Raymond Karczewski
2013-12-08 03:09:09 UTC
How many of You Readers can see Yourselves in this Thread?
Nigel Beckwith >If we seek to find dispute...we will find dispute. I
feel we must seek to find agreement in Truth.
Kevin McHale What if your truth is different from anothers.
Nigel Beckwith Then one or other of them is not in truth.
Nigel Beckwith Sounds like Belle amber and Alan Clarkes arguments.
They were way off course. And that is not my truth..but the truth. But
we have to work it out.
Randal Copeland "I have lived on the lip of insanity, knocking on a
door. The door opens, I have been knocking from the inside."
Raymond Karczewski This thread is typical Intellectual convolution.
When are you guys gonna drop the pretentions of language and speak
simply and directly. You guys exemplify the real problems to
clarification. This is not an attack but a simple fact, which
Intellectuals cannot see. Raymond Karczewski
Nigel Beckwith and your "critique" is your standard response..with no
detail to express..just "your wrong and I am right and come along and
watch my DVDs for extraordinary spiritual insights". Ok Thanks Ray.
Raymond Karczewski My comments are clear to those who have the
spiritual "eyes to see and ears to hear" it requires no explanation.
It is Intellectual ignorance which passes itself off as cleverness
that perpetuates the endless "ring around the rosie arguments and
derisive comments such as you Nigel so habitually display that makes
for hell on earth. I suggest you take a good look at yourself before
you continue your nonsense. Raymond Karczewski
Nigel Beckwith Bollocks Ray. Your perpetual..mindless ramblings will
not help us here.
Roberta Smith coffee, gentlemen?
Randal Copeland Ray, your name appears at the top of your comment. No
need to sign it again.
Raymond Karczewski Roberta do not make the mistake of equating a
Christ with an Intellectual Ignoramus They're incompatable, for one is
real, the other an illusion. Raymond Karczewski
Nigel Beckwith Yes Ray is always right...even though he makes no
incisive comment...just comes in and makes a claim....madness if ever
I have seen it.
Nigel Beckwith Define your concern Ray and stop acting like an out and
out egotist....but then...you would be christ so ..cant be wrong..
Randal Copeland I'm with ray on this one. Everyone is smart but him.
And I'm signing all my comments from here on out.
Nigel Beckwith hmm..and we cannot use reason..hmmm...hence what are we
to do? Saint and sinner will appear the same innit.
Raymond Karczewski Nigel, you are flying blind with Intellectual
instruments to compensate for the fact that you are spiritually blind
and CANNOT SEE TRUTH. Raymond Karczewski
Randal Copeland Who wrote that comment? ^
Nigel Beckwith what cant we see Ray? Will you please tell us...and how
you arrived at that conclusion? Will you?? No I doubt that you will.
Nigel Beckwith ( I am responding to Ray mate).
Randal Copeland I could really use some of that Coffee Roberta...
Randal Copeland I am just being funny Nigel.
Randal Copeland Self proclaimed of course.
Nigel Beckwith Destructive New Age gurus never able to enlighten
us...just say "if you have eyes to see you will see" oh well ...easy
Roberta Smith lol Coming right up. I was writing on another thread.
Why not make it lattes or tea too?
Nigel Beckwith AYe ..mix one up for me too...I'll be right there,
Raymond Karczewski You guys are tripping all over yourselves trying to
extricate yourselves from the hole you are digging for yourselves.
Sorry, I don't dig holes, nor do I support those who can do naught
else. Raymond Karczewski
Roberta Smith Ray. Are you quoting yourself? I don't usually lean on
quotations. That might take care of it.
Roberta Smith Making light of an imperatively important subject here.
Roberta Smith I have a plan. It's simple. It would free all minds to
explore elegant thought and basically enjoy life. I believe the world
would support all human beings at a level of the happiness I enjoy.
Isn't it crazy that we don't do that?
Kevin McHale Someone please define Truth.
Roberta Smith Why?
Roberta Smith Do we hear a drum beating?
Kevin McHale Because that is what the post was about.
Kevin McHale yes if your not deaf.
Roberta Smith A baby's head was severed by a boy soldier today.
Roberta Smith I "hear" its cry. Are you deaf?
Raymond Karczewski Nigel, concerning your comment "Destructive New Age
gurus never able to enlighten us...just say "if you have eyes to see
you will see" oh well ...easy innit." are you not arguing with your
own projected beliefs, unto another and therefore merely defending
your own unfounded beliefs and speculations? I am a simple man of
truth, a Christ, not a guru who is a manipulator of Intellect. Nothing
complicated about that except to complexity enslaved intellects bound
by limitation , dependency and opposition. Hell, isn't it? Raymond
Kevin McHale did you see it happen?
Roberta Smith In my semi-circle of those to be trained, from those
needing the most mind training on the right. New-agers are at the far
right, next comes other fundamental religionists including atheists.
Roberta Smith The world as it is will end in laughter
Kevin McHale Whose world?
Roberta Smith what?
Kevin McHale Exactly.
Roberta Smith Happy?
Raymond Karczewski You guys make it easy for me to expose the insanity
of the Intellect. Raymond Karczewski
Kevin McHale A place i love.
Roberta Smith Kevin, you are touching your crotch
Kevin McHale Without intellect you would not be having this
conversation Raymond.
Roberta Smith caught ya!
Kevin McHale lmao
Roberta Smith Without wisdom I woundn't even be here
Kevin McHale without my mother i wouldnt be here
Roberta Smith Or maybe with wisdom I would be elsewhere, Kevin is a
Roberta Smith
Roberta Smith Can we leave mother's out of this?; I'm talking about
doing therapy on the whole world; what do mother's have to do with
Roberta Smith Last time I looked, "Honor thy mother" was working
really well when mother is a champion narcicisst
Roberta Smith And pity and forgive her was working real good too.
Kevin McHale Mother Earth
Raymond Karczewski Kevin, now you are just being silly. It is obvious
that you have no knowledge of my writings concerning the limited use
of Intellect for technical problem solving and communication with
Intellects. That limitation of knowledge is what makes for igno...See
Roberta Smith Raymond. Are you "over the top" British? Howdy pardner.
Kevin McHale Anyone that thinks their way, is the way, is delusional.
Roberta Smith You are like a brain with a mouth. Dumb down a little
for us.
Roberta Smith Or I will call you Sir Ray Ray
Roberta Smith And vow to get you to "spit tea" if it takes me till the
end of time.
Kevin McHale When we judge others knowledge..we are desperately
seeking our own Raymond.
Roberta Smith I am remembering John John. Nothing personal. I enjoy
being the butt of humor...sometimes.
Roberta Smith Speak for yourself, sira!
Roberta Smith I have no problem cutting into egoism. If there is
humanity behind it; I figure that a human being has the same fortitude
as a Redwood Tree, naturally. I'll apologize up-front for any
misfiring. The situation is dire.
Kevin McHale You are beautiful Roberta xx
Roberta Smith So dire that I think that couching truths in humor all
the time, or coming from a clown of fool..that we do not have that
extra room. This must be heard now. I see the enthrallment of humanity
and it leads to enslavement.
Kevin McHale Humanity has always been enslaved by their ego's..its
part of the game.
Roberta Smith You Brits have the copywrite on these stories; mine is
worse. The ego though system, as I call it, is winning. We are right
on the brink of a dark dystopia from which mankind would have to
evolve out of the state of a virtual worm to escape.
Roberta Smith Kevin, this is the JOINED ego.
Roberta Smith That has always powered mobs and behind closed doors
Roberta Smith But IT is global and we are not.
Roberta Smith It WILL end up in one human being, the best player.
Kevin McHale wouldnt be much of a game without the ego.
Roberta Smith All the rest, pawns or paupers
Kevin McHale Maybe Roberta Maybe
Roberta Smith Won't be any game without democracy. Democracy is
natural. Look at a school of fish.
Kevin McHale what about when the shark come along
Roberta Smith I awoke with an apnea for the world. Stopped breathing.
We are on the brink. They sleep deeper than ever before. They pass the
propaganda like kids selling the neighborhood pedophile to their
Raymond Karczewski Nigel, can you not see the insane company that you
keep with other fellow Intellectuals who "kneejerkedly reveal the real
satanic essence of Intellect, a foundering dualistic-opposing
instrument of ignorance? Not a pretty picture, is it?? Raymond
Roberta Smith The new age claptrap tells them: don't judge. Never
judge (the overlord). Those people are numb when I talk about personal
experience with one who was building a cult. Nothing said. But more
following of him.
Kevin McHale Satan is part of the game Raymond
Roberta Smith I'll use the word satan or sauron. Those metaphors work
for this progressing surrender of critical thought to mindless
Kevin McHale my truth is what i have experienced..the rest i will
leave to the intellectuals
Roberta Smith Watch the movie Idiocracy. We are there. But it wasn't
exactly too many rednecks breeding too much.
Roberta Smith Sharing experience to a receptive ear, the other can
avoid the same mistakes.
Roberta Smith But not if the other is a teen. The world is lead by
teen-age mentality.
Roberta Smith Snarky and independent.
Raymond Karczewski So Truth is not your concern, playing games is.
Your curse in life comes from education and indoctrination. You truly
are TOO DAMNED DUMB! Hell, isn't it? Raymond Karczewski
Roberta Smith My inside egghead is very dear; about eight years old
and very very smart and loved by me. I have a very good imagination,
Kevin McHale Like i said Raymond i know for sure only what i have
experienced..the rest is part of the game and i will leave that to you
to wreck your own head.
Roberta Smith Without love, who is the mathematician "Beautiful Mind"?
...without love he was lost.
Roberta Smith Games theory
oberta Smith Win/win
Roberta Smith No love, no win/win.
Roberta Smith I really enjoyed our conversation.
Kevin McHale So did i Roberta..thank you xx
Roberta Smith Thank you Kevin, snuggly hugs if and when you are ready.
Kevin McHale Nite Beautiful xx
Roberta Smith I love you too
Raymond Karczewski To all onlookers trying to make sense of this
thread, you have just been treated to a seemingly unlimited campaign
of defensiveness of Satanic Intellectualism well BEYOND the
superficial images/masks normally worn by civilized hypocrites. This
is the real spirit of satanism that has overtaken the civilized world.
Raymond Karczewski
Roberta Smith The lights were already turned off, Ray. The party is
Raymond karczewski: To those who have made it this far in this thread,
Congratulations are in order. You have just been treated to a sampling
of the insanity which passes off as "normal intellectual
conversation." This is the level of intelligence which rules this
world. Now You can understand why there is such widespread resistance
to my writings. Perhaps now you can see why our "civilized" world has
Nigel Beckwith Oh Christ.
Raymond Karczewski Nigel, the Jig is up. You've just revealed your
true level of Intelligence to the world which clever quips cannot
camouflage. Quit while you still have some semblance of self-respect.
Raymond Karczewski
Nigel Beckwith Ha ha.
"No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind,
including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the
SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ
Watch my You-Tube Videos at:
Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com
Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Nigel Beckwith >If we seek to find dispute...we will find dispute. I
feel we must seek to find agreement in Truth.
Kevin McHale What if your truth is different from anothers.
Nigel Beckwith Then one or other of them is not in truth.
Nigel Beckwith Sounds like Belle amber and Alan Clarkes arguments.
They were way off course. And that is not my truth..but the truth. But
we have to work it out.
Randal Copeland "I have lived on the lip of insanity, knocking on a
door. The door opens, I have been knocking from the inside."
Raymond Karczewski This thread is typical Intellectual convolution.
When are you guys gonna drop the pretentions of language and speak
simply and directly. You guys exemplify the real problems to
clarification. This is not an attack but a simple fact, which
Intellectuals cannot see. Raymond Karczewski
Nigel Beckwith and your "critique" is your standard response..with no
detail to express..just "your wrong and I am right and come along and
watch my DVDs for extraordinary spiritual insights". Ok Thanks Ray.
Raymond Karczewski My comments are clear to those who have the
spiritual "eyes to see and ears to hear" it requires no explanation.
It is Intellectual ignorance which passes itself off as cleverness
that perpetuates the endless "ring around the rosie arguments and
derisive comments such as you Nigel so habitually display that makes
for hell on earth. I suggest you take a good look at yourself before
you continue your nonsense. Raymond Karczewski
Nigel Beckwith Bollocks Ray. Your perpetual..mindless ramblings will
not help us here.
Roberta Smith coffee, gentlemen?
Randal Copeland Ray, your name appears at the top of your comment. No
need to sign it again.
Raymond Karczewski Roberta do not make the mistake of equating a
Christ with an Intellectual Ignoramus They're incompatable, for one is
real, the other an illusion. Raymond Karczewski
Nigel Beckwith Yes Ray is always right...even though he makes no
incisive comment...just comes in and makes a claim....madness if ever
I have seen it.
Nigel Beckwith Define your concern Ray and stop acting like an out and
out egotist....but then...you would be christ so ..cant be wrong..
Randal Copeland I'm with ray on this one. Everyone is smart but him.
And I'm signing all my comments from here on out.
Nigel Beckwith hmm..and we cannot use reason..hmmm...hence what are we
to do? Saint and sinner will appear the same innit.
Raymond Karczewski Nigel, you are flying blind with Intellectual
instruments to compensate for the fact that you are spiritually blind
and CANNOT SEE TRUTH. Raymond Karczewski
Randal Copeland Who wrote that comment? ^
Nigel Beckwith what cant we see Ray? Will you please tell us...and how
you arrived at that conclusion? Will you?? No I doubt that you will.
Nigel Beckwith ( I am responding to Ray mate).
Randal Copeland I could really use some of that Coffee Roberta...
Randal Copeland I am just being funny Nigel.
Randal Copeland Self proclaimed of course.
Nigel Beckwith Destructive New Age gurus never able to enlighten
us...just say "if you have eyes to see you will see" oh well ...easy
Roberta Smith lol Coming right up. I was writing on another thread.
Why not make it lattes or tea too?
Nigel Beckwith AYe ..mix one up for me too...I'll be right there,
Raymond Karczewski You guys are tripping all over yourselves trying to
extricate yourselves from the hole you are digging for yourselves.
Sorry, I don't dig holes, nor do I support those who can do naught
else. Raymond Karczewski
Roberta Smith Ray. Are you quoting yourself? I don't usually lean on
quotations. That might take care of it.
Roberta Smith Making light of an imperatively important subject here.
Roberta Smith I have a plan. It's simple. It would free all minds to
explore elegant thought and basically enjoy life. I believe the world
would support all human beings at a level of the happiness I enjoy.
Isn't it crazy that we don't do that?
Kevin McHale Someone please define Truth.
Roberta Smith Why?
Roberta Smith Do we hear a drum beating?
Kevin McHale Because that is what the post was about.
Kevin McHale yes if your not deaf.
Roberta Smith A baby's head was severed by a boy soldier today.
Roberta Smith I "hear" its cry. Are you deaf?
Raymond Karczewski Nigel, concerning your comment "Destructive New Age
gurus never able to enlighten us...just say "if you have eyes to see
you will see" oh well ...easy innit." are you not arguing with your
own projected beliefs, unto another and therefore merely defending
your own unfounded beliefs and speculations? I am a simple man of
truth, a Christ, not a guru who is a manipulator of Intellect. Nothing
complicated about that except to complexity enslaved intellects bound
by limitation , dependency and opposition. Hell, isn't it? Raymond
Kevin McHale did you see it happen?
Roberta Smith In my semi-circle of those to be trained, from those
needing the most mind training on the right. New-agers are at the far
right, next comes other fundamental religionists including atheists.
Roberta Smith The world as it is will end in laughter
Kevin McHale Whose world?
Roberta Smith what?
Kevin McHale Exactly.
Roberta Smith Happy?
Raymond Karczewski You guys make it easy for me to expose the insanity
of the Intellect. Raymond Karczewski
Kevin McHale A place i love.
Roberta Smith Kevin, you are touching your crotch
Kevin McHale Without intellect you would not be having this
conversation Raymond.
Roberta Smith caught ya!
Kevin McHale lmao
Roberta Smith Without wisdom I woundn't even be here
Kevin McHale without my mother i wouldnt be here
Roberta Smith Or maybe with wisdom I would be elsewhere, Kevin is a
Roberta Smith
Roberta Smith Can we leave mother's out of this?; I'm talking about
doing therapy on the whole world; what do mother's have to do with
Roberta Smith Last time I looked, "Honor thy mother" was working
really well when mother is a champion narcicisst
Roberta Smith And pity and forgive her was working real good too.
Kevin McHale Mother Earth
Raymond Karczewski Kevin, now you are just being silly. It is obvious
that you have no knowledge of my writings concerning the limited use
of Intellect for technical problem solving and communication with
Intellects. That limitation of knowledge is what makes for igno...See
Roberta Smith Raymond. Are you "over the top" British? Howdy pardner.
Kevin McHale Anyone that thinks their way, is the way, is delusional.
Roberta Smith You are like a brain with a mouth. Dumb down a little
for us.
Roberta Smith Or I will call you Sir Ray Ray
Roberta Smith And vow to get you to "spit tea" if it takes me till the
end of time.
Kevin McHale When we judge others knowledge..we are desperately
seeking our own Raymond.
Roberta Smith I am remembering John John. Nothing personal. I enjoy
being the butt of humor...sometimes.
Roberta Smith Speak for yourself, sira!
Roberta Smith I have no problem cutting into egoism. If there is
humanity behind it; I figure that a human being has the same fortitude
as a Redwood Tree, naturally. I'll apologize up-front for any
misfiring. The situation is dire.
Kevin McHale You are beautiful Roberta xx
Roberta Smith So dire that I think that couching truths in humor all
the time, or coming from a clown of fool..that we do not have that
extra room. This must be heard now. I see the enthrallment of humanity
and it leads to enslavement.
Kevin McHale Humanity has always been enslaved by their ego's..its
part of the game.
Roberta Smith You Brits have the copywrite on these stories; mine is
worse. The ego though system, as I call it, is winning. We are right
on the brink of a dark dystopia from which mankind would have to
evolve out of the state of a virtual worm to escape.
Roberta Smith Kevin, this is the JOINED ego.
Roberta Smith That has always powered mobs and behind closed doors
Roberta Smith But IT is global and we are not.
Roberta Smith It WILL end up in one human being, the best player.
Kevin McHale wouldnt be much of a game without the ego.
Roberta Smith All the rest, pawns or paupers
Kevin McHale Maybe Roberta Maybe
Roberta Smith Won't be any game without democracy. Democracy is
natural. Look at a school of fish.
Kevin McHale what about when the shark come along
Roberta Smith I awoke with an apnea for the world. Stopped breathing.
We are on the brink. They sleep deeper than ever before. They pass the
propaganda like kids selling the neighborhood pedophile to their
Raymond Karczewski Nigel, can you not see the insane company that you
keep with other fellow Intellectuals who "kneejerkedly reveal the real
satanic essence of Intellect, a foundering dualistic-opposing
instrument of ignorance? Not a pretty picture, is it?? Raymond
Roberta Smith The new age claptrap tells them: don't judge. Never
judge (the overlord). Those people are numb when I talk about personal
experience with one who was building a cult. Nothing said. But more
following of him.
Kevin McHale Satan is part of the game Raymond
Roberta Smith I'll use the word satan or sauron. Those metaphors work
for this progressing surrender of critical thought to mindless
Kevin McHale my truth is what i have experienced..the rest i will
leave to the intellectuals
Roberta Smith Watch the movie Idiocracy. We are there. But it wasn't
exactly too many rednecks breeding too much.
Roberta Smith Sharing experience to a receptive ear, the other can
avoid the same mistakes.
Roberta Smith But not if the other is a teen. The world is lead by
teen-age mentality.
Roberta Smith Snarky and independent.
Raymond Karczewski So Truth is not your concern, playing games is.
Your curse in life comes from education and indoctrination. You truly
are TOO DAMNED DUMB! Hell, isn't it? Raymond Karczewski
Roberta Smith My inside egghead is very dear; about eight years old
and very very smart and loved by me. I have a very good imagination,
Kevin McHale Like i said Raymond i know for sure only what i have
experienced..the rest is part of the game and i will leave that to you
to wreck your own head.
Roberta Smith Without love, who is the mathematician "Beautiful Mind"?
...without love he was lost.
Roberta Smith Games theory
oberta Smith Win/win
Roberta Smith No love, no win/win.
Roberta Smith I really enjoyed our conversation.
Kevin McHale So did i Roberta..thank you xx
Roberta Smith Thank you Kevin, snuggly hugs if and when you are ready.
Kevin McHale Nite Beautiful xx
Roberta Smith I love you too
Raymond Karczewski To all onlookers trying to make sense of this
thread, you have just been treated to a seemingly unlimited campaign
of defensiveness of Satanic Intellectualism well BEYOND the
superficial images/masks normally worn by civilized hypocrites. This
is the real spirit of satanism that has overtaken the civilized world.
Raymond Karczewski
Roberta Smith The lights were already turned off, Ray. The party is
Raymond karczewski: To those who have made it this far in this thread,
Congratulations are in order. You have just been treated to a sampling
of the insanity which passes off as "normal intellectual
conversation." This is the level of intelligence which rules this
world. Now You can understand why there is such widespread resistance
to my writings. Perhaps now you can see why our "civilized" world has
Nigel Beckwith Oh Christ.
Raymond Karczewski Nigel, the Jig is up. You've just revealed your
true level of Intelligence to the world which clever quips cannot
camouflage. Quit while you still have some semblance of self-respect.
Raymond Karczewski
Nigel Beckwith Ha ha.
"No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind,
including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the
SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind -- INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!"
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© -- A Living Christ
Watch my You-Tube Videos at:
Change The Quality of Your Life Today
Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com
Change The Quality of Your Life Today