The Makeup of a Christ.
(too old to reply)
Raymond Karczewski
2012-08-19 02:32:55 UTC
The Makeup of a Christ.

Oregon Shout writes:

Raymond Karczewski writes:

os: > No Duality in Judaism as you know...As a Kabbalist there is
None else besides Him~~However WE really have no options but to serve-
for the Creator is within each and everyone all the same'. There
really is no free-will to those higher up the ladder of degrees and
intimacy with the Creator.

rk: James, if it is learned via an organized system of thought, it is
DUALISTIC. Sorry James, I don't know a thing about cabbalism. I have
never been exposed to its teachings.

rk: Nor do I adhere to any religious organized thought. I had spent
eight years of early life of Catholic elementary School Conditioning
and some time reading of Vedanta, but that's about it. I do not
strictly abide by either today.

rk: My understanding comes from Insight gained throughout my tested
experiences of life.

It left me with the ABSOLUTE realization that Direct Perception of
Truth, the Christ state of Consciousness is God (Divine Intelligence)
holistic (non-dualistic essence of Intelligence/energy ) made
manifest. I also observed that fragmented, dualistic, Intellecltual
thought is the greatest enemy of Truth. It is that fragmented
partial, divisive thought which accounts for the Hell on Earth, that
is the byproduct of Dualistic systems of a Satanically ruled world.

rk: There is nothing fictitious about my former signature line:
"No other man but I in the recorded History of
mankind, including JESUS CHRIST, has directly
revealed to the World the SATANIC WEAPON used to
enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"

rk: That is perhaps the most important statement which has evern been
made concerning Consciousness since the beginning of time, yet it is
dismissed as being KOOKY by civilized men and women who are ruled as
slaves through their Satanic politically, religious conditionable

rk: I do not attack people for their conditioned beliefs, I merely
Mirror them, point them out. Their attack upon the messenger based on
their violent reactions is their own teacher, their own Savior. They
just are not PAYING ATTENTION in their preference toward clinging to
dualistic fantasies.

rk: Such a simple man or woman of Truth are thus OUTCASTS in a
Satanically ruled World via programmable Intellects, for they
Challenge the Deceptions men live by.

rk: This state of Christ Consciousness can be attained effortlessly
if, from this moment forward, one NEVER TELLS ANOTHER LIE. If they
live Truth, they are Truth. They are One with God, Truth itself.

rk: You see the possibility/impossibility rests in the cessation of
living and perceiving life via the dualistic lie, and thus becomes at
one with the Non-dualistic realm of non-dualistic Truth which is
blocked from being seen, by programmable, computer like intellects.

rk: Jesus said, in essence the same thing but he couched it in
parables so that the ignorant could understand Him when He said He was
the "Truth, Life, and the Way". One can see, the ignorant did not
understand then nor do they understand it now. Such a descent into
Intellect has been called "Man's Fall from Grace," an excusable
concept for man's ignorance.

rk: I strip away the parables, and tell it straight, and it is
regarded as KOOKY. Those who partially understand what I say do not
vocalize such understanding for fear of excommunication or attack from
others, who operate automatically from their Satanically ruled Mind
Set. Such are the traps of Satanic Ruled Thought.

rk: A Christ is one who lives, speaks and acts Truth. He/She is
Holistic. Their sacrifice for Truth in a Satanically ruled world is
great for their God is Truth. In time, They must walk away from
everyone and everything that supports the lie that are believed to be
Truth. That accounts for Friends, Family, etc. ALL CHRISTS ARE
LONERS. Beware of the slick talking Organized story tellers. The
world is rife with them

rk: To sum it up James, That is why there are so few Christs, and so
many Satanic Conditioned minions in this world. The world we live in
tells the story, doesn't it?

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Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com

Change The Quality of Your Life Today
David Dalton
2012-08-19 04:57:54 UTC
Raymond, have you, or any other Christs that you know or know
of, experienced a sun stare/naked thorn hill climb/blue rose
vision like I have? For more details see my Salmon on the
Thorns web page (see below).
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/nf.html Newfoundland&Labrador Travel & Music
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"Here I go again...back into the flame" (Sarah McLachlan)