly, though Peter heard him.
Jesus turned to Peter. 'The church throughout the ages is special to me. Francis the First, who father speaks of, is the end of an era in many ways. The end of Christian zeal for the holy. By then the church has become what it will remain, and the liberties it allows it will allow and continue so and the strictness it maintains it will maintain and continue so. A prophet will teach an end of these High Priests with Francis.'
'Yet the line will go on?' asked Peter.
'Till the end of the age,' responded Jesus of Nazareth.
'How long will the church age last?' asked Peter.
'How long is a piece of string?' responded Jesus, a soft smile on his face.
'Very funny, master,' responded Peter.
'You are my first high priest in a very long line, Cephas. Upon your shoulders you must bear a nation.'
'Yet how will I carry them all?' asked Peter perplexed.
'You need not worry, for I will be carrying you.'
Peter smiled.
'Yes master?'
'Feed my lambs.'
And they spake not again that afternoon.

Jesus preached many, many things for a while until the day came – the day he feared, but the day which would bring life to countless people. And, as he walked the stations of the cross, bearing the sins of the world, he remembered in his heart the love he had for those he had chosen and the price that needed to be paid for their salvation. And with courage and the last of his passion he reached the cross and was raised so that men might be forgiven.

3 days later something special happened. Jesus rose from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit. And he was seen by men, and seen by his disciples, and seen by doubting Thomas, and taken into heaven at the ascension.

A while later, after Jesus had been taken up to heaven, Saul converted and became Paul. And writing to the Corinthian Church, he wrote:

‘If I spoke with the tongues of an Angel, in all his glory, and thought myself splendid, what would it matter if I didn’t really love people very much. If I was the ultimate prophetical voice, and expounded the word of God with so much wisdom that people were amazed at me, but didn’t practice love towards my friends and fellows, what kind of person am I really? If I had 7 university degrees, with PhD’s, but lacked intelligence in how I showed love to people, perhaps not even loving them at all, is my life really worth living? Love suffers long and is kind and patient. It is not arrogant or rude or unforgiving. And it does not think highly of itself, puffing itself up in pride. Love is the true voice of prophecy, it is the true word of God. And love, knowledge of love itself, is what is eternal. You see, prophetical preachers come and go, but love will last forever. All that knowledge was part of our learning, but love is the completion of our journey, giving us a fulfilment in life which makes it all worthwhile. When I was younger I behaved in childish ways, but growing up and growing in love I have learned to put these ways behind me. While I am young and naïve what I know is not complete, but when I love completely my knowledge will be perfect. Faith will last forever, and is a great virtue. Hope will endure for all time, and is a wonderful truth. But love is special, greater than even faith and hope, yes love is the greatest of all.’

Later still Mary had been faithfully teaching many, many souls about the salvation of Jesus. And God looked upon his faithful servant, his dear child who he loved with all his heart. And he spoke unto Mary saying ‘Daughter of God. As Enoch and Elijah were brought unto heaven for their great faithfulness and service, you need not see death, for you are pure in my eyes, and have walked in great faith and service.’ And so Mary was assumed to heaven in a blessed assumption, and the angels and saints rejoiced at her company.

The End

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
2013-03-16 22:11:09 UTC


Godianity believes in God
Followers of this religion are called Godians
God likes people
God has a sense of humour
God designed the universe and all its laws
God made humans after his own and the angels image
God created sex
God likes people to enjoy sex
God designed men to have sex with women
God likes music
God enjoys the Rainbow as the sign of his covenant with mankind
God doesn’t like strife, tension and arguments
God prefers peaceful ways
God has infinite knowledge
God loves people very much
God has a sense of humour
God is very patient with people
God is compassionate
God likes people to get along with each other
God likes nature
God made the plants and the animals
God understands humans
God is kind
God is good
God has a good reputation
God created the human mind and understands its complex workings
God understands you
God loves you
